Things that make you wonder

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Yes, sadly Caylee would still be dead.
But, taking matters into their own hands would have saved a lot of grief and $.
I can tell you for sure, if Casey was my daughter I would have been looking for both of them by day 2. (not call LE)
The Orlando hot spots would have had a new customer every night. Right after I checked Disney, just for the heck of it. I also would have enlisted all my friends and offered bartenders a reward for a phone call.
Oh yeah, I would have found her.....STAT
Excellent post...however, most of it doesn't help Caylee. Caylee was dead by June 16th, so even if the A's had done much of what they should have as stated above, Caylee would still be dead. Even if Cindy had called the police or CFS on June 17th, it would have been too late for Caylee. :(

Do I think the A's have handled any of this the right way....not at all, but I do sympathize with the plight of grandparents...there is a case now, husband seemingly killed the wife, police can't prove it, so he hasn't been charged and he has their 3 kids and won't let the grandparents (the wife's parents) even see them and they have no recourse. The grandparents tried and were shut down, so their 3 grandchildren are likely living with their mother's killer. So how far could Cindy have gotten with stories of KC stealing and lying?
Thanks and you are right, it is too late for Caylee. I guess I should have said that the A's should have kicked KC out of the house and gotten custody of Caylee a long-a$$ time ago. I feel bad about that situation that you know of. How horrible. Kinda like Drew Peterson - Stacey's kids living with him. I bet her family is fuming. I don't know much about the case. But what the heck is wrong with law enforcement and the laws if the grandparents can't see these grandchildren of their dead daughter. Something is wrong with that picture, huh?
Yes, sadly Caylee would still be dead.
But, taking matters into their own hands would have saved a lot of grief and $.
I can tell you for sure, if Casey was my daughter I would have been looking for both of them by day 2. (not call LE)
The Orlando hot spots would have had a new customer every night. Right after I checked Disney, just for the heck of it. I also would have enlisted all my friends and offered bartenders a reward for a phone call.
Oh yeah, I would have found her.....STAT
But the A's are clearly dysfunctional and unable to see beyond their perfect little world . . . the one that only they live in . . . until Cindy panicked and called 911. Darn, she must be so mad at herself for doing that, don't ya think?

The A's needed to do something before June of 2008 and sweet little Caylee would have continued to enjoy life, dressing up in her play dresses, dancing in her tutus and eating popcorn out of a SpongeBob bowl with JoJo. So sad.
Thanks and you are right, it is too late for Caylee. I guess I should have said that the A's should have kicked KC out of the house and gotten custody of Caylee a long-a$$ time ago. I feel bad about that situation that you know of. How horrible. Kinda like Drew Peterson - Stacey's kids living with him. I bet her family is fuming. I don't know much about the case. But what the heck is wrong with law enforcement and the laws if the grandparents can't see these grandchildren of their dead daughter. Something is wrong with that picture, huh?

On what grounds do you think the A's would have been able to win custody of Caylee prior to June 15th? If a suspected murderer's kids aren't taken away from him, why would the courts take Caylee away from Casey? If George and Cindy had kicked Casey out, she would have taken Caylee with her which, I'm sure, is exactly what they didn't want.
But, there is always a but.
I don't think the A's could ever in their wildest imagination think Casey was a murderer, certainly not kill her own. We don't know if Casey had ever been violent before. (?) I have often wondered about that. No history of violence, as far as I know. It was the slow reaction time, that grinds me.
after the fight. i could understand why they might not have seen caylee and her murdering mother for 1-2 days...... people would want to settle down before the apologies would normally start flowing

- BUT after a couple more days and then a couple more days and then a few more days....when they knew she didnt have a job... and that there was no freaking nanny.. one might surmise that HELLO WE HAVE A PROBLEM HERE

they either live under a rock or are just plain idiots to not have EVER seen or actually spoken to a nanny...

its one thing for grandparents to not have met a nanny but that is ONLY (i think) if the mother and child have their own house or apartment and pay for things themselves... :banghead:
On what grounds do you think the A's would have been able to win custody of Caylee prior to June 15th? If a suspected murderer's kids aren't taken away from him, why would the courts take Caylee away from Casey? If George and Cindy had kicked Casey out, she would have taken Caylee with her which, I'm sure, is exactly what they didn't want.

