Theory #3: Other Stranger Abduction

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Dr. Doogie

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
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This thread will be for discussing alternate theories of stranger abduction. I will copy forward the relevant material from the previous thread and re-post it her in a condensed form.
Dr. Doogie said:
This thread will be for discussing alternate theories of stranger abduction. I will copy forward the relevant material from the previous thread and re-post it her in a condensed form.
Today I had the idea of making up a little flyer saying that we were looking into Anna's disappearance again and giving contact information. I thought I'd put one in each mailbox along Purisima Creek Road, asking the residents if they remember anything or have ever observed anything which might relate to the case. I'll let you know what happens. Annasmom
Annasmom, that is a great idea, we want to keep interest in her case. Who knows, someone may just remember something that didn't seem important then and have been wondering about it all these years. There is nothing like a true mothers love-
Annasmom said:
Today I had the idea of making up a little flyer saying that we were looking into Anna's disappearance again and giving contact information. I thought I'd put one in each mailbox along Purisima Creek Road, asking the residents if they remember anything or have ever observed anything which might relate to the case. I'll let you know what happens. Annasmom
Great idea. I don't know which Cable provider there is in that area, but in Solano County we have Comcast Cable. They have a local channel that is for local ads, birthday wishes, notices of city hall meetings, Solano County's most wanted., etc... the "page" changes every 10 seconds or so. I am wondering if you might want to contact the Cable company and see if they have the same thing there. They may even do it free considering the reason, but I don't think its very expensive anyway. Just a thought.

Edited to add:
You may want to contact the local newspaper also and talk to someone in Classifieds. Tell them you are considering purchasing some space in the Personals to look for your missing daughter that is now a cold case and you need their help in deciding what info to include to keep costs at a minimum since you do not have LE assistance or a financial backing from a Missing Persons Organization (Polly Klaas, Carol Sund, etc)
I can betcha the person that assists you will transfer you to a reporter to do a story. It can't hurt to try.
Annasmom said:
Today I had the idea of making up a little flyer saying that we were looking into Anna's disappearance again and giving contact information. I thought I'd put one in each mailbox along Purisima Creek Road, asking the residents if they remember anything or have ever observed anything which might relate to the case. I'll let you know what happens. Annasmom
That seems like a great idea. Much in same way that Annasbro remembered new information, someone else may have info that they assumed we already had that could add to our investigation. Good thinking!
SherlockJr said:
Any updates on running ads on cable television or the flyers?
Sherlock, I'm trying to get the flyer together. Meanwhile, Kelly has included Anna's story in a trucking magazine and other places and the San Jose organization has put out their own flyers. Thanks for the reminder, though!
I have been behind the scenes trying to find anything/anyone that may have been involved. While my heart tells me it was George & George, I want to remain open minded. Has the serial killer, Phillip Joseph Hughes, Jr been considered? His victims were all from the bay area. The timeline fits but the ages are off (9-25). I believe Anna is alive and well. I hate to even consider anything different but we have to be realistic.
itsreenw said:
I have been behind the scenes trying to find anything/anyone that may have been involved. While my heart tells me it was George & George, I want to remain open minded. Has the serial killer, Phillip Joseph Hughes, Jr been considered? His victims were all from the bay area. The timeline fits but the ages are off (9-25). I believe Anna is alive and well. I hate to even consider anything different but we have to be realistic.
All things must be considered and the possibility that Anna was a victim of a predator is something that requires examination. I have not specifically looked at Hughes (though I will now).

Early on (before evidence led us to focus on George Waters and Brody), I stated that if Anna's disappearance was a stranger abduction, we needed to take a closer look at Cynthia Sumpter who was missing out of San Jose about a year after Anna went missing. Sumpter was a six year old who went missing from her front yard, never to be found. Little information is available about the Sumpter case beyond the usual missing posters at the various websites. If anyone has a desire to take a look at her case and report anything that seems to relevant, that may be a worthwhile persuit.

I also recieved a 1974 article from a poster concerning a six year old who was abducted by a predator (she was released later that day) in Santa Clara. The article references a third young girl who was kidnapped and murdered in San Jose a couple of weeks earlier. Police believed that the two cases were related. The article is pdf file (which I cannot post on my usual sight for downloads) - if anyone wants to read it, please email a request to and I will forward it to you.

What all of this means is that there was probably a serial kidnapper/murderer of young girls operating in the year following Anna's disappearance about forty miles from Half Moon Bay. If we had not found the evidence pointing toward the two Georges, this would be the most likely (yet horrific) scenario for investigation.

