Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Are Divorcing

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As I read I see is kids with Nicole are scientologists, and Bella lives with a scientologist. So No TC would not cut her off.

On another note IMHO the more I do read here, the more I think that Scientology created the wedge between Tom and Nicole - IMO they broke up that relationship.. They planted enough scientologists around him, and then brain washed him (JMO) when she got preg…that he did not impregnate anyone before so maybe Nicole was cheating... or something like that.

AGAIN - braking up families for personal gain is not a spiritual group and they should not be declared a religion.

Yes thats true, insiders have noted that they do not refer to her as "mom" they call her Nicole, I am pretty sure she was disconnected (a COS term for shunning or dissociating with a person) from them on order from the Church and Tom went along with it, shows what a he is, she was and continues to be a good supportive mother to those kids in spite of it all. And yes they are both practicing members of the COS to this day. Tom actually arranged Bella's upcoming marriage to a fellow Scientologist, I read they are getting married in the next few months and he is a big wig in the COS.
You know in the beginning Scientology was not a religion and Hubbard didnt intend for it to be, he started it as a for profit business offering auditing services to those who felt they were having problems becoming successful in life, all his materials were offered for free and he charged for the auditing services but the US govt went after him and said he was practicing medicine without a license and at that time his lawyers advised him to take the issue to the courts and argue that the e-meter and auditing were religious practices and not medical science and the courts seemed to agree with it and they were declared an official religion and he reopened shop as a religion with tax exempt status, so we can thank the feds and the courts for that one, if left alone as a business I doubt he would have made it that far but once it became a religion then the whole mystery of it all attracts people and gets more attention than it would have otherwise, we probably never would have heard of the COS otherwise.

This is just an over simplified and brief synopsis of how it all went down, there were a lot of legal issues involved but that is the general summation of how the COS came to be.
Ah I dont know why but a long time ago I pegged you as being Jewish, I too technically am Jewish, as those matters go, both my parents are Italian but mom's side of the family were Italian Jews (The Italian Jews have quite an interesting history BTW) and my father is an Italian Catholic, I have been told by my Jewish grandfather who is a Woody Allen look alike and with the same sense of humor that when the first of me and my brothers and sisters were born mom and dad flipped a coin to decide if we would be raised in Judaism or RCC and I guess my dad won the coin flip because we were all raised as Catholics and mom never protested too much but I very much love my mother's Jewish side and the entire Jewish culture fascinates me and is something I very much identify with in my own life, while I dont practice Judaism, or Christianity for that matter, anymore, I do enjoy Jewish culture, the food, the music and just the way of life very much. That side of the family is a great source of entertainment for me lol.
I guess now you know why I make you laugh and cry LOL :) I love you.
I make no bones about what I am - Israeli, lived in Italy a bit born in Germany and speak several languages. I have said it in different threads...
I am not religious, I am a JEW all the way :) My grandkids are mixed and it is all good. :)
Funny but I thought you were Jewish too - Why? - who knows. but on the Tiger Thread and on the topic of JFK You resonated
to me as a JEW. I still do not know why....LOL OH! and Ido know that not ll Jewish people are Doctors and Lawyers.
I think TOM being the face of the COS is about over with, I cant imagine them putting all their eggs in that basket anymore, in fact they have been going real hard after Will Smith for a few years now, I think they knew TC needed to be replaced and Will Smith would be a fantastic catch for them but I think he is too smart to fall for that, I would be horribly disappointed in him if he did, other than him, with Travolta's problems being what they are who are they gonna use as their new face of COS, Kristy Alley, thats really scrapping the bottom of the barrel there.
Yes I agree I was actually defending Brit during that meltdown of hers and trying to explain to a lot of people that she very likely has some sort of chemical imbalance going on in her brain I am glad she was able to get that fixed and seems to be more stable, but I think Lohan may be the same I think she may be self medicating some sort of mental illness but its hard to diagnose someone like that unless you really know them but it is true a lot of drug addicts, alcoholics etc are self medicating some sort of chemical imbalance that if addressed properly they immediately change and turn in to totally different people, mental illness is a horrible thing to have to deal with and struggle with and its even worse with the stigma attached to it, its too bad we dont see people like that like we see people with cancer, its no different, it is a medical issue, a sickness that people should have compassion for and not make a mockery of those who suffer from it. Made me very mad when everyone was making fun of Charlie Sheen when he ws in the middle of his last bipolar meltdown, he is a very talented very good guy with a very obvious and serious mental condition, I hope he gets that under control much like my favorite Robert Downey Jr did, both of them are two of the most talented of their generation and I am so happy that RDJ has things under control now there was a time he was the butt of jokes and everyone had given up on him, read up on him now he is doing wonderful things to help other addicts get help and find employment all out of his own pocket. A great man he is.

