To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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I don't know if anyone has already pointed this out already in this thread, but even if Casey absolutely knows where he daughter is and she is alive, she is going to have a whole other score of troubles, legally and in the public eye for wasting peoples time, energy, emotions and money on this case - that included LE envolvement, public searches, her family, etc. To me it doesn't matter whether that child is dead or alive, her mom is causing a lot of unnecessary heartache and it's no wonder how angry she has made so many people.

Here's my problems with the case, besides the obvious. Everyone wishes and hopes Caylee is alive and well somewhere in this world. And I believe like the Anthony's holding onto that 1% chance that she is.

But. If I had leads where this child was, I would be screaming it from the roof tops. I would be publicly declaring every lead in every country, every chance I had. Especially if I believed LE wasnt following up, as the A's have repeatedly stated.

I would have left my child in jail, she is safe there. And it would not be physically possible for me to live in a house day after day with the person who knows something about the whereabouts of the child and not mention anything....

Deep denial of the child's death may have kept me from searching the woods for her, but I would give any information and any materials needed to anyone that would help find this baby..

I would have demanded a lie detector test!! DAY 1

If I decided to sell pictures of my missing child for $1million. The reward amount would be $1.225 million dollars. Talk about motive to give the child back.

I would be hiring all the PI's I could find, not a criminal atty to do a media blitz. My reputation and "how I look" would be the LAST thing on my mind. I would be using the Media everyday, every minute and every second to benefit finding Caylee.


I would too!:clap::clap::clap:
There should be some proof that Caylee is alive by now. A cell phone photo which shows her face and entire body would be a good start along with the faces of the people who have her. A video tape from a grocery store, McDonalds, etc. would be helpful.
As far as Nejame refusing to speak about the tips given to the Anthonys, he is not concerned with Casey, Caylee, or anything else regarding the case... his only concern is defending Cindy and George.
I don't know about anyone else's feelings but watching him speak last night made me sick! He looks like a snake to me. Sorry... but he's just too slick!

Big question folks

Why do the Anthony's NEED a Defense Attorney
I don't mean Casey being scared, I mean being scared for Caylee. Maybe in her mind, she feels if she doesn't talk, Caylee won't be hurt. If this is the case and she know's they are watching her, then she won't talk.

I have 2 daughters, and had 2 very scary incidents happen with my youngest. We were shopping and I turned around and she was gone, I was terrified for her, every horrible thought was swirling in my head. I ran to the front of the store, they made an announcement, the security in the store went looking for her, there was a happy ending. But I don't understand your statement "Maybe in her mind, she feels if she doesn't talk, Caylee won't be hurt", okay but I don't quite grasp why it was okay to go out clubbing, drinking, stealing, have multiple sex partners, that doesn't seem to fit in with fear for her daughter.
Can we please stick to the topic here so we don't lose this thread, too?! The topic remains to be direct questions and answers concerning the facts of this case and backing up statements as to why people believe Caylee is alive. (At least, it is what it says on the title.)

Yes, would like to know the same thing!
Show me the DNA evidence, show me the reports.
Dont show me a link where the Sheriff says "evidence". Show me the actual reports.

All Im saying, to stay objective and remember words are words, evidence is evidence.

Those reports won't be released until Casey is in custody and the murder charges have been filed. Just be patient. The prosecutors have to turn over all their evidence to the defense in the discovery phase of the trial. Just because you- the general public hasn't viewed it yet, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!
I have been doing my best to back up everything I have said with fact. I am not seeing the links being provided from the others as to anything that says otherwise.
I am not going to get into an argument with anyone about this. I will simply say that the attorneys with whom I have spoken are actual practicing attorneys who try real cases on a regular basis. If you are determined enough to check, you will find that many of the "experts" used on the talk shows do little in the legal field besides "hire themselves out" to do such interviews. Many of them have not practiced in years, and some of them do not even have current licenses to practice law.

I can tell you that John Burris is a practicing attorney. I have met him and been in his office. I know him personally. A good friend of mine works for him.
Where are they?
I believe there is a possibility she is alive, but I do not believe the ZG and Sam story.

Put yourself in her shoes, if your baby was missing, kidnapped by ???....would you act this way?
Not if I knew she wasn't dead.

Why didn't Casey ask TonE to get gas for her car if it had run out? Why didn't she go back even the next day and pick it up?
Because she might have been afraid it was going to be reported stolen.

