Theories on What Happened to Zahra

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DNA Solves
Hi Guys,

I have been following WS & this case since the beginning, hoping for good news then hoping for answers & eventually justice if it is possible.
Please forgive me & let me know asap if I overstep any rules or come close.
My theory is that MB was abusing Zahra via the internet for a while for financial gain, Zahra became ill & medical attention was not sought due to fears the abuse would be uncovered, her body was destroyed also for this reason.
I believe AB turned a blind eye to this abuse or it was played down as acceptable by MB maybe he also gained some cash from this exploitation.
MB reiterated to AB that if the abuse was uncovered the finger would point towards him, being the male; she bulled him into destroying the body, maybe evidence of the abuse was on the mattress.
I also suspect sexual abuse. I dont know why exactly but the father just seems to fit my vision of a molestor.

Perhaps HIS dna from semen is on that matress also.
Almost anything could have happened but here is one possibility:

News reports have alleged that Elisa broke her hand once when beating Zahra so
maybe this time she decided to beat her but used a weapon to hit her with. . . . . . .
something to give her a 'proper' beating.

And the bones broke, perhaps a skull fracture or a rib broke and punctured a lung
and/or maybe other internal injuries.

And perhaps Elisa thinks that blankity blank child should have been able to take a proper whuppin'
and if she hadn't had the cancers that made the bones brittle and weak
she would have had stronger bones & would have lived.
So it must have been the cancer that killed her and not the good and proper beating
that the blankity blank had coming to her anyway. So maybe she later would write
in a letter to someone 'we really didn't kill her. . . .'
Maybe they didnt want to take her to get any treatment because they had recently
been turned in for child abuse and knew how the beating marks and injuries would look. . . . .
and maybe going to hospital would take them away from their virtual role play.

Do I suspect there may have been abuse also of a sort by the dad? Yes.

However this is only one of several possible scenarios & dwelling on it won't bring her back.

This little ten years old never got to grow up and be that promising, compassionate doctor
that children & their parents would have loved to see walk into the examination room.
She never got to be that loving teacher that would inspire a generation of children.
She will never be that policewoman that saves little abused children from monster parents.

So some of you out there reading will have to take up the banner for her and do great
and good things that she might have done, or if you cannot do great things remember
Zahra had a great smile and you can smile at someone for Zahra, making the world
a little better place so that evil doesn't win.
I also suspect sexual abuse. I dont know why exactly but the father just seems to fit my vision of a molestor.

Perhaps HIS dna from semen is on that matress also.

I totally agree.

He seemed to view his daughter like a possession, keeping her away from her mom like that, and the way he talked about her, both on the 911 call and in the interview.
During the 911 call where AB states EB came running out of the house screaming that Zahra is missing...why would she come running out screaming? Seriously...from the history we're hearing about EB, if anything...I'd expect her to waddle out the back door and say..."Hey, have you seen Zahra?"

I mean, why would a parent come screaming the child is missing...just because a child is not in the house...would that be reason for such alarm?

Maybe he got the idea from the Haleigh Cummings case?
Almost anything could have happened but here is one possibility:

News reports have alleged that Elisa broke her hand once when beating Zahra so
maybe this time she decided to beat her but used a weapon to hit her with. . . . . . .
something to give her a 'proper' beating.

And the bones broke, perhaps a skull fracture or a rib broke and punctured a lung
and/or maybe other internal injuries.

And perhaps Elisa thinks that blankity blank child should have been able to take a proper whuppin'
and if she hadn't had the cancers that made the bones brittle and weak
she would have had stronger bones & would have lived.
So it must have been the cancer that killed her and not the good and proper beating
that the blankity blank had coming to her anyway. So maybe she later would write
in a letter to someone 'we really didn't kill her. . . .'
Maybe they didnt want to take her to get any treatment because they had recently
been turned in for child abuse and knew how the beating marks and injuries would look. . . . .
and maybe going to hospital would take them away from their virtual role play.

Do I suspect there may have been abuse also of a sort by the dad? Yes.

However this is only one of several possible scenarios & dwelling on it won't bring her back.

This little ten years old never got to grow up and be that promising, compassionate doctor
that children & their parents would have loved to see walk into the examination room.
She never got to be that loving teacher that would inspire a generation of children.
She will never be that policewoman that saves little abused children from monster parents.

So some of you out there reading will have to take up the banner for her and do great
and good things that she might have done, or if you cannot do great things remember
Zahra had a great smile and you can smile at someone for Zahra, making the world
a little better place so that evil doesn't win.

