Theory Thread - What happened at Pistorius' house on the night of Feb. 13, 2013?

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I think you have accidentally reversed the sides they slept. Reeva usually slept on the left and OP slept on the right (looking at the bed from the foot). He claims he changed sides that night due to a sore shoulder but he had had a sore shoulder for two weeks. He did agree, however, that they had slept the other way round the night before.

Thank you, IB, for keeping me straight! :D (One wonders if the PT and DT sometimes also get scrambled brains thinking of all this 24/7? LOL)

In that case then, I correct my argument: his fatal mistake was forgetting to move his shirt to the left side and Reeva’s slippers to the right side! :D

(See, Defense has totally succeeded in mucking up and muddying up the works! :lol: Confusion reins, which means OP's version must be, by default, 100% toxic garbage! LOL)

While certain logistics in my argument may have been in error, I believe the core principle remains valid:

No matter OP’s version, no matter where Reeva slept, it presented huge problems for him.

* He certainly didn't want her sleeping on the right side, as she'd be too close to the doors, fans and him - he'd see her getting out of bed.

* He certainly didn't want her sleeping on the left side either, as when he got his gun she'd be right THERE, close enough to touch and whisper to!

And as you said, if he had a sore shoulder for weeks, WHY switch sides this ONE night only? Ridiculous.

When it's all distilled out, all these inconsistencies, contradictions, improbabilities and impossibilities just prove his entire story is 24K bullsh#t.

No matter how many holes OP tried to plug in his ever-changing version, he simply didn't have enough fingers and toes to stop the inevitable new leaks. :lol:
Yes, you are quite right. It would have made much more sense for him to have stuck to his normal side. I think my brain went AWOL for a while there. On his BH affidavit, in his Pretrial Statement and on the stand he said he was closing the doors, curtains and/or was placing the jeans over the blue light when he heard a sound in the bathroom. The statements differing and his evidence changing yet again when on the stand. How anyone can believe anything he said is beyond me. I think "I shot at her four times" is about as far as the truth goes.

Lies upon lies confuse us all, and probably him most of all, none of his story was coherent or consistant with the evidence. I think your last line is truest of all.
Exactly… this is very poor strategy and form from Roux… alleging the State's case is weak because they did not call upon ALL of the witnesses…

Stating this and then NOT calling said witnesses themselves is far more telling IMO

Not to mention Defense never called its own star pathologist, Reggie Perumal! Why? LOL
3:19:03 call to standar

3:20:05 call to netcare - operator says 'get reeva to hospital, i mustn't wait for him'

and then...
3:21:33 call to security????

can someone please explain why he would call security, one and a half minutes after being told that he must get reeva urgently and straight to hospital, even before an ambulance can be sent?

talking about things that are bugging. it has always bugged me that there is apparently no transcript of the netcare call. or any netcare operator/witness that could verify the content of the call.

My theory is that the call to security is a mistake. I think he was trying to call Johan Stander back (after the NetCare call) and hit the wrong number in his contacts. When he got through, he realised his mistake, was silent and disconnected. His following call was to VoiceMail. I think this was deliberate, to check if Stander had called him back. He then gets the follow-up call from Baba and replies "Everything is fine", hoping that is the end of things .... not realising that Baba is in fact sitting outside his house. Notice how he turns his phone off immediately after this call ... it has thrown him.

All a theory, and if you'd like to help prove (or otherwise) it, try and decipher the name associated with the security number that he stored in his phone. I'm thinking it reads "6797" followed by a blob, indicating it's in his Contacts list, and the name begins with a 'J' or possibly and 'I', making it close alphabetically to "Johan Silverwoods", which is how he stored Johan Stander in his Contacts.

I think it may have been the name of someone in security that he was given when he first bought his house in Silverwoods. Perhaps something like "Jan Pretorius".

Here's the security name (on the right) from the phone usage chart call card. The name is as stored in his Contacts (very fuzzy):

Untitled picture (2).jpg

Or see the original phone usage evidence here: @ about 31:45 onwards (watch for the call card above appearing as Moller hovers over the call). Notice also the format of the names on the left hand side (e.g. # Peet, # Johan Silverwoods, etc).
BiB… There must be a space-time rift which allows AJ and Pandax to communicate via Websleuth whilst being in separate parallel Universes… :)
<snipped for brevity>

IBM... there is. And, since imo you're very bright, see if you can figure it out...
I really need to stop reading this forum late at night. I had the most scarily vivid dream about this whole incident last night, so bad that I woke up screaming apparently. My partner was shaking me and asking what was wrong. I told him my dream and his response was "yeah, that's probably how it panned out, now go to sleep" ... yeah right, as if I could get back to sleep after that!!!
Not to mention Defense never called its own star pathologist, Reggie Perumal! Why? LOL
Well, I think the "official" story was that he had other commitments, but it seems much more likely that he was unwilling to compromise his ethics by lying, in order to support the DT... unlike some of the other questionable 'experts'.
But didn't he get in at 6pm, chat to Reeva for a bit whilst on his ipad, then go up and get bathed and sat in the bath for a while, get into bed, then on his ipad again after that before going down to eat? Mmmmm
Well, I think the "official" story was that he had other commitments, but it seems much more likely that he was unwilling to compromise his ethics by lying, in order to support the DT... unlike some of the other questionable 'experts'.