The A's could have kicked Casey out, and forbidden her to take Caylee.
Change the locks, George was home most of the time to protect.
Truthfully, I don't think Casey would have put up more than a verbal fight.
Cindy could handle that! Casey would have more than likely not called LE.
She was looking at jail time for theft if she did. I think she would have walked away mad, and badmouthed Cindy and George but, that's about it.
She also needed their car.
On what grounds do you think the A's would have been able to win custody of Caylee prior to June 15th? If a suspected murderer's kids aren't taken away from him, why would the courts take Caylee away from Casey? If George and Cindy had kicked Casey out, she would have taken Caylee with her which, I'm sure, is exactly what they didn't want.

Very true. I bet Cindy especially was afraid to push KC too hard, I'm sure Cindy knew KC could pack up and take Caylee to who knows where at any time. In fact, look what happened when she finally did come down hard on KC (assuming the big fight on the 15th happened) I don't think Cindy ever dreamed of this outcome, but I'm sure she worried about Casey taking Caylee away. I think Cindy has alot of guilt now. It's HARD when a child is involved. My sister had some issues YEARS ago, every time we had a fight, I didn't see my nieces for weeks. I got to the point where I would do anything to avoid confrontation with my sister, so that my nieces weren't effected. My sister's issues were nothing like KC's at all, but I do understand the change in thinking, what you will sacrifice or put up with, when children are involved.
The A's could have kicked Casey out, and forbidden her to take Caylee.
Change the locks, George was home most of the time to protect.
Truthfully, I don't think Casey would have put up more than a verbal fight.
Cindy could handle that! Casey would have more than likely not called LE.
She was looking at jail time for thief if she did. I think she would have walked away mad, and badmouthed Cindy and George but, that's about it.
She also needed their car.

Seriously? You think KC would have just walked away? I don't think so for a minute. I think she would have went to the police, screaming that Caylee is HER child. And if the A's pressed charges for theft, it would have taken awhile, first offense? KC wouldn't be sitting in jail and then what? Keep Caylee locked in the house 24/7? For how long? What happens when KC takes a plea and gets probation for the theft and the courts tell the A's to give Caylee back? Right or wrong, it's hard to take a child away from it's mother, even if KC just got visitation, who knows what she would have done during on of those? It's very easy to say now that we know the outcome what the A's should have done, but before June 15th it just wouldn't have been as easy or simple as locking KC out.
Seriously? You think KC would have just walked away? I don't think so for a minute. I think she would have went to the police, screaming that Caylee is HER child. And if the A's pressed charges for theft, it would have taken awhile, first offense? KC wouldn't be sitting in jail and then what? Keep Caylee locked in the house 24/7? For how long? What happens when KC takes a plea and gets probation for the theft and the courts tell the A's to give Caylee back? Right or wrong, it's hard to take a child away from it's mother, even if KC just got visitation, who knows what she would have done during on of those? It's very easy to say now that we know the outcome what the A's should have done, but before June 15th it just wouldn't have been as easy or simple as locking KC out.

I totally agree. No way would Casey have simply walked away and left Caylee behind. That would have made Cindy happy which is not something Casey had in her to do. It seems that Casey's bad behavior was just coming to a head at the time that Caylee disappeared. I don't know if there was anything she'd done prior to the few months before then that would have warranted throwing her out of the house.
Seriously? You think KC would have just walked away? I don't think so for a minute. I think she would have went to the police, screaming that Caylee is HER child. And if the A's pressed charges for theft, it would have taken awhile, first offense? KC wouldn't be sitting in jail and then what? Keep Caylee locked in the house 24/7? For how long? What happens when KC takes a plea and gets probation for the theft and the courts tell the A's to give Caylee back? Right or wrong, it's hard to take a child away from it's mother, even if KC just got visitation, who knows what she would have done during on of those? It's very easy to say now that we know the outcome what the A's should have done, but before June 15th it just wouldn't have been as easy or simple as locking KC out.

I do seriously think that. :D
Casey wanted to party and be with TonE, besides she needed the A's more than they needed her. Look how meek she was when Cindy called the cops on her. A little cash thrown her way, she would have been on her way, until she came back for more.
Casey did not want to grow-up and be responsible, simply as that.
Besides, she really really needed that car. She never screamed at Cindy for calling 911, to this day. She's not a fighter, she's a sneak.
I do seriously think that. :D
Casey wanted to party and be with TonE, besides she needed the A's more than they needed her. Look how meek she was when Cindy called the cops on her. A little cash thrown her way, she would have been on her way, until she came back for more.
Casey did not want to grow-up and be responsible, simply as that.
Besides, she really really needed that car. She never screamed at Cindy for calling 911, to this day. She's not a fighter, she's a sneak.

