Thought and theories on Jeremy

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The phones don't add in to it at all then. You would have to accept the fact that the phones are completely unrelated to BL missing and that's a hard stretch to make. Also, I don't think there is anyway that DB would not be aware of what's going on. You almost would be dismissing all the actions of DB that night (buying wine, drinking outside while the kids are watching tv, chatting with the neighbors) in favor of JI. That's also a stretch.

Well, we don't know. We have to consider what JI's motives and state of mind would have been. Maybe the 11:57 attempted call is unrelated. . or if we are speculating that JI some how made it back to the house that night it could have been him. BUT I think that 3:27 voicemail check could have been JI. It's close enough to the time he "allegedly" came home to wonder. I also think the phones having to be gotten rid of might tie into JI's motives. It's not clear. . .but it's just as plausible as some stranger taking the phones at 11:57 and then hanging around close to the house for 3.5 hrs before they were somehow psychically able to predict when JI was going to be arriving home.

But by itself it means nothing. It doesn't infer anything. If you live in a house and a friend comes over and leaves a bag of cocaine in your house without you knowing it, then LE gets a tip and finds cocaine in your house, is it automatically yours then?

So, a friend may have left a dead body by the bed? I've heard of being at the wrong place at the wrong time stories, but this one would take the cake!
I agree. And it goes without saying that there is not enough evidence for an arrest at this time or we would have seen that happen.

BEM: There may not be enough evidence for an arrest, but there may be enough evidence that LE has narrowed the field to one or two players....we just don't know.
So, a friend may have left a dead body by the bed? I've heard of being at the wrong place at the wrong time stories, but this one would take the cake!

i think i've heard it all now ... :banghead:

btw, now i want cake... thanks vl! :floorlaugh:
There is no way to debate evidence here. People will not accept the FBI trained cadaver dog...period. Just Spinning wheels. It appears some want to see blood evidence. This is the CSI effect. They don't believe DB failed a poly and if she did, it is not accepted and they see no reason that four criminal defense attorneys should be looked upon as strange or odd.

That is the crux of the matter. It is simply not debatable with those who don't believe the few facts we have. No matter what, it is unlikely they will be swayed to understand and go with stats regarding murders, kidnapping, etc.. It is a Defense Attorneys' dream.

Most people believe one or both parents are guilty. That is a fact.
It does take more - I want facts, not opinions. I want LE to show me actual evidence, not just speculation by people who have heard bits and pieces of information provided by the media. I want an actual evaluation of the situation and the people from professionals that have met and spoken with them and not just wishy washy, jumping to conclusions from seeing a reaction/attitude of distraught parents on msm.

We can all speculate and give our two cents ~ we can create theories and conjecture until the cows come home, but DEB and/or JEREMY are NOT in jail - therefore as far as I am concerned, LE does NOT have enough evidence to put either of them there. If and when that evidence is brought forth, only then will I agree that they are responsible for their daughter being gone.

BEM: No one expects everyone to agree with them - they just expect good debate on what is known and what, they speculate, they may not know.

Most just want to be able to sleuth without being told they don't have enough evidence to do so. It's up to us to provide links and information WE feel backs up the theory - it's up to us to provide links and information to dispute the theories we aren't buying, and if our theory is partially based on feeling, so be it - most state it's just their opinion. I enjoy coming here to exchange ideas and theories. Of course "we" don't have enough evidence and "we" never will - "we" are not law enforcement, "we" are just a group of people who care about the cases we sleuth.

Click HERE to find the definition of a theory.

:abstract thought : speculation
:a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation
:an unproved assumption
: conjecture

Certainly if the FBI/KCPD etc...people who have MET and spoken with Deb and Jeremy are not calling them all the psychotic names that I have seen in these threads...I can't imagine I would either!

Not everyone agrees that DB is all that and a bag of chips....however, those who see DB as not guilty of anything, also believe her former friends have ulterior motives. To me, it's like saying the family has ulterior motives because they believe her. Sort of a wash. I don't see DB and JI being called names - that would be against TOS.

Personally, I am very thankful that the majority here are not sitting in the jury box - because unbiased they are not.

Being unbiased is not a requirement to join and sleuth cases on WS :rocker:
IF JI & DB know that they weren't involved in Lisa's disappearance, then why aren't they concerned about the HRD hit?
One thing I keep trying to keep in my thoughts is DB and JI underwent intense questioning by LE before they did any of these interviews.

Jeremy said in one interview on the evening of the 5th that they took all the phones so we couldn't call anyone.