Strange as it may seem some of the worlds most famous and talented people were bipolar there is something about it that makes me walk that fine line between madness and genius but if left unattended it can cause them and their loved ones a lot of misery and heartache.

Thank you for your beautiful heart. I am the mother of such a daughter. It is not a walk in the park.

Charlie Filmed WALL STREET in my apartment he was here with OLIVER STONE. I love Charlie, he is so charming and warm. I can see how the girls would swoon over him... Oliver on the other hand was not. but he was a gentleman. I used to make them espresso and hang out during the brakes, OLIVER and the Producer loved it, Not Charlie, If I remember correctly Charlie Drank Water... :)
I guess now you know why I make you laugh and cry LOL :) I love you.
I make no bones about what I am - Israeli, lived in Italy a bit born in Germany and speak several languages. I have said it in different threads...
I am not religious, I am a JEW all the way :) My grandkids are mixed and it is all good. :)
Funny but I thought you were Jewish too - Why? - who knows. but on the Tiger Thread and on the topic of JFK You resonated
to me as a JEW. I still do not know why....LOL OH! and Ido know that not ll Jewish people are Doctors and Lawyers.

Yea I identify very much with my mom's side of the family, I have been to Israel its a wonderful place, I wouldnt mind living there out in the country someday if the violence ever stops. There is a real presence there that isnt felt anywhere else on earth IMO.
Thank you for your beautiful heart. I am the mother of such a daughter. It is not a walk in the park.

Charlie Filmed WALL STREET in my apartment he was here with OLIVER STONE. I love Charlie, he is so charming and warm. I can see how the girls would swoon over him... Oliver on the other hand was not. but he was a gentleman. I used to make them espresso and hang out during the brakes, OLIVER and the Producer loved it, Not Charlie, If I remember correctly Charlie Drank Water... :)

Wow cool story, I have always loved Charlie he is a talent for sure, nobody plays Charlie like Charlie, he is the one actor who can play HIMSELF, no need to act like someone else, he is good enough just to be Charlie. I feel awful for what he must struggle with and I know his father really tries to help him, maybe he will keep it under control this time, but you know what, I really dont care what they do with their private life that is their business and really none of mine I enjoy him as an entertainer and for that reason I would hate to lose him to an early death or something tragic. I like Stone too but I could see where he would not be so much of a mensch.
I think TOM being the face of the COS is about over with, I cant imagine them putting all their eggs in that basket anymore, in fact they have been going real hard after Will Smith for a few years now, I think they knew TC needed to be replaced and Will Smith would be a fantastic catch for them but I think he is too smart to fall for that, I would be horribly disappointed in him if he did, other than him, with Travolta's problems being what they are who are they gonna use as their new face of COS, Kristy Alley, thats really scrapping the bottom of the barrel there.

If they don’t use Tom they will abuse Tom sooner or later.
I hope that Will Smith will stay away. I hope David Beckham is not going near them.
Travolta is not a good fit, he seems to have enough scandals of his own. NOT sure they are not responsible for that too.

I think they will prime some young upcoming naïve person soon.

I guess now you know why I make you laugh and cry LOL :) I love you.
I make no bones about what I am - Israeli, lived in Italy a bit born in Germany and speak several languages. I have said it in different threads...
I am not religious, I am a JEW all the way :) My grandkids are mixed and it is all good. :)
Funny but I thought you were Jewish too - Why? - who knows. but on the Tiger Thread and on the topic of JFK You resonated
to me as a JEW. I still do not know why....LOL OH! and Ido know that not ll Jewish people are Doctors and Lawyers.

