Found Deceased TN - Eliza "Liza" Fletcher Abducted While Jogging - Memphis #4 *Arrest*

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Oh @CharlestonGal, that video was devastating.

I have to applaud all of the law enforcement personnel involved in this case.
For swiftly catching the culprit, for finding Eliza relatively quickly, and for doing this job after discovering her remains.

I could never do this job.

How can they not be so SAD all the time? Coming home from a workday that involves sifting the bloody ground for infinitesimal pieces of someone who was a vibrant woman just days ago. Or for evidence from the demon who did this to her.
Several years back, I went back to school for a Criminal Justice degree but life got in the way and never was able to pursue a goal job of a criminal investigator. My opinion is LE have to put their feelings aside and be able to help the victim tell their side of the story, when they are unable to themselves. And use the investigative tactics and evidence they find to be able to seek justice and punish the criminal responsible to the fullest extent possible.
For those who don't know how PDO's usually work, while he was assigned one today it's almost always not the same one that represents you at trial.

As soon as any defendant fills out the needed paperwork that shows they are indignant and cannot afford an attorney of their own, the judge must assign them someone from the PDO. Failure to do so would be a major violation of a core Miranda right.

The PDO office usually has representatives in the courtroom or nearby in criminal cases so as to adhere to that right. The one that he was assigned today is likely just there for now to advise him on court procedural matters and so he can't claim later he wasn't afforded an attorney. If I recall, many PDO's have a similar structure to normal law firms in they have clerks, associates and trial lawyers.

From here on out, he has the right to be professionally advised on any court proceedings so while it's unlikely the woman who talked to him today after the hearing will defend him at trial, she is making sure that he understands all procedural matters before him leading up to that.

It's also possible - unlikely but possible - that a private law firm will take up his case pro bono or at a reduced rate. Law firms do this sometimes in high profile cases as essentially publicity builders. Chad & Jennifer Freese did something similar to defend Mollie Tibbett's killer because he in no way could pay for their services.

In the end it's highly unlikely to matter because from what we've even seen there is a mountain of physical and video evidence that places him at the scene of the crime at the same time as Eliza and his DNA at the scene and presumably on her body. That will leave any attorney - regardless of skill or competence level - with very few options to have him avoid anything but the max sentence and at this point, when the case is so strong, that's what you typically are shooting for as a defense lawyer.

Acquittal and/or 'walking free' is not an option. It's not going to happen. Zero chance of this. He will spend an incredibly long time in prison - if not the rest of his life.
Also anti-death penalty attorneys would have interest in this high profile case.
I carry one of these. Hooked on my keychain or belt or tucked in my cleavage. It is exquisitely sharp and will do serious damage. Not only against a human attacker but also the aggressive dogs in the neighborhood.

ETA: You wrap your fingers around it and make a fist. The blade part projects out from there.

View attachment 364754
Plus get pepper spray for bears. it is much stronger than self defense. i got it for pitt bulls killing my animals. it really didn't hury them, but it blistered my face.

Also, had she not fought him, she would still have been killed. Gove it everything you have. Some women have gotten away.
First victim KD was kidnapped at gunpoint. Do you think mice, phone, "Urban Pal' will save your life in this case? I think the problem much bigger than gender-based violence (violence against women ). Kemper Durand was extremely lucky that he was able to escape.
No matter what, a blitz attack by someone who is taller, heavier, stronger, who literally cold clocks you, tackles you to the ground when you pass a bush, so you had no idea a perpetrator was even in the area...a woman would be down. Before you could catch your breath, boom, a solid punch to your face, he can drag you to his car.

It can happen that fast. I have no illusions on how fast that could happen, especially if the perpetrator has a stun gun, or other weapon.
I'll risk being off-topic, hopefully, every death like this will save other lives, and someone will decide to never jog alone and only where they are in plain view of others. Jog where there aren't bushes for concealment. Blitz attack opportunities can be lessened, head on a swivel, and all that.
It's beyond me why he was not cuffed and/or shackled. I would think tomorrow he probably will be restrained. At least I hope so.
Different jurisdictions have different policies. At a trial with aa jury present it can be prejudicial to present a defendant in anything but free and in a nice suit. But notice that the judge noted he would be escorted and indeed was by two officers. I'm only guessing but since the judge asked him to raise hos right hand and take an oath, this must be standard procedure in Tenneessee and a defendant can't do that in cuffs. I suspect he had shackles on his legs to keep him from running.
The horror of this somehow became much more real to me this morning when I heard the family was in the courtroom.

A smug monster rapes and murders my wife, and four mornings later I have to be in the same room with him?!

I don’t know if I could do it. But I do know I’d probably try to murder him with my bare hands.
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Regarding the gas station - I had my purse stolen a few years ago and had $500 billed before I realized from a gas station. Stolen cards are used quickly typically at closest gas station found - thief offers to fill up a tank with card at lower rate in exchange for cash. That’s why security alerts and flags from banks happen at gas pumps - a text to linked account to approve the charge.