I do not believe that this is what happened. I believe that Anna was alive for (at least) a significant period of time after her abduction, and I have faith that she is alive today. The evidence is too strong for Waters' and Brody's involvement, and I deduce that they would not have knowingly physically harmed her.
I just did a prelimanary search concerning Phillip Joseph Hughes Jr. My immediate reaction was that this is not related. His known victims were older and had brown hair. His apparent motivation was revenge against a former girlfriend, so his victims shared common physical characteristics with her.

His name is mentioned in the disappearance of a nine-year-old, but that is the only child mentioned (and the location is in a different area then where he was known to operate, so I have my doubts concerning his involvement with that case).
itsreenw said:
I have been behind the scenes trying to find anything/anyone that may have been involved. While my heart tells me it was George & George, I want to remain open minded. Has the serial killer, Phillip Joseph Hughes, Jr been considered? His victims were all from the bay area. The timeline fits but the ages are off (9-25). I believe Anna is alive and well. I hate to even consider anything different but we have to be realistic.
I looked into Phillip Hughes several months back. I remember the timeline fit. Is he the one who was found guilty of 12 people and confessed there were more? He kinda got put on the back burner when the "plan" was discovered in the BFH.
Dr. Doogie said:
Early on (before evidence led us to focus on George Waters and Brody), I stated that if Anna's disappearance was a stranger abduction, we needed to take a closer look at Cynthia Sumpter who was missing out of San Jose about a year after Anna went missing. Sumpter was a six year old who went missing from her front yard, never to be found. Little information is available about the Sumpter case beyond the usual missing posters at the various websites. If anyone has a desire to take a look at her case and report anything that seems to relevant, that may be a worthwhile persuit.
This reminds me of something Kyresearcher sent to me a couple months ago. She found a woman living in Texas who's pic was a dead ringer for Sumpter. We conversed back and forth with e-mail and after showing her a pic of Sumpter, she was shocked to see the resemblance also. However this woman was born several years earlier. And this woman didn't go ballistic! Good work by Kyresearcher!
SherlockJr said:
I looked into Phillip Hughes several months back. I remember the timeline fit. Is he the one who was found guilty of 12 people and confessed there were more? He kinda got put on the back burner when the "plan" was discovered in the BFH.
I believe that he was convicted of three murders. I don't think he has confessed to any additional. The timeframe does fit, but the M.O. seems different.
I know alot of thought and work has gone into the theory that Brody/Waters had something to do with Anna's disapperance and I really don't see that as a bad avenue to explore. However, I have to share some doubts I have on this and push this 3rd theory back to the top.

I really am not feeling that Brody/Waters were involved in the actual disapperance, although they certainly are strange bedfellows. I don't know if it is just the recent event with John Karr coming forward and being so weird or what seems to me to be quite a few missing showing up close to home lately, but I had a dream about this. I will preface this by saying I'm not a psychic or anything or hold much faith in such things. I'm more inclined to believe my dream came because I have Anna so much in thought and events of late are starting to wrap themselves around her and this is how it comes out.

I was, in the dream, researching this case and came upon the information that one of the men was overheard to say, "Glad the tot is dead" .. not sure if this is rumor or exactly correct but I've read it here obviously and incorporated it into my subconcious enough for it to start a dream. From there, I'm a private eye (haha yeah, right) and spying on them and it dawns on me that they are clueless what happened to her. Somehow, my private eye self knows she is still alive and if they believe she is dead; then there can be no connection.

Next, I'm hiking out in your area. I have actually walked the beach all along that stretch and others when I was younger (Santa Rosa resident here). This time I was not on the beach though and more around the area you live and in the woods. I decide to look for clues to her (no longer a private eye but now a concerned citizen). As I search, I come to the creek and realize that I'm wasting my time. She is not here. She wasn't brought here and there are no clues to her here.

So, I go right up to your house. (Dreams are great for getting around fast). I am now a spirit type person and can't be seen or knock on your door, but I don't need to. As a spirit, I know you already know this and I don't have to tell you what you already know. I travel down the road a bit and I realize with crystal clarity that Anna is nearby. Just like so many others found near home, she is also near home.

My spirit self becomes torn between rather to go back to tell you this or to move next to where Anna actually is. It then becomes one of those kinda dreams where you are looking for something but can't find it and I wake up as is typical in that type of dream without ever having found what I was seeking.

I could interpret this as meaning I have nothing to tell you and no way to help you and this is how it immediately feels when I think about the dream. Just that hopeless feeling you get when you are not in control and can't do anything. Yet, I have this nagging feeling that I was given something to tell you.

