Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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Grandma drove by at 7 -- what was Haleigh wearing?
Haleigh got a bath and watched 2 movies and was in bed by 8,(?????) and Misty can not remember what she had on?
If Haleigh got up and changed clothes, she did this in the dark sometime after 10..
The former state atty. who was on Geraldo's show last night said drug use impairs memory. :)
The former state atty. who was on Geraldo's show last night said drug use impairs memory. :)

This is what I have been saying all along. She was stoned and that is why her story isn't straight. or even if she wasn't stoned she may have already fried to many brain cells by smoking pot. Just saying..
I'm going to throw my 2cents out there :crazy:

My theory...I have thought about this case A LOT! Bare with me lol

RC was at work. That was confirmed if I'm not mistaken.

Misty is lying about being IN the home until 3am. I believe she was either outside on the front porch smoking whether she was alone or not, I'm not sure. I believe she did this a lot...almost routine. Friends, family or whatever could have been there. I believe that the bio mom's family whether a friend or family member knew what the situation was at the Cummings home & informed them. Maybe thats where the "talk" about Misty "seeing" RC's uncle came from. Misty had visitors that day. We know that her brother and kids came over, a family member of RC (grandma maybe?)...Someone that was there could have easily unlocked that door without anyones knowledge before he/she left. Maybe Misty was doing shady things such as drugs and maybe she was impaired. Maybe it was all set up...maybe someone went went to bed...Misty stayed up and did laundry or whatever...maybe she wasn't alone at that point. Maybe while she wasn't looking..."someone" unlocked that back door for easy access later once Misty was asleep. After all...someone did steal a gun two weeks ago...I'm sure he didn't just walk in and take it...he was there with either Misty or with both Misty/Ron. My point is...maybe they didn't keep an eye on anyone...maybe whoever was in that house that night along with Misty unlocked the door after Misty locked it ... Once Misty went to sleep (maybe turned off lights so the perp knew that she was probably in bed) the perp entered thru the back door, leaving it open with assistance from a cinder block, went in but made noise... RJ heard it...woke up...Misty was out of it (probably impaired or just tired from all the running around until nearly 3am) ...Misty woke...saw RJ get up but went right back to sleep not thinking anything of it. That could have happened at midnight for all we know... Misty then gets up round 3am to go to the restroom or get water or whatever... she notices the light on, the door open...freaks out...panics because she doesn't remember half of what happened prior to going to sleep. I think she was on something or did something to impair happens ALL the time... she doesn't know what to do because she's terrified because HC is gone, RC will go ballistic (just like any father would do) and she has no memory of what happened because of her poor judgement. RC gets home and we know the rest...

Now... to who I think has something to do with actually "taking her"...

All goes back to all the drama that surrounds this family. I believe that CS or someone in her family or circle of family/friends was in on it. We know that CS's father actually lives in Satsuma...I'm sure with all the "talk" that goes on there, that he's heard things that go on at that home...heck...maybe he's seen it with his own eyes. I'm sure he relates all this info back to his daughter CS. CS did NOT have custody of her children for a reason. CS has stated that the kids love Misty (so I'd assume they enjoy being around her). CS isn't an angel either...didn't we just find out that there is some contempt of court or something on her from 2/10? We know she is probably struggling with money because of a new baby & being behind on child support payments to RC. Maybe her father was trying to "help" her out. Maybe trying to help prove RC unfit & the children would be given back to his daughter. That would eliminate child support payments ... it would also do damage to RC...getting him back for things that his daughter accuses him of. I don't know that JS actually did anything himself but I think he assisted. He NEVER looks at the camera, he shields his face...he chews tabacco on national tv while his grandkid is missing & looks totally not into it. Maybe he's just a weird fella but he seems suspicious to me...just as suspicious as some think RC and MC look...Also... I'm sure he knew about the "fight" with the cousin of was the "perfect" opportunity for him or someone else in that circle of family/friends to act on it. All attention would have went towards MC...just as it has...

There was a reason that RC's mom had sent the grandma over to check on the kids. Maybe there has been issues going on and they have told LE bout it...quite's none of our business. Id like to know but they don't have to disclose that to any of us.

