Tom vs Nicole

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Wow, it must only be me who cannot stand NK. I hate Hollywood in general but she sticks out as one of the most annoying actresses of all time.
Her children do not call her mom? No big suprise there. YOU HAVE TO ACT LIKE A MOTHER. She picked her boyfriend/husband over her kids. Easy as that.
The article that Nicole was interviewed for says that the kids are with Tom for the school year because they are being schooled at the Scientology center. It appears she would then have them during the summer and visitations, including part of the holidays. Also, the kids don't call Nicole "Mom" they call her Mum (Australian for Mom) and sometimes Nicole when they want to get a rise out of her because she calls them on it. Evidently the interviewer said some about them calling her "Mummy" to which she laughed and said they don't call me Mummy or Mom, they call her Mum or Nicole. Obviously taken out of context to make a story and make Tom look better.
Anyone who has done any serious reading about "Scientology' as per its founder, Rex Hubbard, will have already formed their independent opinion on this issue.
Nicks is Ok in my books and fine considering the all years she spent with the spaced out short one......maybe the kids get to relax more around Nicole.
Anyone who has done any serious reading about "Scientology' as per its founder, Rex Hubbard, will have already formed their independent opinion on this issue.

I'm sure you meant to say L. Ron Hubbard, no?
I've read that tom's sister homeschools the kids and then they attend the Scientology center every afternoon for 'socialization'.
I've read that tom's sister homeschools the kids and then they attend the Scientology center every afternoon for 'socialization'.
Since when is brainwashing called "socialization"!?!?!? :bang: I DO NOT like ANYTHING about their spaced out cult disguised as a religion.:mad:
Since when is brainwashing called "socialization"!?!?!? :bang: I DO NOT like ANYTHING about their spaced out cult disguised as a religion.:mad:

It is a religion. Not a cult. In general terms it is no different than you taking your granddaughter to sunday school or "children's church" . IS that bad for her? NO. Is it bad for his children. NO.
A lot of people homeschool their kids and involve them with their church. It is so not a big deal. I think because they are super rich and like their privacy people like you (who only reads the negative things and not the good things scientology promotes) want to bash them. Not everyone is "christian". Do you think Mormons or Jews are in a cult? I would never dream of calling anyones religious preferences what has been said on this board.

Brainwashing?? Spaced out cult? That is attacking peoples religious beliefs. I am only saying please be kind when speaking of other peoples faith. I was in NO WAY attacking anyone just amazed at how much hate is out there regarding this.

Thank you.
It is a religion. Not a cult. In general terms it is no different than you taking your granddaughter to sunday school or "children's church" . IS that bad for her? NO. Is it bad for his children. NO.
A lot of people homeschool their kids and involve them with their church. It is so not a big deal. I think because they are super rich and like their privacy people like YOU want to bash them. Not everyone is "christian". I guess you think Mormons or Jews are in a cult?

You are very rude and disrespectful in earlier posts about this. I hope you are not like this offline. Some people get offensive in person especially about ones religious beliefs.
Also, earlier you wanted to call someone a loser. Very classy.:crazy:

It is not a religion by definition it is a cult.

We are not permitted to attack other posters here at WS.
It is a religion. Not a cult. In general terms it is no different than you taking your granddaughter to sunday school or "children's church" . IS that bad for her? NO. Is it bad for his children. NO.
A lot of people homeschool their kids and involve them with their church. It is so not a big deal. I think because they are super rich and like their privacy people like YOU want to bash them. Not everyone is "christian". I guess you think Mormons or Jews are in a cult?

You are very rude and disrespectful in earlier posts about this. I hope you are not like this offline. Some people get offensive in person especially about ones religious beliefs.
Also, earlier you wanted to call someone a loser. Very classy.:crazy:


You are new here and I am trying to give you a break, but many of your posts have an ugly, aggressive tone. You lashed out at me on the List of Teachers thread. I am calling you out now for lashing out at deanws. Please try not to get personal.

