Found Deceased TN - Noah Chamberlin, 2, Pinson, 14 Jan 2016 - #2

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Like all of you, I can't get little Noah off my mind. The more I think about it the more it strikes me that the only reason he wouldn't have cried out or answered when Grandma first started calling his name (which I'm sure she must have, right?) is that once he took off he fell at some point (or fell into one of those cursed sink holes), likely sustained head trauma and it left him incapacitated. Depending on how he fell, or if he fell INTO something, the impact of him falling would have disturbed leaves, branches etc. and once they settled they'd have settled on top of him, covering him up.

Folks are asking "how far can a 2 year old get in a minute??" Well, I don't know how long it actually was between the time Grandma last saw him and then noticed him missing, but even if it was just a minute, I think most might be surprised at just how fast a 2 year old can move. If it was 2 minutes, 5 minutes or longer, he could be quite a distance away from where she last saw him.

By tomorrow it will be 7 days. 7 days of no food (unless he ate some berries, which may or may not have been dreadful to him, depending on what kind of berries might still be on bushes in January and known to be growing in those woods?) and more importantly, no clean water. Sure he might have tried to drink some collected rainwater but I'm sure that's pretty filthy sitting in a puddle. Not to mention the overnight temps and the way he was NOT dressed for those temps.

I really don't want to sound like such a downer but the reality of it is, if he was knocked out right away & woke up in the arms angels it might have been the most merciful thing for him, instead of suffering in the cold, hungry and thirsty, all alone in those dark woods. I'll happily eat these words & youtube myself doing it, if they find this precious baby alive. I really don't think that's the case at this point, however.

"Chester County Sheriff Blair Weaver, who has led the search and rescue operation, has said he believes that Noah is still in the woods near Short Road in Pinson."

(link to source in post 1037)
I've been following this disappearance for days. I cannot shake the feeling that he was hurt in someway.<modsnip> Poor Noah. I hope you come home safe baby! Prayers.

<modsnip> He got away from her. Some way, some how. I have no idea how a two year old gets that FAR AWAY (seeing how they havent discovered him yet) but some of these moms on here have convinced me these kids have mad skills with there legs...they are like mini twisters that can get away from you before you know it and get themselves into all kinds of trouble. People with kids are saying him wandering away isn't far fetched. I don't understand but I'll take their word for it because they have more experience. :) <modsnip> *Thinking of Noah tonight*

"Chester County Sheriff Blair Weaver, who has led the search and rescue operation, has said he believes that Noah is still in the woods near Short Road in Pinson."

(link to source in post 1037)

In this day and age with all the technology...all this manpower, all this time...this is crazy...jmo. He must be really realy hidden obviously...Noah's case will be one in future SAR textbooks I think; I hope all the facets of this search can yield some helpful information, approaches, etc for future searches in such terrain. Maybe help another little one in the future...

Eta: they found Saddam did they do that?
where (or what) lead was recovered.............interesting, did 1 of the rumors pan out? Isn't a lead like a clue or information by someone? and then LE discovered something?
His language, the use of the word recover referring to leads stands out to me. Information from someone would be considered a lead, but I'm thinking more along the lines of recovering information from something which produced leads. Surveillance video, hard drives, film, . . . trail cams?

Referring to recovering footage from a trail cam, if he is seen on footage with gma and sister going one way and only gma and sister returning, wouldn't that be considered a lead that he's still out there? It wouldn't be evidence, but definitely a lead.

Or if he's seen on a trail cam by himself, it's a lead that he's still out there, but it's not evidence that he is still out there.
I am confident that this is all a freak accident and that the family has been completely honest. They've been out there day and night searching and believe that they are going to find him alive. They've been poking the ground with metal rods looking for sinkholes/caverns and at one point the father asked them to be careful because if Noah is down there he might get hurt. They haven't done anything to deserve these accusations, they've allowed their homes to be searched and they've been interviewed, yes it's a terribly strange situation but **** does happen, it doesn't mean that they're guilty.
He's two. I have a child. I remember him being two. At that age he was running wild and like many two year olds, would escape if you weren't careful. Being "wobbly" doesn't mean you can't move, it just means you'll fall a lot, and that's something two year olds do all day without caring. They just get up and keep on moving. Some two year olds have good footing, especially if they play outside a lot and get used to walking and playing in rough terrain, which it appears he did.

People have already mentioned the sink holes and crevices other things he could have fallen into. Have you been in west TN woods? I have. They're nuts. The police aren't blind to this. If anything, west TN police tend to get really bad reps as being lazy and incompetent, but this force has done an amazing job. They were out quickly and utilized every tool they could find and interviewed the family, near by registered sex offenders, had helicopters and anything else they could use.


I've never been in the west TN woods but I believe you about what they're like. I know what the woods here are like, and I know what the woods in Western WA are like, and it would be kind of annoying to have non-locals trying to question what they don't even know.

