Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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Good morning everyone lets hope we hear something today!
Flossie, I love your "gut" theory because it means that HaLeigh is alive. Tell me, what does your gut tell you about these issues:

Does CS know that HaLeigh is alive and with relatives?
If not, why would her own family do this to her? The girl/woman is grief-stricken and the mental and physical toll this has taken on her is nothing I would ever wish upon anyone. In fact, I pray that no one ever has to live through this nightmare again.

But, just for dialouge, what was this person trying to do by taking HaLeigh? Save her? From who? Or is it that they couldn't live without her any longer? What would be the reason for any of the mother's family to think that stealing the child would solve the problem? This is where your theory looses me, so can you be more specific than "gut"? Exactly when did you first think this? Was it an "aha!" moment?

I believe Crystal knows now. I believe Marie coordinated it, with help from others including Marrty. Marty was jailed for non payment of child support before, so they knew it could/would happen once she got the contempt notice. The timing is not a coincidence imo. They also had a few years heads up before this came to a head so to speak, they would have known she was not making payments and it would only go on so long imo.

Marie and Marty also hate Ron and all say HaLeigh is his heart. Marty also said he raised HaLeigh and that Ron stole her from him, and now someone stole her from Ron.

I think if they could have snagged Junior too they might have, but I think Marie really wanted Crystal to have custody of both children. And I believe she wanted to hurt Ron. and I think they thought Ron would lose custody of Junior after having HaLeigh stolen from his home. For Marie imo it was always about custody imo.

I also question when Kim Picazio really became involved, and Wayanne Kruger, and Cobra. What mother of an abducted child gets a lawyer for media? With Marie leading her imo, it was all about trashing Ron, same as Cobra and Kim were. THAT was the mission imo.

Ronald has looked miserable since HaLeigh disappeared. Not Crystal imo, the pics of her at the tents were like a happy family reunion. Same as the Geraldo makeover pics.

I also think making money was part of it.

I think they thought it would happen quickly, and I believe if it did, and Crystal won custody, HaLeigh would have appeared by now. I really believe she would have been back. And with Ron having had many charges in the past and Misty's young age, and rumoured weekend, I think they thought it would be a done deal. I think they know pretty much everything that goes on in their home.

Crystal also has a charge of a false report with police in her past, and Marie with running a drug house and Marty used to be LE, dog handler I think with DOC, and had several charges. If you read Marie's twitter, couched with all of the prayers, she basically calls Ron the devil, the hatred runs very very deep imo.

KP could be gone due to Ron getting custody, and I believe she knows a friend or family member now has HaLeigh, there is a lot of other sordid stuff that I think is a factor, jmo

I am not sure if they would have thought 911 would be called, remember Ron kept the children that one time after the Mexico/Texas trip and they had custody battle with him winning after that.

I believe they know HaLeigh was safe with Ron, it's more hatred and revenge. and I believe Wayanne was consulted about the whole child in danger angle and they felt either they would not get caught, or that they would have total sympathy for this supposed hard done by abused mother and the evil father who stole custody and the endangered child. That has been the spin from the start imo.

They have a very large extended family and friends across Florida and in a couple states and many with some history of charges etc. that I believe would help hide her, and I also believe Wayanne has connections in that area, as well as a couple other groups for helping have children go underground.

All JMO.
Thanks for the theory Flossie, it is possible, the only problems I have would be the lack of forced entry, and while it can happen, i still find it hard to fathom 3 people in a small room 4 feet apart and not being alerted. Also taking the child would almost diminish any hope of custody after Haleigh would reappear and the support would not just go away
and just to clarify mt position again...neither Ron or Crystal get my vote for parent of the year.....and I believe they both love their children and Misty, well she's just not a resposible person...IMO....IMO my 1 year old german shepherd Sammy would make a more loyal, responsible companion
Thanks Den. I think the lock could be bumped and go in and out quietly.

Another theory I saw elsewhere was basically the same but had Misty with the kids bringing them home in the car, and carrying a sleeping Junior and going into the mobile home and settling him into bed and then coming back to the car to carry a sleeping HaLeigh and she was gone.