Websleuths is such a vibrant, interesting community because, with rare exception, people here have strong opinions about things and do a really good job of not disrespecting the posters we may disagree with. You would do well to consider the second part of this equation.
That's my thing with these two - Tom and Nicole - I really don't know what to think. I don't dislike either of them and I really never know what to think about half of what I read about them.

Cruise seems like a decent father and Kidman seems like a decent mother. I was surprised when they separated and divorced.

I was surprised that the article in the first post of this thread talked about Tom Cruise "letting" Katie Holmes say what she said about Isabella and Connor - obviously the article is anti-Cruise. I don't think he controls Katie inordinately - maybe in some ways because he's a bit older - but she seems sharp, savvy and independent to me.
If she was truly sharp and independent, I don't think Cruise would have married her. He wants the kind of woman he can control. I think in the beginning, he could control Nichole. Then, when she began to outgrow him, it didn't work for him any longer. Of course all this is my speculation, as I do not personally know either of them. I love Kidman as an actress and I also think Holmes is cute and I enjoy watching her shows and movies too. I used to LOVE Cruise, but not so much anymore.
It is a religion. Not a cult. In general terms it is no different than you taking your granddaughter to sunday school or "children's church" . IS that bad for her? NO. Is it bad for his children. NO.
A lot of people homeschool their kids and involve them with their church. It is so not a big deal. I think because they are super rich and like their privacy people like YOU want to bash them. Not everyone is "christian". I guess you think Mormons or Jews are in a cult?

You are very rude and disrespectful in earlier posts about this. I hope you are not like this offline. Some people get offensive in person especially about ones religious beliefs.
Also, earlier you wanted to call someone a loser. Very classy.:crazy:
YOU sound like the one who is disrespectful. I am not worried about what you think of me. I do not know you, nor do you matter to me. The rules of WS are to NOT bash the poster. Keep your comments directed to my post and not on me as a person. It is against TOS.
If she was truly sharp and independent, I don't think Cruise would have married her. He wants the kind of woman he can control. I think in the beginning, he could control Nichole. Then, when she began to outgrow him, it didn't work for him any longer. Of course all this is my speculation, as I do not personally know either of them.

You may be right about this. I do think Nicole has some insecurities (and certainly she was young and unknown when he plucked her from the vine, so to speak) and I do think Tom seems like an Alpha dog! I would love to really know why he divorced her - that's got to be one of the best kept secrets in Hollywood - I've read lots of things, but I just can't decide what to believe!
You may be right about this. I do think Nicole has some insecurities (and certainly she was young and unknown when he plucked her from the vine, so to speak) and I do think Tom seems like an Alpha dog! I would love to really know why he divorced her - that's got to be one of the best kept secrets in Hollywood - I've read lots of things, but I just can't decide what to believe!
I read that he did not believe the last baby...the one she was pregnant with when he divorced her, was his. They did a DNA on the miscarried fetus and it was his. She brought this up in some of the court proceedings. I looked for the link where I read this a couple of months ago, but failed to find it again. He only said that Nic KNEW why he divorced her. I believe that she did the DNA of the baby to prove to him that he was wrong. I think she has had plenty of opportunity to trash him, but hasn't. I also think she still loves him, or she would let some secrets out after all the stuff he has said about her. As you know, people are different in life than what they portray in Hollywierd, so I guess it is anyone's guess as to why they didn't make it. I loved to watch them together as they went down the red carpet. They were a LOVELY couple paired together. I bet their babies would have been beautiful! I think Suri is just adorable!!!!! He was a looker in his younger days. He is not bad now, but I just don't care for him as an actor like I used to. I am SURE he loses sleep over that! LMAO!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Why is it so evil if the children call Katie mom?
Nicole basically left the children with Tom.. She stopped mothering them when they divorced.
I am no fan of Tom's but Nicole is no better. She divorced the children when she divorced Tom.

