Theory #1: Stranger Abduction by the "Couple in the Car"

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Dr. Doogie

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
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This thread will be to discuss the couple that attempted to get Anna into their vehicle approximately one month before she disappeared. I will copy forward the relevant material from the previous thread and re-post it her in a condensed form.
On 2/04/06, Annasbro posted the following:

"As far as I remember it here is the accounting of the incident with the car luring Anna towards it: It seemed like the middle of the day. Maybe it was a Sat. or Sunday. We used to like to walk towards the end of the canyon down the road heading east. The house where we lived was about 1.5 miles from the end of the canyon. We were approximately 1/4 mile from our house when a car passed us and pulled infront of us about 25 ft. Saturn the dog barked at the car as a woman wearing a loose fitting white shirt with embroidery on it and long dark hair opened up the back door. She spoke to us from within the car, a 4 door american sedan that was a dark green or gold. Somehow I remember it as a chevy impala late 60s - it was not new. I know cars pretty well. I thought it had the old style washington plate - white with green letters - I can't be sure about that.

When we got the dog settled down she made small talk and addressed Anna primarily - I believe . I answered for her but she continued to address Anna with small talk and questions - do you live here?, where do you go to school?, do you walk down the road often? at that point she asked if she wanted her (us - I can't remember) to ride to the end of the road with her. This creeped me out sufficiently to turn our party around and head back home. The woman closed the door and the car scooted off quickly towards the end of the canyon. I don't remember if and how I relayed the story at the time to my parents.

I didn't think much of it. I knew some creepy people would travel down that road every once in a while. A body was dumped closer to the entry of the canyon earlier that year. I just knew there was no way any of us was going to get into a car with people we didn't know and kind of put it behind me. I wish now I had played closer attention to everything."

The significance of this event cannot be overstated. This means that one month before Anna disappeared, a couple attempted to get Anna to get in their car. It would be reasonable to assume that they returned at the later time and successfully abducted Anna. This scenario raises the possibilty that Anna was taken by a family that would raise her as their daughter. And that she could be alive today, looking for her real family...
have you considered showing this to Delia Cly to see if she recognizes the description of this car? I know we don't think she is Anna, but their stories may somehow be related as far as abducting a young girl.
gardenmom said:
have you considered showing this to Delia Cly to see if she recognizes the description of this car? I know we don't think she is Anna, but their stories may somehow be related as far as abducting a young girl.
I have discussed this with Delia. She does not recognize the description of the car, but she was going to confer with a relative to see if they remember a similar vehicle.

There may be a possible link to Delia's case. Delia has a sister by the name of "Annie Kaye Davis" who is listed as being born in 1967, the same year as Anna. If Delia is correct in her suspicion that she was stolen, it is conceivable that other of her siblings were stolen also. The time line and details of Delia's story dove-tail nicely into what we know or suspect about Anna's disappearance. The family can be placed in Northern California in the early 1970's (Modesto, which is about three hours away from Half Moon Bay). Prior to them living in Modesto, the family had been in Washington state (green and white license plates?).

Delia has seen pictures of Anna and says that she cannot rule out Anna and Annie Kaye being the same, though she does not see a direct resemblence. She is going to scan some pictures of Anna Kaye for Annasmom and family to review to see if there might be a match.
I have received the pictures from Delia Cly. Unfortunately, there are many pictures of the several different family members, so I am not sure which ones are of Annie Kaye. I will sort it out with Delia and then forward the relevant pics to Annasmom.
The pictures of Annie Kaye Davis have been identified and are being reviewed by Annasmom. Results to follow...
Annasmom has reviewed the pics and Annie Kaye Davis is not Anna. There are very distinct differences in the two sets of features. I will be posting the pictures of Delia's family up soon (tonight?) on her thread. I hope to also get Annie Kaye's pics up here for you to compare for yourselves.
Dr. Doogie said:
Annasmom has reviewed the pics and Annie Kaye Davis is not Anna. There are very distinct differences in the two sets of features. I will be posting the pictures of Delia's family up soon (tonight?) on her thread. I hope to also get Annie Kaye's pics up here for you to compare for yourselves.
i ask darla about the car and it didn't sound like any cars that she remembered... sorry....
gardenmom said:
have you considered showing this to Delia Cly to see if she recognizes the description of this car? I know we don't think she is Anna, but their stories may somehow be related as far as abducting a young girl.