Rail Road is significant in my opinion...dogs trailed to that point, then nothing... that railroad runs straight on up towards jacksonville... which is the "big town" to lil McClenny & Glen St. Mary... the MG says she had "visions" or thoughts about Alabama/Georgia... She also stated early on that she "felt" HC's presence. Something is just fishy...maybe an attempt to scare the crap out of RC and CS to get her children back, turned bad :waitasec:

Now... for those of you that are still reading all of this mess...I thank you LOL It's been a rough day..I have a headache ... but this felt good to get it out :)
That swooshing sound you hear is my entire theory being flushed away.
CajunGirl, how I pray you are right... yet I've seriously doubted any of custody theories due to Jr. not being taken, and because a five year-old will eventually reveal what happened. JMO

I've always been convinced that gf left (Please see Post #296!) Then on GR tonite, another tipster confirmed for CR that gf did leave--and left much earlier than previously thought. This is crucial to timeline... if tip LE received (and now CR confirmed) turns out to be accurate, ie gf was gone partying as early as that evening 7-9ish then that could mean Haleigh was taken FAR earlier than even we thought since many (including myself) had theorized it was not until at least she had put children to bed, and likely after 10pm that gf left to go partying. Wth, just turn on the video and leave them to fend? This development would make the gf's alleged behavior even more unconscienable since she not only would have left them unsupervised for hours longer--but may have discovered this hours sooner than believed--or reported. JMO

CajunGirl, how I pray you are right... yet I've seriously doubted any of custody theories due to Jr. not being taken, and because a five year-old will eventually reveal what happened. JMO


unless... HC has no idea who this person is... just because he/she is friends of a parent does not mean the child would even know who they were or anything.

Anyone can tell a child "im Joe"...ur gonna live with me for a bit... i could die my hair or shave it bald...i could appear one way to a child so that they remember that... then i could set that child free ANYWHERE...middle of the night if i wanted to...without anyone knowing...and that child will only remember what "Joe" told her... especially at 5 yrs old... then "Joe" could totally change his/her appearance and NO ONE would know...especially when LE doesn't seem to be to worried bout CS's we think ;)
So many clues leading to so many theories. I don't know what to theorize.

Misty is a sexual assault victim herself

A related sex offender was in the trailer previously that day

Haleigh (Cummings) Caylee (Anthony) first name rhyme coincidence

Haleigh abducted on memorial anniversary of Caylee disappearance. (Unverified)

Sexual predator of children under twelve previously lived in same trailer and trailer has no obvious signs of forced entry. James Joseph Lane. Police or media don't mention this very important fact to date because they're working on it?

Ron Cummings shows he is a pathological liar in his interview with Geraldo Rivera. He has a lengthy criminal record involving drugs yet denies ever taking drugs

Pink shirt that was on victim when she went to bed was later found in laundry pile near back door.

Younger brother states a man in black took his sister. If child was in deep sleep way late in the morning, how would he remember this? Sounds like "abduction" took place a lot earlier when child was awake and aware.
The picture of Halieigh currently being flashed on the TV shows a droopy left eyelid while photos taken of her when younger show the eye as normal. Geraldo Rivera says Ronald Cummings beat this girl's face to a pulp sometime in the past yet Cummings denies ever hitting Haleigh. Could Cummings have done the damage to the eye?

Geraldo Rivera says Cummings has another child by another underage teenager and Geraldo calls him a two-time statutory rapist.

In an interview, Cummings says "I know someone took my little girl. A sorry piece of trash that will be wasted when it's all over. I'd give my life for my child's life back. I do plan to take the trash out when it's time." Sounds like he knows more than he's telling.
unless... HC has no idea who this person is... just because he/she is friends of a parent does not mean the child would even know who they were or anything.

Anyone can tell a child "im Joe"...ur gonna live with me for a bit... i could die my hair or shave it bald...i could appear one way to a child so that they remember that... then i could set that child free ANYWHERE...middle of the night if i wanted to...without anyone knowing...and that child will only remember what "Joe" told her... especially at 5 yrs old... then "Joe" could totally change his/her appearance and NO ONE would know...especially when LE doesn't seem to be to worried bout CS's we think ;)

We completely agree re first part above (post #303). I'm just unable to fathom a custody abduction of only one vs both children. Particularly when you consider tips re gf being gone--as early as 7 pm?! This leaves little doubt in my mind, anyway, as to the "how" only to which SOB came upon this open invitation and tragedy set in motion. :( JMO

I don't know if Joe ever did anything to her,he could be being used as a scapegoat.She's told so many stories and keeps coming up w/more.First she said RC and Joe had a fight and he stoled a gun,this week she said she had the fight and he tried to steal a gun.
If it was proven he stoled the gun and it was found in the ditch,why was he not charged?LE interviewed him.Was it Misty who said a gun was found in the ditch.LE has not said that.So far,it's all her word and that's not looking too good right now.
Drug dealers don't take kids. They want money.

