
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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There are still a few things that don’t seem to add up with this murder. I am beginning to have another theory of what could have occured.

First…NC didn't fell well at the party it's been said. She still attended for hours and still planned on painting with JA. JA never said NC put her plans on hold to see how she felt in the morning.

What if NC was drugged with say, the date rape drug or something similar (slow acting) before BC left the BBQ at the Duncan's or put in her drink in the frig such as an energy drink that was already open hoping she would sip it when she came home. (could be her routine before she goes to bed)

Second…a drug of this nature he could get her clothes off and put others on her. He would know exactly what she was wearing this way.

Third…she had been sleeping in her daughter's bedroom. I just don't think he would suffocate her with a child there and risk doing it to wake the girls. Even if she was in sleeping in a guest room she would have struggled and made some noise.

If it was done upstairs in a bedroom he would have to get her down the stairs then and either her feet bouncing on the stairs or hitting the walls if he carried her. Noise again.

Fourth…strangulation should show a struggle. Noise being made, possibility something would break or maybe wake the girls up.

Fifth…the silt basin area where NC was found had a black flexible tubing the LE moved around and placed it specifically in a certain area on the white plastic. It is not there any longer since the crime scene tape was removed. If they were pumping the water out it doesn't make sense to drain it out over the highest peak when tube was long enough to put to the side of the basin to drain it.

Is it possible BC took her to this spot in the wooded area, gave her a blow to the head thinking she was dead. She crawled with the little energy she had left to the white plastic couldn't get over the hump because it was too steep, and crawled to the area she was found and just couldn't go any further??

Was she so sick or mentally out of it he got her to get into the car with no problem having her think he was taking her to the hospital? This could answer the reason her purse was in the car.

IF she is alert enough she asks about the kids…He could have placed a fake phone call to one of her friends to watch the kids. BC convinces NC the friend just entered the front door and they came out thru the garage, so she missed the friend who went in.

I know NOTHING about this drug or something like this that can be used on a victum….but I understand you can get the person to do about anything. Was she so weak and sick she just wanted to get to the hospital, but instead was taken to the site she was found.

How simple to get her to get into the car, no force, no struggle, no blood or fluids…..

The reason I am being to lean towards it might not have happened at home is because of this black tubing over the plastic at the site. BC has allowed LE in from the beginning, he knows there is no evidence at the house or in the vehicles. Some say she was partially clothed, did he take her in her outfit from Diana's, and have her jogging clothes together in the car. He just happened to forget something she usually wore. Some say they think he had scratches...this could be due to the brush at the site NC was found.

This isolated area would be chosen since NO one could hear what was occurring in this cul-de-sac.

This is JMO.

Mom, I have had this thought about the possibility of a date rape drug. If something like that is found in her system, then it could easily be explained by somebody giving it to her at the party. I thought that it might be possible that someone else may have been hired to finish it off, so to speak. Of course Brad could have worked alone, if did do this. If the drug was found in her system (IDK if that is possible), then that would definitely raise questions. After having this drug it would be very difficult to go jogging in the morning, for example.
One of the main reasons I don't think this crime was preplanned is because if it was, wouldn't Brad (or whoever the killer is) have secured ALL the cleaning products he might need ahead of time so that he didn't have to get 'detergent' at the store?

I can see needing to go to the store to get juice and milk...but going back for LAUNDRY DETERGENT? That just doesn't seem very smart to me...unless he really needed it for some reason and it couldn't wait till later on.

And I can't think of an innocent reason why he absolutely HAD TO have laundry detergent between 6am and 7am that day (and no, I do not believe he needed it to wash tennis clothes).
Not every killer who plans in advance gets everything right. Perhaps he thought there was enough in the house and then discovered belatedly there wasn't.
First of all, I DO think it was preplanned. He does NOT seem the type to do anything spontaneous. He has his life mapped out. It didn't include paying child support, alimony, his 401K that he'd worked for 8 years for, the proceeds of the house, having two children miles away in another country. No,................IMO, was premeditated.