Thanks for joining our discussion. As you can see, we are looking under every possible stone for the answer to what happened to Anna. Good luck in your search.
One important aspect about this couple: If they returned one month after the inital abduction attempt and did take Anna (which is the most logical explaination for Anna's disappearance), then they either lived somewhere within a half-day's drive of Half Moon Bay or were in the area for an extended stay between December 1972 and January 1973. It would make sense that they were close enough to make two trips a month apart, but lived far enough away that the local media coverage of would not raise suspicion as to why they sudden had a daughter. The San Francisco media market would cover the entire Bay Area from Santa Rosa to the north, San Jose to the south and Livermore to the east. This is why (in my mind) the central valley of California is the most likely area that they would be from (from Sacramento to the north, down to Fresno or Bakersfield to the south). The central valley would be within either the Sacramento market or their own media markets, and an abductor would thus avoid the glare of public scrutiny.
Another find from the Box from Hell: when GW died, he had two phone numbers in his wallet - one of which was a number from Washington State (remember that the couple in car may have had Washington State license plates). I have contacted Joe Ford concerning this because he did a very thorough analysis of Waters' phone records after GW's death and may recall who held this number. Unfortunately, this was twenty-five years ago and whoever holds that number now is very unlikely to be the same person as in 1981.
Dr. Doogie said:
One important aspect about this couple: If they returned one month after the inital abduction attempt and did take Anna (which is the most logical explaination for Anna's disappearance), then they either lived somewhere within a half-day's drive of Half Moon Bay or were in the area for an extended stay between December 1972 and January 1973. It would make sense that they were close enough to make two trips a month apart, but lived far enough away that the local media coverage of would not raise suspicion as to why they sudden had a daughter. The San Francisco media market would cover the entire Bay Area from Santa Rosa to the north, San Jose to the south and Livermore to the east. This is why (in my mind) the central valley of California is the most likely area that they would be from (from Sacramento to the north, down to Fresno or Bakersfield to the south). The central valley would be within either the Sacramento market or their own media markets, and an abductor would thus avoid the glare of public scrutiny.
Dr. Doogie how much publicity was there in Anna's case? Did it get beyond the local area?

I'm asking because that time period was marketed by some pretty serious serial killers and Santa Cruz (just down the road) was dubbed the "Murder Capital". Seems to me the press would only mention Anna's disappearance in passing... although I could be wrong....
PonderingThings said:
Dr. Doogie how much publicity was there in Anna's case? Did it get beyond the local area?

I'm asking because that time period was marketed by some pretty serious serial killers and Santa Cruz (just down the road) was dubbed the "Murder Capital". Seems to me the press would only mention Anna's disappearance in passing... although I could be wrong....
Annasmom can probably give a more definitive answer on this, but here is what I know:

There was coverage most heavily in the Half Moon Bay Area and San Mateo County. It did receive some coverage in the Bay Area newspapers for a couple of days (initial story and a few followups) - I do not know about TV or radio coverage. Annasmom published an article in the SF Chronicle/Examiner Sunday Magazine a couple of years after Anna's disappearance that reached a good portion of Northern California. There has never been any national exposure beyond the "milk carton circuit" - postings on various missing persons sites, "Have You Seen..." mass mailings by advertisers (the type of stuff that we all here on WS pay attention to, but the general population usually ignores). The recent post about Anna's case being listed in a giveaway trucking magazine is probably the most exposure that has occured in twenty-five years. Anna has never been featured on any national newscasts or crimestopper shows like AMW or Unsolved Mysteries.

