Theories we have regarding Kyron's disappearance

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She can't fight for her daughter without opening herself up to questions about Kyron's disappearance because what happened to him would be germane in any question of custody. So if she is innocent, she risks giving LE and the prosecutor material with which to convict her; if she is guilty--same thing. The only "fight" that can help her is to prove her innocence, which may be impossible even if she is innocent.

She wouldn't see her daughter in jail, anyway. I am sure her attorneys have instructed her to sit still and take it. If she is innocent--it's a terrible injustice, but like Kaine and Desiree, she has in essence lost her child; if she is guilty--she shouldn't have custody anyway.
One of our members found a blog site the other day and there was a bit of a conversation about it where our members pointed out that not only was it full of unfounded gossip, but it led to someone asking for money. I wanted to leave it so y'all could be forewarned, but didn't want to point it out to the internet so it would get even more traffic. So at the request of our well-intentioned member who asked that it be removed, I zapped all the posts about it.

Feel free to contact me, Daisy7 or Grandmaj if you find blogs and want to post them and we'll let you know if they are allowed. :tyou:

Thank you for that, Kimster. If I am thinking of that same blog, it's author has a criminal history and has been involved in other extreme opinion in various forms. A quick google search will reveal some of her history. It is cases like this in which I believe that consequences for slander should be enforced more often. What a horrible website.
My theory is LE should start looking around for another suspect.
Hello Everyone ...

We really have not had "new news" about Kyron ... and this is heartbreaking ! :(

I sure hope this does NOT become a "cold case" ... :maddening:

I just wish there was "something" ... "anything" ... that LE would share with the public as to where this case stands at this time ...:maddening:

I have been re-reading many of the "older" threads here to "refresh my memory" on the details ... I am following other cases and my "brain" can remember only so much ... :innocent:

Kyron was so PROUD of his Science Fair Project ... and you can just see it in his SMILE from the photo taken of him !

It is just very frustrating that we have heard NOTHING ...

Where are you Kyron ?
wow thanks for your post, do you mean as a sole person or as a team/multiple person event?

I believe it could be one person, POSSIBLY with some help, probably not a "ring" of any sort. And, NO, I ain't gonna name names and get banned.

Hello Everyone ...

We really have not had "new news" about Kyron ... and this is heartbreaking ! :(

I sure hope this does NOT become a "cold case" ... :maddening:
I just wish there was "something" ... "anything" ... that LE would share with the public as to where this case stands at this time ...:maddening:

I have been re-reading many of the "older" threads here to "refresh my memory" on the details ... I am following other cases and my "brain" can remember only so much ... :innocent:

Kyron was so PROUD of his Science Fair Project ... and you can just see it in his SMILE from the photo taken of him !

It is just very frustrating that we have heard NOTHING ...

Where are you Kyron ?

BBM As far as I'm concerned, this has been a cold case for a very long time. LE, for whatever reason, tunneled in on ONE suspect who ain't talkin'. I believe, :cow: this case has been orchestrated from the get go.

'Course that's only :cow:
Thinking about this last night...wonder why Desiree has never been more specific about whatever TH supposedly wrote in the emails that show she "hates" Kyron? She doesn't seem to be afraid to say what she thinks and I don't see what it could hurt, at this point. I wonder if the comments really were not that horrible, since Kaine doesn't seem to have had the same reaction; you would think that he would be equally horrified, or even more, knowing that this woman lived in his home with his child, if the comments were as bad as Desiree indicates, and instead, he has seemed to have backed away in recent months as to whether or not TH is even involved. I am starting to think that TH's emails were not as hateful as Desiree says, except in the context that Kyron went missing, if that makes sense. Lots of stepmothers and fathers probably do not love their stepchildren as much as we'd like and probably comment about them to their intimates, assuming privacy.

Anyway, just confused as to why Kaine did not have same violent reaction as Desiree...
and of course, JMO.
Thinking about this last night...wonder why Desiree has never been more specific about whatever TH supposedly wrote in the emails that show she "hates" Kyron? She doesn't seem to be afraid to say what she thinks and I don't see what it could hurt, at this point. I wonder if the comments really were not that horrible, since Kaine doesn't seem to have had the same reaction; you would think that he would be equally horrified, or even more, knowing that this woman lived in his home with his child, if the comments were as bad as Desiree indicates, and instead, he has seemed to have backed away in recent months as to whether or not TH is even involved. I am starting to think that TH's emails were not as hateful as Desiree says, except in the context that Kyron went missing, if that makes sense. Lots of stepmothers and fathers probably do not love their stepchildren as much as we'd like and probably comment about them to their intimates, assuming privacy.

