TN TN - Ricarda Tillman Locket, 23, pregnant, Memphis, 19 Feb 2007

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Oct 24, 2005
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I accidentally came upon this one NCMA has a new (to me) map with all the missing on it by push pin. snip A young Memphis mother disappeared more than a week ago and police still don't know what happened to her.

Ricarda Tillman-Locket was last seen leaving her job at Jillian's Restaurant downtown. She was with her husband. When she never showed up for work on February 26th, her co-workers got worried and called the police.

"She's never been late if she's five minutes late she would call and say I'm running late, never missed work , never missed work without calling and telling me why," says Candy Upchurch from Jillian's.

Isn't it interesting the coworkers called police not husband?
I wonder if the husband has filed a missing person report? Has anyone had any contact with him? I hope we don't have another case of a wife murdered by her husband. There have been way to many lately.

I see that LE is concerned because this couple have a history of domestic violence. Looks like the husband isn't making himself available. According to family members this mom would never just go off and leave her baby behind.

This isn't looking good at all. I can see the hand writing on the wall. I hope they can prove he did it and I hope that they find her.
This mother's day was painful for Ricarda Tillman Locket's family. Since she disappeared last February family members have kept her one-year-old son.

Family members are keeping up hopes that someone will come forward with information about this missing mother's mysterious disappearance.

Locket's uncle Curtis Pritchard and his wife Richenda have been keeping Lockett's son Donnell ever since she was reported missing.

"You don't have no body, you don't know what's - you don't really know what happened. Its just awful," says Pritchard.

Pritchard says mother's day is a harsh reminder of what that child is going through.

"On Mother's Day or any day like this you want to take a dinner with your mother and just be there and this baby he don't know where his mother is," adds Pritchard.

For this Mother's Day, the child's aunts took him to visit his grandmothers in Iowa.

Relatives say they want police here in Memphis to be more aggressive in their investigation. And they want more answers from her estranged husband Lou Lockett.
Well, I'm not LE by any means but, the husband definitely had something to do with her disappearance. If he doesn't want to cooperate, they are going to have to make him cooperate. It's called interrogation and LE should be utilizing it. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Well this case is pretty obvious isn't it! It doesn't sound like the husband is the least bit interested in his wife's missing or his son. He should already be in prison :mad:
Lou Locket has told police that he thinks his wife ran away and is somewhere hiding.

When are these idiots going to come up with a better story than this?
unbelievable - if this is true - the court gave the baby to the Dad who admitted he has hit him????
I think Juvenile Court Referee Harold Horne is crazy!! The father will end up killing this baby. How awful this must be for the missing woman's family. He abused his wife, and probably killed her--and he admitted in court that he hit the baby!!!!

Custody of Missing Woman's Son Given To Husband; Family Outraged

The family of a missing Memphis woman is outraged after a Shelby County Juvenile Court judicial referee awards custody of her baby son to the man they believe killed her. Juvenile Court Referee Harold Horne awarded custody of Donell Lockett, 1, to his father Lou Lockett Friday.

Donell’s mother and Lou’s wife, Ricarda Tillman-Lockett, 23, disappeared in February. Tillman-Lockett’s family believes Lou Lockett murdered her. Monday, October 15, 2007, Tillman-Lockett’s aunt Richenda Pritchard was still in shock about the judge’s decision. She says, “I kept crying. I thought, why would they give him the baby when he was abusing him? Where's my niece? He (Lou Lockett) got rid of her.” She says, “It's scary that he (Lou) has him (Donell). It really is.” Pritchard says Lou Lockett told the judicial referee he has hit his son during Friday’s court hearing, October 12. Pritchard says, “He admitted it under oath that he had whooped that baby with a stick. He admitted it.”

Much more at link--provided by ckwood32
This is a total outrage! Crazy. That poor little baby.
This judge needs to get beat with a stick!!! How many of you would bet that in a few months or years we will hear about this poor baby being murdered.
The judge is an idiot. No judge in his right mind would give custody of a child to the parent that killed the other parent.
Everyone here should write letters showing their disgust.:snooty::doh::sick:

"I know deep in my heart that I didn't kill her," says Lou Locket.

So what's in the shallow end of your heart Lou?

He choked her in January and she had bruises on her neck, was found sitting in his car with a gun and she disappears in February? Now he has been given custody of a baby that he has admitted belting with a stick????


Unfortunately, I think the next thing we're going to hear is that the baby is dead and father disappeared.
ala drew peterson. Yeah, while the story is pretty darn suspect and thin, seems to be working for them so far. Very sad for the families of women who "run off" from their abusive husbands never to be heard from again.
Thanks for the update on Ricarda, Kaylynn. She's one of quite a few women to go missing near north Mississippi, Memphis and east Arkansas in recent years. Another thread was started in the fall of 2007 when a judge granted custody of a one year old son to her husband, Lou Locket, five months after Ricarda disappeared, even though Locket had admitted hitting the child. :banghead: I'd love to know how the little boy is doing now.

I hope the remains will be identified as Ricarda so her family will at last find some peace.

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