AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #27

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At the very least, it was an attempt to show that she had her own bed and that she 'stayed' there. She even said when she looked for her she 'looked under her bed.' which was the bunk bed.

It was a lie by omission on her part to show the room, say she stayed there with her brother, point out her bed, and never mention she never er slept there.

She worked hard to give the impression that her daughter slept in her room. Why?
My son had his own bedroom with toys, but he slept in my bedroom until he was 5. At any rate, someone quoted CW as having said Summer "slept" in her bedroom, but no one was able to present a source for that direct quote. I'm not sure why I keep getting responses that confirm what I initially posted, yet people seem to think they are refutations. It's okay if you believe CW was insinuating that Summer slept in that bedroom, but that is not a direct quote from CW. That was the point of my initial post.
Regardless if we are to believe DW then Summer slept in between her parents from the time she was born.

I'm sure it was an honest misunderstanding as it was clear to many what CW meant even if she didn't actually say the words. Interpret how you will.

I think at this point it's a good time to call stalemate and move on.
Yes, the exact words you're looking for may not be what CBW said, that's true.
The only word about 'slept' or 'sleep' came from DW and he was not referring to Summer's bedroom, iirc ?
It feels like splitting hairs -- but not really ... as both parents are saying completely different things , are they not ?

It's all about interpretation since CW did not directly say that Summer "slept" in that room. She said Summer "stayed" in that room, and that room was supposedly the last place Summer had gone when she was last seen. When someone quotes another person, I think it's important to make sure those words were actually used.

Honestly, I don't think it's a big deal whether or not CW meant she slept there or just stayed down there. Co-sleeping is controversial and many parents may be hesitant to share that info with the world. Just my opinion.
Parents’ Interview (WJHL)

  • Questions not provided in video, paragraphs signify jumps/cuts

CBW: “I know she didn’t walk away from this property by herself or off this yard by her swing. I feel in my heart that somebody has came up here and took her. Has lured her away from here.” (0:10)

CBW: “Me and my mother and her were planting flowers and we went in after we got done washing our hands and she got a piece of candy from Grandma and she wanted to go back over and see her brothers and I said okay and I walked her all the way over to the porch and I watched her walk into the kitchen where the boys were watching tv. And I told the boys, I said watch Summer, I’ll be back. And within two minutes I came and I asked the boys where their sister was and they said she went downstairs Mom to play with her toys in the playroom. I said okay, and I yelled downstairs for her a couple times and I didn’t get no answer which was unusual because usually she always answers me.” (1:00)

CBW: “And so I went down there to check and she was nowhere in sight. She was just gone.” (1:17)

CBW: “I don’t go on walks around here or runs because I’m scared of the bears and snakes, and even the coyotes that are around here.” (1:27)

CBW: “Well, whoever has my daughter, I pray and hope that they have not harmed her and they bring her back to us safe and sound.” (1:34)

DW: “Just turned, I mean, go to the FBI, the police and cleared it up, and I don’t know, it seems kind of elusive.”

CW: “It’s really strange that I’ve never seen this truck and I’ve never heard of it until just recently, but I wish they would come forward and explain theirselves and if you’re not a suspect at least come forward and say what you’ve seen.” (2:04)

CW: “She was a tomboy. I shaved my head, she wanted to have her head shaved like me and the boys did.”

DW: “She tried to shave her head in the back…”

CBW: “She tried to shave her head herself.”

DW: “And make it, uh, I think you can see it in some of the pictures. And it was getting out of control so she, we decided to shave her head off and let it grow back long and she shaved her head to, so she wouldn’t feel bad and, uh, but, but it didn’t bother her at this point.” (2:37)

DW: “Well we knew, I knew right away that she was abducted, you know. I knew that right away. That’s what I told them from the beginning but they have to, they have to go through their, you know, I forget the word.”

CBW: “Investigation.”

DW: “They have to do one step at a time I guess but I’m sorry that they had to spend so many man hours in these woods and everything. I’ve seen them limping and everything else, you know and I feel for them. I just wish that there was a way that neighbors could search neighbors’ houses and then if they’re not willing, you know, get a search warrant or something but there’s just no way you can search every single house you know and in the Eastern United States, or whatever, but I wish there was a way. Just thankful for the person or persons that’s doing that, you know, out of love, trying to get information and trying to get her found and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts.”

CBW: “It means a lot.”

