To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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Jun 17, 2008
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I read the posts from the "Caylee is Alive" thread and I feel like I'm on another planet to these posters.

I ask them to explain to me -

Why, if Caylee was abducted by ZG and her sister Samantha, there has not been ONE SINGLE person come forward to verify the fact that these people exist. Surely they have friends and family. Someone has to know of them. Where are they?

Put yourself in her shoes, if your baby was missing, kidnapped by ???....would you act this way?

Why didn't Casey ask TonE to get gas for her car if it had run out? Why didn't she go back even the next day and pick it up?

Why didn't she confide in someone....I mean anyone, her brother, mother, father. Just someone. Think about it. Who could bear the pain on their own, your baby has been kidnapped. You would be screaming to someone for help.

Why did Casey go out partying, having a great time with her friends after the kidnapping. Is this realistic, think about it. Would you, could you?

Why was Casey having such a great time leaving myspace and facebook messages to all her friends, after ZG kidnapped her baby girl?

Why did all of Casey's friends not notice anything different in her behaviour? She didn't seem upset, stressed, worried, why?

Would you feel like stealing money from your friend and going on a shopping trip, when your baby was missing?

Seriously, would you be thinking of having a tattoo if your child had been kidnapped? Wouldn't you be obsessed with finding her, getting her back.

Is this the behaviour of a mother whose child has been kidnapped, or of a mother who has finally got the freedom to be a free 'party girl' again?

I mean, this is only about her behaviour. I haven't even mentioned the evidence. I just cannot for the life of me, understand how anybody could possibly not see the truth. Actions speak louder than words.

I keep thinking of the saying 'out of sight, out of mine' relating to Casey!
Where are they?
I believe there is a possibility she is alive, but I do not believe the ZG and Sam story.

Put yourself in her shoes, if your baby was missing, kidnapped by ???....would you act this way?
Not if I knew she wasn't dead.

Why didn't Casey ask TonE to get gas for her car if it had run out? Why didn't she go back even the next day and pick it up?
Because she might have been afraid it was going to be reported stolen.

You would be screaming to someone for help.
I do not believe she was kidnapped.
I think that if she is not dead, KC knows where she is.

Would you feel like stealing money from your friend and going on a shopping trip, when your baby was missing?
I dont think her stealing from friends etc had anything to do with Caylee missing. I think it had to do with being broke.

Seriously, would you be thinking of having a tattoo if your child had been kidnapped? Wouldn't you be obsessed with finding her, getting her back.
Not if you know your daughter is alive and being hid from your parents.

Is this the behaviour of a mother whose child has been kidnapped, or of a mother who has finally got the freedom to be a free 'party girl' again?
To a person who isn't mentally all there? I can see that.

I mean, this is only about her behaviour. I haven't even mentioned the evidence. The evidence they have can be disproved. I'd like to see something that can be used against her in court and is concrete.
I dont know if Caylee is dead or alive, but they haven't convinced me she is alive or dead at this point.
Where are they?
I believe there is a possibility she is alive, but I do not believe the ZG and Sam story.

Seriously, would you be thinking of having a tattoo if your child had been kidnapped? Wouldn't you be obsessed with finding her, getting her back.
Not if you know your daughter is alive and being hid from your parents.

I mean, this is only about her behaviour. I haven't even mentioned the evidence. The evidence they have can be disproved. I'd like to see something that can be used against her in court and is concrete.
I dont know if Caylee is dead or alive, but they haven't convinced me she is alive or dead at this point.

(respectfully snipped for space)

Honestly though, at this point if Casey knows Caylee is being hidden from George and Cindy, dont you think she would have spilled the beans? Or at the very least whoever is in cahoots with her, if this were true would be scared snotless that LE is gonna show up, this case has almost hourly national coverage, and no one is going to slip up and say "Casey gave Caylee to ____ to keep her away from Casey's parents"
I am convinced that Caylee is dead, but this is just my opinion, I am not trying to antagonize you at all.
Points to ponder for sure. This case has become very complex. Mental illness is involved. A very dysfunctional family is involved. I do think Caylee's disappearance is a punishment to CA for the most part but I doubt if she is alive and in another state or Puerto Rico because of the various forensic results. Even Mark Nejame kept saying last night on NG that CA and GA are grieving and if they are in denial, it is their right and if they believe there is 1% chance that Caylee is alive, then that is their right too.

All of the various shrinks who have been on NG are saying that she is narcissistic, sociopathic and unable to feel the same human emotions that we feel. These people are usually very charming, like Scott Peterson and capable of fooling people. Scott Peterson had most of Laci's family fooled.

