Timer55 and Cays234

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I really feel that Lee thinks this is just all one big joke. Truly he comes off that way, just like trying to figure out the CMA thing, now he is having a big laugh over the timer55thing. I think he gets a kick out of all of it. Heh heh, he's weird.

Thank You indicat for giving me the excuse I needed to post against one of your posts. In other words, an excuse to chat with you. Love your avatar BTW!!!
Yes, agree, LEE A is a WEIRDO!!! What was so *advertiser censored*in funny in his deposition?????????????? He may get it, but I sure as H*** don't.
I was toodling around the internet for Timer55 and came up with this http://members.tripod.com/~Bubba_B/autoaway.txt
It has to do with a messaging system ... marking yourself in and out and you need two passwords. May have something to do with the two passwords she had and some online business.
Lee asked KC in a jail house visit about her computer passwords. He asked specifically if a CLUE was contained within. She said YES! What "clue" can you derive (after the fact) except the one that points to Caylee being dumped a timed 55 seconds away from her home.?

I've heard that theory, too, but it just doesn't strike me as being so obvious. For this to have been the intended meaning of the PW, it would mean KC would have timed this drive, having planned exactly where to put poor Caylee's body back in May before setting the PW. But if she had picked out an exact spot and set a PW as a coded reference in May, then what the heck was she doing driving around with a corpse rotting in the car for a few days? -- and possibly first trying to bury her in the backyard? (at least borrowing a shovel..... and there was some disturbance in the soil that GA had seen). It's not like she was under surveillance in June.

Another objection is that the exact number of seconds to drive from Point A to Point B depends on the rate of travel, so the time it took from driveway to remains spot could vary between trips and between drivers. And if one doesn't reach the exact place in the exact time, then what's the point of such specificity in the seconds? Why not make it timer1min? And why not add a direction, like 1minse? (though IF one knew that the "55" meant how many seconds to the spot where the body was and that the starting point was their home, then that direction on Suburban is the most likely place .....but which side of the road??? There's swamp on both sides.)

To me, "55 seconds" just doesn't seem any more clearly indicated than that other idea derived from this "clue", about it being 55 days from the date she set the password until the PR trip. Not that I'm saying that's it. But why should we believe KC's word that it had anything to do with Caylee at all? KC seemed much more focused on her own social life. Perhaps the possibility of working the password into the ZG story had occured to her at some point while she sat around her cell unable to pass time with her usual obsessive txting. Or maybe she just seized on Lee's idea that there might be a code and and answered yes, to add some more drama. I think in embellishing her stories, KC grabs onto other people's questions and incorporates them, so that they don't even realize they came up with half of her story for her.
MAYBE, we're hitting both nails on the head.
how about this hybrid idea:

timer55 = puerto rico trip, and something about the trip ties into caylee.

Hiya Paladine!!

Isn't it also coincidental that the 55 days was the amount of days from when Caylee went "missing" until her b-day? I find that to be odd, way odd.

ITA....But, IMO, LA really was just enjoying putting out his "timer55" nonsense to get the public, who probably don't go over the docs like we do here, to start "seeing" this nanny scheme as a possibility. I'd REALLY like to see someone confront him with the fact that "timmer55" was in place waaay before Caylee went missing. Apparently, the defense only knows how to say the Casey party pics were waay before Caylee went missing.

AND...Paladine....your theory, dead on, IMO....hopefully LE either figured that out OR maybe someone might want to point that out to them. I've NEVER heard this "timer55" theory before Lee saying it.....maybe they never did, either.
And I have thrived for years saying, "There are no coincidences involved with murder". I guess I will have to put that one in the attic....darn. So timer 55 was created May 14th?...:confused:

Yes, Whisperer, it was created at 8:49 am on May 14th, the computer forensic report confirms it....and the text to Amy, excitedly telling Amy she JUST booked her VACATION for PR was the same min...8:49 am on the 14th of

May 14th-July 8th=55 days

Now...Casey had no vacation time to "book"...I think "booking" her vacation...was really changing her password...

But, like they say,..."opinions are a dime a dozen"...and this is simply my interpretation of the evidence :)
someone VERY computer savvy (maybe JWG) posted a while ago that the day casey changed her password was exactly 55 days before she was supposed to go to puerto rico w/ her friends and that the password was changed minutes after she went online and booked one of her friends a flight to puerto rico. it's the best explanation i've ever had for timer55 and i'm sticking w/ it.

I agree. I also think it was at that point that KC started seriously planning what she should do with/about Caylee so she could go on the PR trip.

