Theories on What Happened to Zahra

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IMO They abused that girl regularly and in public. Can't even imagine what she endured behind closed doors.
What about drugging. Just like some have speculated in the Anthony case that Caylee was drugged to keep her sedated so Casey could party, could it be that the Bakers (who would seem to have had access to plenty of meds, whether prescription or otherwise) might have been keeping Zahra drugged to keep her "in her room" and out of their hair so they could do what they want?

One thing about sending a kid to school is that the kid has homework and other responsibilities to be dealt with. Schools notice if those things are routinely neglected. If Zahra were kept home, she could be kept sedated 24/7, if they wanted her to be.

Maybe they "really didn't kill her", but she died from an overdose of the wrong kind of medicine?

Speculating only.
While I am inclined to accept your assertion that AB could be basically clueless and uninvolved enough to not realize a lot of things that were going on, I still have a problem. AFTER THE FACT (not to quote EB), once he realized what was going on, once it dawned on him that his wife's activities had led to the death of his daughter--where was the shock, the outrage? We have seen him display *very* little emotion! Even that which he did show seemed really fake, IMO.

I mean, if I try to put myself in the place of someone who had been stupid, immature, foolish, and clueless, then imagine that suddenly, in the midst of my cloud, I came to realize that horrible things had actually resulted that had not only led to the death of my own offspring, but put my entire life in huge jeopardy...I'm just not seeing anything like the kind of reaction I would have expected.


I agree, I know how i would react, my husband, my parents, hell even my husbands parents but everyones reactions are different. I would love to see his interview tapes from the police, that would show a bit more of reaction. Im not saying that im right, i know i could be way off, but i have to believe that LE has not made a arrest for a reason. ( And i hope its not because they are wanting to get their ducks in a row) and that possibly he had no involvment and is just guilty of being dumbfounded
I believe dear old dad had a much more active roll in her death.

He seems to me to be someone to fear when he gets angry given his record. His calm & passive manner isn't fooling me! Maybe step mom egged him on, and in a rage he killed her. or maybe he had been sexually abusing her and when step mom killed her, he had to cover up the abuse? There's a reason they were both involved and I definitely believe they both were. His 911 call cinched his personal involvement for me

Right--that's my point, too, about his apparent lack of emotion. If he were even just an "innocent" dupe, I would expect to see more shock and/or rage.

The reports from one of their previous landladies about the tremendous fights AB and EB had (knocked a picture off of the wall of the adjacent apartment, fought even in the parking lot, etc.) provides a reason to believe he had quite a violent/angry side to him, as well.

I really don't think he ended up with EB by some weird fluke. They were together for a reason.

I agree, I know how i would react, my husband, my parents, hell even my husbands parents but everyones reactions are different. I would love to see his interview tapes from the police, that would show a bit more of reaction. Im not saying that im right, i know i could be way off, but i have to believe that LE has not made a arrest for a reason. ( And i hope its not because they are wanting to get their ducks in a row) and that possibly he had no involvment and is just guilty of being dumbfounded

Maybe there can be a new diagnostic category: Gobsmacked Syndrome?
I think the ransom note as part of the cover up is because they thought the boss might pay a ransom, if he thought Zahra was taken instead of his daughter...maybe feeling OMG, they wanted my daughter and took theirs. I feel she had been gone for some time, for the amount of cover up done -if done ie painting walls, new mattress etc.

The police did arrest Adam-he bonded out. If they arrest him again for murder, the clock starts ticking...I think they have a few more things to do first.
I think died a couple of weeks before being reported missing.....

I also think this was a case like that poor little Ethan (?).......I think the death or injury that lead to her death came from stepmum and wasnt intended to kill her......and was something like walloped her and she hit her head on something.....

The coverup took a couple of weeks.....he was involved in it as well as I think she died of injuries on her bed as they hadnt taken her to the hospital because they thought they'd be charged with something.....

there was probably a mixture of a bit of blood, vomit, wee etc......