It is not true that ZG doesn't exist. She exists. She just never babysat Caylee. If she is the same "Beba" on MySpace, there are mutual friends that could link her to Casey. That doesn't mean that she's involved . . . just another name that Casey used to make her story up. Surely, if ZG babysat for Caylee for 1 & 1/2 years, Caylee would have talked about her and/or Cindy would have asked Caylee about her day with her. My two year old niece was trying to tell me about her uncle last week. She's not quite 2 & 1/2. She said "uncle" 3xs and then spit out "Rich" and then went on to saying the names of the dogs in the family. She spits out names of family members like that all the time, as she thinks of them. So no pictures, no phone calls, no visits, no stories of, from or to ZG. Well, supposedly, CA says Caylee talked about her. ZG said she never knew Casey and Caylee and Casey said she wasn't the right ZG. Casey lies. Cindy lies. You really can't believe anything that comes out of their mouths. With all of the pictures that Casey had with friends, etc., there's not one picture of her with ZG or Caylee with ZG.

Off topic: Did I tell you that I have a date with Richard Geer tonight? I met him at my job. He came to see my boss. Funny, he had Juliet Lewis with him! Anyway, we are going to one of the casinos and he's introducing me to Donald Trump! It just so happens that my favorite band is playing at The Donald's casino and I am meeting them too! I can't prove any of this. My camera is on the blink. You just have to believe me, okay?

See how easy it is to lie and link people in?
Where are they?
I believe there is a possibility she is alive, but I do not believe the ZG and Sam story.
Fair enough, so what story do you believe?

Put yourself in her shoes, if your baby was missing, kidnapped by ???....would you act this way?
Not if I knew she wasn't dead. What makes you believe she is not dead?

Why didn't Casey ask TonE to get gas for her car if it had run out? Why didn't she go back even the next day and pick it up?
Because she might have been afraid it was going to be reported stolen. Sorry, but I don't understand this answer.

You would be screaming to someone for help.
I do not believe she was kidnapped.
I think that if she is not dead, KC knows where she is.
Why don't you believe that? Casey said she is kidnapped?

Would you feel like stealing money from your friend and going on a shopping trip, when your baby was missing?
I dont think her stealing from friends etc had anything to do with Caylee missing. I think it had to do with being broke.broke or not, shows a pattern.

Seriously, would you be thinking of having a tattoo if your child had been kidnapped? Wouldn't you be obsessed with finding her, getting her back.
Not if you know your daughter is alive and being hid from your parents.when does the time come that you confess to hiding your daughter from your parents?

Is this the behaviour of a mother whose child has been kidnapped, or of a mother who has finally got the freedom to be a free 'party girl' again?
To a person who isn't mentally all there? I can see that.Yep, I can see that too

I mean, this is only about her behaviour. I haven't even mentioned the evidence. The evidence they have can be disproved. I'd like to see something that can be used against her in court and is concrete.
I dont know if Caylee is dead or alive, but they haven't convinced me she is alive or dead at this point.
How do you know it can be disproved?
Would you feel like stealing money from your friend and going on a shopping trip, when your baby was missing?
I dont think her stealing from friends etc had anything to do with Caylee missing. I think it had to do with being broke.
It takes a "special" kind of person to be able to steal from one's own friends, especially for things that she didn't even need. Most of us, when broke, look for a job. Casey pretends she has one and buys groceries with money that she stole from anyone from her mother to her best friend to her grandparents after taking numbers from a BIRTHDAY CHECK they sent her. I was actually kind of surprised to hear that she even still got birthday money from her grandmother at her (Casey's) age. (I was cut off at 18! :) ) Anyway, she steals to do things like buy groceries to bring to her boyfriend's house to create the illusion that she is the "perfect girlfriend" to the newest group of people in which she wants to belong. Sociopaths are very good at knowing how to create the illusion and she seemed to have it down pat.

I agree that her stealing didn't have anything to do with Caylee being missing, directly. But I do believe that the two are connected to show that Casey's state of mind was out of whack during a certain period of time. Her behavior was bizarre and reckless. It strikes me, (and I'm sure many people - it must be discussed here somewhere), that her behavior seems like it might be someone in a manic episode. I wonder if any of her web presence shows her up at times around the clock during that period of time because if she were in a state of mania, there's a likelihood that she wouldn't have been sleeping much. And while we can't assume that she was in a manic phase just because she was online around the clock, it might just serve as another piece of the puzzle. (ETA: I meant to mention that just as carelessly as she stole from her friend, acting as if there was no way that her extremely obvious behavior was going to be noticed or perhaps just didn't care, that's the same way that I believe she felt about whatever it is she did to Caylee. She either stupidly believed that no one was going to catch on or she just didn't care.)