Basic Auto Away Setting with Channel Message

Function: When you know you will be away from the computer for a brief
time, or when you are working on another program while the
channel is still going (multi-tasking), this script will auto-
matically change your current nickname to "<nick>_away" and
allow you to specify a message to be sent periodically to the
channel, for a limited number of times, saying you are away and
or how you can be "Paged."

In addition, the script will automatically return your nick to
normal (without the _away) and turn off the automatic announce-
ment when you tell it you have returned.

The script provides for two regularly used nicknames, the nick
and alternate nick in mIRC, and will require you to put those
nicknames in the proper places in the script. For that reason
the script has been rated #3 in difficulty of use.
Note: Timer 55 is specified in order that it may be exclusively
turned off even if other timers are currently functioning.
It will send your specified message every 10 minutes for
a maximum of 3 times.

IMPORTANT: On #50+retired, please DO NOT set the timer for less
than 10 minutes, or extend the number of repetitions beyond
the 3 given here. If away users and their messages crowd
the channel window or accelerate the "scroll," the OPs will
be forced to temporarily "kick" those users.

Link to entire article is below:

I haven't read the whole thread yet, but I'll answer you. I'm with you - I totally don't believe that Casey peppers all her lies with grains of truth.

ITA! I think any truths contained in her lies are purely coincidental. The sheer volume of lies she utters is so mammoth that a truth is bound to appear in the pile now and then or she'd run out of words to use.
IMO if she changed it in May, it has Nadda to do with Caylee's going missing. If it were any type of a (non-existant clue) it would have been changed in the timeframe of the "abduction".

Casey wasn't giving clues. She was too busy sending people on a wild goose chase. She was spinning like a tornado.

The most likely theory I've read so far was the date to leave for PR.

I imagine at that time she was convinced she would be able to steal enough money from someone by that point that she was going with them. This I have no doubt of..........
This is what I think, she got Timer 55 off the net like everything else she dreampt up. And the statement the nanny took her "to teach her a lesson", meant KC herself did this to teach "her Mom ie CA" a lesson. Shes a patholigical liar..period.

I just came to this thread, haven't read much and saw this post. Last night, after reading Lee's deposition, I had the above thought as well. No let's call it a horrifing realization.

To expand here - CA had gone to the counselor. She was trying to crack down to bring change regarding KC's lack of responsibility. KC, always the spoiled brat, entered into an I'LL SHOW YOU MODE. NOONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO!!!! I'M SICK OF YOU POLICING ME AND CONTROLLING ME AND FOREVER TELLING ME WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING. Unfortunately for Caylee, she was the central factor that could not be ignored keeping the "control" always "alive and well". Once KC took care of the "control factor = Caylee" she solved her problem in her sick mind.

Further weird psych would be that CA , forever confusing herself with being Caylee's actual mom, caused KC to THINK she was being relegated the position of the Nanny, while, in fact, she was the mom. Resentment had built up big time. KC had no problem relegating responsibility but wanted it both ways, her cake and eat it too so-to-speak. But so did CA.

Therefore, I conclude that KC's self described words are true; "I did this because I am one spiteful ." IMO, she feels justified.

Since then, everything is back to "normal". They A's are busy obeying and placating KC.

Sorry if my post went too off topic. I think Timer55 could concur with trip to P.R. but not so much Caylee's murder.
Kc and co. love codes and games and it is unbelieveably sick..........
LEE says he and kc have hundreds of friends...........
who would really run around with these to as best buds?????
I just came to this thread, haven't read much and saw this post. Last night, after reading Lee's deposition, I had the above thought as well. No let's call it a horrifing realization.

To expand here - CA had gone to the counselor. She was trying to crack down to bring change regarding KC's lack of responsibility. KC, always the spoiled brat, entered into an I'LL SHOW YOU MODE. NOONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO!!!! I'M SICK OF YOU POLICING ME AND CONTROLLING ME AND FOREVER TELLING ME WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING. Unfortunately for Caylee, she was the central factor that could not be ignored keeping the "control" always "alive and well". Once KC took care of the "control factor = Caylee" she solved her problem in her sick mind.

Further weird psych would be that CA , forever confusing herself with being Caylee's actual mom, caused KC to THINK she was being relegated the position of the Nanny, while, in fact, she was the mom. Resentment had built up big time. KC had no problem relegating responsibility but wanted it both ways, her cake and eat it too so-to-speak. But so did CA.

Therefore, I conclude that KC's self described words are true; "I did this because I am one spiteful ." IMO, she feels justified.