I have however followed TONS of missing kids cases and frankly, I've never seen a more dedicated crew of LE, on a local, state, federal and community level, as this crew of searchers. These folks are top-notch as far as I'm concerned. (I started to say "bless their hearts" but remembered my southern friend once told me that can be taken to mean "you're an idiot" and I didn't want it to come across that way.)

I think sometimes, especially those of us who've been on WS for a long time, just automatically assume there's "more to the story" because often, there is. Often, someone is lying. Someone did something awful. Often, LE figured it out before too long and most of us are not all that shocked by an arrest. There are cases though (and I'll keep believing this is one of them unless proven otherwise) that it's just a tragic series of events and no one is to "blame".

Bringing forward the latest msm for myself and our Australian friends (and other international guests that work our "nightshift" ! :)

"The children were being watched by their grandmother as Destiny Chamberlin went to the store last Thursday.

This was not uncommon.

Sheriff Weaver maintains no foul play is suspected in Noah's disappearance."
I think all of these ideas are valid, and I get why anyone would go pretty much anywhere with their thinking. I admit to thinking he was never in the woods in the beginning too, but the more I think about sinkholes, Cougars, etc., the more I think it's likely he was hurt very quickly and simply couldn't call out.
There are so many variables. was Gramma tired and preoccupied? Stress and trauma makes our memories shaky at best. If older sister was pitching a fit, or peeing, or a million other things, she could have been distracted longer than she thinks, or cares to admit. I know myself I get tired and space out on things I'd have been adamant I wouldn't have before having kids. They're squirrely little buggers, and we're not always as perfect as we'd like to be.
I need contacts to see well at a distance, and it's dawning on me I rarely wear them... Had I been gramma, I wouldn't have seen little Noah if he was 10 feet off. Good lesson for me there, about to have two under two!!!
As another aside and possibility, I also remember being a bit older (and you'd think wiser) than him and pulling a hiding stunt in the woods on my Nana. I thought I was very clever and hid, and once she was yelling out of sight, I wandered off, bored. I got lost and my grampa found me hours later, sleeping in a blueberry patch. I decided I was "a wild girl," I'd told him. Who knows what variables were at play here. The original story, without foul play, seems too easily plausible to suspect anything else at this point to me. I need to stop rambling and constantly refreshing pages in hopes of news and go to bed. Praying to hear some news in the morning.

I don't think anyone thinks he went very far at this point. It seems like the most likely scenario that he walked/ran off and fell into a sinkhole or cavern or whatever they're calling it. I'm sure to the grandmother it felt like it was only a minute that she was turned away but it was probably a few more. I don't think she set a timer to tend to his older sister.

Some people keep saying it doesn't add up, yet they can't provide any valid reasons as to why. It's always "Why haven't the dogs picked up anything?" or "How could she really not notice Noah running off?", both things which have easy explanations and have been discussed to death. So please enlighten me what isn't "adding up" to you, because unless there is some new development I don't know about, the most common and brought up points have easy explanations.

This story is local for me, and it has really made me realize how quickly people jump to conclusions and talk factual about things they have no idea, such as how tracking dogs work, how fast two year olds can be, how easy it is to get lost and hurt in the woods, etc.I don't think I'll ever look at a story the same way after this.
CanadianWells, welcome to the forum btw. I too think that if he's in the woods he was incapacitated/stuck/hidden fairly quickly. Otherwise all the responders that were there so quickly, so many on foot as well as thermal detection, etc would have located him. Jmo.


Eta: Also, while toddlers can be fast, and get far fast, I feel all the debris, terrain would have inhibited a quick and far travel, jmo.
I've never been in the west TN woods but I believe you about what they're like. I know what the woods here are like, and I know what the woods in Western WA are like, and it would be kind of annoying to have non-locals trying to question what they don't even know.

I have however followed TONS of missing kids cases and frankly, I've never seen a more dedicated crew of LE, on a local, state, federal and community level, as this crew of searchers. These folks are top-notch as far as I'm concerned. (I started to say "bless their hearts" but remembered my southern friend once told me that can be taken to mean "you're an idiot" and I didn't want it to come across that way.)

I think sometimes, especially those of us who've been on WS for a long time, just automatically assume there's "more to the story" because often, there is. Often, someone is lying. Someone did something awful. Often, LE figured it out before too long and most of us are not all that shocked by an arrest. There are cases though (and I'll keep believing this is one of them unless proven otherwise) that it's just a tragic series of events and no one is to "blame".


They really have gone above and beyond. I was surprised at how awesome they have been.

Just FYI, the "Bless your heart" thing depends on the context and who it is being said to. Generally speaking, when people say it about kids, they really mean it. Saying it in this context, no one would think you were calling them stupid :p
Hi everyone. I too am new here. Initially created an account on WS for another case but this case is fairly local to me and I can't shake it. I've been following since the first thread. First, I want to say I appreciate what you guys do here. I felt like I was going a little nutty reading responses elsewhere.