Anyway, just confused as to why Kaine did not have same violent reaction as Desiree...
and of course, JMO.

Could she not be being specific because LE wants her to, for the purposes of building a legal case?

If there's not some strategic legal/LE reason, then I don't get it either.
Could she not be being specific because LE wants her to, for the purposes of building a legal case?

If there's not some strategic legal/LE reason, then I don't get it either.

I suppose she could be, but she has said so many things about Terri I can't imagine what a few more words would matter at this point, especially so long after the fact now. And there might never be a court case, at this rate. You'd think she would really want to get it out there. JMO
She can't fight for her daughter without opening herself up to questions about Kyron's disappearance because what happened to him would be germane in any question of custody. So if she is innocent, she risks giving LE and the prosecutor material with which to convict her; if she is guilty--same thing. The only "fight" that can help her is to prove her innocence, which may be impossible even if she is innocent.

She wouldn't see her daughter in jail, anyway. I am sure her attorneys have instructed her to sit still and take it. If she is innocent--it's a terrible injustice, but like Kaine and Desiree, she has in essence lost her child; if she is guilty--she shouldn't have custody anyway.

I think she has much to hide about Kyron's disappearance....and that's why she won't be getting a divorce anytime soon.
An innocent woman who really loved her baby would fight for the right to be a mother. An innocent woman would admit to affairs, an alcohol problem...those things can be overcome while still having contact with the baby, and they are problems that could be addressed in the civil case. An innocent woman would want closure. An innocent woman would go to rehab and get her life straightened out for her son and for her daughter.

TH is just waiting for Kaine to give in, or get to a point where he needs to move on with his life. She and her legal team are trying to manipulate him through the legal system, and the judge really can't do much about it at this point because of the complications. TH and her lawyers are waiting for Kaine to have time to heal, and get to a place where he needs closure in order to have any quality of life with and for Kiara.
It may take years, but TH can stay out of jail and live comfortably with her parents in the meantime, if she just hangs on....and if Kyron's body is never found.

It's like a lengthy game of legal chicken.....
What's your feeling on this? Do you think he was flown out?

always have -
Kyron loved flying too...
at 7 years old
he could have known about the flight
and thats what the big smile is for
in the science fair picture.
it also would explain the nervous reaction
of holding onto the desk behind him
in order to settle his fidgiting and excitement.
my suggestion - which I am currently doing also -
is to figure out who had aircraft registered there
or pin down a flight log for the 4th of june 2010.

I'm not very internet savvy...maybe someone else can rule all this out.
My latest theory is that TH was drugging Kyron so that he would exhibit the symptoms she claimed he had. She said that she was the one who discovered his need for glasses....
Maybe she wanted to be the one who found out he had some other "medical problem" so she was creating one for him.
Then she could once again be the expert on Kyron, and all the problems she claimed he was causing would, in her mind, have a basis in fact. She was creating the medical issue for her own malevolent reasons.
I think she gave him something that morning, and he possibly started having a bad reaction, and she got him away from the school to try and do something about it, and cover up what she had done.
I think she planned for Kyron to exhibit symptoms at school, and have the teacher witness it, and put it in her report to the DR. Or even to call her and have her come get Kyron because he was ill at school, and that would be noted.
She was setting Kyron up to be the kid with "issues" and herself as the only one who could handle him because she enjoyed torturing Kyron. Her claims about Kyron would be validated in Kaine's eyes. It was her way of taking out her anger at Kaine without getting a divorce, and losing her financial support. Kaine was Terri's cash cow, but Kyron was a road block. I think she eventually would have killed Kyron, but was planning it out so that he had health problems beforehand, and no one would be suspicious. Then Terri would have Kaine, Kiara, the comfortable life, and no Kyron or Desiree to deal with.
Her plan went awry when she possibly overdosed him, and he died in the truck while she was trying to sober him up or figure out what to do.
My latest theory is that TH was drugging Kyron so that he would exhibit the symptoms she claimed he had. She said that she was the one who discovered his need for glasses....
Maybe she wanted to be the one who found out he had some other "medical problem" so she was creating one for him.
Then she could once again be the expert on Kyron, and all the problems she claimed he was causing would, in her mind, have a basis in fact. She was creating the medical issue for her own malevolent reasons.
I think she gave him something that morning, and he possibly started having a bad reaction, and she got him away from the school to try and do something about it, and cover up what she had done.
I think she planned for Kyron to exhibit symptoms at school, and have the teacher witness it, and put it in her report to the DR. Or even to call her and have her come get Kyron because he was ill at school, and that would be noted.
She was setting Kyron up to be the kid with "issues" and herself as the only one who could handle him because she enjoyed torturing Kyron. Her claims about Kyron would be validated in Kaine's eyes. It was her way of taking out her anger at Kaine without getting a divorce, and losing her financial support. Kaine was Terri's cash cow, but Kyron was a road block. I think she eventually would have killed Kyron, but was planning it out so that he had health problems beforehand, and no one would be suspicious. Then Terri would have Kaine, Kiara, the comfortable life, and no Kyron or Desiree to deal with.
Her plan went awry when she possibly overdosed him, and he died in the truck while she was trying to sober him up or figure out what to do.

