Found Safe TN - SLP, 14, Madisonville, Monroe County, 13 Jan 2019 #4 *ARRESTS*

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The only thing I am interested in is that I feel he kept her in the basement and I feel there was a bathroom down there and the mother did not know about the special guest.

What did he say to her to keep her quiet?

Was she hidden in the closet or was she hiding?

Sex abusers are very clever . I read that it is as if they have a Phd in how to control a child.

I posted how he had to be intelligent because of being accepted in UW Madison.

People posted what age group was appealing to the game he met her on.

Who knows what kind of feelers he put out there for others. He hit the jackpot with her.

Saying she needed to video the horrendous rape. Um hm. He is a an expert on what happens when children reveal. NOT!

He is a predator. If he was such an expert on child sex abuse, his brilliance would have googled what agencies would,help her.

He is 31 years old.
And you could be right! The home was purchased in 2016 with 2 bathrooms on the main floor. They could have added a basement bathroom for momma's boy.
Anyone who tells a child they cannot help them unless they wait and endure the abuse again. And video it. And send it to me.

Then takes the child to another state, admittingly taking precautions to not be tracked. Then keeps child hidden. For weeks.

And never once notified police or any agency for help. Then proceeds to lie after cops find him.

Total sick creep.

An innocent person would have acting completely different from the very first time the child mentioned abuse.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

How do you all think this would have played out if there was no video or any evidence of her rape? Consider a scenario in which SP had just run away and was found at a truck stop or something, tells the FBI she ran away because her stepdad is a rapist creep, CPS is called in, they can't find anything wrong and then what? Her only chance may have been to start standing up to him, risking physical abuse, or possibly killing herself or her parents. Maybe, in some perfect wonderful world, she would have called 911 instead and hoped for the best, but I doubt that RP would be in jail right now.

It is weird for BR to be playing Roblox and living in his mom's basement, I can agree. He comes off as a bit of a high functioning asperger to me or a person with some other impairments, not remotely like the guy in JC's case. Until he is charged with kidnapping or any sexual or predatory crime, I don't think the derogatory slamming of him is appropriate and am little shocked at how quickly so many of you are willing to tear him down and let him distract you from the real perp here, which is Randy Pruitt. BR's arrest appears largely to be a technical and cautionary one, because he did (knowingly) break a cut and clear law by having SP send him that video. What he really should have done was asked her to keep it on her phone and ensure it did not get transmitted anywhere else or shown to anyone but LE, then brought her to the FBI asap.

The media has cleverly omitted any part of the text convo that puts BR in a better light. Like:

"Unless you can prove what he did they will just release you back to him if we get caught."
You all know that is a valid concern. Especially reading these forums and how well CPS operates.

Why didn't he or his mom call authorities? That is the main question he is accountable for. SP was found hiding in his closet - for all we know she begged him not to call anyone because she was scared or not ready (not an excuse of course). He knew he would be in trouble and we don't actually have ANY facts as to what motivated him to help her. No matter what we think of BR, the bottom line is that if it were not for his involvement, she would not be safe now.

None of us would have handled it the way BR did, but you have to consider the perspective, problem solving capacity and tools of the person acting before judging the action. I honestly believe he thought he was doing the right thing by her but unfortunately has a misunderstanding and mistrust of authority. I'm going to be sitting on my hands from here on out until we learn the full story or hear from SP herself. In parting I'll say I hope RP rots in prison and those other little girls were spared.

Dear Vail,

I greatly appreciate you sharing your thoughts on this and I agree with you.

As you state in your post, "No matter what we think of BR, the bottom line is that if it were not for his involvement, she would not be safe now." I absolutely believe this.

What if S.P. is alive only because B.R. told her to get it videotaped for evidence, send it to him and then picked her up and drove her across state lines?

What if this path was the only viable path she could see to take to get away from the monster who is her step-father?

What a frightening, horrible and terribly confusing situation she was in!

I envision her reaching out for help from a stranger not unlike a drowning person reaching for a branch - anything. What this young girl went through! She is a survivor.

I believe, horrible as it is (and it is!), the video is the only evidence that has the power to prevent R.P. from raping/molesting/abusing the children in that family ever again. Hopefully he will be behind bars for a very, very long time.

It will be the evidentiary power of the video that keeps him locked up.

I agree that recording this horrible, terrible act upon a child is horrific. But she is alive. She is alive and safe from the monster who was raping her.

Maybe B.R. turned out to be the only way S.P. could get away from her tortured life?

Maybe B.R. lied to the police because he felt the video wasn't enough evidence and S.P. would be returned and R.P. would show up to kill him? Was his motivation fear-based? We don't know .

I have no idea, of course, what went on in this man's head but I wonder if his actions are what saved this young girl and her siblings from this monster.

Maybe this path, while awful, was the only way S.P. believed she could be saved. I don't know but what if it was?