I agree soozie... and furthermore I won't be in the least bit surprised if Roux uses the absence of such an important witness as one of his reasons to appeal. Grrrh...
Neither did Defense call OP’s employee, Frank. LOL (Pot, meet kettle.)

Why do they claim Makwanazi would not support the State’s case?

If Makwanazi supported OP’s version, why didn’t Roux call her as a witness himself?

Perhaps she didn't hear enough to add support to the case for Prosecution.
Does he not mean the whole dinner episode was finished at 8, not the actual meal, that's how I took it to mean anyway.
Quite some distance to carry dead weight! I reckon he moved her because he didn't want anyone going upstairs apart from people that would help him "fix" things. He knew the Standers were on their way and he wanted them to take Reeva from him to the hospital without having to go up the stairs to get her. Once they were out of the house with Reeva he could get rid of anything that could implicate him. JMO
Does he not mean the whole dinner episode was finished at 8, not the actual meal, that's how I took it to mean anyway.

That's a good question. I wish I could remember exactly what he did say i.e. "We finished eating at 8" would be quite different than i.e. "We finished up with dinner at 8."
Quite some distance to carry dead weight! I reckon he moved her because he didn't want anyone going upstairs apart from people that would help him "fix" things. He knew the Standers were on their way and he wanted them to take Reeva from him to the hospital without having to go up the stairs to get her. Once they were out of the house with Reeva he could get rid of anything that could implicate him. JMO

B I N G O fox1 !!

I hope you didn't sneak into my den and read my diary again... lol
i do think it is possible that he has deliberately 'swapped' many elements of the events to create confusion and doubt, as a tactic to mask the true events?


I've been thinking exactly the same thing, but didn't quite know how to put it and you have said it so much better than I could .. all I keep thinking is along the lines of 'confuse the enemy' ..
My theory is that the call to security is a mistake. I think he was trying to call Johan Stander back (after the NetCare call) and hit the wrong number in his contacts. When he got through, he realised his mistake, was silent and disconnected. His following call was to VoiceMail. I think this was deliberate, to check if Stander had called him back. He then gets the follow-up call from Baba and replies "Everything is fine", hoping that is the end of things .... not realising that Baba is in fact sitting outside his house. Notice how he turns his phone off immediately after this call ... it has thrown him.

All a theory, and if you'd like to help prove (or otherwise) it, try and decipher the name associated with the security number that he stored in his phone. I'm thinking it reads "6797" followed by a blob, indicating it's in his Contacts list, and the name begins with a 'J' or possibly and 'I', making it close alphabetically to "Johan Silverwoods", which is how he stored Johan Stander in his Contacts.

I think it may have been the name of someone in security that he was given when he first bought his house in Silverwoods. Perhaps something like "Jan Pretorius".

Here's the security name (on the right) from the phone usage chart call card. The name is as stored in his Contacts (very fuzzy):

View attachment 57633

Or see the original phone usage evidence here: @ about 31:45 onwards (watch for the call card above appearing as Moller hovers over the call). Notice also the format of the names on the left hand side (e.g. # Peet, # Johan Silverwoods, etc).

second word could be Pretoria, first word unlikely beginning with a J as the J in that font drops below the baseline. assuming op entered contacts as first name / surname and are sorted 'applestyle' [by surname] Pretoria could be close in the contacts to his brother's card.

but my real point is that this is an emergency where every second counts, having been told about the urgency of taking the body to hospital [in his version], he should be picking the body up immediately, not spending the next minute and a half thinking about who to call next.
Perhaps she didn't hear enough to add support to the case for Prosecution.

Yes or perhaps when the police interviewed Mrs. Mkhwanazi her full story of what she had heard wasn't as valuable to the prosecution as Mrs. Stipp's testimony repeating the conversation she had with Mrs. Mkhwanazi on the morning of Feb. 14th.

Mrs. Stipp testified: "...I opened the back door for my domestic worker at 7:45 and she asked me what happened the previous night. I said to her why, did she hear it? She said yes, she's usually awake at about 3, 3:15 talking to her husband and she heard this woman screaming. She at first thought it was a baby but going out and listening more carefully she determined that it was a woman. I told her that we had an incident across the road..."
Jason Pretorius? though I don't know who that might be... that's what it looks like to me
From the defence heads of arguments.... I nearly spat my coffee out:

"The State also did not call the person who was employed by Dr and Mrs Stipp, Ms Makwanazi, as a witness, as she would also not have supported the State’s case"

This begs the question - why didn't the defence call her? All the defence's witnesses were cr*p, so there must have been a very compelling reason why Roux didn't call her.
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