DW: “And we thank, uh, everybody who’s trying so hard and praying so hard and she’s, uh, awesome young lady, and uh, we just want her back.” (3:50)

DW: “Yeah there’s always going to be haters you know and you know it’s always going to be that way in this world and we just want to focus on the good friends and Christian people that are trying to help us and praying for us and praying for Summer and, uh, we thank them from the bottom of our hearts and that’s the kind of people we try to relate with and socialize with. So we don’t know anything about you know, no red truck or we hardly know many of our neighbors, I mean, because we just try to be around good people. I mean, and we do have good people in this area we found out since this has all happened. We have some real good neighbors and good folks everywhere but, uh…” (4:39)

CBW: “The most important thing is to bring Summer home. Safe.” (4:46)

CBW: “I’m sorry that you feel this way about us but we love our children with everything we have. We’ve never went without, thanks to Summer’s daddy and my husband. He’s always provided for and has worked as much as he could, and can, and still is. And I’m sorry that you guys feel that way but that’s my baby and nobody would ever treat her like that as long as I was around. Ever. (5:25)

DW: “She loves to, she loves to dance, she loves, she would always want me. She says Daddy hold my hand when she would just, she would like to twirl and twirl and twirl until my arm got tired you know, but, and I mean all I put out there that one of Can, uh, one of Summer’s favorite songs was, uh, Godzilla and they say, you know, they’re jumping all over me about past tense. Was, you know, well, I’m sorry about that but…” (5:58)

CBW: “She also liked the song by New Breed. It was called House, My House. She sung that a lot of times when I play it on the tv. She loved to dance.” (6:09)

DW: “She liked to think of herself as a princess and, uh, you know and all that like all young girls do, and uh… (6:17)

CBW: “She loved Frozen, she loved to be that Elsa and…” (6:28)

DW: “I think she really loved to be in church because she felt a lot of love there and I think you can’t explain what that love is but you feel it, and you know it, you know when you’re young and she felt that there and she loved everybody in that church, or she loves everybody in that church, I should rephrase that because they’ll tear that apart as past tense and I apologize again for that. I hope she gets to come home, you know, and I hope she gets to be with our church family again.” (6:56)

CBW: “Our best friend in that church was R. She loved her to death.” (7:00)

DW: “Yeah, she looked up to women that were…”

CBW: “When she come to that church, she went looking for R, that was her favorite person.” (7:10)

DW: “Any woman that, uh, was professional…”

CBW: “Was pretty, beautiful.”

DW: “Yeah, she looked up to those kind of women, she, you know, they were, uh, how do the word I’m looking for, I can’t think of it but she looked up to them. She’d give them a run for their money every day. She’d give them a run for their money. And there was times, you know, we’d be, you know, that our boys like don’t do this and don’t do that and next thing you know, the stick would come up and just whop them, you know. I’d be like Summer don’t do that.” (7:40)

CBW: “Summer was the boss of the family.” (7:42)

DW: “Yeah she’s typical girl.”

CBW: “They get outta line, she’d put them in line.” (7:48)

DW: “She’d do her best.” (7:50)

CBW: “She’d love to play in the mud and the water and swing on her swing and enjoy dirt.” (7:57)

DW: “When I was, when I run the lawnmower around, she was she would run behind me. When the boys run their bikes around, she as fast as that little bike could go, she would be behind them running as fast and keeping up with them no problem, you know. She loved to run. She just loved to run. And uh, she could pull herself up on that swing her full body weight with her two hands and she could do that and none of the other boys can do that but she can.” (8:25)

QUESTION: “Was she at school yet?”

CBW: “No.”

DW: “No, she was going this year.”

CBW: “This was supposed to be her first year of kindergarten.” (8:30)

DW: “We did all the, what.”

CBW: “I took care of everything, she had her, I had already took all of her shots and registered in the school for ready for this year.” (8:45)

DW: “I just never expected for anyone to get ahold of my heart like she has because I try to guard my heart as much as I can but she just, she holds my heart in her little hands and I love her with all my heart. I mean, I’d do anything to have her back.” (9:07)

DW: “If there’s any way you could find it in your heart to please release her somehow, I don’t know how you might do that, I mean because you’re probably scared of going to prison for the rest of your life and everything else I’m sure but please find it in your heart, have mercy and find a way of letting her go and where we can get her back and uh, just please have mercy on her and, you know, and us, and her brothers. And she’s such a loving, good spirit, please, please don’t hurt her. Please just let her come home. (9:50)

DW: “But my biggest fear is, you know, her being tormented or locked in a dungeon or basement or something because she loves, she loved to be outside all the time. That was her, unfortunately her downfall because a lot of times the boys would be inside and we’d be where’s Summer, why’d you leave her out there alone, you know, go get Summer now, you know? And that’s happened over and over again and, uh, we’d come out and she would always be close by but we was always coming, she had to be outside. She was an outdoor person.” (10:30)

CBW: “She loves to be outside.”

