TM's Disney Board Posts

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Are we allowed to copy her posts? please delete if I have made a mistake...but the lies and exaggerations...OH my!

They own their own "companies?" This is one insecure sick woman...

"For starters I use caps and bolds to grab attention, not because I'm angry or upset! And secondly both my husband and I own our own companies and make a #h%t(l@ad of money! I live in a HUGE 2 storied cutom brick house (that I designed) with a playground (just for my 3 kids) that will put the best private school out there to shame and the outdoor kitchen.....freaking amazing and it's bigger than the average persons HOUSE! So, yes, I guess we're "rich" in the eyes of America, not that it matters because money is just money and it can not buy one happiness or make them a better person. It makes life more comfortable and easier but not better. Go back to my post and look at how I worded it. I asked why people would choose this resort and pay this much extra if they're just using it to sleep and shower in! When I go somewhere with my husband to get away we always stay somewhere equivalent (as nice as our upgraded home). Disney doesn't even offer such a place! (Although the grounds of our home look similar to the Polynesian with all of the palms and fancy landscaping...) I can't justify paying that kind of money when I USE the resort and it's grounds, but at Disney World (or any other theme park we'd go to as a family of 5) we NEVER stay in the room and we would rarely use the amenities. (We have our own pool and jacuzzi at home so staying in a resort because of the "pool" doesn't make sense for US!) Disney, IMO, doesn't even have what we'd consider a 5 star resort and I feel the rooms get this hype for no good reason. Seriously, those little pods on the sides of CR...WHY in the World would someone want to stay there!? (for that price) Or in one of the Poly rooms where you're stuck in the back on a path where the coolest thing you see all day is a maid going by on a golf cart!? I know the the concierge and preferred rooms have the nice views and perks but if you compare this to any high end resort Disney does not hold a candle. Everyone knows this. Anyone that's been to a really nice resort does. The places are overpriced and we ALL know it. It's like gasoline matter if it goes to $10 a gallon America will continue to drive and shell out the high prices instead of cutting back. If we all cut back a little the World would change! If I was an 8 year old kid going to Disney for the first time I would freaking LOVE Pop Century Resort. It 's just kid friendly! If I was going on my honeymoon I probably would choose Poly or GF but as I said....when I go we all go and with that being said, it doesn't make sense to me. I wanted to make it clear that we do have plenty of money and we can afford the best resort Disney offers, that doesn't mean I agree to paying that much for something when I don't think it's worth it. "
I made it through the first 5 sentences.
Braggarts are wannabes.
Well, now we have all seen the "mansion"....with its dead palms, littered yard...ummm...where is the pool and hot tub? We have seen their reported income...they who make a "@$/;&load of money." We know about these "companies" they own. We have read about her filthy habits and even know her weight.

TM will need to find a new hobby.

First, I want to thank you so much for all you do for the forum; from your timeline which is wonderful, to your Disboard posts, and to all your posts, I do truly enjoy reading them as I'm sure many others do too! You are VERY much so appreciated and your hard work does not go unnoticed. So, for all your effort, thanks don't even seem enough. :loveyou:

I truly enjoyed the above disboard link with posts! I LOL'd so hard, as it seems she burns her bridges no matter where she goes and/or who she encounters. I tried many times now to go to disboard and find posts by her but our internet is not the best which makes the search rather difficult so when you post the link like this one above, it is a lil bit of heaven.

IMO, TM is probably THE phoniest person I have ever seen in my life. She makes me want to :slapfight: her! IMO, she brags about sooo soo much when in reality, she has basically nothing! JMO, but I am guessing if her "wealth" was ever looked at closely, it would probably show, their so-called "rich and wealthy lifestyle" is nothing but government subsidized on us taxpayers dime!!! And it appears to me...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree....

Thanks for the kind words, NWLady! :loveyou:

I'm a retired accountant, so digging into archives and researching the most tedious of minutiae is right up my alley. Lucky for me, reading the Disboards is a lot more interesting than reading tax codes. :floorlaugh:
Hey all! I've been lurking in the HE threads for months now as a guest. This case tugged at my heart from the very beginning. I finally registered a few weeks ago and this is my first post.

Her posts on these DisBoards are something else, although this might have been my favorite one I've read so far where she was retaliating after being called out on her smugness and overall jerkiness:

"None of these comments bother me but I do hate it when something I have said makes someone feel not worthy or bad in any way. I'd never try and hurt anyone and that is why I apologized. I'm not sorry for defending myself or for my opinions. We all have our opinions and are entitled to them."

I hope ALL of the people who read her posts about her wealth, mansion etc...and now reading about her slovenly habits, perversions, and murderous impulses...
An abrasive post by TM ticks off some of her fellow Disboarders:

She responds to the backlash ("condescending," "reprehensible," "tacky and tasteless," "highly offensive") by deleting her own posts, but you can still read many of them because they were quoted by others.

"Rich in the eyes of America"? Oh, no, no, no... :facepalm:

Best line: "It doesn't make me think you are a foremost authority on anything but bragging."

Post #36 seems particularly insightful, in retrospect.