Without a degree in Murder, when the time comes, expect the unexpected. Including dirty laundry. He just didn't know he had no detergent. What was so important that he needed to do wash at 4 in the morning? :rolleyes:

Just sayin'
How many men do you know that would wash clothes that early in the morning, much less run to the store for 1 item? None of my acquaintance. I asked and was told in various ways "no way; not unless it was an emergency; only if the wife/gf sent me; or there'd better be more items to pick up so I wouldn't have to go back later."

Something needed to be washed. Carpet, blanket, sheet, clothing, hers or his or both that he felt he had to go get the detergent.
Could be the case,

but in order for that to have happened, she still had to leave on her run from home, which is not supposed to be her normal pattern.

She would have also had to set out on her run earlier than we have heard.

It would run a risk that the kids were awake and alone, even though they are young, they can still talk.

Also does not explain why she was running an abnormal route.

That scenario could still work if Brad convinced her that he'd run with her and they'd take a quick run closer to home since the kids were asleep. True, he risks being seen and I personally don't believe that happened.
the idea of a "date rape" type drug being used -- hadn't given that much thought until i read MomTo3Kids theory. i was thinking more along the lines of a "hate mode" confrontation that escalated tragically...IF BC did this. but if a drug was involved, it could explain why she wasn't feeling well, it would slow her down and she would not be able to fight back as aggessively as she might normally be capable of, enabling the attacker to more effectively subdue her. of course, IMO, that would indicate premeditation....OTOH, don't date rape drugs usually knock you out fairly quickly?
i was so NOT on the fence when i first read about this in the local paper, both feet were solidly planted on the ground on the side where BC did it -- i have no explanation as to why i am back up on the fence. perhaps it's all that i realize i do not know.
on a side note, maybe the reason BC "allowed", if you will, NC to travel to see her parents for a week or to go to the beach w/friends was because when she was gone, he could do whatever he wanted, see whoever he wanted, spend the night wherever he wanted. in a sense, he was still controlling the situation. just a thought.
the idea of a "date rape" type drug being used -- hadn't given that much thought until i read MomTo3Kids theory. i was thinking more along the lines of a "hate mode" confrontation that escalated tragically...IF BC did this. but if a drug was involved, it could explain why she wasn't feeling well, it would slow her down and she would not be able to fight back as aggessively as she might normally be capable of, enabling the attacker to more effectively subdue her. of course, IMO, that would indicate premeditation....OTOH, don't date rape drugs usually knock you out fairly quickly?
i was so NOT on the fence when i first read about this in the local paper, both feet were solidly planted on the ground on the side where BC did it -- i have no explanation as to why i am back up on the fence. perhaps it's all that i realize i do not know.
on a side note, maybe the reason BC "allowed", if you will, NC to travel to see her parents for a week or to go to the beach w/friends was because when she was gone, he could do whatever he wanted, see whoever he wanted, spend the night wherever he wanted. in a sense, he was still controlling the situation. just a thought.

Wasn't she feeling ill because of the Chrone's disease? I worked with a girl once who had it, and it was pretty debilitating. And I remember we had some problems with our insurance company because of it. I'm not sold on any kind of date rape or any other kind of drugging. I pretty much still think it was a crime of passion, an argument that got horribly out of hand.
Wasn't she feeling ill because of the Chrone's disease? I worked with a girl once who had it, and it was pretty debilitating. And I remember we had some problems with our insurance company because of it. I'm not sold on any kind of date rape or any other kind of drugging. I pretty much still think it was a crime of passion, an argument that got horribly out of hand.

that has been my gut feeling all along, but i keep trying to see other theories and how they could fit what i know. so, i go back and look at what i know and realize, i don't know too much!!! :crazy:
i generally make up my mind quickly on things but i have a LE friend that asks me, "so your mind's made up?" on those quick occasions when i am dismissive of any other possibility, he throws new info at me and i realize that things are not always what they seem. i know that to an extent but, well, my argument to him is that sometimes things are exactly what they seem.
FWIW, my LE friend was not with me on BC's guilt early-on...what caused him to lean waaayyy over to my thought process was the CISCO warrant and BC not being there for his children at the service in Cary. i find it quite interesting the things that change people's minds!
I don't think he ever intended to kill her......I'll give him that. I'm assuming there was never any physical violence previously or, as vocal and open as she was, she would have mentioned it to her friends or family.