DW: “I’m just so afraid that she’s locked away. She’s such a loving heart and everything and I’m afraid that she won’t be able to, um, locked away where she can’t be outside or with a puppy or anything, you know. Love nature, you know, and it’s, that’s my greatest fear that she’s not able to do any of these things anymore or that she could possibly, you know, I, I don’t want to think she’s dead but it’s a possibility.” (11:08)

DW: “I don’t want to address all the negativity, I just want to focus on the positive because…”

CBW: “Find our daughter.” (11:15)

DW: “It’s so easy to get, you know, lost in that negativity and stuff and it’s just not worth it. So I’m just, uh, I appreciate y’all for the good things you say and, uh, your prayers, that’s awesome.” (11:28)

CBW: “When my sister went missing I was in between Arkansas and Tennessee. I don’t know all of what happened, or what did happen, but I hope that they find her too. And bring her home safely too.” (11:44)

DW: “Yeah, there’s no, there’s nothing that I mean, she disappeared without a trace. They haven’t found anything, haven’t found a body, nothing and you know when you see cases like that, that’s why I lose hope on Summer, you know. I want to keep hope but sometimes I just, I just, I lose hope. And I think well, maybe we won’t never see her again. So I start thinking in past tense, sorry. But I’m trying to keep hope up. I’m trying to keep my prayers up and all that.” (12:15)

I realize we don’t know yet if SW was a victim of foul play, however I thought I would go ahead and share this. I thought it was interesting as it relates to age.

Investigative Case Management for Missing Children Homicides
Female Victim-Killer Relationship
When looking at the bracket of Female 1-5yrs old in this particular study:

Stranger 28%
Friend Acquaintance 64%
Family/Intimate 8%

For example, among the youngest girls (1-5 years old), the killer is a stranger in 28 percent of the murders, while 64 percent of the murders of the oldest girls (16-17 years old) are strangers. Just the opposite, friends or acquaintances are the killers of girls in 64% of the murders of the 1-5 year olds, but only 23% of the murders of the 16-17 year old female victims.

One more Table to add as it brought the truck to mind. We also have some familiarity with the family's trade/acquaintances:

Table 10 Killers' Occupations
Construction Worker 28%
Truck Driver 8%
Food Industry Worker 8%
Student 7%
Service Industry 5%
Auto Maintenance 4%
It's all about interpretation since CW did not directly say that Summer "slept" in that room. She said Summer "stayed" in that room, and that room was supposedly the last place Summer had gone when she was last seen. When someone quotes another person, I think it's important to make sure those words were actually used.

Honestly, I don't think it's a big deal whether or not CW meant she slept there or just stayed down there. Co-sleeping is controversial and many parents may be hesitant to share that info with the world. Just my opinion.

"Co-sleeping is controversial and many parents may be hesitant to share that info with the world."

Okay, now we are meeting on common ground. That was my original point when I stated that CW told us Summer 'slept' in her own room. I took it as such, since she was looking at the bunkbeds as she said 'she stayed here with her brother.'

But at least we can agree now, that she was hesitant to tell the truth so she implied that Summer slept in her own bed at night.

My kids slept in our bed until they were about 4. I don't have a problem with the family bed and I think it has some value. But if my husband had a history like Don's , that wouldn't have been the situation.
"Co-sleeping is controversial and many parents may be hesitant to share that info with the world."

Okay, now we are meeting on common ground. That was my original point when I stated that CW told us Summer 'slept' in her own room. I took it as such, since she was looking at the bunkbeds as she said 'she stayed here with her brother.'

But at least we can agree now, that she was hesitant to tell the truth so she implied that Summer slept in her own bed at night.

My kids slept in our bed until they were about 4. I don't have a problem with the family bed and I think it has some value. But if my husband had a history like Don's , that wouldn't have been the situation.
Do you think Candus knew about Don's history? I bet she is just learning all of that same time we did.
Do you think Candus knew about Don's history? I bet she is just learning all of that same time we did.
I am not sure. I don't know how well she knew his family. His family knew about the allegations for 40 years. I dont know if any of the family ever told her about them.

She did meet Don through some of his family members but I don't know if anyone ever told her or not.
It's all about interpretation since CW did not directly say that Summer "slept" in that room. She said Summer "stayed" in that room, and that room was supposedly the last place Summer had gone when she was last seen. When someone quotes another person, I think it's important to make sure those words were actually used.