I think the gf put the kids to bed, left through the back door to go party somewhere close by. I think this is something she had done before. Let's face it, she's 17, doesn't work and stays home with the kids while RC is working. I'm sure she was itching to get out, party and socialize, most 17-year-olds would. I think that either:

a) word got around the neighborhood that she was doing this and one of the sex offenders that lived close by took advantage of the situation and took Haleigh while she was gone one night.

b) the gf was out partying, mentioned to others around her that she left the kids alone at home, and someone in the group of partiers decides to take advantage of the situation, leaves the party while the gf is still there and goes and takes Haleigh.

I truly believe that it was NOT a strange that took this little girl. It may not have been a friend or relative, but it was someone with knowledge about the family and their schedule. Some who knew RC worked nights, someone who knew the gf was leaving the house open with children inside. I feel it in my gut.
It's now almost day 13 since Haleigh disappeared. At this time:

* LE still has RC's mobile home in their possession, as a crime scene.

* LE states that no one has been cleared.

* Both RC and MC have taken polygraphs, and in MC's case, more than one. Yet neither has been cleared.

* MC's story, from the beginning, changes with each re-telling.

* Both parents and their extended family members have been involved in drugs.

With the above in mind, I think LE is looking more closely at RC and MC than other family members. There has to be a reason they're holding onto the mobile home as a crime scene and haven't cleared anyone.

We've seen that RC has a violent side to him with some of the statements he's made and his foul language towards Misty in the 911 call. I don't believe him when he says he hasn't any enemies.

I don't think Misty was at home the night that Haleigh disappeared. I think she arrived home shortly before RC came home from work. Anything could have happened to those two children in her absence. I think someone abducted Haleigh in retaliation for something RC had done.
Ok theorysleuths -

if there was an intruder, which door did he come through? Both misty and ron insist that the back door is very hard to open from the inside, much less the outside. Did the perp come through a different door and leave through the back to confuse LE?
Ok theorysleuths -

if there was an intruder, which door did he come through? Both misty and ron insist that the back door is very hard to open from the inside, much less the outside. Did the perp come through a different door and leave through the back to confuse LE?
Or what window? Is it possible the window Misty took the blanket out of was unlocked and she just didn't notice? Did they have central air or regular AC that the AC guy was there to fix? Did he leave a window open accidentally and no one noticed? So many questions, so few answers
Here is a new "theory" that came to mind last night. With all the drugs running rampant through this story, could it be that RC and/or MC had a serious amount of drugs in that trailer - either for sale or just "holding". Someone knew this and thought it not a bad idea to go steal them? Could this be a "drug theft" gone bad. Maybe MC was involved - leaving the back door open for them to get in and take the drugs - back door propped to carry them out? Haleigh woke up and "caught them in the act". Therefore, the witness had to be "taken care of". MC could have been in on it with the promise she would get some of the "proceeds" from the pending sale.

This thought came to me last night when GR was talking about the "bricks" of pot in the trailer. Lots of people will steal drugs if they know where they are. Might not have been pot - could have been anything. A serious amount of pot takes up some room and, if not packaged airtight, will smell - coke takes up a lot less room. It could have been anything. This could also explain why the trailer is still being held and not released.

Anyone care to weigh in on this?
Despite the drug allegations, the arguements between the bio mom and Ron, I still fill this is all Misty. I do not think that anyone went into that home and took Haleigh. I feel that Misty just snapped on Haleigh for one reason or the other. She did something to her in that home, spent a few hours getting rid of Haleigh, then another couple of hours trying to clean up from it. I personally don't think she ever went to sleep at all that night. I do believe she acted alone in this. Is it possible? Certainly it is.
Misty also knows of the trouble Ron has been in, she knows of the trouble Crystal has been in and the one thing that is making her happy right now is the two of them at one another in front of the camera's because it is taking the media focus off of her. The SO's in the area are also taking the focus off of her.
LE seems to be the ones who are not taking the focus off of her thank goodness.

