Things to Do in a New Case or When There's No News

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Aug 17, 2008
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Many of these things have been done, and continue to be done in Gabe's case, but I'm posting it here in case we've missed something.

These activities also apply to new cases, and they are things you can do in a case you're following when there's no news, everything is quiet, but you want to help.

These are great to bump threads with for cases you want to bring more interest to!

Things to Do in a New Case or When There's No News:
Last updated: Monday, May 17, 2010

- Has a picture of the victim been posted recently? Find a picture of the victim that hasn't been posted for a while, and post it so there's always a face to put with the victim's name, reminding people that the victim is a real person. (For Gabe's case, we have the picture thread as well as the prayers and well wishes thread in which you can post these.)

- Go back through threads and collect what you think are the top ten most important links in the case, make a list of them, and post them. These lists would be great for both those familiar with the case, as well as people new to the case. (For Gabe's case, please post in the Important Links sticky thread.)

- Research to see if there's an updated missing poster and post it or link to it so it can be printed and distributed. (For Gabe's case, please in the Post a Flyer in your neighborhood thread.)

- Check Google News or Interceder ( for the most recent news story, and post it with a note that it's the most recent story on the case. (Doesn't apply to Gabe's case, since we have the Daily News sub-forum and Media thread.)

- See if there's a candle lighting site for the victim. If so, light a candle and post the link. If not, create a site, light a candle, and post the link so others can light candles. (Gabe's cand lighting site is linked in the Important Links sticky thread.)

- Humanize the victim - see if you can find some of the victim's favorite things, make a list, and post them. Did you find the victim's favorite song? See if you can find the lyrics, and post a link to them. Did you find the victim's favorite place to go? See if you can find a website for it, or a link to it on Google Maps or, and link to them. (For Gabe's case, you can post these in the Prayers and Well Wishes thread.)

- Find all the Nancy Grace, Jane Velez-Mitchell, Geraldo At Large etc. transcripts for all the shows about the case, make a list of the links and the date the show aired, and post them.
(For Gabe's case, this list is kept in the Media thread.)

- Write up a Myth Buster! Do you know of a rumor or misinformation that's made the rounds in the case and has always bugged you? Look up the source links for the real facts, and bust the myth! (For Gabe's case, if you're interested in busting myths, just start a new thread for Gabriel Johnson Case - Myth Busters.)

- Start a list of direct quotes from LE, along with the date stated, and link to source. Post it and ask others to contribute to it. (For Gabe's case, we already have a thread for this. I haven't added the last few LE quotes. Help appreciated.)

- Is there a certain news video or press conference that you and others are constantly listening to to determine what was said? Transcribe it and post it for reference. (For Gabe's case, these are posted in the Important Links sticky thread, as well as the Ken Info thread and LE Statements thread.)

- Find the most recent map(s) of significant locations, update them if necessary, or just post the list of links if it hasn't been posted in the last few pages. If there's already a map created with one tool, create one with another tool that might give a different perspective. Maps can be created with Google Maps (, Bing (, and other online tools. (For Gabe's case, all our maps are in the Important Links thread.)

- If there's no timeline for the case, create one and post it, or begin one that others could add to. Find the most recent timeline, update it, and post it. If an existing timeline doesn't need updating, check to see if it's been posted within the last three pages of the most recent thread, and if not, go ahead and post it again for people new to the case to read. (For Gabe's case, I think I've got the case calendar up to date, but it would be great if people would review it for anything I've missed. I've only gotten a few of the timeline forum threads updated - help with that would be great.)

- Write up your own recap of the story of the case and post it. Great for people who are new to the case, plus you get to give a voice to the victim. (For Gabe's case, if you're interested in doing this, feel free to start a Gabriel Johnson Case - Factual Recaps. This would be factual recaps - theories would go in the theory threads.)

- Go back and collect the known facts of the case, along with their source links, and post them. If you don't have time to collect all of them, just do whatever you have time for, and ask for others to add to it. (This doesn't apply to Gabe's case, as it's too big and complex list every single known fact. I included it for smaller/newer cases.)

- Write up your own theory of what happened in the case and post it. Great to get others thinking about and posting on the case, and bring attention to it. (For Gabe's case, we've got lots of theory threads!)

- Write up a recap of the victim's story, or a particular aspect of the case that interests or puzzles you, in your very own unique way, and post it. (For Gabe's case, see above for recaps. For aspects of the case that interest or puzzle you, please post in the appropriate topic thread.)


P.S. Please feel free to post your ideas below!
I just thought of few more lol.

- Make a Who's Who list of the people in the case, with their full name so they can be searched for easily, and what their role or relationship is to the case. Use initials only though, when appropriate per TOS. (For Gabe's case, feel free to start a Gabriel Johnson Case - Who's Who thread.)

- Make a list of the news websites that have been covering the case regularly, collect their URLs, and post it. (For Gabe's case, we have this in the Important Links sticky thread.)

- For cases where there are general discussion threads instead of a forum, check to see if important information and links have been brought forward from previous threads, such as timeline, case recap, list of news websites, photo archives, candle lighting site for the victim, etc. Post the ones that haven't been brought forward yet.


Note that these are great ways to bump a case you're interested in, because the information you post can spur interest in the case with other members, and get them posting with you too!

This is a GREAT set of posts - I think I will link this thread over at Hasanni's forum. TY!

Also, here's a few I do to keep feeling like I'm doing something:

- I continue to blog about the case, encourage others to do so, and occasionally send reminders about the case to news orgs, asking for updates or new comments from LE - this usually results in not much, but it requires little effort - I just hit the "reply" email at the end of the old articles.

- Keep posting to the family support threads to let them know we have not forgotten.

- Keep on bumping those threads!


- Add the forum/thread link to your siggy, to get fresh eyes to your case.

- Continue to mark special occasions - birthdays or the anniversary of the disappearance if the case sadly takes that long - and email news orgs when these occasions come up - they are often happy to recap the case in a small article on the victim's b'day or the anniversary of when they were last seen, which can bring some new air to the case.
- Start a list of the names of all the LE agencies involved in the case, and post a list of the agency names, websites, phone number, and email address. Find the official tipline number and post that at the top of the list!
- It's always helpful to have the most recent statements from LE handy. Direct quotes are better than what a reporter or someone else says that LE stated. Find the most recent quotes from LE on the status of the case, and post them with a link to the source, and the date LE said them. Note the name of the police department or agency the LE officer is with, and their name. Having that name handy helps when searching for other LE statements.
- Figure out the counties involved in the case, and post the county names and links to their websites. This is helpful to people looking up, for example, the county clerk's office for information on obtaining public records.

- Look up the websites for any jails or prisons in which perps are housed, and post the names and links.

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