I can't get my mind around the fact that people know these details in combination with each other and don't come to the same conclusion as me. She was definitely behaving abnormally overall and I think that poor Caylee was a victim of a manic episode (or something like it).

I'm not explaining well and probably could have used 1/3 of the words to convey my thoughts but my brain is not working correctly lately. I'VE been up at times around the clock because of my obsession with this case!!! :crazy: I hope you all understand that point I'm trying to make.
Where are they?
I believe there is a possibility she is alive, but I do not believe the ZG and Sam story.

Put yourself in her shoes, if your baby was missing, kidnapped by ???....would you act this way?
Not if I knew she wasn't dead.

Why didn't Casey ask TonE to get gas for her car if it had run out? Why didn't she go back even the next day and pick it up?
Because she might have been afraid it was going to be reported stolen.

You would be screaming to someone for help.
I do not believe she was kidnapped.
I think that if she is not dead, KC knows where she is.

Would you feel like stealing money from your friend and going on a shopping trip, when your baby was missing?
I dont think her stealing from friends etc had anything to do with Caylee missing. I think it had to do with being broke.

Seriously, would you be thinking of having a tattoo if your child had been kidnapped? Wouldn't you be obsessed with finding her, getting her back.
Not if you know your daughter is alive and being hid from your parents.

Is this the behaviour of a mother whose child has been kidnapped, or of a mother who has finally got the freedom to be a free 'party girl' again?
To a person who isn't mentally all there? I can see that.

I mean, this is only about her behaviour. I haven't even mentioned the evidence. The evidence they have can be disproved. I'd like to see something that can be used against her in court and is concrete.
I dont know if Caylee is dead or alive, but they haven't convinced me she is alive or dead at this point.

Great answers; saved me a lot of typing. :)
It is not true that ZG doesn't exist. She exists. She just never babysat Caylee. If she is the same "Beba" on MySpace, there are mutual friends that could link her to Casey. That doesn't mean that she's involved . . . just another name that Casey used to make her story up.
So Casey probably knew ABOUT her from a mutual friend and maybe knew the detail about her going to that apartment complex and was willing to drag her name into something as sinister as kidnapping a child just to be able to concoct a story. Casey has no qualms about taking all kinds of people down just to get what she wants. The behavior is just plain bizarre and outrageous. I've always felt that that didn't bode well for the fate of Caylee.
Let's forget what we all observers (believers and non-believers) think and let's see for a minute what the PROTAGONISTS of this case really think through their actions.

Is Baez preparing to find the baby alive or is Baez preparing for a child negligent case? Neither! Baez is preparing for a murder/accidental death case. All his actions, all his dealing with Casey, all his press releases are those of a defense attorney in a murder trial. The latest? Why stop the process of examining physical evidence? That would confirm an alive Caylee and an abduction, the existence of another person involved. Does he really want us to believe he discuss Caylee with Casey for 8 hours in his office when he actually files for something like this? Why is he not allowing his client to talk to police - under his supervision and guidance to make sure nothing is twisted - and let Casey tell the police who really has her baby? Because nobody has the baby. This might be a game for Casey but it is not for Baez. And he very well knows that this could be a death penalty kind of trial. So why would he play with his client's life if he thought the baby is alive and they can find a formula to work with LE to get to the bottom of this?

Is what LE doing, the work of Law Enforcement that looks for a baby still ALIVE?Unfortunately not. And I am not saying they don't want to do that. The facts and evidence they have unfortunately makes them do things that says only one thing: They are looking to locate a body and how that baby died. I am saying their actions are not the actions of LE who has even 1% hope/info/evidence that the child is somewhere alive and they are bringing in people of interest for questioning daily and gave a sketch to new stations to play and addressed the kidnappers publicly. What is LE doing? Looking with the help of Equusearch for a deceased Caylee, and building a case of physical evidence and circumstantial evidence agains the mother. They are only being PC when they still say ''we are looking for Caylee alive or dead''. That's what they say and that is the right thing to say. But their actions say differently.