Since then, everything is back to "normal". They A's are busy obeying and placating KC.

Sorry if my post went too off topic. I think Timer55 could concur with trip to P.R. but not so much Caylee's murder.

Yes, yes, yes!
In the process of trying to look for more info, history on this subject, I came upon this post I had read before and thought I'd bump it up...

11-23-2008, 03:12 PM
okiedokietoo okiedokietoo is offline
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Originally Posted by Intermezzo View Post
A timer can be used to control the sequence of an event or process, a timer counts down from a specified time interval, like an hourglass"

The following was snipped from Topix Forum, What are your thoughts?

Margaret In Houston wrote:
<quoted text>
In the interview cindy says she(Casey) changed the password on the desktop to timer55. They thought maybe it was changed on June 14th- a date cindy and george both mention.
Here is when the password was changed...
From the computer forensic report
May 14- 8:49 am Password for DESKTOP computer changed for user casey.
55 days from May 14th is approximately when they all left for Puerto Rico (july 8)so I think it was related to that.

MarineMom: <quoted text>
24 + 31 = 55 days!!! very good

31 days from May 14 to June 14
24 days from June 14 to July 8
Oh My I think you are totally Correct!

IMO you all have solved this.
Thank you and bye I am off to another thread

So, this may be where this theory started...

But is it based in fact? I seem to recall seeing the report...or did I just assume the dates were correct because of them being posted so often? (Bad Me!)

Not sure right now...still can't find any links to the supposed May 14th change...hmmm?

So...I must humbly retract my assertion that the password was changed on May 14th...till I can link it (trust me, I'm lookin') ...or someone can...I am just not comfortable...

But I know myself...I don't think I would have believed it, just by reading an unsubstantiated opinion...I think I would have checked it...I hope...:bang:

Back to link-hunting....yikes!
You know, Intermezzo, today I've been going crazy trying to find that reference to the password change in the computer forensic reports, and I can't find it anywhere. But yesterday when reading the Casey/Amy texts I recognized the exact date and time mentioned in the post quoted here, so I thought, "Aha!" This has to be it.

Unfortunately without the original date for the password change this is still a big mystery. Huge apologies to everyone for the false alarm. I'll keep looking...

Looks like we've been here before...good thing we are myth-busting, now,...again...

Still looking for link to show password was changed on May 14th, 2008.
Well, I found this link with a report, on page 49, that the owner account on the HP has an assigned password, of rico23, that was set on May 14th...so...

Is this a misunderstanding...? Was it changed from rico23 to timer55 on the 14th...or changed to rico23...?

At this point, I have to take the report as I read it...it was set to rico23 on May 14th...

I found this from another site...But, interesting none the less.....


From a book....and surprise, surprise...the premise is a kidnapped daughter and what the mother has to go thru to find her. Also, tried to play the game version...don't know if game has "levels", so to speak, thus maybe "timer55" - maybe she made it to level 55??...it was driving me crazy, so I stopped playing!! LOL
Or maybe even something on page 55 in the book....similar to her search for One Tree Hill Episode 100 (or what ever one it was).

ETA : Someone found it amusing that the author was "Susan Smith"....LOL
Originally Posted by BonKai View Post
I agree. I also think it was at that point that KC started seriously planning what she should do with/about Caylee so she could go on the PR trip.

Clear what up? :confused:

I was merely trying to clear up any indication that it was JWG that verified any computer reports, and said the password change occurred on May 14th. I have not seen any posts by JWG indicating such, if I missed something, please, anyone, enlighten me...:)

I was one of the sloppy posters helping to perpetuate this unsubstantiated rumor, that the password was changed on May 14th to timer55, by posting it without a link to docs confirming change, but on other posters claims, for which I cannot now find a link....ugh...

I have spent a good chunk of my day, looking...(anyone else have one, please, jump in, I have given up...)

But, my point was, I have not seen JWG posting such.

Below, a a copy of the post I meant to quote...with JWG's name in it....you merely replied to it...:)

I really respect JWG...sort of a worship thing...lol...I would hate his good name pulled into this mess...ugh...that's all...

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Originally Posted by eddeva View Post
someone VERY computer savvy (maybe JWG) posted a while ago that the day casey changed her password was exactly 55 days before she was supposed to go to puerto rico w/ her friends and that the password was changed minutes after she went online and booked one of her friends a flight to puerto rico. it's the best explanation i've ever had for timer55 and i'm sticking w/ it.
I agree. I also think it was at that point that KC started seriously planning what she should do with/about Caylee so she could go on the PR trip.

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