Toddler's Mother/Peaches/Jane Doe #3

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Technically they are telling the truth.. Does that mean they found out just over a year ago? I dont believe that. Go with what we already know. The ME told fieldnotes that LE wont sign off on putting the toddlers mom in NAMUS. Why? Because theres something in her profile they do not want out there. We now know why.

Peaches was found almost 20 years ago.. The mom for 5 years.. LE couldn't move both cases an inch forward... They knew peaches was the mom and they hid it from the public?... What did they get? Nothing...

It's just frustrating to see them feeding these nonsense stories to the public.. For the sake of the case and bla bla bla... They concealed the facts and they achieved nothing.

Still they are hiding other stuff as well.. The image of the burlap, the clothings of the Asian Male, the tattoo of JD6.. For what? Nothing... They will get nothing....

The case is full of nothings by the police.. They would love to bury the case under a mountain if they could..

For a change they could just go on the TV and simply and openly say "We don't care about some impoverished prostitutes".. That will be much more productive than everything (i.e nothing) they have done so far.
There is one case I wonder about. Pamela Braddick went missing from the Bronx August 2012. Her remains were found a month later on the boarder of Yonkers and Bronxville. Westchester Co. Cherries was found in Mamaroneck in Westchester Co. About 7 miles apart. A local said the killer must know the area. Its not a place someone would accidently find. She was last seen near Yankee Stadium. She went shopping with a friend at the Gateway Mall. Thats where they parted ways.
I was wondering if anyone felt that the peach could represent a last name:
Peach, Peacher, Peche, Petchey, and so on...?
Jessica Taylors tattoo was mutilated. ME was able to restore it. Perhaps the killer also mutilated jane doe #6 tattoo. Maybe the ME was not able to restore it. Just a thought.
let me write it again

He did not destroy the tattoo.. He destroyed the part where it says "Remy's Angel"

He knows who Remy is and he is afraid of him. That's the psyche there.

It's because he doesn't care about the tattoos. Look at peaches. Look at JD6. His forensic countermeasures do not include tattoos.

And JD6 has one leg attached to the torso? How can you explain that? The answer is simple.. He cut one leg and then he said why am I bothering.. I have the head and hands and one leg.. Let me throw them in OPWY.. Nobody finds what I'm dumping there.

And finding Jessica Taylor by the tattoo which is not released to the public but through an internal bulletin? That's full on scandal... It's Fitzpatrick my favorite incompetent dork... There was no need for a tattoo hunt... JT had a missing person report filed just a few days ago... He simply needed to check the recent reports and that's it..

I would really love to grill Fitzpatrick for his nonsense decisions in the cases he handled.
Did any reporters go into any surrounding police departments to see if anyone "tried" to file a missing persons report in June/July/August?
I didn't go all the way back to the beginning of the thread so I don't know if it was mentioned that maybe the unidentified was originally from Georgia. The peach is just a peach but it does look like initials in the leaf.
I don't think killer did much with the baby because he didn't want to fool with it. It didn't do anything for him and it would have been time consuming. I don't think he was making a heart felt conscious choice by not mutilating it because he has some soft spot. If that were the case he would have left the baby alive somewhere. He is a psychopathic monster with no conscious who preys on and kills the vulnerable. Anyway..I've been looking around Georgia's missing tattoo'd

After the TV show America’s Most Wanted aired a photo of Peaches’ tattoo, Connecticut tattoo artist Steve Cullen contacted authorities. Cullen said he thinks he did the tattoo, and that he gave it to a young woman from Long Island who said she was having problems with a boyfriend. Cullen said he recognized the ink immediately because, “I’ve been tattooing for 30 years, not once have I ever seen a peach with a bite taken out of it.” from Crimefeed

I read that and wonder if it's the bf and the kid is his and if it's the one suspect that's the closest to him that could be the best lead. What if cherry was a bestfriend and he knew she knew about them and she needed to go as well?
:bump: You guys are doing great work. :cupcake:Cupcakes for everyone!

Let's see if we can get a positive ID on that tattoo and those initials, in particular. Could be a key to more info.

So while I don't think this is a cover up I do see what could be thought of as that and I notice an E4 it looks like before the t but the thing is the way that's done it would likely be a homemade one either because the killer had a tattoo gun and it's a msg or maybe an ex or bf wanted to claim her. He could have done this after death to taunt us and hid it just so,



Hi there! I'm new.

It does look like initials - but if so, they are pretty badly done. Seems odd an artist wouldn't do a better job of adding initials to a tat, which makes me wonder if a) those are not actually initials or b) they were added after the fact by someone else, who is not a professional tattoo artist. The woman who inks me would hang her head in shame if those were the initials she did.
This might have been said or asked but assuming(i know never a good thing to do) she was a prostitute, then there would be a chance she has a prior arrest? Tattoos and nicknames are always listed. Not public information tho im sure?
With the baby soft spot or not he must have kept it somewhere orlikles it right away. Because it would have started crying and attracted animals which they itself makes me wonder when it was left there or maybe they just didn't release any info saying any animal got at it because it was a skeleton but then does that mean it could have been dragged by one to where it was found? Curious if a wig was found near the Asian male but I feel he would not do so in hopes we'd assume he wasn't trans but like reports have said ivalso believe has trans.
Hi there! I'm new.

It does look like initials - but if so, they are pretty badly done. Seems odd an artist wouldn't do a better job of adding initials to a tat, which makes me wonder if a) those are not actually initials or b) they were added after the fact by someone else, who is not a professional tattoo artist. The woman who inks me would hang her head in shame if those were the initials she did.
Exactly it's as if they were done with a crappy tattoo gun be someone either learning to tattoo or in jail maybe. Or by the killer after the fact. Artists don't sign their work unless you ask so I think it's so rare he'd remember it. I see what is an E then either a y or 4 then a t and either B or 8 maybe a TRR also can you guys see the dots between letters? I just noticed it Shaw then re definitely iniatls and my any one word
Gave it another try and sharpened up the leaf without adding any more noise. I worked with PS CC15 and Topaz:


High pass filter, radius 3 pixels
Topaz Denoise in Topaz labs, higher value smooth
Smart sharpen in PS
Settings amount high, radius3, noise low 5
Linear blending mode into linear light opacity 55





  • peach tattoo original denoise workstation 2.jpg
    peach tattoo original denoise workstation 2.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 384
  • peach tattoo original denoise workstation 2 shadow highlights settings.png
    peach tattoo original denoise workstation 2 shadow highlights settings.png
    31.6 KB · Views: 377
Gave it another try and sharpened up the leaf without adding any more noise. I worked with PS CC15 and Topaz:


High pass filter, radius 3 pixels
Topaz Denoise in Topaz labs, higher value smooth
Smart sharpen in PS
Settings amount high, radius3, noise low 5
Linear blending mode into linear light opacity 55



I see an E and then what looks to be a star.
T and either an 8 or B. Then either a backwards R or A. The last two letters look much larger and they are harder to decipher. The E and what I believe to be a star are spaced further away from the three letters. Could the peach have been a cover up tattoo for these initials?

So, I see either 1) E star T8R 2) E star T8A 3) E star TBA 4) E star TBR
This has probably been brought up before, but I wonder if anyone ever asked Lowrita Rickenbacker if she could identify any of these women. She was a prostitute and drug-addict who carried on a sexual relationship with James Burke in the 90s. She could have known these women.
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