Thanks isn't enough. Your closing comments make me cry. And, yes, Zahra does inspire me to actually *do* things in the world to make it better, whether it is simply smiling the same kind of joyous smile she did, contributing money to organizations that help kids, or spending time with parents who need support and information about how to properly care for their kids. Or anything else that will have a chain-reaction effect for good on the world. We never know what effect even our trivial behaviors can and does have on those around us or those three or four of more people down the line...
psoted this in the link area also but no discussion allowed there so bring it also here

Anyone able to find another source???
Jailhouse Letters to a Cousin Claim that Zahra Had Been Sick and was Found Dead

She also wrote letters to a cousin wherein she stated that "I found Zahra dead." Elisa Baker, Zahra's stepmother, says that Zahra had been sick for some time. She seems to be pointing the finger at her husband and he is staying quiet.
I think Z died from neglect. I think she was sick; either from recurrence of cancer or sepsis from an ill-fitting prosthetic.

All MOO.

Someone on the threads was explaining about those sepsis sores, and I think that is a very very strong possibility. They are easily gotten just by walking on the leg too much or standing too much. I have a friend who is has prosthesis on both legs at the thighs and sometimes her sores on the stump are so horrid and bad that she cannot put those legs on for days. If Z was made to keep wearing that 2 year-old too-small ill-fitting prosthetic, that would kill her in time if those sores were allowed or made to fester until sepsis set in. Then I would think there would be the vomiting, etc. In any case, abuse is still the culprit -- and what they did to the body afterwards would chill the spine of any jury. I see them both walking the plank when the time comes.
A thought about the woodchipper occurred to me the other day and I had to mull it over a bit before I posted it here.

I'm not sure the woodchipper was used. I'm on a fence here because of a few things:

The searches that included the woodchipper occurred after EB was arrested (IIRC), she may have told LE that she found Zahra deceased and that AB was the one that disposed of Zahra's body, that she wasn't with him when he did so but he did it using the woodchipper.

LE has done forensics. We haven't heard back and/or they aren't going to comment. But I recall in one MSM article LE was said to have stated that the chipper was no longer a big lead (or viable lead or something to that effect).

So not knowing either way, because it hasn't been spoken about specifically by LE~ I wonder if EB did lie to LE about the woodchipper and because when a scenario like that is given they must investigate to determine to use it or rule it out if they have now discovered she was lying and are still looking for Zahra.

Just something I pondered the other day when I heard about the letters, and then thought about no evidence being found of a body going through a woodchipper (the other case involving the disposal of a body through a woodchipper involved the woodchipper facing a creek or river IIRC) not a field or backyard.

Just some thoughts about theorizing about the woodchipper. JMHO
A thought about the woodchipper occurred to me the other day and I had to mull it over a bit before I posted it here.

I'm not sure the woodchipper was used. I'm on a fence here because of a few things:

The searches that included the woodchipper occurred after EB was arrested (IIRC), she may have told LE that she found Zahra deceased and that AB was the one that disposed of Zahra's body, that she wasn't with him when he did so but he did it using the woodchipper.

LE has done forensics. We haven't heard back and/or they aren't going to comment. But I recall in one MSM article LE was said to have stated that the chipper was no longer a big lead (or viable lead or something to that effect).

So not knowing either way, because it hasn't been spoken about specifically by LE~ I wonder if EB did lie to LE about the woodchipper and because when a scenario like that is given they must investigate to determine to use it or rule it out if they have now discovered she was lying and are still looking for Zahra.

Just something I pondered the other day when I heard about the letters, and then thought about no evidence being found of a body going through a woodchipper (the other case involving the disposal of a body through a woodchipper involved the woodchipper facing a creek or river IIRC) not a field or backyard.

Just some thoughts about theorizing about the woodchipper. JMHO
FWIW I've kinda given up the woodchipper theory since LE literally destroyed the inside of the house - focusing on the kitchen (dismanteling the fridge - if true, taking out piece of plumbing, parts of the floor, ceiling and walls) - can't get a woodchipper inside a house - KWIM?
I was thinking about the wood chipper also and I thought about a heavy piece of wood used to beat poor Zahra (RIP) with and that being destroyed in the chipper. I know how awful that sounds but I generally believe in the dogs and I think one had hit on the motor.
FWIW I've kinda given up the woodchipper theory since LE literally destroyed the inside of the house - focusing on the kitchen (dismanteling the fridge - if true, taking out piece of plumbing, parts of the floor, ceiling and walls) - can't get a woodchipper inside a house - KWIM?

They reported either on NG or JVM that the woodchipper had been completely ruled out. I was shocked when I heard that, but it was earlier in the week. Did anyone else hear that? tia
FWIW I've kinda given up the woodchipper theory since LE literally destroyed the inside of the house - focusing on the kitchen (dismanteling the fridge - if true, taking out piece of plumbing, parts of the floor, ceiling and walls) - can't get a woodchipper inside a house - KWIM?

