Theories on what happened to Haleigh

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I am almost freaking I have been researching this all morning. I don't know if I am freaking myself out or what but.....I mean I have been trying to understand why Ronald would not return to his home after they released it back to him.....and if what I am thinking is true....him not going back into the home makes a lot of sense now.

Also I did some research after I read Kiki's post and I was shocked to see that there are several instances of children being molested in their homes in Putnam County, one in 11 year old girl back in 2002. She was molested while sleeping in her a trailer.

The FBI profiler is stating that they DO NOT think this was a stranger abduction, lots more other interesting info. I am going back to research some more.

(bold mine) Agree. Or, at the risk of quoting myself (a few pages back) lol...

I am starting to focus on what the underlying reason was for Ron wanting to vacate the home they were living in so hurriedly. I'll say only that I think it was more than simply happy memories which drove him away. Could there be another reason, ie his landlord, other menacing associates whom he personally knows are still in the area? Or perhaps unhappy memories? Many scenarios are running through my mind... anyone else care to share their thoughts on possible reasons for this other than provided already by Ron? JMO

The high-up LE I talked to during week 2 [a long-time friend] said there wasn't a trace of evidence inside the m/h. Our LE hopes to maintain some semblance of credibility with the community, so they generally do not lie - they just don't answer.

No trace evidence in the MH of drugs, sex or anything in the washer with all the *blanket* washings? Nothing in the evidence taken? The section of wall taken out? DNA evidence...tested for drugs??
Property owners are contacted by LE prior to any SO being released to see if they will rent to SO's. Some will and sometimes at reduced rates - if more business comes. This is often why SO's appear to live in groups. Many apartment complexes do this on a routine basis - some do not.

I know of many properties that do this in my area ... and will not stand up for any of them no matter what. A nest of SO's were found living next door to a church pre-school for God's sake - not too long ago. The property owner had willingly agreed with LE to house them. $$

Well, carp, carp and more carp. If I find this carp in my area I will go to the media here. I have contacts there and you can bet this crazy shoegirl would make some serious noise about that kind of nonsense.
The high-up LE I talked to during week 2 [a long-time friend] said there wasn't a trace of evidence inside the m/h. Our LE hopes to maintain some semblance of credibility with the community, so they generally do not lie - they just don't answer.

It seems even more strange for an old doublewide to have no trace of evidence?????? How can that be? There should be so much dna in the trailer, on the couch, in the bed, you name it. How can there be no trace of evidence?
And the fact that this person "owns half the town" as you stated, would make it incredibly clear why no-one would want to speak his name out loud in Satsuma.....if you know what I mean. I don't live in Satsuma however and I am not in the least bit afraid to say I think you are on to something here. Maybe this is why the media, Law Enforcement and well.....basically no-one is talking about the case anymore....more proof or evidence is needed and no-one wants to point a finger too hastily. I am going to be sleuthing out this development the rest of the week.

(respectfully snipped) Agree again. I also allowed that it could be an affiliate, renter or someone else merely connected w him or these properties. But from the Sandra Cantu case as well as countless others, it should be patently clear by now a church affiliation hardly affords one immunity nor exemption from scrutiny. Ok now I really need to get some things done this am will be back! JMO

It seems even more strange for an old doublewide to have no trace of evidence?????? How can that be? There should be so much dna in the trailer, on the couch, in the bed, you name it. How can there be no trace of evidence?

On the police report, it states that the crime happened "outside the home" which has still not been given a reasonable answer for me to set it aside.
It seems even more strange for an old doublewide to have no trace of evidence?????? How can that be? There should be so much dna in the trailer, on the couch, in the bed, you name it. How can there be no trace of evidence?

Well, Misty did say she cleaned that night, so not really all that surprising. Obviously there was no blood evidence - or there would have been some trace evidence - but it is surprising if a stranger "bricked the door", entered the home, navigated the rooms, swept HC up and out of the home, that there wouldn't be at least a hair left behind.
Well, Misty did say she cleaned that night, so not really all that surprising. Obviously there was no blood evidence - or there would have been some trace evidence - but it is surprising if a stranger "bricked the door", entered the home, navigated the rooms, swept HC up and out of the home, that there wouldn't be at least a hair left behind.

I agree!
I am on the fence as to "who took Haleigh" out of that mh, but I keep going back to the RC & MC interview on GVS..

VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, I understand that there does not appear to be any forced entry into the home in that back door. So how do you think it got open?