Lmao! This is my favorite one! Hahaa (why do you have an outdoor kitchen? Doesn't the one inside work? ) and (usually someone on here in all caps is blowing off steam from a bigger problem as in a man and wife troubles) paraphrased by me btw lol soooo funny. Boy those disney people had their ears on crooked.
Hey all! I've been lurking in the HE threads for months now as a guest. This case tugged at my heart from the very beginning. I finally registered a few weeks ago and this is my first post.

Her posts on these DisBoards are something else, although this might have been my favorite one I've read so far where she was retaliating after being called out on her smugness and overall jerkiness:

"None of these comments bother me but I do hate it when something I have said makes someone feel not worthy or bad in any way. I'd never try and hurt anyone and that is why I apologized. I'm not sorry for defending myself or for my opinions. We all have our opinions and are entitled to them."


:loveyou: WELCOME!
Hey all! I've been lurking in the HE threads for months now as a guest. This case tugged at my heart from the very beginning. I finally registered a few weeks ago and this is my first post.

Her posts on these DisBoards are something else, although this might have been my favorite one I've read so far where she was retaliating after being called out on her smugness and overall jerkiness:

"None of these comments bother me but I do hate it when something I have said makes someone feel not worthy or bad in any way. I'd never try and hurt anyone and that is why I apologized. I'm not sorry for defending myself or for my opinions. We all have our opinions and are entitled to them."


Hi panacea :seeya: glad you are here and you jumped in to help us sleuth TM, the obnoxious, braggart, lying liar who lies.
Hi panacea :seeya: glad you are here and you jumped in to help us sleuth TM, the obnoxious, braggart, lying liar who lies.

She actually makes me sick to even look at her. There were a few photos that Hoppy had taken of her at the bond hearing made me almost feel anxious because you could really see that cold, nothingness stare in her eyes.

At any rate, she really made quite the persona for herself on the DisBoards. She really made it seem (and truly believed herself) that she was something!
She actually makes me sick to even look at her. There were a few photos that Hoppy had taken of her at the bond hearing made me almost feel anxious because you could really see that cold, nothingness stare in her eyes.

At any rate, she really made quite the persona for herself on the DisBoards. She really made it seem (and truly believed herself) that she was something!

Have you been to the parking lot here where the majority of the social media is discussed?
TM may be, overall, more delusional than even Casey Anthony. I think both of them believed their own lies at times, but TM seems truly committed to creating an entire false persona online. She really invested a load of time into her posts, linking photos, etc...good grief. One sick woman, IMO.
And here's the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique thread, where a Debbie Downer weighs in on Post #29 and things went a bit wobbly, though not as spectacularly as on the one posted upthread:

One Post #48, there's another long-winded rant where TM talks about her "very liberal" parents who let her do whatever she wanted. And other things.

Post #113: "Barbie made me a better woman!"
Major gripefest about a ticket snafu where TM says $300 is hard to come by at her house:

And then the post where she'd lost her "Disney magic":

Which she explains by saying someone was supposed to buy tickets from her but didn't, so they didn't have money for their own trip:

But Sidney was busted for shoplifting on September 12, 2009, and all of these posts were written in the weeks following, from September 22 through October 2. Could that be the reason why things didn't seem so magical in TM's world right then?
But...but what about the dead palm trees? Was there a freeze there? I missed how that happened. When AZ gets freezes, I've seen some pretty dead looking palms at times. Neglect, forgot to water?

Amazing she's been going on for years. She isn't a likeable person. She always comes back so sincere then goes for the throat again in her follow up posts.
I lurk a little, well I lurk a lot, but after reading the "Servers at WDW make $75,000 a year" thread that was linked on DIS started by TM, my head hurt a little. That thread should've been retitled, "Passive/aggressiveness through blinking emoticons". The internet police sirens and multiple grammar police badges were a nice touch. But goodness, the passive aggressiveness by TM is strong in that one.
And oh my, sorry to post twice, but #39 on the I can afford it but I don't understand why you folks are spending your money on nice resorts thread, a poster replies (good Lord, I hope I'm not breaking 800 rules here, if so I'm apologizing right here)

ETA: Wow, we must have posted at the same time. Glad to hear that you are "Rich in the eyes of America". So are many others. Yes, both of your posts are condescending and I say that as a happily well off woman who also runs her own business - no guilt here. If you wanted "just reasons" you didn't have to word things they way you have. We both agree that money cannot buy happiness. It also can't buy class.

Bolded by me.
When another poster asked TM if she traveled much, she replied that they go to Walt Disney World once a year:

This post is dated August 6, 2010. Either she lied here or she was lying everywhere else.

P.S. Some of the stuff I've been posting is also on the timeline and you may have already seen most of it, but on the off chance that Disboards decides to delete all of TM's posts, I'm trying to get as many highlights preserved for posterity as possible.

Gosh, I'm being very alliterative tonight, lol.
Here's TM's Disney Dream Cruise thread from October 2012:

She shares a bunch of biographical info in this one, or at least what she wants others to "know" about her. This is where she calls SM's mom "the evil queen" and also where she posts a pic of herself with a rifle. "Yes, I love guns."

Right in the first post, she says she's "always playing with" rates, specifically mentioning Florida resident rates and military discounts. We learned from the bond hearing that TM and SM had Florida ID cards which they obviously (IMO) used to scam cheaper rates for their trips, but I'm still very curious about the military discounts. I've never found any hint anywhere that either SM or TM ever served in the military.

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