Anyways, I do not want to break the rules, so please do not shun me if I do! I will do better. Promise :)

Getting to my question. Is it possible that they have had evidence for days but want to be as tight lipped about it as possible? Is that common? I have read a fairly interesting post by a searcher who as far as I can tell was truly a searcher this past weekend. They have been fairly mum in the press conferences but I almost wonder if they know more. All cases I have ever followed, I don't feel like I have ever seen such a tight lipped group. I can't blame them. So, I'm just curious if it would be crazy if they have more than they are letting on in terms of physical evidence?

I am hoping and praying for sweet Noah. I have two little boys. One who turned two on Monday. I couldn't get my mind off of Noah at all that day.
Hi everyone. I too am new here. Initially created an account on WS for another case but this case is fairly local to me and I can't shake it. I've been following since the first thread. First, I want to say I appreciate what you guys do here. I felt like I was going a little nutty reading responses elsewhere.

Anyways, I do not want to break the rules, so please do not shun me if I do! I will do better. Promise :)

Getting to my question. Is it possible that they have had evidence for days but want to be as tight lipped about it as possible? Is that common? I have read a fairly interesting post by a searcher who as far as I can tell was truly a searcher this past weekend. They have been fairly mum in the press conferences but I almost wonder if they know more. All cases I have ever followed, I don't feel like I have ever seen such a tight lipped group. I can't blame them. So, I'm just curious if it would be crazy if they know more than they are letting on in terms of physical evidence?

I am hoping and praying for sweet Noah. I have two little boys. One who turned two on Monday. I couldn't get my mind off of Noah at all that day.


The answer is yes, it is common for investigations to be "tightlipped". It's called "keeping things close to vest in order to preserve the integrity of the investigation." It has to happen. Whatever the circumstances are. Jmo. Some LE are more forthcoming than others, all depends on various factors, each case and investigating agency (agencies) are different.

(Haha, I've seen it so tight lipped they won't even tell you which agencies are investigating, lol (right, Foxfire? Lol)

ETA: FTR, and imo these guys have at least been communicative, holding regular PCs, etc. That's a lot more than we see in other cases. This has been a full out exhaustive search, impressive. As stated several times, it's not from lack of effort, resources, manpower here.
I don't think I'll ever look at a story the same way after this.

You wont. I've followed cases here that were local to me, and it boggles the mind sometimes the things people say. And to that, I WILL say "bless their hearts".

But on the flip side, there are many many many more who will follow a case objectively, discuss the facts only, and/or put out potential scenarios that may explain things that don't make sense at first. Part of the reason I love the folks here at WS and the moderated forums.
I'm a mother and grandmother. It's very easy for a toddler to disappear in the blink of an eye and many of us have experienced that. The lucky ones are found unharmed. I believe Noah has been gone from this earth for a number of days. Even if he somehow found food and water, it's highly unlikely he could survive the very cold temps dressed only in a shirt suitable for the warm day he went missing and jeans. I so wish things were different. Losing a child is as bad as it gets.

The answer is yes. It's called "keeping things close to vest in order to preserve the integrity of the investigation."

I figured so and I realize my question is probably a little naive and dumb. I just can't wrap my head around this. Are volunteers expected to keep things close to the vest too?
Hi everyone. I too am new here. Initially created an account on WS for another case but this case is fairly local to me and I can't shake it. I've been following since the first thread. First, I want to say I appreciate what you guys do here. I felt like I was going a little nutty reading responses elsewhere.

Anyways, I do not want to break the rules, so please do not shun me if I do! I will do better. Promise :)

Getting to my question. Is it possible that they have had evidence for days but want to be as tight lipped about it as possible? Is that common? I have read a fairly interesting post by a searcher who as far as I can tell was truly a searcher this past weekend. They have been fairly mum in the press conferences but I almost wonder if they know more. All cases I have ever followed, I don't feel like I have ever seen such a tight lipped group. I can't blame them. So, I'm just curious if it would be crazy if they have more than they are letting on in terms of physical evidence?

I am hoping and praying for sweet Noah. I have two little boys. One who turned two on Monday. I couldn't get my mind off of Noah at all that day.

We dont know either way but its *always* a possibility. LE isnt stupid and they are not their friends. Everyone needs to keep that in mind. JMO.

The answer is yes, it is common for investigations to be "tightlipped". It's called "keeping things close to vest in order to preserve the integrity of the investigation." It has to happen. Whatever the circumstances are. Jmo. Some LE are more forthcoming than others, all depends on various factors.
new to this all, really... In your and everyone's experience, does that say anything? Like would that point to things being suspicious, or would it be neutral in that regard?
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