CUMMINGS: I honestly don't have any clue. I don't have any clue. Somebody, maybe a locksmith, picklock artist, I do not know. But it was definitely locked, and somebody came in through it. So I cannot explain it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, let me ask you this same question. Misty, how do you think that door got open?

CROSLIN: Someone had either picked the lock, they would have had to pick the lock. That is the only way that anybody could have gotten in our back door is if they picked the lock.

Does anyone else find it odd that she repeats this THREE times in one response?
I agree!
I am on the fence as to "who took Haleigh" out of that mh, but I keep going back to the RC & MC interview on GVS..

VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, I understand that there does not appear to be any forced entry into the home in that back door. So how do you think it got open?

CUMMINGS: I honestly don't have any clue. I don't have any clue. Somebody, maybe a locksmith, picklock artist, I do not know. But it was definitely locked, and somebody came in through it. So I cannot explain it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, let me ask you this same question. Misty, how do you think that door got open?

CROSLIN: Someone had either picked the lock, they would have had to pick the lock. That is the only way that anybody could have gotten in our back door is if they picked the lock.

Does anyone else find it odd that she repeats this THREE times in one response?

i have found pretty much everything MC and RC have said and done to be odd. from the walking past the bed that HC was sleeping in twice before she noticed she was not in the bed at all. where HC actually slept that night. The tattoo of HC on RC leg. The wedding. the whole thing is odd to me. strange that MC got up about the same time the RC is about to come home although he states she is usually sleeping when he gets home. IDK the whole story has me almost speechless, and i feel that if LE or the FBI doesn't have some sort of news confrence about the case soon, the general public is going to forget about HC.
I agree!
I am on the fence as to "who took Haleigh" out of that mh, but I keep going back to the RC & MC interview on GVS..

VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, I understand that there does not appear to be any forced entry into the home in that back door. So how do you think it got open?

CUMMINGS: I honestly don't have any clue. I don't have any clue. Somebody, maybe a locksmith, picklock artist, I do not know. But it was definitely locked, and somebody came in through it. So I cannot explain it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, let me ask you this same question. Misty, how do you think that door got open?

CROSLIN: Someone had either picked the lock, they would have had to pick the lock. That is the only way that anybody could have gotten in our back door is if they picked the lock.

Does anyone else find it odd that she repeats this THREE times in one response?

Not at all... ;) considering she is attempting to explain away the impossible that is. That she did everything right, ie LOCKED the door, was right there sleeping alongside children, yet somehow someone entered--with NO SIGN OF FORCED ENTRY. Obviously I'm being facetious, it's not impossible at all, since she wasn't THERE. I find it HIGHLY relevant that Ron says in interview that Misty HAD NO KEY. Ok there we have it. Had Misty wanted to leave the trailer that nite, obviously then she would have to have left the door UNLOCKED. JMO

I am almost freaking I have been researching this all morning. I don't know if I am freaking myself out or what but.....I mean I have been trying to understand why Ronald would not return to his home after they released it back to him.....and if what I am thinking is true....him not going back into the home makes a lot of sense now.

Also I did some research after I read Kiki's post and I was shocked to see that there are several instances of children being molested in their homes in Putnam County, one in 11 year old girl back in 2002. She was molested while sleeping in her a trailer.

The FBI profiler is stating that they DO NOT think this was a stranger abduction, lots more other interesting info. I am going back to research some more.

Thank you!

I have questioned why RC would not go back in the home from the very start. It did not make any sense to me! Hope you have some success with your searching.
I am almost freaking I have been researching this all morning. I don't know if I am freaking myself out or what but.....I mean I have been trying to understand why Ronald would not return to his home after they released it back to him.....and if what I am thinking is true....him not going back into the home makes a lot of sense now.

Also I did some research after I read Kiki's post and I was shocked to see that there are several instances of children being molested in their homes in Putnam County, one in 11 year old girl back in 2002. She was molested while sleeping in her a trailer.

The FBI profiler is stating that they DO NOT think this was a stranger abduction, lots more other interesting info. I am going back to research some more.

bolded by me

Where did you read/see this information?
Well, Misty did say she cleaned that night, so not really all that surprising. Obviously there was no blood evidence - or there would have been some trace evidence - but it is surprising if a stranger "bricked the door", entered the home, navigated the rooms, swept HC up and out of the home, that there wouldn't be at least a hair left behind.