These are my thoughts and opinions. These are my "what if's" .

This young, beautiful, courageous, desperate, vulnerable 14 year-old girl is alive.

She is alive and will never be at the hands of this monster again. For that I am so deeply thankful.
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Since he is charged with taking a minor across state lines for sexual purposes, wouldn't it be assumed that LE has enough evidence to believe that he did or at least intended to engage in sexual activities?
It is a serious charge that carries a heavy sentence. Isn't it 15-30 years?
Have we heard from our lawyers? Imo

Actually, this is the wording of the charge: A Wisconsin man is accused of sexual exploitation of a child after a U.S. attorney said he knowingly persuaded a 14-year-old Tennessee girl to engage in sexually explicit conduct in order to produce video evidence of it.

We don't know yet whether he molested SP or not. Lots of concern that he didn't have the best of intentions. Scroll back to post #366 for a list of what doesn't look kosher about BDR.
Since he is charged with taking a minor across state lines for sexual purposes, wouldn't it be assumed that LE has enough evidence to believe that he did or at least intended to engage in sexual activities?
It is a serious charge that carries a heavy sentence. Isn't it 15-30 years?
Have we heard from our lawyers? Imo

Is this the code he has been charged with? If so that includes child *advertiser censored* under “illicit sexual conduct”
Would they charge him for this since he admitted to asking to make the video and he absolutely had this on his computer?
I self admit I do have a hard time following codes and laws and the umbrellas of where things fall

18 U.S. Code § 2423 - Transportation of minors
Is this the code he has been charged with? If so that includes child *advertiser censored* under “illicit sexual conduct”
Would they charge him for this since he admitted to asking to make the video and he absolutely had this on his computer?
I self admit I do have a hard time following codes and laws and the umbrellas of where things fall

18 U.S. Code § 2423 - Transportation of minors
No. From the complaint (attached below): COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF TITLE 18, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 2251(a)

18 U.S. Code § 2251 - Sexual exploitation of children
(a) Any person who employs, uses, persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any minor to engage in, or who has a minor assist any other person to engage in, or who transports any minor in or affecting interstate orforeign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, with the intent that such minorengage in, any sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing any visual depiction of such conduct or for the purpose of transmitting a live visual depiction of such conduct, shall be punished as provided under subsection (e), if such person knows or has reason to know that such visual depiction will be transported or transmitted using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or mailed, if that visual depiction was produced or transmitted using materials that have been mailed, shipped, or transported in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer, or if such visual depiction has actually been transported or transmitted using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or mailed.


Anyone who tells a child they cannot help them unless they wait and endure the abuse again. And video it. And send it to me.

Then takes the child to another state, admittingly taking precautions to not be tracked. Then keeps child hidden. For weeks.

And never once notified police or any agency for help. Then proceeds to lie after cops find him.

Total sick creep.

An innocent person would have acting completely different from the very first time the child mentioned abuse.


Yes, this is like a Dr Phil “Common Sense Alert” !!!
Wouldn’t SP have told LE whether or not BDR sexually assaulted her the minute he was taken into custody? Wouldn’t that have been another charge if it had occurred? I’m not in the LEAST bit minimizing what he DID do but what if she’d fallen into even worse hands just trying to get free of the sexual predator that called himself a dad.
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No. From the complaint (attached below): COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF TITLE 18, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 2251(a)

18 U.S. Code § 2251 - Sexual exploitation of children
(a) Any person who employs, uses, persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any minor to engage in, or who has a minor assist any other person to engage in, or who transports any minor in or affecting interstate orforeign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, with the intent that such minorengage in, any sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing any visual depiction of such conduct or for the purpose of transmitting a live visual depiction of such conduct, shall be punished as provided under subsection (e), if such person knows or has reason to know that such visual depiction will be transported or transmitted using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or mailed, if that visual depiction was produced or transmitted using materials that have been mailed, shipped, or transported in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer, or if such visual depiction has actually been transported or transmitted using any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce or in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or mailed.

Thank you @PommyMommy !

So where is the charge of transporting a minor across state lines for the intent of sexual purposes? Is that going before a grand jury?

I have info overload and have been following many cases my wires might be getting crossed

Again thank you for that
Absolutely. No question in my mind that BR is just that, A PREDATOR.

Here is a link to Roblox. There are only a few conclusions I come to when I question why a 31 year old male is playing this game with this format. I think once they do a search on all of BR's electronics, we will have more victims/charges.


Here is a link to some demographics on the game such as the average age which is broken down on this site as users under 13 years of age.

40 Interesting Roblox Statistics and Facts

Roblox community age graphic ( dated 2010) shows a pie grid ages ranging from " 2nd graders up to 9th grade and above"

ROBLOX Community Age Graph


Thank you for posting these demographics.
Thank you @PommyMommy !

