Time of the crime?

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The Ramsey's were pushing the intruder theory and if an intruder killed JonBenet she most likely would have died after midnight. So there had to be a strong reason for them to go against the intruder theory. Therefore I doubt a simple explanation and reject the tripe the Ramsey's said on the subject.

If an intruder killed JonBenet before midnight then he would have been available to help Patsy get ready for the trip to Michigan. I wonder why she never mentioned that to anybody.
The Ramsey's were pushing the intruder theory and if an intruder killed JonBenet she most likely would have died after midnight. So there had to be a strong reason for them to go against the intruder theory. Therefore I doubt a simple explanation and reject the tripe the Ramsey's said on the subject.

If an intruder killed JonBenet before midnight then he would have been available to help Patsy get ready for the trip to Michigan. I wonder why she never mentioned that to anybody.

LOL Good point.
John Ramsey tells Detectives he went down to the basement BEFORE Linda Arndt arrived at approximately 8:00am.

Fleet went down to the basement upon arriving a little after 6am...he claimed that there were lights on in the basement....

Who turned the lights on?

Okay....as far as the "intruder" being in the home...no way. John moved JonBenet's body closer to the wine cellar door since Officer French failed to find his daughter.
Officer French never even opened the wineceller door! There was a small wood "latch" up near the top of that door, the kind of latch you'd put on a door to keep young kids from being able to reach it. I read somewhere JR mentioning that latch, which was really just a piece of wood on a nail that you could swivel to latck the door. I think he said it was on the door when they bought the house, and they just left it there because they didn't want the kids playing in there anyway.
Officer French tried the door, found it "stuck" and never looked up or took a step back to LOOK at the door. He just walked away from it. Now, even if you think it IS locked/stuck, if you are looking for a kidnapped child (at this point she was still "missing") wouldn't you force/break down the door? I mean she/the kidnappers COULD be on the other side of it! (and she was). I do know Officer French regretted it very much that he hadn't. I read where he said he knew he should have. And the investigation may have taken quite a different turn if either parent hadn't been able to touch her.
Officer French tried the door, found it "stuck" and never looked up or took a step back to LOOK at the door. He just walked away from it. Now, even if you think it IS locked/stuck, if you are looking for a kidnapped child (at this point she was still "missing") wouldn't you force/break down the door? I mean she/the kidnappers COULD be on the other side of it! (and she was). I do know Officer French regretted it very much that he hadn't. I read where he said he knew he should have. And the investigation may have taken quite a different turn if either parent hadn't been able to touch her.
Wasn't it said in one of the books that the reason why Officer French didn't open the door was because he thought it led to the outside?

I don't recall ever reading that, but it is certainly possible. In that case it would be understandable- that basement was a very confusing place for someone unfamiliar- like Officer French...or an INTRUDER.
Officer French never even opened the wineceller door! There was a small wood "latch" up near the top of that door, the kind of latch you'd put on a door to keep young kids from being able to reach it. I read somewhere JR mentioning that latch, which was really just a piece of wood on a nail that you could swivel to latck the door. I think he said it was on the door when they bought the house, and they just left it there because they didn't want the kids playing in there anyway.
Officer French tried the door, found it "stuck" and never looked up or took a step back to LOOK at the door. He just walked away from it. Now, even if you think it IS locked/stuck, if you are looking for a kidnapped child (at this point she was still "missing") wouldn't you force/break down the door? I mean she/the kidnappers COULD be on the other side of it! (and she was). I do know Officer French regretted it very much that he hadn't. I read where he said he knew he should have. And the investigation may have taken quite a different turn if either parent hadn't been able to touch her.
ST says in his book that officer French was haunted by that mistake of his forever and reproached himself bitterly for not having opened that door.

It seems officer French was so much influenced by the thought that the kidnappers had already taken JonBenet away that he simply left the latched door door as it was.
I imagine Officer French did feel awful about not looking in that room and he should have. All he knew at that point was that this was a very serious crime and that he was at the actual unsecured crime scene. He didn't have the architectural drawings for the house so how did he know what was behind that door.