Not sure about that. I also am not sure if they thought 911 would be called or not, or if it would become a national issue.
I've missed the nursing home detail. Could you please provide a link ? tia
I've read nothing about a Nursing Home, but this was discussed in the "Cadaver dogs have hit on dumpster near home" thread.

snip from article
After 5 p.m., the search moved into the Villas neighborhood, which is just on the other side of a fence from where Ronald and Haleigh Cummings' house is located. It is about a quarter-mile away.

A poster clarified what the Villa's neighborhood was:
I believe Crystal knows now. I believe Marie coordinated it, with help from others including Marrty. Marty was jailed for non payment of child support before, so they knew it could/would happen once she got the contempt notice. The timing is not a coincidence imo. They also had a few years heads up before this came to a head so to speak, they would have known she was not making payments and it would only go on so long imo.


All JMO.

Never underestimate the power of a Good Ole Boy grudge where the ends completely justify the means. It is very easy to hide a child in certain areas of this country. The predicament LE is in is finding the location where the child is hidden. Until they do this, they are at a standstill. They need some glimmer of where to look and then need to engage the local LE of that area to help them.

It seems to me that Cobra or a Cobra-type of person could be helpful in helping to sniff out the locatioon, but Cobra unfortunately has his GOB blinders on right now.
I've read nothing about a Nursing Home, but this was discussed in the "Cadaver dogs have hit on dumpster near home" thread.

snip from article
After 5 p.m., the search moved into the Villas neighborhood, which is just on the other side of a fence from where Ronald and Haleigh Cummings' house is located. It is about a quarter-mile away.

A poster clarified what the Villa's neighborhood was:

Thanks for those links and good morning
Thanks for the theory Flossie, it is possible, the only problems I have would be the lack of forced entry, and while it can happen, i still find it hard to fathom 3 people in a small room 4 feet apart and not being alerted. Also taking the child would almost diminish any hope of custody after Haleigh would reappear and the support would not just go away
How about this? Two people (one large, one small) knew that Misty & Ron had a fight, Misty had a wild weekend, Ron was at work, and that Misty was working hard to clean up the MH and get back in Ron's good graces, so most likely exhausted. They watched thru windows and saw Jr & Misty asleep in the big bed and H in the small bed. The large person bricked the screen door and opened the back door with a key or via bumping. The small person turned on the light, kicked some clothes under the door, went into the bedroom and lifted up a sleeping Haleigh. In the kitchen, the small person changed a drowsy Haleigh's shirt with a warmer one from the clothes left by GGMA and grabbed a medically-related object, tossed the shirt in the laundry basket, and handed Haleigh to the larger person. They were in and out of the house in less than two minutes. They wore gloves and left no prints. Neither Jr nor Misty woke up or heard a thing. Misty woke up around three because of the glow of the kitchen light and the cool breeze from the open door.
How about this? Two people (one large, one small) knew that Misty & Ron had a fight, Misty had a wild weekend, Ron was at work, and that Misty was working hard to clean up the MH and get back in Ron's good graces, so most likely exhausted. They watched thru windows and saw Jr & Misty asleep in the big bed and H in the small bed. The large person bricked the screen door and opened the back door with a key or via bumping. The small person turned on the light, kicked some clothes under the door, went into the bedroom and lifted up a sleeping Haleigh. In the kitchen, the small person changed a drowsy Haleigh's shirt with a warmer one from the clothes left by GGMA and grabbed a medically-related object, tossed the shirt in the laundry basket, and handed Haleigh to the larger person. They were in and out of the house in less than two minutes. They wore gloves and left no prints. Neither Jr nor Misty woke up or heard a thing. Misty woke up around three because of the glow of the kitchen light and the cool breeze from the open door.

could be done very easily imo
Never underestimate the power of a Good Ole Boy grudge where the ends completely justify the means. It is very easy to hide a child in certain areas of this country. The predicament LE is in is finding the location where the child is hidden. Until they do this, they are at a standstill. They need some glimmer of where to look and then need to engage the local LE of that area to help them.

It seems to me that Cobra or a Cobra-type of person could be helpful in helping to sniff out the locatioon, but Cobra unfortunately has his GOB blinders on right now.


That is SO SCARY, kamky.