I truly think he did most of the cover up and yes I too think he dismembered her and there are bits scattered everywhere....I also think something went thru the woodchipper....something with some form of evidence on it or maybe a couple of bones......hence the fire to try and get rid of evidence in the mulch......

the other body bits were in the cars or maybe she was transported to the place she was dismembered in the car......

then the stupid, stupid idea of the ransom note.......they phoned the boss when the fire was on so they/firemen/police/boss could find the note and also ask if anyone else was in the house, or boss ask where was zahra........they could then pretend to look for her and go "oh no they've taken the wrong girl" (in this day and age of forensics, handwriting experts, dna the note to me showed how unsophisticated/stupid they really are)....
IMO, both parents abused Zahra.
I do think the mattress holds allot of clues.
I tend to think as Zahra died, she was put in the car.
Out of sight, out of mind...........
I think Zahra's whole body needed to be destroyed because
the evidence of all kinds of abuse would show up.
In my gut I feel AB dismembered Zahra and she is scattered
everywhere and any where.
No one will find anything but a few bones.
I also think that they killed weeks her before she was reported missing.
a relative IIRC said nothing would of happened if DDS wasn't coming............
IMO, Zahra was going to tell someone, that is why she was their prisoner.

I think you nailed it. Add in the abuse and poisoning of Zahara.
I think Z died from neglect. I think she was sick; either from recurrence of cancer or sepsis from an ill-fitting prosthetic.

They left her in her room, sick and dying. They did not seek medical treatment for her because they didn't want anyone nosing around (imo, because AB is here illegally and also both had warrants out). So, they let her be sick. When she died, they couldn't call authorities because they do prosecute parents who do not get medical treatment for their kids in the US. And also the previous problems; illegal, warrants.

So, they disposed of Z and made up this cockamamie story to explain why Z was gone.

All MOO.
I'd have to know more evidence!

But I have a gut feeling (are those allowed here?) that EB was poisoning Zahra and expected to be able to get a lot of sympathy for Zahra's death. She thought she wouldn't be caught. This is from her history of what looks like Munchausen's by Proxy.

I don't know how that turned more violent, but I suspect it did because it seems like LE may have been looking at blood splatter or similar on the walls in her bedroom.

I suspect that AB was the one who understood that Zahra's 'illness' was going to draw intense scrutiny rather than sympathy. I honestly think EB thought her plan would work. Maybe Adam got her to admit to him what she'd done (IMO)?

Something changed it to a coverup. That was probably after death. Maybe Adam did think Zahra just had the stomach flu. He's still culpable, imo, because he was willfully ignorant of all that was happening.

He knows what did happen, in any case -- imo.

Poisoning came to my mind as well.
I think Z died from neglect. I think she was sick; either from recurrence of cancer or sepsis from an ill-fitting prosthetic.

They left her in her room, sick and dying. They did not seek medical treatment for her because they didn't want anyone nosing around (imo, because AB is here illegally and also both had warrants out). So, they let her be sick. When she died, they couldn't call authorities because they do prosecute parents who do not get medical treatment for their kids in the US. And also the previous problems; illegal, warrants.

So, they disposed of Z and made up this cockamamie story to explain why Z was gone.

All MOO.

I tend to agree with you, I think she was hastened to her death by a beating because she was sickly and unable to help herself. I think they left her alone to die over several days then wrapped her in the mattress. In my opinion she died before the move and was transported in the mattress to the new home, eventually they had to dispose of her when the stench became too much.

I don't think it ever entered their heads to get treatment for her,too much expense and trouble, nevertheless they are still murderers as far as I am concerned.:furious:
IMO They abused that girl regularly and in public. Can't even imagine what she endured behind closed doors.

Didn't she even send Zahra to school with the black eye? Felt comfortable that Zahra would not finger her (Agree---must have been hell when those doors closed.) Even told the neighbor she injured her hand hitting her prosthetic leg. Very bold. Believe she began increasing her abuse as is common of abusers.

IMO, EB may not have lied to Adam about how she injured her hand as per the neighbor. It's possible that Adam lied to the neighbor to cover his knowledge of and complicity in the abuse of his daughter.
I think Z died from neglect. I think she was sick; either from recurrence of cancer or sepsis from an ill-fitting prosthetic.

They left her in her room, sick and dying. They did not seek medical treatment for her because they didn't want anyone nosing around (imo, because AB is here illegally and also both had warrants out). So, they let her be sick. When she died, they couldn't call authorities because they do prosecute parents who do not get medical treatment for their kids in the US. And also the previous problems; illegal, warrants.

So, they disposed of Z and made up this cockamamie story to explain why Z was gone.

All MOO.


I don't know if you will see this, if someone else knows, please answer.

'sepsis from an ill-fitting prosthetic', - Z could have been healthy at the furniture store. And within that 2 weeks to Oct 9th? got sick and with no medical attention...

Thank you. I agree your theory is very possible.
IF Zahra was simply ill or the cancer had come back, then EB would of been in her attention seeking glory. There was something that kept EB and AB from seeking medical attention.

She didn't die of natural causes.(freaky this post gave me a deja vu)

I don't know if you will see this, if someone else knows, please answer.