finally -
someone with even more chilling insight into potential theories than me...
I do hope you're wrong though...
cuz it would trample all over my happy ending theories.
would like to add also that Websleuths is still my favorite site for subjects like this.
I've wandered off for quite a while but now I remember why I came in the first place.
My latest theory is that TH was drugging Kyron so that he would exhibit the symptoms she claimed he had. She said that she was the one who discovered his need for glasses....
Maybe she wanted to be the one who found out he had some other "medical problem" so she was creating one for him.
Then she could once again be the expert on Kyron, and all the problems she claimed he was causing would, in her mind, have a basis in fact. She was creating the medical issue for her own malevolent reasons.
I think she gave him something that morning, and he possibly started having a bad reaction, and she got him away from the school to try and do something about it, and cover up what she had done.
I think she planned for Kyron to exhibit symptoms at school, and have the teacher witness it, and put it in her report to the DR. Or even to call her and have her come get Kyron because he was ill at school, and that would be noted.
She was setting Kyron up to be the kid with "issues" and herself as the only one who could handle him because she enjoyed torturing Kyron. Her claims about Kyron would be validated in Kaine's eyes. It was her way of taking out her anger at Kaine without getting a divorce, and losing her financial support. Kaine was Terri's cash cow, but Kyron was a road block. I think she eventually would have killed Kyron, but was planning it out so that he had health problems beforehand, and no one would be suspicious. Then Terri would have Kaine, Kiara, the comfortable life, and no Kyron or Desiree to deal with.
Her plan went awry when she possibly overdosed him, and he died in the truck while she was trying to sober him up or figure out what to do.

I think this is an excellent theory. Thank you.
finally -
someone with even more chilling insight into potential theories than me...
I do hope you're wrong though...
cuz it would trample all over my happy ending theories.

I would dearly love to be wrong....and more than likely my theory is incorrect.

A living Kyron would be the greatest blessing for his family, and for all of us who have come to care for him.....Kyron...our little tree frog expert.

But sadly I just don't believe it will end the way we all hope it will.

Terri is a very good liar and manipulator. She also seems to be a planner. I think she planned to do something one way or the other to save her financial status. She was not getting along with Kaine, and she saw Kyron as an obstacle. Once she had Kiara, she no longer needed Kyron to mother. She had her own real Kaine baby to show off. But Kyron could be used to get what she I have no doubt that she set that poor helpless little boy up to take the fall for all her misery and anger and twisted needs.
I think the whole DR. appointment was planned to ensure that Kyron was labeled as having something wrong again....just like the glasses.

I also think she was trying to set up Michael Cook to be her new source of financial security.
He was available,and he came with a professional salary. I think she had him in her sights because Kaine was clearly gone for good and her nice comfortable middle class life was coming to an abrupt end. She used her husbands as a way to finance her life, and each one was a step up from the last one. Michael Cook would've been a nice catch financially speaking...
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