Their marriage was apparently at the brink, and BC himself alluded to that in his affidavit. From reading through all the statements I pretty much came to the conclusion that the straw that broke the camel's back, if you will, was her being PO'd cause the house was a wreck and there was no food when she came back from HH and he was PO'd cause she was painting for some extra money.

Seems like crazy reasons to get into a deadly fight but I think that's what happened. Tensions were high and someone snapped. As to which one of them actually started the fight.....I dunno.
I think Brad spent the time Nancy was away with her family to plan her murder. He may not have figured out the exact moment, but he planned it just the same. From what I've seen, he doesn't do anything without thinking it through very carefully and acting in a determined manner.

I think Brad spent the time Nancy was away with her family to plan her murder. He may not have figured out the exact moment, but he planned it just the same. From what I've seen, he doesn't do anything without thinking it through very carefully and acting in a determined manner.


It seems planned to me also. The timing, the fact that she was getting it together to leave, is what makes me think so. I wonder if he ever put the green card application in, or if he just told Nancy that he had done this. If he didn't then this may be another flag.

For those of you that believe that Brad is innocent, what theories do you have, given that it was considered not to be random?
I just don't think he planned it. For as smart a guy as he supposedly is I think if it had been planned he would have hidden her body and would have known some kind of clean up would be necessary, even if he killed her outside he'd have known he'd need to clean his own clothing afterward. Plus I think he lacks the emotional security to plan it. Remember, a planned murder would mean a planned confrontation. I could be wrong.
I don't think he 'planned it either'. We've read the affidavits and the post from his Canadian ex.
This guy just exploded that nite, imo. He was obviously stronger than her and in a rage he could have broken her neck in a second.

And all this talk about him not going to the memorials - the fact is, Nancy and Brad despised each other and not going was easy for him to do. He's probably still mad at her for making him do what he did. I agree he should have done it for the children's sake but that's not how a self-centered person thinks.
I just don't think he planned it. For as smart a guy as he supposedly is I think if it had been planned he would have hidden her body and would have known some kind of clean up would be necessary, even if he killed her outside he'd have known he'd need to clean his own clothing afterward. Plus I think he lacks the emotional security to plan it. Remember, a planned murder would mean a planned confrontation. I could be wrong.

I agree, I don't think he sat around planning to kill her and what he would do after he killed her. I maintain this was a crime of passion. That doesn't mean he didn't think about how he would like her dead - maybe even half-way planning what he would do. I just do not think he was far enough along on the process to plan the whole thing out.

Since we're throwing theories out - how about this? Maybe she came home after the BBQ and they began arguing. Perhaps it was so intense they both realized they should not be discussing these issues around the children (the children were asleep but may be awakened by the arguing).

So, they took it outside for a while, then decided to take a drive and park to talk it out. (Lord knows, I've taken many a drive to work things out.) Maybe the dump site is where they finally ended up parking to work it all out.

Just another theory out of many -IMO.
That might also explaing how her purse and phone were still in the car

CH - I don't think she would have left the children alone. I know I wouldn't. Good point about the purse and phone. Maybe she decided she was leaving for the nite and he yanked her out of the car.
CH - I don't think she would have left the children alone. I know I wouldn't. Good point about the purse and phone. Maybe she decided she was leaving for the nite and he yanked her out of the car.

I agree leaving the children at home would be an issue - I personally would not want to do that.

Maybe they just sat in the car talking and he unilaterally decided to take a drive.

I dunno - just thought I would throw that our there.
Perhaps the purse was thrown into the car to make it look as though she might have been abducted from the house, perhaps as a back up theory to her actually going jogging (on a route she never ran) where she was abducted.

Or, perhaps she decided to take the children and go elsewhere for the night because of a fight, put the purse into the car prior to getting the children up and out to the car.
Or, perhaps she decided to take the children and go elsewhere for the night because of a fight, put the purse into the car prior to getting the children up and out to the car.

Hey Molly! :)Now that's a thought!
I'm thinking that an argument ensued, it was quiet in the house with the kids sleeping, Brad put his hand over Nancy's mouth to keep her quiet and it went from there.

