I found this earlier too.
Tammy Helton. Personality Type Reflection. My personality type using Kiersey is teacher, idealist. The printout almost perfectly described me. I agree with the category I was placed in. I am an extrovert and I believe in honoring the commitments that I make
. Also, I like to have things settled
I don't know why we can't really find anything on her, unless she has cleaned up the web a little. Maybe she took her maiden name back? I'm thinking either she has relatives or maybe a good friend in Batesville. I don't think she actually moved there until she was put on leave from BCBS...knowing what they would find in their investigation...she chose to get of Dodge. If it's only a short drive to Memphis, then employment there could be an option. Prolly cheaper in Batesville to live and commute. ???
I did find one TH in Cleveland, TN which could have been a short drive to Chattanooga....37 miles. If she was divorced, took her maiden name, and moved all since February, then not much will show up until after 12/31 in searches.
Also found one listed in Olive Branch, MS----but 45, and has been married at least 4 times. Just don't get the feeling it's her.
JMO.....again not saying any of these are her.