You would be screaming to someone for help.
I do not believe she was kidnapped.
I think that if she is not dead, KC knows where she is.

Would you feel like stealing money from your friend and going on a shopping trip, when your baby was missing?
I dont think her stealing from friends etc had anything to do with Caylee missing. I think it had to do with being broke.

Seriously, would you be thinking of having a tattoo if your child had been kidnapped? Wouldn't you be obsessed with finding her, getting her back.
Not if you know your daughter is alive and being hid from your parents.

Is this the behaviour of a mother whose child has been kidnapped, or of a mother who has finally got the freedom to be a free 'party girl' again?
To a person who isn't mentally all there? I can see that.

I mean, this is only about her behaviour. I haven't even mentioned the evidence. The evidence they have can be disproved. I'd like to see something that can be used against her in court and is concrete.
I dont know if Caylee is dead or alive, but they haven't convinced me she is alive or dead at this point.

Define "concrete"
The evidence is there. LE and the FBI have the evidence in their possession. Baez admits there is evidence. No need to say there is none. It does exist. LE has stated it will show decomposition in the car and will point to Caylee being deceased.
I would like to know from those who believes she is alive, what makes you believe it?..The same as there is no concrete paper we have seen that says Caylee is dead, there is nothing that says she is alive either?

Do you need physical proof of being alive? I have no proof that I'm dead, does that mean by default that I am indeed alive? Wooo, trippy! :crazy:
Those reports won't be released until Casey is in custody and the murder charges have been filed. Just be patient. The prosecutors have to turn over all their evidence to the defense in the discovery phase of the trial. Just because you- the general public hasn't viewed it yet, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

That is 100% correct!

Until it is though, one can not assume that they exist, as you have no way of knowing unless you are part of the investigation. Therefore, my point still stands -- we don't know until they release it.
This is insane..
You are saying it is a conspiracy? What in the world would LE have to gain by doing this to little ol Casey? They are not profitting from it and she is just going to waste more tax dollars, and the extra cell in the system.. And how does anyone manufactor evidence? There are camera's on that house 24 hours a day, I haven't seen one single LE go through a window and take anything to plant evidence..

I am not saying that there is a conspiracy (I don't think there is) but prosecutors do need to solve cases and get someone locked up. Their success depends on it. Look at the Jon Bonet Ramsey case. They locked in on the parents and formed the evidence around them. Years later they say, "oops were sorry!" Had they been equally focused outwardly, considered that there was another explanation then they might have been able to solve the case.

I agree that most of the signs point to Casey, but maybe there is a different explanation. We don't know what we don't know, which is a lot!

The evidence is there. LE and the FBI have the evidence in their possession. Baez admits there is evidence. No need to say there is none. It does exist. LE has stated it will show decomposition in the car and will point to Caylee being deceased.

All true - but to say that it's fact because you heard it is incorrect, misleading, and assuming something based on heresay.


It's not evidence until it's evidence, right now it's just words coming out of someone's mouth.
Not here, I am telling you not ONE person I have mentioned it to knows anything about it ! They say "who's that?"
Ok here's what I just did, I just put my 3 year old on his bus(special school he's autistic) and asked the driver and matron if they heard of the "little girl in Florida ,Caylee who is missing?"

Both said "No...missing where? "

So no matter what anyones thoughts are on this case it is NOT well known

Really how strange , I have friends/family in NY,CT,NH that know just as much about this case as I do and I live on WS

Do you think they don't watch much TV ?
Another question I ask: if Caylee is alive, then WHY, with a reward of $225K for info leading to the safe return of Caylee, is NOT ONE PERSON stepping forward to reveal info they have? NOT ONE! Think about that. $225K gives folks a LOT of reasons to come forward and talk. About 225,000 reasons!

I am waiting for Cindy or Casey to ask for moeny from that fund for living expenses ala Scott Peterson.
Do you need physical proof of being alive? I have no proof that I'm dead, does that mean by default that I am indeed alive? Wooo, trippy! :crazy:

I wasn't trying to be a smart a$$, I would like to read more into the believers thoughts thats all..
Do you need physical proof of being alive? I have no proof that I'm dead, does that mean by default that I am indeed alive? Wooo, trippy! :crazy:
Interesting point. Glad you brought it up. There would be a physical imprint of you being alive. People see you. People talk to you. People could verify you exist. There would be a trail of people or evidence that could provide definitive information to lead to the conclusion you still exist.
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