Are the Anthonys acting like people who think Caylee is alive? No they are not. Even if publicly or/and privately hold on to that hope, none of their actions is in accord with people looking for a baby still alive or people who their grandchild has been abducted or hidden someplace. Beth Holloway and/or relatives-friends of the Holloway family went down to Aruba immediately to search for her MISSING at the time daughter. Why Cindy and George not even visited the embassy of those countries they believe Caylee has been to? Why they haven't been on an international campaign to inform those countries about Caylee? Why they are not travelling to those states in the US where they say they receive tips from? Why are they spending money and energy on Casey's bail if they really think the child is alive at the moment? Why are they holding vigils when they could be walking through neighbourhoods and following tips?

Why did Mark Nejame spend all his valuable time on tv trying to make people understand that Cindy and Anthony are through a process of grief and people should allow them to do that? If the Anthony's hired this layer to help them with their quest and campaign to find an alive Caylee as Nejame said (even though a PRIVATE DETECTIVE would have been a more appropriate choice don't you think?), why did he spend all that valuable on-air time explaining the grief the grandparents are going through and the possibility that their daughter Casey is facing serious jail time for horrendeous crimes? Why didn't he spend a few minutes talking about organising a search for an alive Caylee? Why HE REFUSED to speak about areas and tips given to them about possible sightings of Caylee? Why did he said the LE asked them to not talk about this tips this since the LE are working a theory on a dead Caylee and since Cindy attacked the LE for looking for a dead Caylee? If Cindy and George were really looking for an alive Caylee they wouldn't give 2 cents what the LE instructed them to do. I mean they surely had no trouble going on-air and attacking the LE. So why nobody can act as someone who is looking for an alive baby?

Because at this point none of the PROTAGONISTS of this case really believes the baby is alive. Grandparents might have sunked in their denial and hope and despair to find her alive, but their logic is what is keeping them from taking appropriate actions for an alive missing baby. Now all of us are just observers, and I don't think we can convince one another to chance their mind about little Caylee being alive or not. We all come to this with different perspectives and life experiences.

But how can anyone denied that all the main protagonists of this case are preparing for a murder trial?
Put yourself in her shoes, if your baby was missing, kidnapped by ???....would you act this way?
Not if I knew she wasn't dead.
Don't buy it. Even if Casey "knows" she isn't dead, she hasn't seen her. She says she doesn't know where she is. She'd be freaking and talking because even if a mother thinks she knows her child is OK, she still needs to be reassured.
This monster's behavior is unfathomable. No parent would ever not react to a child's disappearance.... whether they believed the child had been taken, kidnapped or murdered. To not react at all speaks volumes.

When my oldest was 7, we had just moved into a new house and I was due to give birth to my second child any day... my son disappeared! He had been outside with his dad and when dad turned around, son was gone. We ran up and down the street screaming for him. Neighbors came out of their house to help us. We called our parents and the police immediately, when he wouldn't answer to our yells. We found him... in a neighbors house... he told them it was OK if he visited their daughter who was his age...

Point is, we REACTED. We didn't ignore it. We didn't go out and party. We didn't lie to people about his whereabouts. We didn't smile and laugh and live life like he never existed.

I don't believe this baby is alive... if she were, then someone would come forward. Someone would leave her in a parking lot, someone would drop her off at home or the police station... after all this publicity, they'd have to know something was wrong and let that baby go... No... this baby isn't alive anymore... and the monster needs to pay.
So Casey probably knew ABOUT her from a mutual friend and maybe knew the detail about her going to that apartment complex and was willing to drag her name into something as sinister as kidnapping a child just to be able to concoct a story. Casey has no qualms about taking all kinds of people down, just to get what she wants. The behavior is just plain bizarre and outrageous. I've always felt that that didn't bode well for the fate of Caylee.

Look at that ZG again ,look at her friends list ,all family except LR ,also I searched alot of comments sent by LR ,by punching in her name on myspace ,
She is apparently Jewish and from what I can tell ZG doesn't fit with the friends she has either ,She is no longer on WW friends list ,just in the comments.
I searched Casey's friends on facebook ,no LR,and I don't believe LR was on her myspace friends.To get ZG's real name ,they would of had to of known each other because on myspace it does not say her name.
I read the posts from the "Caylee is Alive" thread and I feel like I'm on another planet to these posters.

Why, if Caylee was abducted by ZG and her sister Samantha, there has not been ONE SINGLE person come forward to verify the fact that these people exist. Surely they have friends and family. Someone has to know of them. Where are they?

(snipped for space)
Why didn't she confide in someone....I mean anyone, her brother, mother, father. Just someone. Think about it. Who could bear the pain on their own, your baby has been kidnapped. You would be screaming to someone for help.