These families have extended family scattered in several states that have a lot of country side. Even if HaLeigh is not with a family member, she could potentially be with a good natured person (maybe an older person)? Not all people living in the country have cable television. IF this scenario is true and HaLeigh is staying with someone, that person may have no idea who she really is, and that she is the subject of an Amber Alert and is being missed desperately by her family. In addition, out there in the country, some of those homes don't even have neighbors for miles - HaLeigh would be able to run around outside and play without being seen.

I love the thought of her outside and playing (and alive). I hate the thought of her being so hard to find and her families suffering so much waiting for news of her. Everyday must be harder than the last for all of them. :(

Someone knows where this precious baby is -- someone has to slip eventually.

That is SO SCARY, kamky.

These families have extended family scattered in several states that have a lot of country side. Even if HaLeigh is not with a family member, she could potentially be with a good natured person (maybe an older person)? Not all people living in the country have cable television. IF this scenario is true and HaLeigh is staying with someone, that person may have no idea who she really is, and that she is the subject of an Amber Alert and is being missed desperately by her family. In addition, out there in the country, some of those homes don't even have neighbors for miles - HaLeigh would be able to run around outside and play without being seen.

I love the thought of her outside and playing (and alive). I hate the thought of her being so hard to find and her families suffering so much waiting for news of her. Everyday must be harder than the last for all of them. :(

Someone knows where this precious baby is -- someone has to slip eventually.

the odds are remote....but wouldn't it be great if she was in the remote Everglades or somewhere......just without a care, alive and well
How about this? Two people (one large, one small) knew that Misty & Ron had a fight, Misty had a wild weekend, Ron was at work, and that Misty was working hard to clean up the MH and get back in Ron's good graces, so most likely exhausted. They watched thru windows and saw Jr & Misty asleep in the big bed and H in the small bed. The large person bricked the screen door and opened the back door with a key or via bumping. The small person turned on the light, kicked some clothes under the door, went into the bedroom and lifted up a sleeping Haleigh. In the kitchen, the small person changed a drowsy Haleigh's shirt with a warmer one from the clothes left by GGMA and grabbed a medically-related object, tossed the shirt in the laundry basket, and handed Haleigh to the larger person. They were in and out of the house in less than two minutes. They wore gloves and left no prints. Neither Jr nor Misty woke up or heard a thing. Misty woke up around three because of the glow of the kitchen light and the cool breeze from the open door.
I'm very curious.Did they dust for finger prints?Everywhere?I am curious who's finger prints were found everywhere.

That is SO SCARY, kamky.

These families have extended family scattered in several states that have a lot of country side. Even if HaLeigh is not with a family member, she could potentially be with a good natured person (maybe an older person)? Not all people living in the country have cable television. IF this scenario is true and HaLeigh is staying with someone, that person may have no idea who she really is, and that she is the subject of an Amber Alert and is being missed desperately by her family. In addition, out there in the country, some of those homes don't even have neighbors for miles - HaLeigh would be able to run around outside and play without being seen.

I love the thought of her outside and playing (and alive). I hate the thought of her being so hard to find and her families suffering so much waiting for news of her. Everyday must be harder than the last for all of them. :(

Someone knows where this precious baby is -- someone has to slip eventually.

Reposting one of my previous posts on this subject:
A 5 year old child has only about 2 -3 years of memory that would stick with her later in life. Suppose she has been taken to a remote rural area where there was lots of supportive, protective kin. She's told she was in danger and will be staying here just a while - like a vacation. Suppose she will be homeschooled, her hair cut and maybe even the color changed. She dresses like a country kid and hangs out with lots of "cousins". They give her a nickname and it sticks. She begins to adapt to a new life and starts having fun. She picks up the accent and speech patterns of her cousins. By the time she is 8, her predominent memories will be of her new life. By the time she is 11, her memories of "Haleigh" will be pretty dim. By the time she is 14, the transformation will be complete. She may feel that she has had a very happy life and is very close to her kinfolk.
I'm very curious.Did they dust for finger prints?Everywhere?I am curious who's finger prints were found everywhere.
I've seen photos of the dusting powder around light switches, etc. inside the Mobile Home, I imagine dusting took place outside the home also around the windows and doors.

No details have been released on any evidence at this time.
I saw that as well, and I think gloves would have been worn, and suspect the prints would be from those who lived there and visited.
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