Thats true, the ones who arent doctors or lawyers are bankers or accountants lol.

For whatever reason though my parents did decide to bring us up Catholic and it was a very strict Catholic household but like I said I loved y mom's side of the family they always treated me so well even though they knew that my dad's religion had kidnapped us. My mom did officially concert to the RCC when she married my father, back them there was no other way and she went all in she became the typical Catholic mother after that.
The best part of that deal as you know and your kids also is that since mom's family was Jewish I am technically Jewish and can call myself such for purposes of right of return to become an Israeli citizen should I ever desire to because mom was a jew but even more so because both grandparents her mom and dad were Israelis.
Wow cool story, I have always loved Charlie he is a talent for sure, nobody plays Charlie like Charlie, he is the one actor who can play HIMSELF, no need to act like someone else, he is good enough just to be Charlie. I feel awful for what he must struggle with and I know his father really tries to help him, maybe he will keep it under control this time, but you know what, I really dont care what they do with their private life that is their business and really none of mine I enjoy him as an entertainer and for that reason I would hate to lose him to an early death or something tragic. I like Stone too but I could see where he would not be so much of a mensch.

If I had known before the filming who was coming over... I may have dressed :) I love to dress... But I was natural and did not care. LOL
Charlie was very social and very kind, he was also very funny. Oliver was sort of stoic (did I spell that right?). I had them here for a few days and got $17,000. And a new paint job.
OH! Michael Douglas lives on the corner so he dropped in one day during Charlies shoot, Michaels shoot was not in my apartment.

I had to defend Charlie too during his last melt down… the folks here were very hard on him. But they do not have a clue what MI is. I do a 5 mile walk in May every year to raise money for NAMI (National association for Mental Illness) I know too much… in fact they want me to teach.

Charlie’s father also filmed in my building but not my apartment, and He was nice too.
Lou Gusset was here too and I loved him too… (Made for cable movie).
If they don’t use Tom they will abuse Tom sooner or later.
I hope that Will Smith will stay away. I hope David Beckham is not going near them.
Travolta is not a good fit, he seems to have enough scandals of his own. NOT sure they are not responsible for that too.

I think they will prime some young upcoming naïve person soon.


Ive been sort of thinking Travolta wants out and the COS may be responsible for all this **** that is happening to him, thats not to say he is not gay I believe he may be but I think they could make it more of an issue than it really is, I dont think he and Kelly had any problems with him as long as it didnt become public and hurt the kids, he seems to adore his kids, maybe he wanted out and they decided to show him how much they could hurt him if he left, that is EXACTLY they sort of thing they do.
If I had known before the filming who was coming over... I may have dressed :) I love to dress... But I was natural and did not care. LOL
Charlie was very social and very kind, he was also very funny. Oliver was sort of stoic (did I spell that right?). I had them here for a few days and got $17,000. And a new paint job.
OH! Michael Douglas lives on the corner so he dropped in one day during Charlies shoot, Michaels shoot was not in my apartment.

I had to defend Charlie too during his last melt down… the folks here were very hard on him. But they do not have a clue what MI is. I do a 5 mile walk in May every year to raise money for NAMI (National association for Mental Illness) I know too much… in fact they want me to teach.

Charlie’s father also filmed in my building but not my apartment, and He was nice too.
Lou Gusset was here too and I loved him too… (Made for cable movie).
That is terrific I was on a lot of people's asses about Charlie too and it really opened my eyes to the fact that most of the general public has no idea how difficult MI is and how badly it hurts those who love one who suffers from it, I have my own experiences with it that I dont want to bore anyone with but I have loved someone who really strugged with bipolar disorder and it is just like watching a terrible horror move replay itself over and over and over, its so sad, I am glad you do something to help, every little bit helps, education is the key, need to educate the public about this and that it is no laughing matter any more than you would make fun of someone with cancer or some other medical issue, it is real and it is horrible.
Yea I identify very much with my mom's side of the family, I have been to Israel its a wonderful place, I wouldnt mind living there out in the country someday if the violence ever stops. There is a real presence there that isnt felt anywhere else on earth IMO.