So where is the charge of transporting a minor across state lines for the intent of sexual purposes? Is that going before a grand jury?

I have info overload and have been following many cases my wires might be getting crossed

Again thank you for that

From here, where they stated an additional charge would be added:

Madison man charged with sexual exploitation of Tennessee girl, missing since Jan. 14

"Assistant U.S. Attorney Julie Pfluger said Monday at a brief court appearance for Rogers that prosecutors would seek an indictment against Rogers when the grand jury next meets on Feb. 20. She said it would also include a charge of taking a minor across state lines for sexual purposes."

This, to me, sounds like it is more than just the transport of the video. I was willing to cut BDR some slack until I read that.
Hi Everyone,

We are asking you to please refrain from posting your personal stories. While they are interesting, uplifting and at times very tragic, it only takes away from the discussion at hand. Please stick to the topic which is the SLP and her father's arrest.
A good reminder so this thread does not get shut down again - everyone has sympathy for sleuthers who have experienced their own pain but as Tricia has repeatedly reminded everyone on these forums it is not about any of us -it is about SP in this matter - her story is horrific enough IMO
Anyone who tells a child they cannot help them unless they wait and endure the abuse again. And video it. And send it to me.

Then takes the child to another state, admittingly taking precautions to not be tracked. Then keeps child hidden. For weeks.

And never once notified police or any agency for help. Then proceeds to lie after cops find him.

Total sick creep.

An innocent person would have acting completely different from the very first time the child mentioned abuse.

There is no evidence he kept her anywhere, and he is not charged with kidnapping or unlawful restraint at this time.

He made some very wrong choices. A wise, competent person would have made different ones. I just don't see enough yet to justify judging him as a sick predatory creep or anything other than a manchild with questionable hobbies. UW has autism treatment programs and is one of the top universities studying autism so any enrolment he has there is hardly evidence of some genius IQ. There also isn't any evidence he is autistic or otherwise impaired, but from what I've seen and read, it is just as possible as being a secret incel sexual predator and I prefer to err on the side of stupidity before evil. His blog, most importantly, is written like a 12 year old. I do think he is rightfully charged for his actions up to this point, don't get m wrong. I just think the pitchforks should be pointing at the guy that raped his 14 year old stepdaughter.
Yes, seriously- for now as I’ve said. Post your link please. The messages I’ve seen don’t lead me to believe anything other than what I’ve posted. And, like I’ve said, I witnessed total failure of CPS to act with reporting. It is an experience I’ll never forget.
Did you read the complaint? It’s in the media thread together with all of the articles that detail snippets of their chats and messages - he was a predator to her no doubt in my mind
Madison man charged in connection with Tennessee teen found in Wisconsin

And when you read the complaint read the last paragraph and let that sink in - then recall that BR told her she had to obtain video evidence of the rape - he’s as culpable as RP IMO - if he had an innocent bone he would have called the police on December 24 when she first confided in him -

The phone he said he used was found in his mother's basement. The affidavit includes text message conversations between the pair.

"And I know you don't want to do it but I don't exactly want to see your dad rape you either. But we need clear video evidence," Rogers said in one text. "But understand that I can get in a hell of a lot of trouble for harboring you Unless you can prove what he did they will just release you back to him if we get caught."

Text messages show Rogers explaining how the teen can record the alleged assault. The video was later found on his computer and is 7 minutes and 10 seconds long, the affidavit states.

Report: Wisconsin man arrested, told Madisonville teen to film sexual assault as proof of abuse

Criminal complaint


Anyone who tells a child they cannot help them unless they wait and endure the abuse again. And video it. And send it to me.

Then takes the child to another state, admittingly taking precautions to not be tracked. Then keeps child hidden. For weeks.

And never once notified police or any agency for help. Then proceeds to lie after cops find him.

Total sick creep.

An innocent person would have acting completely different from the very first time the child mentioned abuse.

THIS ^^^^

ETA: Fix broken quote
There is no evidence he kept her anywhere, and he is not charged with kidnapping or unlawful restraint at this time.

He made some very wrong choices. A wise, competent person would have made different ones. I just don't see enough yet to justify judging him as a sick predatory creep or anything other than a manchild with questionable hobbies. UW has autism treatment programs and is one of the top universities studying autism so any enrolment he has there is hardly evidence of some genius IQ. There also isn't any evidence he is autistic or otherwise impaired, but from what I've seen and read, it is just as possible as being a secret incel sexual predator and I prefer to err on the side of stupidity before evil. His blog, most importantly, is written like a 12 year old. I do think he is rightfully charged for his actions up to this point, don't get m wrong. I just think the pitchforks should be pointing at the guy that raped his 14 year old stepdaughter.
He is charged with child abduction so I don’t understand your point Wisconsin man charged with sexual exploitation in case involving Madisonville teen
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