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indallas2 said:
I saw a magazine in the grocery store the other day with Brooke Shields and her daughter and new baby - such a nice picture and she had her child on the same day as Tom and Katie had theirs - it's time for a picture of baby'd think they would release one picture................

Brooke and hubby, Chris, sure make cute babies. Rowan is precious. To me they look like their daddy with the red hair. At least for now. They'll probably change as they grow older.
I could easily go the rest of my life without ever thinking one second about what baby Suri looks like BUT, considering Tom made such a public display of his relationship with Katie and his subsequent engagement at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, it just seems like Tom would have also showed his "adoring" (gag me) fans a picture of Suri. I think the man is nuts and truly could care less what Suri looks like... but if he's going to flaunt one part of his relationship, I'm surprised he hasn't flaunted the other part at least a little bit.
Well, now I've seen it all... pix of Katie Holmes' stretch marks. More absurd than the person who took the picture of the stretch marks, why and the heck does this girl not wear something that fits instead of wearing jeans that there's no way in he-- she can pull up to her waist? And why are we being treated to her belly, her nursing bra, her onesie, etc.? Why can't she just cover up????
Why would Tom or any man let their wife walk around like that. Is there no modesty anymore? I think her being shown in unflattering photos is another way for him to have control over her. Figuring the less attractive she looks she'll cling to him for fear she wouldn't be able to find someone else? Dunno.
Ok - NOT defending Cruise in any way, but don't you think the angle of the shot, plus the way she was standing with her arm across her chest maybe hitching up the jacket more than was intended, caused the effect in this picture? It's not like she was out with her whole midriff hanging out, I think the jacket was rather tasteful when it was pulled down the way it's supposed to be.
To show the world she does have stretch marks, maybe?

to say, "I was pregnant".

even so, one can acquire 'stretch' marks by putting on a lot of weight very fast.

i know that.

particularly when one was very slim before the weight gain.

Why would Tom or any man let their wife walk around like that.

not married yet . . . :dance:

btw, i'd love to see this baby's birth certificate. :croc:
The angle of that picture is clearly from someone underneath them.
Which is terrible. You cannot see anything in the second picture taken at a normal angle.

Kato, Jeans now adays are not worn at the waste they are worn at the hips.

"Why would Tom or any man let their wife walk around like that."

They aren't married. Even if they were I don't see that it is his place to tell her how to dress. It would not be up to any man, husband or not to "let" me or not wear something.
Amraann said:
The angle of that picture is clearly from someone underneath them.
Which is terrible. You cannot see anything in the second picture taken at a normal angle.

Kato, Jeans now adays are not worn at the waste they are worn at the hips.

"Why would Tom or any man let their wife walk around like that."

They aren't married. Even if they were I don't see that it is his place to tell her how to dress. It would not be up to any man, husband or not to "let" me or not wear something.

I didn't make the comment about the jeans being worn over the waist as I wear mine at the hips also. Now, I did misspeak when I said wife. As for telling someone how to dress; I just don't think it's attractive to let big bellies hang out. Of course that's JMO.
Amraann said:
I agree but I think that was the angle of the pic.

I can't figure out how someone got that angle without being all up in there? Were they hiding in a manhole or what? LOL
I got the impression it was someone sitting near them?? maybe with a really good camera? (the kind that zooms in?)
They seem unaware that the first picture was being taken.
I wish I could see the picture but my filter at work doesn't allow any personal pages. What is the source of the picture? Thanks.

Why would a post partum mom wear her jeans low enough to expose her belly?

It appears she's showing off her stretch mark(are they stretch marks?)... but what is missing is that dark pigmentation line that pregnant women get on their abdomen..."linea nigra"..
I have fair skin..mine took almost a year to fade away....I have a picture of me in a 2 piece bathing suit taken in October(I delivered in May) and it was VERY noticeable....

I don't know what to think....and where is this baby ???


my opinion only
susiebond said:
... but what is missing is that dark pigmentation line that pregnant women get on their abdomen..."linea nigra"..

Not all women get this. None of the women in my family have ever had that - but most the females in my hubby's family did. Maybe Katie didn't.
No TV or videogames for Tom's two oldest kids:

Tom Cruise is about as strict as it comes concerning the rearing of his two eldest children - banning them from watching TV and playing computer games, according to a published report.
The "M:I3" star's adopted children with former wife Nicole Kidman - Isabella, 13, and Connor, 11 - also have chores to perform around the house.

The children, who are home-schooled by tutors from the Church of Scientology, are also reportedly encouraged to go outside.
Cruise explains, "The kids have no computer games. And absolutely no television. None ... They can listen to music and read just about any book they want, and they can choose the movies they want to see on the weekends, within reason ... They also have chores, because I want them to know that it's important to work. I had a job when I was eight years old delivering newspapers."
Just hearing that his two oldest kids are being tutored by Scientologists is enough to make my skin crawl.
Mike Wallace (of 60 Minutes fame) rips Tom a good one!

The 60 Minutes host, who has long suffered from crippling depression, claims Cruise can't credibly speak about the issue, because he hasn't experienced it. As a devout Scientologist, the actor doesn't believe in medication or counseling to treat depression.

Wallace says, "Tom simply does not know what he is talking about. Scientology is a different thing and God bless him. "But he doesn't know his tail from third base about depression. Simple as that."
The newsman recently admitted that he attempted to take his own life two decades ago and claims he has gone public about his suicide attempt in order to help others.
HeartofTexas said:
No TV or videogames for Tom's two oldest kids:

Just hearing that his two oldest kids are being tutored by Scientologists is enough to make my skin crawl.

Yeah, right that they get to read any book they choose. I'm sure any books they can choose from are from the scientology library = censored. I hope those kids are happy. Because IMO, Tom's parenting isn't so much about nurturing and protecting as it is about CONTROLLING. He makes me :sick:

shopper said:
Yeah, right that they get to read any book they choose. I'm sure any book they can choose from are from the scientology library = censored. I hope those kids are happy. Because IMO, Tom's parenting isn't so much about nurturing and protecting as it is about CONTROLLING. He makes me :sick:

Yeah....wonder what the QUALITY of that cult's education is like!?!? :loser: I wish Nic would tell "tiny might" to take a flying flip and let those children grow up with "normal" people and normal experiences. :( I feel sorry for them after reading that article.
LOL! The DaVinci Code beat the heck out of MI3 for opening weekend box office!

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- "The Da Vinci Code" banked an estimated $29 million at the box office on its first day in theaters, an industry official said Saturday, positioning the film to turn in the strongest opening weekend for any movie this year.

Preliminary results showed that the movie, based on a runaway best-seller and starring multiple-Oscar winner Tom Hanks, appealed to moviegoers despite lackluster reviews.

The Columbia Pictures movie opened in 3,735 theaters in the United States and grossed a respectable average of $7,764 per screen.

"This is the first big film of the summer to exceed box office expectations," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of Exhibitor Relations Co. Inc., which tracks box office receipts.

Dergarabedian said the movie could gross $60 million to $80 million in its opening weekend. That would easily eclipse Tom Cruise's latest offering, Paramount's "Mission: Impossible III," which fell well below expectation with $48 million on its opening weekend earlier this month.
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