'sepsis from an ill-fitting prosthetic', - Z could have been healthy at the furniture store. And within that 2 weeks to Oct 9th? got sick and with no medical attention...

Thank you. I agree your theory is very possible.
Yes. I have also thought about septacemia (blood poisoning) from an infected stump. It will consume a person in a matter of days. And if it was her lil stump that was infected it would have gone internal very quickly and with the femural artery so close.....

But yes, she could have died from this.

It just doesn't explain why no one has fessed up to where she is. Maybe because its pretty hard to hide a cracked skull. Which could also be what happened.

I don't know if you will see this, if someone else knows, please answer.

'sepsis from an ill-fitting prosthetic', - Z could have been healthy at the furniture store. And within that 2 weeks to Oct 9th? got sick and with no medical attention...

Thank you. I agree your theory is very possible.

I've been doing some searching on how common infections are with a prosthetic. I guess I didn't consider how much goes into properly caring for it. I would bet Zahra's prosthetic was not being cleaned and cared for properly. Complicate it further by it most likely being ill-fitting.

Also, I know Zahra was seen in the furniture store. Was anything purchased there?
My theory is yes of course the little girl was negleted and abused.

I think that she could of become sick and no one bothered to take care of her and could not take her to Dr. due to apparent child abuse on her body.

I think it is even MORE possible that she was being punished and wasnt allowed to leave that room or eat and drink.. they left her there and she did die.. i think that is what is meant by they "didnt really kill her" The neighbors had not seen her. The little girl was apparently going though a slow death.

evidence on matress of natural causes at death. Vomit, urine, loss of bowels, bleeding from ears and/or nose could of very well been the evidence on the matress.

after this i come to the conclusion that they knew they were responsible.. kept the body a few days or week, then dismembered the body. The "wood chipper" got my attention from the start... however they could of very well dismembered her in the bathroom tub or kitchen sink parts at a time.. (strongly suspected due to they are removing plumbing from home)

i am assuming they will find bones where they are looking but what about flesh.. dogs have not hit on flesh in that area.. that leads me to wonder... did they skin her and get rid of the flesh over weeks or garbage disposal or wood chipper... did they discard flesh a little at a time until bones were left... perhaps that is why they are taking parts of celing.. perhaps they stored bones before disposal.

The letters that are written everyone is taking as lies.. but in every lie reveals a little truth but twisted.. i think the puzzle is fitting together and for Elisa to say it is "kinda horrifing" then to the average person it would be absolutly gruesome..

I honest think they dismembered her.

One last thing.. any child with childhood cancer would have regular dr appts to follow progress.. cancer in remission.. not always a cure, she would of HAD to have specialist that were checking her out .. however no mention of that.. i beleive they left that little girl in confinded spaces and killed her slowly without food and water and left her to fend for herself..

the fire has to be a part of this in some way but why... what did the fire accomplish?
I have not read the thread but I feel she was abused by both of them.
Right--that's my point, too, about his apparent lack of emotion. If he were even just an "innocent" dupe, I would expect to see more shock and/or rage.

The reports from one of their previous landladies about the tremendous fights AB and EB had (knocked a picture off of the wall of the adjacent apartment, fought even in the parking lot, etc.) provides a reason to believe he had quite a violent/angry side to him, as well.

I really don't think he ended up with EB by some weird fluke. They were together for a reason.


Two (angry) peas in a pod?


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In keeping with the notion that in each lie is a little bit of the truth, I think that the comment AB made to the 911 operator about Zahra entering puberty & brooding may hold something important.

Could it be possible that Zahra began to fight back from the abuse with comments like..."I'm gonna tell my teacher that you gave me this black eye" or "I'm going to call the police on you"...etc.?

During the 911 call where AB states EB came running out of the house screaming that Zahra is missing...why would she come running out screaming? Seriously...from the history we're hearing about EB, if anything...I'd expect her to waddle out the back door and say..."Hey, have you seen Zahra?"

I mean, why would a parent come screaming the child is missing...just because a child is not in the house...would that be reason for such alarm?

Also for Zahra to not return to school makes me believe that "something" happened that created a reason for EB & AB to keep her at home hidden & to even go so far as to lie about the home schooling. They apparently couldn't allow her to return to school for some reason. I think it'd be safe to say that at least most dead beat parents would enjoy the time they can dump their children at school.

So, for them to keep her at home tells me they were isolating her for a pretty big reason.

My heart just hurts for Zahra...she deserved so much more and all she got was adult after adult letting her down in life! :(

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