How the heck could the children not be waked up? Unless...they were in the garage? I doubt she would have come home that night through the garage. Garage doors rumble and make so much noise. It would have waked the kids. And their garage door is one huge one to cover the entire 2 car garage entrance.

Maybe they had a fight, she went and took a shower and he did something that way. Convenient place to be hurt, nothing to mess up or clean up so much.

It's a full moon. I'd better quit now.
I have to say your theory is very close to mine.
I will add I do not feel it was premeditated. If he thought it thru he would have taken her to Regency where she was known to jog. There is so much construction going on near the lake and so much wooded land he could have made this look like a random act that occured while she jogged.
I don't believe she walked in on him Friday nite since she was 100' from her own front door.
The break ins occuring around the area have been coming in spurts for the past 3 yrs. Purses, laptops, GPS's are the items they are looking for. The ones committing these crimes are supposedly only doing cars that are unlocked and in the early morning hrs before daylight.
At first I wondered if Nancy came home from the party to see someone in her car, confronted them, it turned to violence. But, Brad told what she was wearing to go jogging and at what time. So my theory is gone regarding a thief.
My kids are always going to the lake to walk, meet friends at the pier, or to swim. There is just no alert going on as it would be if this were a random act. I have to say that speaks volume.
Lochmere is a huge subdivision. It contains approx. 1400 homes. Pools, lakes, tennis courts, jogging trails, woods, etc. Just imagine all the females and children living there if there is danger lurking and not being alerted.

So my theory is this....IMO Brad is involved. He blew when she came in Friday nite. She finally stood up to him with her new found energy and encouragement from her family. He was not prepared for this at all.
He was already furious because of the call he received at home when Adams called looking for NC, casually mentioned painting Sat. Brad didn't know about the painting and realized he had the girls Friday nite, Sat morning and now Sat afternoon. This would encroach on his time and plans! Nancy had a glass of wine at the party, said some things that angered him further, triggering a physical reaction.

My reason behind this is...what friend needs to call at 10:30pm to confirm painting for 2pm the next day? One that has concern because of a certain tone, or a statement said when she called earlier that evening. She tossed it around to tell NC or not, and decided to call Nancy so she could be prepared for an angry Brad. This call was not about a flight out of RDU at 6am which would warrant the call. Nancy is an early riser and this friend had to know she could confirm painting early Sat morning.
I feel Adams is the link to all this, especially because of her call to NC and to the police.

Let's expand on that a bit now that we know a couple of additional things from her testimony....Why didn't JA have the plans marked on her calendar and why would NC after confirming with MH that BC could play tennis the next morning not alert them to these plans with JA? And why did JA not tell LE that she had contacted BC at 8:30 the morning of the 12th? My theory....because she was found with no defensive wounds, I think she got into a car with someone she trusted....perhaps there were two of them....maybe some uptight wives, sick of hearing their Sig others go on about their attraction to NC, maybe NC was a little flirty with the SO's, perhaps a little warning...turned out to be fatal...I think it was in a car because seat belts that are sujected to quick movement lock in place, this would have rendered her helpless. The location of the caked mud on her inside left leg could be due to her losing her bladdar and the dirt sticking to the wet area...the removal of the clothes could be due to someone watching a lot of CSI, remove all the clothes so no fibers from the car they were in could be matched...they would surely be on the shoes, socks,shorts, and t-shirt and perhaps the sports bra was too difficult to get off and since it was under the t-shirt it was deemed unimportant and the perp or perps fled. I hope that LE checked all of the cars of the friends for urine stains...

Like it or not, we know now that JA knew where NC was that morning as she had run with her, probably not to hard to determine what path she may have been on....We already know that perhaps JA was not comfortable with NC's friendship with her hubby because of how she reacted when she saw Brett on NC's cell phone....

It's just another possible scenario...because I agree, why would you call someone at 10:30 at night and then again at 8:30 in the morning over a impromptu painting thing....seems a bit anxious...and after she sat on the witness stand and said she never heard them argue and/or witnessed BC being inappropriate with NC....seems strange to call LE so soon and start screaming that BC did it.....

Just a theory, I'm not married to it....
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