I believe Misty's has everything to do with the disappearance of Haleigh. As for no blood evidence .. Misty would have cleaned it up. The fact that the trailer was a crime for weeks, says a lot. The police have been quiet about what found there. But in an interview with Nancy Grace, Haleigh's grandmother says the police took out a wall! So we do not know if the police found any blood or what they found in hair or other fibres. All we do know is that they did have the trailer as a crime scene for a lot of time to not have evidence from there.

I think Ron was desparate for a babysitter because he had to work. I think Haleigh did something wrong to get Misty angry and she hit her .. banged her head and killed her accidently.

My theory is that Misty then called her cousin Joe (Tennessee Joe) to help her in her panic of not what to do. I believe Joe is the one who put Haleigh somewhere and Misty is the one who cleaned up.

That's my 2 cents.

bolded by me

Where did you read/see this information?

Hi there....sorry to take so long in answering your question but I haven't been able to spend a lot of time here lately...I would love to be here more but my little ones need

LFlorida asked the same question of me yesterday after I posted the info on the FBI profiler. I went back over my notes to see where I read that info and posted the website above. I had stated that I didn't know how to link or if I was allowed according to TOS rules to link to that particular website. It is called Courthouse Steps Mavens...I found some very interesting comments about this case on that site. Google it and it will come right up. Let me know if you can't find it.:)
On the police report, it states that the crime happened "outside the home" which has still not been given a reasonable answer for me to set it aside.

Now this makes me curious about the dispatcher recordings that were released. IIRC, didn't the dispatcher state that Haleigh had last been seen an hour and a half earlier [as in 2 a.m.]? Did she misspeak or do we know what's up with that?

And was her last known location at Aunt Lindsy's house on Tyler?

[Sorry, no theory from me right now. I have half-dozen +/-.]
It seems even more strange for an old doublewide to have no trace of evidence?????? How can that be? There should be so much dna in the trailer, on the couch, in the bed, you name it. How can there be no trace of evidence?

Please forgive me for not using the right words to convey what my dear friend said. It was probably more like -
There's not a trace of evidence in the mobile home that indicates something happened to Haleigh in there. [no blood spatter, signs of a struggle, that kind of thing]

I will go find my original post about this, if the thread it was in has not since been pulled. [lol - or I could just search my user name on Google - I got quoted and repeated and referenced all over the 'net that day, sometimes not flatteringly.]
I believe Misty's has everything to do with the disappearance of Haleigh. As for no blood evidence .. Misty would have cleaned it up. The fact that the trailer was a crime for weeks, says a lot. The police have been quiet about what found there. But in an interview with Nancy Grace, Haleigh's grandmother says the police took out a wall! So we do not know if the police found any blood or what they found in hair or other fibres. All we do know is that they did have the trailer as a crime scene for a lot of time to not have evidence from there.

I think Ron was desparate for a babysitter because he had to work. I think Haleigh did something wrong to get Misty angry and she hit her .. banged her head and killed her accidently.

My theory is that Misty then called her cousin Joe (Tennessee Joe) to help her in her panic of not what to do. I believe Joe is the one who put Haleigh somewhere and Misty is the one who cleaned up.

That's my 2 cents.

I could MAYBE go with this theory except - Ron married Misty (even though Misty had just cheated on him and was the last person to see Haleigh) & Ron's mother talks of Misty as though she is a saint (when we all have heard the things she was doing just that weekend prior to Haleigh going missing). Just too much of a stretch for me to believe that Ron didn't have something to do with all of this. I don't think she called Joe unless it was to get him to come over or bring her the van (without telling him anything) as to remove the body and perhaps set him up!
Hi, I don't know where to put this as the rumor thread is locked, but I just read at In Session that Haleigh may have been found today. That is all that was said - no particulars.

Has anyone else heard this that is local?
Hi, I don't know where to put this as the rumor thread is locked, but I just read at In Session that Haleigh may have been found today. That is all that was said - no particulars.

Has anyone else heard this that is local?

There was a post in Rumors 28 that someone had seen a car with a couple, a male driver, overweight, and a female adult in the back seat, with a little girl with blonde ringlets sitting in the front passenger seat with "help me" eyes. I can't remember who posted it originally. Maybe they'll be talking about that, though.
Hi, I don't know where to put this as the rumor thread is locked, but I just read at In Session that Haleigh may have been found today. That is all that was said - no particulars.

Has anyone else heard this that is local?

I hope it's true...........
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