That really rings true!

It seems as if Caylee had to die simply because someone wanted to party that night.

What I will never forget is the surveilance video from the bank when KC is using AHs identity and looting her checking account. Those sharp features, glances over her shoulder to see whose coming in the door, the bounce to her walk as she gets away with the crime and can't get shopping fast enough. I will never forget that face. She's rock-hard and such a dirty sneak. Glad she is depressed and worried all the time now. Hope she enjoys living like a germ in a test tube!

Hi Spangle and welcome to WS! I'm going to respectfully disagree with you here and I think that Caylee would agree and this is why. GA and CA raised KC and knew of every problem she had over the years . . . the lies, the stealing, the fake job and the small amount of mothering she did with Caylee. They had Caylee all the time, according to George in a truthful moment. CA was in counselling and was told to kick KC out. I can't remember if she was told to get custody of Caylee or not but it has been said that that topic occurred to CA and GA and they couldn't afford to do that (lawyer expenses?). There is rumor of a big fight on 6/15/09 which CA denies and Caylee was never seen again. 31 days later . . .

31 days! How did that happen? These grandparents saw this baby almost every single day of her life and then they don't see her for 31 days and have minimal contact with their lying, thief of a daughter and dont' take any action? They must have been upset about the fact that Caylee must be missing them, her uncle, her doggies, her toys, her pool, her bed, her movies, her green beans. If they really thought she was staying at the Hard Rock, why not take a little ride to Tampa or try to find Jeff's house in Jacksonville? If KC was really working, why would a surprise visit be a problem? I guess I can't ask why they didn't knock on Zanny's door because they had absolutely no idea where their granddaughter went everyday to be babysat. They didn't even have a phone number for this chick. How did that happen? And how come Caylee never talked about Zanny? How come Caylee didn't have any recognition when George asked her about Zanny? Lee knew that she wasn't in Jacksonville when he went looking for her in the bars on July 3rd. So where did CA and GA think she was staying with Caylee? Didn't they wonder if she was safe? Was she crying herself to sleep? Remember, if CA thought this was a spite thing, then Caylee would have been the one who was suffering from it all.

Caylee is dead. Caylee has been dead since probably the night of June 15, 2008. So maybe GA and CA couldn't have ever imagined that she would kill Caylee, but they knew that she would neglect her, at the very least. Did she even have any money to feed Caylee? Where WERE they staying? And they let this go on for 31 days. And they would have let it go on further if they hadn't gotten the letter to go pick up KC's car.

Someone dropped the ball for Caylee and it wasn't me. It was grandparents who she lived with and knew what her mother was all about. Her Uncle Lee is also at fault. He should have done more than just try to find his sister one night . . . and where was Caylee that night? Oh yeah, someone was babysitting her. God was babysitting Caylee that night, as he had been for weeks by that point. She was in safe hands . . . just not on Earth.

I hope you understand that I'm not bashing anything that you said. I think you are thinking from the perspective of a grandparent who, by law, does not have rights to tell their child how to parent their own children and cannot tell them that they cannot do this or that. We are talking about grandparents who knew their daughter was psycho and that Caylee was in danger. CA said to GA when he came home from work on July 15th when she was on one of the 911 calls . . . "We lost her George, we lost her." Why did she choose those words? Wasn't Caylee just abducted by the trusted Zanny the Nanny? Or did GA and CA know that KC was Zanny all along?

Thank You HappyChic. I felt that Spangle took me as silverback bully vigilante, but really I'm just an optimist who, if I was GA, would have tried to be a hero for CA and rescue Caylee from KC. I wouldn't stalk anybody, lol. Simply LOOK for them.
During one of the jail visits, the one with Cindy crying at the beginning and KC says "why's she crying already", Cindy tearfully says to KC "it's so hard to go into Caylee's bedroom" and KC replies "I saw People Magazine".
Her response is a sneak attack - a snarky thing to say. A backwards way of saying "I hate you".
WTH? I caught that too! That was so ridiculous that CA just fell right in with that "random" statement about that "straightener" particularly since GA told LE that Caylee NEVER had mentioned the Nanny EVER to the family!
Did anyone ever see the video where the reporters are asking CA and GA if Caylee ever mentioned Zanny? CA said that she talked about her puppy all the time. She also went on to say that there was no need to ask Caylee about her day, it was all about lovin' time. Are you kidding me? It is so natural to ask a kid things like "So what did Zanny give you for lunch?" and "Did Zanny take you to the park today?" To not ask is weird in my opinion and I can't imagine CA not wanting to know about Caylee's day so of course she asked her about her day and probably didn't like the answers she started to get . . . or the quizzical looks like "who is Zanny?" from Caylee.