And if the door seemed stuck or wouldn't open, he should have become even more suspicious and that should have been the one door he wanted to look behind.
I think officer Frenchs first interest was to secure the house. He was initially looking for an intruder still hiding in the house. As the wine cellar door was latched from the outside nobody could be hiding in there so he didn't bother to look.

Toltec: Nice catch about the lighting. The house was reported dark during the night and still lights were on when Fleet entered the basement. I don't know if officer French said he turned on the lights. The lighting switch for the basement was not easy to find for someone not familiar with the house.
The train room door opened in....which is why Detectives asked John how an intruder would leave via that room if there was a chair blocking the door from the outside. Johns answer was that the killer was clever!

Officer French is haunted by not looking in the wine cellar....kind of reminds me of Brenda Vann Damms friend who went out the side garage door to take a call from her cell phone, and upon reentering the garage, she forgets to lock the door! That is the point of entry of Danielle's killer.
The Ramsey's were pushing the intruder theory and if an intruder killed JonBenet she most likely would have died after midnight. So there had to be a strong reason for them to go against the intruder theory. Therefore I doubt a simple explanation and reject the tripe the Ramsey's said on the subject. I am not following Albert; isn't the intruder theory what the Ramsey say happened?

If an intruder killed JonBenet before midnight then he would have been available to help Patsy get ready for the trip to Michigan. I wonder why she never mentioned that to anybody.

Doesn't Patsy say the intruder was lying in wait?

Also, help me with this. Fleet White said he was down in the cellar previous to John and he looked in the room where Jon Benet was but it was dark and could not see anything. John goes down later with Fleet and UNLATCHES the door and goes in and finds her. MY QUESTION IS DID FLEET WHITE RELATCH THE DOOR WHEN HE LEFT?
Doesn't Patsy say the intruder was lying in wait?

Also, help me with this. Fleet White said he was down in the cellar previous to John and he looked in the room where Jon Benet was but it was dark and could not see anything. John goes down later with Fleet and UNLATCHES the door and goes in and finds her. MY QUESTION IS DID FLEET WHITE RELATCH THE DOOR WHEN HE LEFT?

Yeah, and when Patsy was shown a picture of JAR's bed....she said that the bed skirt was flipped up....and that it looked "like someone had been hiding under there". BUT YET....she says that she didn't store anything under that bed, because the boards were too low. If she couldn't store things under there because the boards were too low, then how in the world would a grown man/intruder/kidnapper fit under there?? I have posted the portion of her interview....on FFJ...and I believe on these boards, under PR Interview.

That's exactly what I would LOVE to know. To me...that should prove to everybody that the Ramsey's did it...IF Fleet did NOT latch that door back. Because that would mean that John latched it back.
Yeah, and when Patsy was shown a picture of JAR's bed....she said that the bed skirt was flipped up....and that it looked "like someone had been hiding under there". BUT YET....she says that she didn't store anything under that bed, because the boards were too low. If she couldn't store things under there because the boards were too low, then how in the world would a grown man/intruder/kidnapper fit under there?? I have posted the portion of her interview....on FFJ...and I believe on these boards, under PR Interview.

That's exactly what I would LOVE to know. To me...that should prove to everybody that the Ramsey's did it...IF Fleet did NOT latch that door back. Because that would mean that John latched it back.

To low to store anything, yet that was the intruders hiding place one more point in a series of giving themselves away PPPPPPFFFFFTTTTT!!
To low to store anything, yet that was the intruders hiding place one more point in a series of giving themselves away PPPPPPFFFFFTTTTT!!

I think that she just looked for things in those pictures, that could be blamed on the intruder. "OH, OH...LOOK....the bed skirt is flipped up, so that means that an intruder had to be hiding under the bed!!!!!"