Honestly, I don't think it's a big deal whether or not CW meant she slept there or just stayed down there. Co-sleeping is controversial and many parents may be hesitant to share that info with the world. Just my opinion.
Regardless of who slept where, the longer Summer is missing, it feels like the parents are moving in opposite directions and their interviews reflect this.
Maybe stress, or maybe they weren't in a strong relationship before this ?
One says one thing and another says something else entirely.
Not on the same page ?

I do wonder what LE are doing and if they have any information --old or new-- that they're honing in on ?
I am not sure. I don't know how well she knew his family. His family knew about the allegations for 40 years. I dont know if any of the family ever told her about them.

She did meet Don through some of his family members but I don't know if anyone ever told her or not.
It’s possible that she was never told, or if she was, that Don told her it was a vicious lie, and she wanted to believe that.
Yes, the exact words you're looking for may not be what CBW said, that's true.
The only word about 'slept' or 'sleep' came from DW and he was not referring to Summer's bedroom, iirc ?
It feels like splitting hairs -- but not really ... as both parents are saying completely different things , are they not ?
Agreed. I don't consider that basement to actually be separated into real bedrooms. There is no doors that separate where her bed was and where the adult beds were. It's literally just this huge basement that was kind of divided off by shelving and maybe a half wall but you can look right into one sleeping area into the other. I wonder how these adults had adult relations with both of those young kids basically in the same room.
I am not sure. I don't know how well she knew his family. His family knew about the allegations for 40 years. I dont know if any of the family ever told her about them.

She did meet Don through some of his family members but I don't know if anyone ever told her or not.
If they didn't meet often (CB and DW's family); it probably never came up ?
I have been going back and reviewing some of the videos over the past 2 months from this case.
Leslie, A's friend is standing out to me. I'm not saying she's a POI, I just don't understand why she is involved.

She was not a friend of CW or the family. She wasn't at A's house the day SW came up missing. As far as I know she has never been to the Well's home.
She only had negative things to say about CW and DW.

She has been interviewed a couple of times, maybe more IDK.
Why was she interviewed?
Could she know more?

Unmasked 7/2/21

TIR with CM 7/23/21
(470) The day SUMMER WELLS vanished, part 3 – The Interview Room with Chris McDonough - YouTube
Thanks for the links !
Will listen later.
I'm sure you're aware that my post was quoting another that stated:
" would be extremely unlikely that this scream would not be reported to the public by LE....."

My post was not questioning where the clue about the scream came from. It was questioning whether LE would report it to the public.

To clear up the mistake, I will re-state it.
The quote about the scream is not from LE. It is just speculation that "it would be extremely unlikely that this scream would not be reported to the public by LE."

flashy09 said:
According to CM interview last night, it would be extremely unlikely that this scream would not be reported to the public by LE. So unless this neighbor is only sharing this very pertinent information with DW, it's hard to put a lot of faith in it.
AbbeyBabbey said:
So.....not a quote from LE? Just speculation.
To my knowledge, LE hasn't shared ANY details with the public. MOO

Chris said this because he believed the screams would most likely be reported because of a chance of public threat/kidnapping. So it would be reported even by a tight lipped LE.
I am not sure. I don't know how well she knew his family. His family knew about the allegations for 40 years. I dont know if any of the family ever told her about them.

She did meet Don through some of his family members but I don't know if anyone ever told her or not.
It sounds like maybe some of the family wanted it hidden and might have not believed some things , I doubt his family said anything based on what the interviews have revealed. Candus was probably blindsided with this. I think.
Do you think Candus knew about Don's history? I bet she is just learning all of that same time we did.
I think this is a strong possibility. Why would you sleep with a man let alone have four children with him if you were aware of his history? Although I can imagine DW never telling her. You would think people would share these kinds of info but I don’t know.
Imagine if CBW was also a victim in her past and is just now learning this information. Heartbreaking the possibilities. IMO
My son had his own bedroom with toys, but he slept in my bedroom until he was 5. At any rate, someone quoted CW as having said Summer "slept" in her bedroom, but no one was able to present a source for that direct quote. I'm not sure why I keep getting responses that confirm what I initially posted, yet people seem to think they are refutations. It's okay if you believe CW was insinuating that Summer slept in that bedroom, but that is not a direct quote from CW. That was the point of my initial post.
Her mother pointed to the bunk beds and her father said SW slept with them every night of her life. Posters here don't know who is telling the truth. JMO
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