Why did Casey go out partying, having a great time with her friends after the kidnapping. Is this realistic, think about it. Would you, could you?

Why was Casey having such a great time leaving myspace and facebook messages to all her friends, after ZG kidnapped her baby girl?

Why did all of Casey's friends not notice anything different in her behaviour? She didn't seem upset, stressed, worried, why?

Is this the behaviour of a mother whose child has been kidnapped, or of a mother who has finally got the freedom to be a free 'party girl' again?

I mean, this is only about her behaviour. I haven't even mentioned the evidence. I just cannot for the life of me, understand how anybody could possibly not see the truth. Actions speak louder than words.

very well said, ITA with your logic. Casey Anthony has no concern for anyone except saving her own A$$. Her *fear* stems from the fact that she is going to be charged with murdering her daughter and may face the death penalty.....and if I'm wrong, I will join robot dog and eat my new cellphone along with crow.
The thing that is so awesome about this site is that we're allowed to believe whatever we want to believe and we definitely don't have to break it down and justify it to anyone else.
So just because one demands answers to satisfy their own curiosity, doesn't mean another poster owes the OP or anyone else an explanation for why they do or do not believe something and choose to investigate on that premise.
Another question I ask: if Caylee is alive, then WHY, with a reward of $225K for info leading to the safe return of Caylee, is NOT ONE PERSON stepping forward to reveal info they have? NOT ONE! Think about that. $225K gives folks a LOT of reasons to come forward and talk. About 225,000 reasons!
Let's forget what we all observers (believers and non-believers) think and let's see for a minute what the PROTAGONISTS of this case really think through their actions.

Why Cindy and George not even visited the embassy of those countries they believe Caylee has been to? Why they haven't been on an international campaign to inform those countries about Caylee? Why they are not travelling to those states in the US where they say they receive tips from? Why are they spending money and energy on Casey's bail if they really think the child is alive at the moment? Why are they holding vigils when they could be walking through neighbourhoods and following tips?

Why did Mark Nejame spend all his valuable time on tv trying to make people understand that Cindy and Anthony are through a process of grief and people should allow them to do that? If the Anthony's hired this layer to help them with their quest and campaign to find an alive Caylee as Nejame said (even though a PRIVATE DETECTIVE would have been a more appropriate choice don't you think?), why did he spend all that valuable on-air time explaining the grief the grandparents are going through and the possibility that their daughter Casey is facing serious jail time for horrendeous crimes? Why didn't he spend a few minutes talking about organising a search for an alive Caylee? Why HE REFUSED to speak about areas and tips given to them about possible sightings of Caylee? Why did he said the LE asked them to not talk about this tips this since the LE are working a theory on a dead Caylee and since Cindy attacked the LE for looking for a dead Caylee? If Cindy and George were really looking for an alive Caylee they wouldn't give 2 cents what the LE instructed them to do. I mean they surely had no trouble going on-air and attacking the LE. So why nobody can act as someone who is looking for an alive baby?

Because at this point none of the PROTAGONISTS of this case really believes the baby is alive. Grandparents might have sunked in their denial and hope and despair to find her alive, but their logic is what is keeping them from taking appropriate actions for an alive missing baby. Now all of us are just observers, and I don't think we can convince one another to chance their mind about little Caylee being alive or not. We all come to this with different perspectives and life experiences.

But how can anyone denied that all the main protagonists of this case are preparing for a murder trial?
Gametheory, I agree totally. No one spends appx 6 hrs a day, 5 days a week with their attorney to defend child neglect and fraud charges. Frankly I am still shocked Casey is allotted all that time, FRANKLY IT TICKS ME OFF....
I am sick of listening to "AnthonySpin", they are entitled to believe what they want to believe, but COME ON! How could they live in the same house and NO ONE ask WHERE THE HELL IS CAYLEE!!
Man, I am aggravated already, thanks Casey.....
sorry for the mini rant folks, and of course this is all just MY opinion.
Originally Posted by kaych
Put yourself in her shoes, if your baby was missing, kidnapped by ???....would you act this way?
Not if I knew she wasn't dead.

So are you saying the only reason Casey was acting this way is because she knew Caylee was dead???????????????????
Casey isn't at the Baez office to work on her case. She's there to escape the tension in her parent's home! The protesters, the parents breathing down her's a likely pressure cooker in there. So she has the legal right to be at her lawyer's office and there she is, hanging out. It's an escape.
Let's forget what we all observers (believers and non-believers) think and let's see for a minute what the PROTAGONISTS of this case really think through their actions.