I don't know if she is still alive or what happened to her, but she is near. Have you moved since she disappeared? She is near where she disappeared from. I ask about moving because I feel she is near you too (as though these are seperate nearness) which makes me worry she might not be alive. Yet, due to recent news perhaps, I just strongly feel she is very much alive. Do you work near where you used to live or visit someone/something there? Did maybe just one of you (like the brother) move, but one is still there? This is what confuses me and I'm sure you probably already answered this and I have read it and it is just lost in the storage of my brain (bad place to be lost as it is a mess in there!)

I think this 3rd theory is closer to the truth then the Brody/Waters theory. I'm sorry if that isn't what you wanted to hear or doesn't fit with what you know. I strongly believe the message from my dream is:

You need to look closer to home.

Her disappearance doesn't feel strange (Brody/Waters strange), but typical of what we see in the news today.

I could just be spending too much time thinking about her in light of recent events too and totally wrong. I did feel it would be wrong not to share this with you. Please file it as you feel appropriate. You have my support whatever you do and wherever you look. I wish I was younger again and didn't have arthritis in knees so badly. I would be out there doing some walking again. I do miss that. I probably wouldn't be looking in same places you do though. I feel a need to visit stores, shops, etc. Local stuff. Maybe the beach too. Collecting flowers, driftwood, shells, pieces of colored glass. I think I would run right into her if I did.

I wonder if I would know it.
**Quite a few of the current residents of Purissima Creek Road lived there in 1973, but others have continued to live in the HMB area, yet have moved from the place on the road (Annasmom is one example). **

Ok, just found this in the Brody/Waters thread. Hope it isn't too invasive for me to ask you how far away you moved and if anyone still lives at the old place (family or otherwise). Do you visit someone back there or go back there for some reason? Like do you still have family or other friends who live out there?
As Annasmom and I drove up Purissima Creek Road, she was identifying who lived in each house in 1973 and whether they still lived there. Half Moon Bay is a small community and the odds of Anna being raised there without being seen by someone who knew her are nill. (There is even a member here who was in Anna's kindergarten class and still follows the case to this day.) Your thoughts and even dreams are welcome here, but I doubt that in this case they are true.

There is always still the possibility that Anna fell into the creek, though I doubt that occured since it has been thoroughly explored numerous times without any evidence uncovered. Also, the fact that even if a body had eluded discovery in the immediate aftermath of Anna's disappearance, it would have undoubtedly been found sometime in the subsequent 33 years by a rancher or a fisherman along the creek. This also holds true if Anna were abducted by a predator and was killed in the immediate area - on the day that Annasmom and I travelled the road, there were at least two dozen cars parked at the trailhead near the farm with hikers swarming over a lot of different territory. Surely someone would have come across a body during this long period of time if it was there. (Just to be clear before any theories pop up about the hikers - the park and trails were not there in 1973. They are a relatively recent addition to the area.)

Concerning "I am glad the tot is dead" comment by George Waters to Brody: I am not sure what to make of it. It could mean that they had nothing to do with Anna's disappearance and just assumed that she was dead after a period of time, or it could mean that they were involved and knew that she was dead. Between the two choices, it makes me want to hope that they did not have anything to do with it (which would leave open the possibilty that Anna is alive). There are other, more esoteric possibilities such as "Anna" was dead, but the girl we know as Anna was alive under a different identity - one never knows for sure what these loons meant when they spoke. I personally have just set that statement aside for the moment to allow myself the freedom to let my mind consider any possible solutions.

While we have concentrated our research on Waters and Brody, I try to remain open to other possibilities. Since the couple in the car seem to have played some role in the disappearance, we know of at least two people that were involved (four, if you believe that Waters and Brody had a hand in it). Brody and Waters are dead, but chances are that the couple in the car are still alive. Hopefully, some clue will lead us to discovering their identities which may lead us to an answer about Anna.

There is always the possibility that someone else besides these four were responsible and I have tried to explore any possibilties that arise that do not fit the Waters/Brody theory. I have received names and reports of incidents that may be related to the case from various researchers here and have tried to slueth out any connections to Anna. I have quietly looked into the Church of Satan, the Temple of Set, and the People's Temple as possibile places that may have had motivation to abduct a little girl. I have looked at the Zodiac Killer and other serial killers who operated in the same general time and space as Anna's disappearance. I have examined other missing children from this same era and any sexual predators who may have been in the area. While anything is possible, nothing makes as much sense to me as an abduction orchestrated by Brody and Waters for some sort of financial gain.
Elberethe said:
**Quite a few of the current residents of Purissima Creek Road lived there in 1973, but others have continued to live in the HMB area, yet have moved from the place on the road (Annasmom is one example). **

Ok, just found this in the Brody/Waters thread. Hope it isn't too invasive for me to ask you how far away you moved and if anyone still lives at the old place (family or otherwise). Do you visit someone back there or go back there for some reason? Like do you still have family or other friends who live out there?