If and when LE decides that they believe her story and clears her, I will rethink my position. Until then, I think they know what they are dealing with and are either waiting for labs to come back, or a confession before they name their suspect..
I think Misty's story (stories) are way too convenient. The timing of her call to Ron is at the last minute. He is on his way home or in the driveway. Her call to 911 is also last minute. She had plenty of time to dispose of evidence. Where is this washing machine? In the trailer? Or does she have to go someplace to do laundry? If she disposed of Haleigh's body, she would have to have help. She is tiny - she could not carry a body very far. Somebody had to help her. Her story about the cousin is a diversion. Her body language and her verbal language suggests she is lying. Inconsistent statements and stories verify her lying.

Misty hurt Haleigh. She wrapped her in a blanket and disposed of the body with help from someone. The person that helped her was a male and dressed in dark clothing. Misty did not leave the trailer with the male. He did it for her. She stayed there with Haleigh's brother. Probably a relative. The manner in which she skilled Haleigh did not produce a lot of blood. Probably battered/strangled. Misty was stoned when she did it and drugged when Ron arrived home. She is just now detoxing. Her stories will continue to change.
I think Misty's story (stories) are way too convenient. The timing of her call to Ron is at the last minute. He is on his way home or in the driveway. Her call to 911 is also last minute. She had plenty of time to dispose of evidence. Where is this washing machine? In the trailer? Or does she have to go someplace to do laundry? If she disposed of Haleigh's body, she would have to have help. She is tiny - she could not carry a body very far. Somebody had to help her. Her story about the cousin is a diversion. Her body language and her verbal language suggests she is lying. Inconsistent statements and stories verify her lying.

Misty hurt Haleigh. She wrapped her in a blanket and disposed of the body with help from someone. The person that helped her was a male and dressed in dark clothing. Misty did not leave the trailer with the male. He did it for her. She stayed there with Haleigh's brother. Probably a relative. The manner in which she skilled Haleigh did not produce a lot of blood. Probably battered/strangled. Misty was stoned when she did it and drugged when Ron arrived home. She is just now detoxing. Her stories will continue to change.

Welcome to Websleuths, Balaney! :)

The washing machine is by the back door that was propped open, i think.

Despite Misty being tiny, i don't think she'd have a problem carrying a 5 year old child.

I really don't think Misty was just stoned on pot, she'd have to have other drugs and or be drinking to just forget and marijuana doesn't usually make people violent.

I agree with you that her stories are convenient, and also with the other poster who said that Misty's stories are to take the heat (spotlight) off herself.
At this time I really can't say who is responsible or involved in Haleigh's disappearance but IF it is/was a "stranger" abduction, (and yes, I know what the statistics say) they knew at least four things about the family/situation - One - where they lived - Two - RC's work schedule - Three - that the back (storm) door squeaked or slammed shut because it didn't have a pressure arm on it or it was broken, allowing the door to close gradually and quietly so they knew to prop it open - Four - that there were plenty of family members, friends of the family, and misc. associates that would/could be looked at as potential suspects by LE...

I'm sending up a prayer today...
Please God, Bring Haleigh home.
From transcript of NG show on 2/17, the "final question" at the end -

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, Mary Jo is correct. This is one of many things that the investigators are going to be looking at, and especially those who do the forensic psychological examinations. Was she on drugs? Was she a partier? Or was she a really responsible young woman? Because past behaviors are a predictor of future behavior.

When that 911 call comes in, Mary Jo, she identifies herself as the mother of the children and the little girl is her daughter. Was that confusion, panic, or was she exaggerating the nature of her relationship with the child to make it -- herself look like a better caretaker?

The hysteria, I`m very interested in that. Was she hysterical because the child was gone, or was she hysterical because she was terrified of getting into trouble with her boyfriend? I feel that perhaps her fear of Ron Cummings might be one of the biggest obstacles in this investigation, because a 17-year-old could be more afraid of the boyfriend than of the actual legal authorities.

And the final question was, predators are so cunning. Was there a child predator who was grooming her as well as the children, endearing himself to her in order to have access to the children?

Fits my theory, anyway.
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