Is Baez preparing to find the baby alive or is Baez preparing for a child negligent case? Neither! Baez is preparing for a murder/accidental death case. All his actions, all his dealing with Casey, all his press releases are those of a defense attorney in a murder trial. The latest? Why stop the process of examining physical evidence? That would confirm an alive Caylee and an abduction, the existence of another person involved. Does he really want us to believe he discuss Caylee with Casey for 8 hours in his office when he actually files for something like this? Why is he not allowing his client to talk to police - under his supervision and guidance to make sure nothing is twisted - and let Casey tell the police who really has her baby? Because nobody has the baby. This might be a game for Casey but it is not for Baez. And he very well knows that this could be a death penalty kind of trial. So why would he play with his client's life if he thought the baby is alive and they can find a formula to work with LE to get to the bottom of this?

Is what LE doing, the work of Law Enforcement that looks for a baby still ALIVE?Unfortunately not. And I am not saying they don't want to do that. The facts and evidence they have unfortunately makes them do things that says only one thing: They are looking to locate a body and how that baby died. I am saying their actions are not the actions of LE who has even 1% hope/info/evidence that the child is somewhere alive and they are bringing in people of interest for questioning daily and gave a sketch to new stations to play and addressed the kidnappers publicly. What is LE doing? Looking with the help of Equusearch for a deceased Caylee, and building a case of physical evidence and circumstantial evidence agains the mother. They are only being PC when they still say ''we are looking for Caylee alive or dead''. That's what they say and that is the right thing to say. But their actions say differently.

Are the Anthonys acting like people who think Caylee is alive? No they are not. Even if publicly or/and privately hold on to that hope, none of their actions is in accord with people looking for a baby still alive or people who their grandchild has been abducted or hidden someplace. Beth Holloway and/or relatives-friends of the Holloway family went down to Aruba immediately to search for her MISSING at the time daughter. Why Cindy and George not even visited the embassy of those countries they believe Caylee has been to? Why they haven't been on an international campaign to inform those countries about Caylee? Why they are not travelling to those states in the US where they say they receive tips from? Why are they spending money and energy on Casey's bail if they really think the child is alive at the moment? Why are they holding vigils when they could be walking through neighbourhoods and following tips?

Why did Mark Nejame spend all his valuable time on tv trying to make people understand that Cindy and Anthony are through a process of grief and people should allow them to do that? If the Anthony's hired this layer to help them with their quest and campaign to find an alive Caylee as Nejame said (even though a PRIVATE DETECTIVE would have been a more appropriate choice don't you think?), why did he spend all that valuable on-air time explaining the grief the grandparents are going through and the possibility that their daughter Casey is facing serious jail time for horrendeous crimes? Why didn't he spend a few minutes talking about organising a search for an alive Caylee? Why HE REFUSED to speak about areas and tips given to them about possible sightings of Caylee? Why did he said the LE asked them to not talk about this tips this since the LE are working a theory on a dead Caylee and since Cindy attacked the LE for looking for a dead Caylee? If Cindy and George were really looking for an alive Caylee they wouldn't give 2 cents what the LE instructed them to do. I mean they surely had no trouble going on-air and attacking the LE. So why nobody can act as someone who is looking for an alive baby?

Because at this point none of the PROTAGONISTS of this case really believes the baby is alive. Grandparents might have sunked in their denial and hope and despair to find her alive, but their logic is what is keeping them from taking appropriate actions for an alive missing baby. Now all of us are just observers, and I don't think we can convince one another to chance their mind about little Caylee being alive or not. We all come to this with different perspectives and life experiences.

But how can anyone denied that all the main protagonists of this case are preparing for a murder trial?

:clap::clap::clap:Excellent post. I was going to say that too, but you beat me too it:) and worded it much better than I could.
IMO the reason Casey isn't upset is because Caylee wasn't taken, she was given away. If they were going to kick her out, they were going to lose them both. I think the reason she isn't giving in is because she doesn't have to, she hasn't been cornered yet. When the officers took her to Universal, she played the game until there weren't any moves left. She couldn't adopt her out because of grandparents rights in the state of Florida. She's right back at her favorite position as the center of attention in that family. I think Casey is making the prove they love her best. Seriously, is anyone looking for a live child? What happens if after they've use so many resources to find a body Caylee is found alive? Everyone is going to complain about how much time and money was "wasted". Again, this is just my opinion.
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