To me that is such a childish and immature conclusion to come up with.
One thing I keep trying to keep in my thoughts is DB and JI underwent intense questioning by LE before they did any of these interviews.

Jeremy said in one interview on the evening of the 5th that they took all the phones so we couldn't call anyone.

To me that is such a childish and immature conclusion to come up with.

Your losing me here. Are you saying that the intense questioning by LE caused Jeremy to come up with a childish and immature conclusion?
One thing I keep trying to keep in my thoughts is DB and JI underwent intense questioning by LE before they did any of these interviews.

Jeremy said in one interview on the evening of the 5th that they took all the phones so we couldn't call anyone.

To me that is such a childish and immature conclusion to come up with.


That has always bothered me. He was being so quiet and shy, but spoke right up about those phones. And the reason he gives is, well, stupid. They live in what looks like a fairly typical suburban type neighborhood. They have neighbors who's phones they could use! An intruder may not know that there are other phones, or that JI had a work phone. Hell, maybe they have Skype or some kind of VOIP on their computer. Why wouldn't the intruder take the computer then too? None of it makes sense.

The only thing I know for sure is that somebody didn't want LE to see those phones. Could there be something on them that can only be seen if you have the actual phone? Could one of the phones have been tampered with? Bugged? Is that why DB was having speaker issues with her phone? Somebody is hiding something to do with those phones!
Your losing me here. Are you saying that the intense questioning by LE caused Jeremy to come up with a childish and immature conclusion?

I just think that notion would have been shot down by LE if Jeremy told them he thought that.

That has always bothered me. He was being so quiet and shy, but spoke right up about those phones. And the reason he gives is, well, stupid. They live in what looks like a fairly typical suburban type neighborhood. They have neighbors who's phones they could use! An intruder may not know that there are other phones, or that JI had a work phone. Hell, maybe they have Skype or some kind of VOIP on their computer. Why wouldn't the intruder take the computer then too? None of it makes sense.

The only thing I know for sure is that somebody didn't want LE to see those phones. Could there be something on them that can only be seen if you have the actual phone? Could one of the phones have been tampered with? Bugged? Is that why DB was having speaker issues with her phone? Somebody is hiding something to do with those phones!

That is exactly what I think too. The phones disappeared because something was done to one of them.
Back on track...How long did Lisa's body remain in the home and did Jeremy dispose of her prior, during or after work?
Jeremy seems to exude a feeling of hopelessness, like he is trapped in a mess, and no matter what happens, it is not going to end well. I think it goes beyond Lisa although really am not sure why.
=========Thought and theories on JI=========

The track is right there. The trains are running. The stationmaster asks that snark be kept to a minimum in all cars. Please have your tickets ready for inspection, and no gum chewing or outside beverages are allowed. Please keep hands and feet inside the conveyance at all times.

This post falls at random.

But two cents and the court of public opinion will give you two cents. I believe the FBI trained dog got a hit. But was it from Lisa? Without other test results we cannot know that. As far as the parents oddness in this case, others attached to the case are just as odd. Bless your little heart too.

I wish we knew if the hit was definitely from baby Lisa too. I've read the informative threads here about scent dogs. In doing so I lean towards the hit being Lisa's.......bit Im not sure.

=========Thought and theories on JI=========

The track is right there. The trains are running. The stationmaster asks that snark be kept to a minimum in all cars. Please have your tickets ready for inspection, and no gum chewing or outside beverages are allowed. Please keep hands and feet inside the conveyance at all times.

This post falls at random.


:seeya: This cracked me up!
Back on track...How long did Lisa's body remain in the home and did Jeremy dispose of her prior, during or after work?

I'll take a guess. With no proof of course, my motherly instincts tell me baby Lisa died in her home that night when she was discovered missing. Imhoo Lisa was neglected by her mom and died after an accident. I don't think Lisa was murdered. IMO, She died the night daddy started night shift and mom drank 'several; glasses of wine during adult time.

I believe the baby either fell and hit her head, choked on mucus or drowned in the tub. :please: I can't believe she's still missing.
Here is another one I wonder about. Why did Jeremy come out with the stolen phones?

Usually stuff like that you do not want the public to know. Gives plenty of warning that they are looking for them.

If the police questioned someone knowing things only the perp or LE and family knows is a very valuable tool. People slip up all the time in questioning and are caught by stuff nobody knows like cell phones were stolen, how many and such.

My gut tells me LE told them not to say anything about the phones and they still did.

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