So I am and always will be in total wonder about the ease in which CA, KC and LA lie. It's just a natural thing for them. Maybe that's why GA is the black sheep of the family. He's not a liar like they are.
On what grounds do you think the A's would have been able to win custody of Caylee prior to June 15th? If a suspected murderer's kids aren't taken away from him, why would the courts take Caylee away from Casey? If George and Cindy had kicked Casey out, she would have taken Caylee with her which, I'm sure, is exactly what they didn't want.
Neglect? KC was on the cell phone, talking or texting and/or out getting her groove on 24/7. When did she have time to spend with Caylee? Who knows what else CA and GA suspected. They could have had her arrested on charges of theft and had her jailed for that alone. She stole a considerable amount of money from Cindy. Thousands.

But it was said that CA and GA did think about getting custody of Caylee so you would have to ask them if they had other grounds they thought would benefit them in their attempts to gain custody (temporary or permanent) of Caylee. But ask GA . . . he tends to tell the truth more than CA does.

And don't forget that CA's counsellor told her to kick KC out. CA was spilling the beans about her daughter and I hope that bring that counsellor in as a witness for trial.
The reason I think G & C waited 31 days is it was such a relief for them not to see Casey. With all her lies and drama, it was almost like a vacation for them not to have to deal with her, see her or talk to her.
I also was hung up on that conversation and statement because in another high profile case (might have been Scott Peterson's statement but can't be sure at the moment) "forgiveness" was offered up immediately and it was just inappropriate sounding. You pointing out that CA never did relay that message to Zanny regardless of the countless times she had the opportunity just reveals that indeed they never bought the story to begin with. I don't recall one time this family addressing the kidnapper or Caylee to the cameras - which is what makes me go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

The JonBenet Ramsey case was one where they talked about forgiveness.

I wonder if KC really did have a BlackJack phone. Are there records for it? Would this be the one she bought with her grandparent's money or did she pay a bill with that money? I forget.

I also wonder about KC's dramatic rendition of the JBPark story where ZFG and her sisters met with her to tell her they were going to kidnap Caylee. If they already had the child, why would they meet with her to tell her that? LOL It is all so ridiculous that I can't believe her family would go along with this story.

I also wonder if the Anthonys' were to accept the fact that KC killed Caylee, would she then feel free to admit she was with Caylee when she died?

In watching yet another round of the infamous jailhouse video of KC with her parents on NG last night, I wonder what the Anthonys must be thinking when KC changes the subject every time they try to ask a question about Caylee. You see CA go silent for a moment and I wonder what she is thinking at that precise moment. Certainly, she must know the truth.

That really rings true!

It seems as if Caylee had to die simply because someone wanted to party that night.

What I will never forget is the surveilance video from the bank when KC is using AHs identity and looting her checking account. Those sharp features, glances over her shoulder to see whose coming in the door, the bounce to her walk as she gets away with the crime and can't get shopping fast enough. I will never forget that face. She's rock-hard and such a dirty sneak. Glad she is depressed and worried all the time now. Hope she enjoys living like a germ in a test tube!

I think most of us can see why CA would generate anxiety and anger from a daughter just by her personality. She is a very flawed person who actually seems proud of and flaunts her flawed nature, but I do think she was head-over-heels for Caylee and just a natural enemy of KC.

I wonder if KC will ever get to the point where she can accept and understand CA as wanting all good for her family. CA has always wanted good for her family, she is just not bright enough to work on herself first instead of badgering others, probably.

It's interesting to see the hatred KC has for her mother. It seems to be growing as she seems to blame her mother for her incarceration--perhaps because she called the police in the first place? I just wonder if she'll ever get to the point where she can accept that her mother always tried to do the right thing, although she has some limitations in understanding right from wrong.

KC knows right from wrong and chooses wrong purposely--this is different from mom IMO.

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