If I did not have MI daughter I would retire in ISRAEL - even the air changes. YES it is an awesome country and I was raised there till I was 12 - I can sing the songs, make the food and speak the language.

The violence started long before we were born and it may be there long after we and our children are gone too.
I think the animosity stems from biblical times. When Abraham was to pass on and wanted to designate land to his sons... Well - you know the rest of this.... :) I dont want to kidnap the thread.
That is terrific I was on a lot of people's asses about Charlie too and it really opened my eyes to the fact that most of the general public has no idea how difficult MI is and how badly it hurts those who love one who suffers from it, I have my own experiences with it that I dont want to bore anyone with but I have loved someone who really strugged with bipolar disorder and it is just like watching a terrible horror move replay itself over and over and over, its so sad, I am glad you do something to help, every little bit helps, education is the key, need to educate the public about this and that it is no laughing matter any more than you would make fun of someone with cancer or some other medical issue, it is real and it is horrible.
So true...
NAMI does educate nationwide for free.
Ive been sort of thinking Travolta wants out and the COS may be responsible for all this **** that is happening to him, thats not to say he is not gay I believe he may be but I think they could make it more of an issue than it really is, I dont think he and Kelly had any problems with him as long as it didnt become public and hurt the kids, he seems to adore his kids, maybe he wanted out and they decided to show him how much they could hurt him if he left, that is EXACTLY they sort of thing they do.

That is what I think also. :(:(:(
If I did not have MI daughter I would retire in ISRAEL - even the air changes. YES it is an awesome country and I was raised there till I was 12 - I can sing the songs, make the food and speak the language.

The violence started long before we were born and it may be there long after we and our children are gone too.
I think the animosity stems from biblical times. When Abraham was to pass on and wanted to designate land to his sons... Well - you know the rest of this.... :) I dont want to kidnap the thread.

Yes sadly I do know the whole history of it, I did time in the Marines in the middle east and saw it all with my own eyes and unfortunately had to take part in it all. While I can understand both sides and neither side is innocent there is only one side that I know of threatening to drive the other side in to the med sea given the opportunity, I am sure you know what I mean, anyway that is too political for this place lol.
Yes I understand, what I meant to convey is that the practice of Scientology is a much different thing than the COS which is an administrative body that has claimed a monopoly on that practice, I have no problem with Scientology as an applied religious philosophy like Buddhism and some other religions but COS as an INSTITUTION is a criminal enterprise and of that there is no debate the proof is in the pudding, people who practice Scientology however, are largely harmless and it can be helpful to some but I would encourage those people to join the FREEZONE INDEPENDENT SCIENTOLOGY movement and get the hell out of the COS and stop giving them and DM their money.

That is what I say about Kabbalah.
I started to study with the same group that Madonna and Demie More/Kutcher belong too.
YES they are a cult. But the practice of Kabblah is NOT cult.

Within 8 months I knew it was a cult. Then for about a year and half I only went to classes and nothing else. I was in total control.
I do not recommend the center... And there are so many other ways to learn Kabbalha I am independent now. I take a class here and there.

IMHO Madonna - Demi and the others get so much attention that they do not see clearly, all they see is that are stars. LOL
When Madonna is asked about all the donations for Melawi, (was televised) she skirted around it….
She knows that the BERG’S (owners) have 5 mansions in Beverly Hills. Supposedly many millions were raised for Melawi
but she can only account for 3M.
SURE – she is no dummy.
I gotta tend to some business but it was good seeing you again Songline I dont think we have talked since that Tiger Woods thread a long time ago and boy was that a fun thread LOL

Anyway Ill catch you all later, see you next time.
Yes sadly I do know the whole history of it, I did time in the Marines in the middle east and saw it all with my own eyes and unfortunately had to take part in it all. While I can understand both sides and neither side is innocent there is only one side that I know of threatening to drive the other side in to the med sea given the opportunity, I am sure you know what I mean, anyway that is too political for this place lol.

You are right.. but I would enjoy talking to you on this on the Israel thread.
I started that thread but the crowd on politics here makes me sick...So I have not been there for a long while.
I will be happy to go back there. :) Send me a PM if you find your way there. lol
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