They reported either on NG or JVM that the woodchipper had been completely ruled out. I was shocked when I heard that, but it was earlier in the week. Did anyone else hear that? tia

Considering what they've done to that house to gather evidence and take it to be tested, I believe that they would've confiscated and/or taken apart the woodchipper(s) if they thought they had been used at all. MOO.
Did they paint the ceramic pink tile in the bathroom black ? It looks to me like they did, and did a REALLY sloppy job of it too! Look at the paint on the toilet
I had posted a theory and all of other stuff before Zahra had her own thread, and Im afraid Ill never find it again...of course my theory has changed a little bit (not much)

I think that she was dead quite a while before being reported missing. I do think she was physically abused and probably sexually as well. I believe they were sadistic and I believed they used Zahra more and more as a piece in their games (it hurts to write all this), the abuse I believe was so bad that Zahra could not be seen by ANYONE, which is why family, neighbors, school, etc hadnt seen her in so long. I think she died during one of these games, and perhaps the prostetic leg was involved in some way, perhaps even the murder weapon (because of the manner in which is was disposed of). I think she died on the bed and may have even layed there for a long time injured and dying and EB and AB would not risk getting medical attention to her because of the very obvious signs of abuse. I think the rest of the body was dismembered (perhaps even canabalized-Ive been holding my tongue on that for so long), and discarded in various locations and even by by various means (including some bones through the wood chipper, other parts flushed down the toilet, and washed down the sink). I think they spent ALOT of time trying to cover up evidence (fire, painting, replacing the mattress, etc) and coming up with their "plan". I think that they got wind of Zahras mother success in locating them, and figured it was time to have her "missing". I fear that this dear child was kept in her room all the time and only "came up" when AB and EB had a use for her. The abuse started with EB and escalated, involving AB and it just grew and grew until Zahra died. All MOO and all that. I hope they have the answers soon....this case has touched me deeply, more so than any other...and that is saying alot.
In keeping with the notion that in each lie is a little bit of the truth, I think that the comment AB made to the 911 operator about Zahra entering puberty & brooding may hold something important.

I mean, why would a parent come screaming the child is missing...just because a child is not in the house...would that be reason for such alarm?


Repectfully snipped by me.

A parent would act like that if said child was never allowed to leave...not that that was true of course, I mean I dont believe she did come out screaming, but I do believe it was explained in such a way because the truth was that it WOULD be abnormal for Zahra not to be in the house,more like in her room, because the poor child never got to leave her room. You are right...there is the truth in that statement RIGHT THERE.
I had posted a theory and all of other stuff before Zahra had her own thread, and Im afraid Ill never find it again...of course my theory has changed a little bit (not much)

I think that she was dead quite a while before being reported missing. I do think she was physically abused and probably sexually as well as part of the "games" that AB and EB played. I believe they were sadistic and I believed they used Zahra more and more as a piece in their games (it hurts to write all this), the abuse I believe was so bad that Zahra could not be seen by ANYONE, which is why family, neighbors, school, etc hadnt seen her in so long. I think she died during one of these games, and perhaps the prostetic leg was involved in some way, perhaps even the murder weapon (because of the manner in which is was disposed of). I think she died on the bed and may have even layed there for a long time injured and dying and EB and AB would not risk getting medical attention to her because of the very obvious signs of abuse. I think the rest of the body was dismembered (perhaps even canabalized-Ive been holding my tongue on that for so long), and discarded in various locations and even by by various means (including some bones through the wood chipper, other parts flushed down the toilet, and washed down the sink). I think they spent ALOT of time trying to cover up evidence (fire, painting, replacing the mattress, etc) and coming up with their "plan". I think that they got wind of Zahras mother success in locating them, and figured it was time to have her "missing". I fear that this dear child was kept in her room all the time and only "came up" when AB and EB had a use for her. The abuse started with EB and escalated, involving AB and it just grew and grew until Zahra died. All MOO and all that. I hope they have the answers soon....this case has touched me deeply, more so than any other...and that is saying alot.

I'm with out on all these points. Except that I'm also considering that she may not have died as a result of abuse, but rather to keep her from exposing the truth about the abuse...either verbally, or by her body giving the secret away.
I think Z died from neglect. I think she was sick; either from recurrence of cancer or sepsis from an ill-fitting prosthetic.

They left her in her room, sick and dying. They did not seek medical treatment for her because they didn't want anyone nosing around (imo, because AB is here illegally and also both had warrants out). So, they let her be sick. When she died, they couldn't call authorities because they do prosecute parents who do not get medical treatment for their kids in the US. And also the previous problems; illegal, warrants.

So, they disposed of Z and made up this cockamamie story to explain why Z was gone.

All MOO.

I might be changing my mind. Bio mom's story about finding out where Z was, just before she went 'missing', is nagging at me. I'm back to the drawing board with theories. :waitasec:

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