I don't know about you, but, the bedskirts on my bed flip up almost everytime I make the bed up, sometimes its just from someone brushing against it. Patsy was in that room, packing with the suitcase on the BED....does it ever occur to her that SHE may have brushed up against the bed skirt and flipped it up? No...it HAD to be the intruder. He HAD to be hiding under that bed, with those low boards....so low that she couldn't store anything under it.
I think that she just looked for things in those pictures, that could be blamed on the intruder. "OH, OH...LOOK....the bed skirt is flipped up, so that means that an intruder had to be hiding under the bed!!!!!"

I don't know about you, but, the bedskirts on my bed flip up almost everytime I make the bed up, sometimes its just from someone brushing against it. Patsy was in that room, packing with the suitcase on the BED....does it ever occur to her that SHE may have brushed up against the bed skirt and flipped it up? No...it HAD to be the intruder. He HAD to be hiding under that bed, with those low boards....so low that she couldn't store anything under it.

I think one of their best was saying that the baseball bat was not theirs in the backyard, that Burke and his friends would never have left it there and that they did not play in that part of the yard.

Guess what - it is Burke's bat and yes one of them left in right there where it looked weird.

What is incredible about this case is the actual staging that Patsy did and I believe John took part in. Okay so you have an accident, if you can call it that, she looks like she was shot - but lets say it was not meant to be - and I don't think she meant to kill her - but everything afterwards is just stepping into the depths of hell. How are you supposed to live after doing something like this. I mean why would you want to - I would think the guilt would be so overwhelming that it would take a least major drugs to get through the day And yet not two months later, we see Jay of Pasta Jay's, Patsy, John and Burke walking together and they are ALL laughing or smiling.

What the #$%?

The only thing I can think of is Patsy exhibited such remorse that John felt it truly was an accident and it serves no purpose for her to go to jail. I also think the sexual abuse rumors fueled their anger and they let go of the murder and started to defend themselves where they were innocent. As far as they are concerned, they are being thrown to the lions on those charges and they are not guilty. I think they rationalized their thinking into getting themselves by. There is no other way.
I think one of their best was saying that the baseball bat was not theirs in the backyard, that Burke and his friends would never have left it there and that they did not play in that part of the yard.

Guess what - it is Burke's bat and yes one of them left in right there where it looked weird.


She acted like they would NEVER play in that part of the yard, or leave that bat there. She implied that she had told them to only play in certain parts of the yard. So, she thinks that Burke is going to put his bat in one certain designated spot? Remember, Burke is the one that walked around whitteling in the HOUSE. Like she kept up with where he kept his bat....that is so stupid. Again, she is implying that the "intruder" must have left that bat there.
Yeah, and when Patsy was shown a picture of JAR's bed....she said that the bed skirt was flipped up....and that it looked "like someone had been hiding under there". BUT YET....she says that she didn't store anything under that bed, because the boards were too low. If she couldn't store things under there because the boards were too low, then how in the world would a grown man/intruder/kidnapper fit under there?? I have posted the portion of her interview....on FFJ...and I believe on these boards, under PR Interview.

That's exactly what I would LOVE to know. To me...that should prove to everybody that the Ramsey's did it...IF Fleet did NOT latch that door back. Because that would mean that John latched it back.

Fleet said he re-latched it. When he went down to the basement, he found the window closed but not latched....
That's exactly what I would LOVE to know. To me...that should prove to everybody that the Ramsey's did it...IF Fleet did NOT latch that door back. Because that would mean that John latched it back.

That is right. Little things like that crack cases. But not here.
Fleet said he re-latched it. When he went down to the basement, he found the window closed but not latched....

Toltec. You are speaking of the door now, not the window, right? Fleet said he relatched the door. Why would he do that?
Toltec. You are speaking of the door now, not the window, right? Fleet said he relatched the door. Why would he do that?

I believe Toltec is at the window and you are at the door.

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