The main motivation behind Annasmom publishing her manuscript (we are working on it!) would be to create new media interest in the case. Media coverage creates more media coverage and the book will hopefully be the spark that ignites the flame.
Dr. Doogie said:
One important aspect about this couple: If they returned one month after the inital abduction attempt and did take Anna (which is the most logical explaination for Anna's disappearance), then they either lived somewhere within a half-day's drive of Half Moon Bay or were in the area for an extended stay between December 1972 and January 1973. It would make sense that they were close enough to make two trips a month apart, but lived far enough away that the local media coverage of would not raise suspicion as to why they sudden had a daughter. The San Francisco media market would cover the entire Bay Area from Santa Rosa to the north, San Jose to the south and Livermore to the east. This is why (in my mind) the central valley of California is the most likely area that they would be from (from Sacramento to the north, down to Fresno or Bakersfield to the south). The central valley would be within either the Sacramento market or their own media markets, and an abductor would thus avoid the glare of public scrutiny.
DrDoogie, you stated in earlier post that GW and GB had another room rented in the motel, could this room have been used by the abductors before, during and after the abduction? They may have even used it after just to keep Anna close to GW in case there was any need for him to be of assistance, such as keeping her sedated until she became familiar with her abductors, so not to call any attention to them. Do you know what time frame this extra room was rented? Just wondering........
Dr. Doogie said:
Another find from the Box from Hell: when GW died, he had two phone numbers in his wallet - one of which was a number from Washington State (remember that the couple in car may have had Washington State license plates). I have contacted Joe Ford concerning this because he did a very thorough analysis of Waters' phone records after GW's death and may recall who held this number. Unfortunately, this was twenty-five years ago and whoever holds that number now is very unlikely to be the same person as in 1981.
DrDoogie, I have had the same phone # for 24 years. Have you done a reverse phone # lookup to see who it belongs to? I know you can't post the # on the forum but maybe you could pm some of the good researchers and let them see what they can find out about the person who has the #. :crazy:
kyresearcher said:
DrDoogie, you stated in earlier post that GW and GB had another room rented in the motel, could this room have been used by the abductors before, during and after the abduction? They may have even used it after just to keep Anna close to GW in case there was any need for him to be of assistance, such as keeping her sedated until she became familiar with her abductors, so not to call any attention to them. Do you know what time frame this extra room was rented? Just wondering........
They had two rooms in the same hotel (650 Geary Street) - one registered to Brody and one for Waters, though they usually stayed in the same room together. Evidently, Brody also kept the room he had in a different hotel (1153 Sutter) prior to moving in with Waters a few blocks away. Evidently, they had all three rooms in January 1973, but the existance of the Sutter Street room was not known at the time when LE investigated them shortly after Anna's disappearance.
kyresearcher said:
DrDoogie, I have had the same phone # for 24 years. Have you done a reverse phone # lookup to see who it belongs to? I know you can't post the # on the forum but maybe you could pm some of the good researchers and let them see what they can find out about the person who has the #. :crazy:
I have access to some reverse search engines - I'll give it a shot.
If you visit the public library, they have the "Polk Directory". This directory is published often (if not yearly, than every other year). You can find a directory for 1972 at the library. However, this may have to be done in Washington state in the city where the area code is from. Many times a person working in the library are helpful and will look it up if a you call them. You may have to look into all years after 1973 up until 1981.

Dr. Doogie said:
I have access to some reverse search engines - I'll give it a shot.
SherlockJr said:
If you visit the public library, they have the "Polk Directory". This directory is published often (if not yearly, than every other year). You can find a directory for 1972 at the library. However, this may have to be done in Washington state in the city where the area code is from. Many times a person working in the library are helpful and will look it up if a you call them. You may have to look into all years after 1973 up until 1981.
Sherlock, I have looked on all reverse phone lookups I can find and have looked for old phone books for the Seattle, Washington area, since that is where the area code is from. I can't find any listing of the #. Joe Ford had called it sometime after Anna's disapperance and it was no longer in service. Right now I am looking on ebay for a 1970 phone directory for the Seattle, Washington area and even have a post in the Want It Now on ebay. I am going to find one and I will go throught each listing, individual and business. I am thinking this is one link that may take us to Anna. If anyone reading has one of these phone directories please pm me and if you will send it to me I will get it back to you after I search for this #.

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