Elberethe, I have read your dream posting twice now and will read it again. Our family moved from the place Anna disappeared about a year later. I am the only one from the nuclear family still close by, and I now live maybe 14 miles away from Purisima Canyon. I do still know one family which lives in Purisima, and as I said in the other thread, Doogie and I drove up and down the road several times last Saturday. We also drove down the canyon road which joins up with Purisima. There is yet another canyon roughly parallel with Purisima which is much more rural and spread out and which connects at one end with Highway 35 (Skyline) and at the other end with the Coast Highway. Doogie and I had no reason to travel down this long, winding road, since we were mostly collecting post office box numbers for the mailing of the flier informing neighbors that the search for Anna was still on, and giving them contact information. These were mailed Monday.
I am very touched that Anna's case is so much on your mind that you dreamed about it. I appreciate your insight.
Hi Doogie.

Hope I didn't offend you. It certainly was not my intention and I see how much work and how much leads you have followed. No one can question how hard you have worked on this. I sure hope you aren't missing time with Annasmom to talk to me! HAH! I should just drive out there if that is the case. Seriously, though, it was just a dream and while it left some very strong impressions on me (as such dreams would do), it doesn't equate to any real information.

I will be honest with you, and say I have always (since first reading about this) believed she fell in the creek and just wasn't found. It is possible, however unlikely it may be. Mud could have covered her .. slides .. covered by debris and she never be found. The earth is unforgiving in this way. It gives up only what it wants to give up.

After the dream, I'm certain she is not there though. I can't explain why or offer any logical reasons such as you do. It did make me start to think in other directions more seriously, however. I'm also just as certain the Brody/Waters team didn't have anything to do with it. I know that goes against your gut feeling and so much work and I'm very sorry for that. I mean no disrespect to what you have done. None at all.

I also don't think they could purposely hurt/kill her either from what I have read here. Do you feel different? Kidnap, yes. I just strongly believe they are clueless. Did Waters really say that about being glad the tot was dead? He is a weird one, but honestly, Doogie, I can't see him feeling that way. I could see him saying more to the effect of being glad he doesn't have to pay child support, but that is way different then being glad someone (your own child) is dead. Not doubting you; just find it very hard to wrap myself around that really being said.

I also have been to Half Moon Bay. I lived there for a bit in the mid 80's and no one knew it. Care to know how? Yes, it is a small community and I agree if she was in school someone would recognize her. However, I strongly disagree that if she is there that someone would notice and know who she was. While not heavily populated (when I was there) it is very spread out and has very remote areas. The community may be close, but I assure you that not everyone living there is part of that community. (Unless an aweful lot changed in 10 years .. it sure did here in SR). At that time, I believe transients (farm workers for 1) were common there. It has also been a bit of a "touristy" area (even then). I mean there were visitors to the area who didn't stay long.

Besides, even in the closest of communities, we don't really know everyone. People are often not who they appear to be. How often, lately, have you heard neighbors of some community exclaim to the effect "he/she was so nice. I can't believe they would do such a thing?!"

How does that tie in to her still being in area? I have my ideas. Again, no proof though. I just think this needs to be explored more and I know you are doing all you can. I'm not questioning your efforts at all. You have done an amazing job. :clap: :dance: I'm only thinking in another direction .. as a woman, I will call that my perogative. ;)
One more quick example of the highlights (lowlights?) of what has been looked into: the musician Neil Young lives in the area not far from the place were Anna disappeared. Somewhere, in the back of this dustbin I call a mind, I recalled that a member of the band Crazy Horse (whom Neil records with frequently) was denied entry into the United States due to legal troubles and thought I remembered that it was for statutory rape. Letting my mind go to the possibilty that the bandmember could have been in the area in January 1973, I checked the discography of Neil to see if he could have been recording an album at his ranch at that time with Crazy Horse. I could never locate any information about the nature of the bandmember's legal troubles, so eventually I gave up this pursuit. (Annasmom, sometimes ya' just gotta look for zebras too.)
Thankyou for answering that question Annasmom. That makes sense to me that you are still in the area but not the exact same place. I don't want to give you any false hopes or such, but it does make sense with what I dreamed and believe.

Also, I think anyone who reads your story and comes to know Anna through your eyes, is going to always have you both on their mind. All the more reason to get that book out there. You can never have too many eyes watching. If I touched you at all then it is only because you (and Anna) have touched me.

If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask. I realize I get on odd tangents at times. I have a tendency to approach things from a different perspective then other people. Sometimes seems a curse, but I have also seen it have good results for others. I'm Native American so please forgive my awkward way of approaching problems. Most is cultural differences.

By the by, you can kick the AC out there anytime now .. it is getting kinda warm inland here ;)

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