Edit to add: It’s also a scam that’s been around for a long time - but security alerts have improved greatly. Perhaps speaks again to CA’s lack of knowledge re tech advancements during years he was away.
Also turning credit into cash quickly when you don't have a PIN number. They buy cigarettes and sell them for cash at a discounted price.
I also carry a Ruger LCP II .380. It's tiny and easily concealable. I carry it it a belly band just beneath my left breast and have practiced extensively drawing it under all kind of circumstances, including faux attacks by men at the range. I can generally get to it. But I probably have more experience with firearms than a lot of other ladies due to 22 years military experience. It's only 3.5 inches at the grip with only a 5 inch barrel. Very easy to conceal (I have a permit). I'm not crazy. I have been attacked and raped in the past.


I think Eliza knew that and fought so hard to not be moved to another location. :(
She did and it may have forced him to have to kill her there, hopefully depriving him of being able to terrorize her for hours. She fought and caused him to lose his shoes, which meant his DNA was found. She made him leave evidence of his identity at the scene, if there had been no video, her phone and his shoes would have been enough to catch him.
I cringed at first, thinking of the children reading here. But if this site still exists by the time they are old enough to search for it, they have a right to know all the details they wish to learn about their mother‘s death.
I wondered that, too. By then they will know the details of their mother's death but if they ever came across these threads, I hope they are able to take some comfort in knowing that their mother touched so many hearts, all around the world, of people that never met her. While more details about what happened will come, I do feel she fought like hell to get back to her family. She seemed like a warm, amazing, and loving person and a great example of who a lot of people strive to be. I know that ever since learning her life story, I certainly do.
A product called TigerLady is modeled after a cat's claws and sits in your hand to attack an assailant. Another product called Go Guarded is worn on your finger and features a serrated blade that can be exposed if needed. Some runners carry a stun gun or pepper spray.
and dual flashlight stun- guns (used more by dog walkers)
It's beyond me why he was not cuffed and/or shackled. I would think tomorrow he probably will be restrained. At least I hope so.
From personal, experience, his left arm remained fixed to the side of his body. I think only his right wrist was uncuffed. He most likely had a belly chain with handcuffs attached. The chain is often not visible as the jail clothes tend to fold over or ride up on the chain.
She did and it may have forced him to have to kill her there, hopefully depriving him of being able to terrorize her for hours. She fought and caused him to lose his shoes, which meant his DNA was found. She made him leave evidence of his identity at the scene, if there had been no video, her phone and his shoes would have been enough to catch him.
I believe that, too. And if she didn't fight, I feel the end result would have been the same but the time in-between would have been even more horrible than I can even think about.

I know this is of no comfort to her loved ones right now, but I believe that as a result of her fighting so hard, it caused him to leave DNA (his sandals behind), to find him, get him off the street, and prevent him from doing this to anyone else again. And to hold him accountable (at least legally). I also believe he would have attacked a girls or several girls from the University cross-country team next.
I'll risk being off-topic, hopefully, every death like this will save other lives, and someone will decide to never jog alone and only where they are in plain view of others. Jog where there aren't bushes for concealment. Blitz attack opportunities can be lessened, head on a swivel, and all that.
Yes, I and I would add - not in the dark, ever
I cringed at first, thinking of the children reading here. But if this site still exists by the time they are old enough to search for it, they have a right to know all the details they wish to learn about their mother‘s death.

Who knows? Maybe in the future Pookie will be in prison trying for an appeal or parole, and the history we have posted here may be helpful as a living document of the pure brutality of Eliza’s senseless murder. Perhaps our words may one day be used to help keep this P O S behind bars until his last breath.

I definitely think we always need to think of future family members reading here and post accordingly. But her boys will grow up knowing what happened to their mother and will adjust accordingly over time, as appropriate. She wass a random victim who did nothing wrong. I like to think they will be proud that this community from around the world cared enough to try to help or just express outrage and support for the family. In the end MPD et al were way to competent and dedicated to need any help.

I am also very pleased at how the events today have played out. In these days of BLM this could have had a major backlash in a predominently black city like Memphis, especially given that EF came from a wealthy family. Instead, I saw an amazingly professional press conference from an amazing police chief and other agencies and a community in outrage with no hessitation over her race or socioeconomic status.

It definitely showed me that, in spite of all the comments even on here about good parts of town and bad parts, which I have no doubt are true but every city has those, the vast majority of Memphians are good people who are likely disgusted by every violent crime that occurs in their city. Wouldn't it be great if the police chief was able to take the momentum from this incredible success and turn Memphis into a safe everywhere city! Wouldn't that be an amazing legacy for Liza.
A product called TigerLady is modeled after a cat's claws and sits in your hand to attack an assailant. Another product called Go Guarded is worn on your finger and features a serrated blade that can be exposed if needed. Some runners carry a stun gun or pepper spray.
While I am glad those products exist and thank you for posting in case that saves someone's life one day, I hate that the world has come to that where women are not safe alone.
Jessica Jaglois


Exclusive in the #ElizaFletcher case: Suspect Cleotha Abston's juvenile court records show he was detained 16 times between ages 11 and 16. He was charged with rape at age 15. His dad was incarcerated when he was a child and still is. Details at 6p on

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