I feel more inclined to believe that as Cruise has gobs loads more money than Nicole he successfully edged her out and made certain he had custody.

i also believe they have been successfully brainwashed against Nicole not less because of all the home schooling by their aunt, Cruise's sister.

her relationship with the children hasn't stood a chance. she hasn't had the opportunity to mother them since he sprang the divorce upon her.


watch out, Katie: it could so very easily happen to you.
I feel more inclined to believe that as Cruise has gobs loads more money than Nicole he successfully edged her out and made certain he had custody.

i also believe they have been successfully brainwashed against Nicole not less because of all the home schooling by their aunt, Cruise's sister.

her relationship with the children hasn't stood a chance. she hasn't had the opportunity to mother them since he sprang the divorce upon her.


watch out, Katie: it could so very easily happen to you.

I agree completely, Floh.
I read that he did not believe the last baby...the one she was pregnant with when he divorced her, was his. They did a DNA on the miscarried fetus and it was his. She brought this up in some of the court proceedings. I looked for the link where I read this a couple of months ago, but failed to find it again. He only said that Nic KNEW why he divorced her. I believe that she did the DNA of the baby to prove to him that he was wrong. I think she has had plenty of opportunity to trash him, but hasn't. I also think she still loves him, or she would let some secrets out after all the stuff he has said about her. As you know, people are different in life than what they portray in Hollywierd, so I guess it is anyone's guess as to why they didn't make it. I loved to watch them together as they went down the red carpet. They were a LOVELY couple paired together. I bet their babies would have been beautiful! I think Suri is just adorable!!!!! He was a looker in his younger days. He is not bad now, but I just don't care for him as an actor like I used to. I am SURE he loses sleep over that! LMAO!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I read that too about the baby. But what I read had a different twist. It said that Cruise knew he couldn't father the child because he is gay and he and Nicole didn't have sex. It said Cruise thought Nicole had gotten pregnant with Jude Law's child and the fact that she had gotten pregnant would lead people to uncover his gay secret.

I don't know if he's gay. Maybe he's bisexual but I definitely think he has sex with women. I don't recall hearing if the tests on the miscarriage proved that the child was his.

Suri is gorgeous!
I read that too about the baby. But what I read had a different twist. It said that Cruise knew he couldn't father the child because he is gay and he and Nicole didn't have sex. It said Cruise thought Nicole had gotten pregnant with Jude Law's child and the fact that she had gotten pregnant would lead people to uncover his gay secret.

I don't know if he's gay. Maybe he's bisexual but I definitely think he has sex with women. I don't recall hearing if the tests on the miscarriage proved that the child was his.

Suri is gorgeous!
She had another miscarriage early on in the marriage, so they must have had sex a few times. ;)
It is a religion. Not a cult. In general terms it is no different than you taking your granddaughter to sunday school or "children's church" . IS that bad for her? NO. Is it bad for his children. NO.
A lot of people homeschool their kids and involve them with their church. It is so not a big deal. I think because they are super rich and like their privacy people like YOU want to bash them. Not everyone is "christian". I guess you think Mormons or Jews are in a cult?

You are very rude and disrespectful in earlier posts about this. I hope you are not like this offline. Some people get offensive in person especially about ones religious beliefs.
Also, earlier you wanted to call someone a loser. Very classy.:crazy:

I saw nothing UNclassy with her post. I saw a lot that was unclassy with YOUR post. I really hate it when posters violate the TOS and lash out at each other... please don't do that and attack another poster. It makes it uncomfortable for all the other posters, and it is really not nice to do that to the person who really didn't do anything wrong in the first place. Being personally attacking here is just as wrong as doing it in real life (LIKE YOU BROUGHT UP!). It really makes the enviroment in the thread uncomfortable, can kill a hot topic quickly that many people were following, and above all else, this type of behavior is not acceptable here on WS. It is well known that scientology is by definition a cult.

I loathe Tom Cruise. I do not dislike either Katie or Nicole. I think both of them were naive when they married him. If Nic was needy, he had his part in encouraging that until he didn't want it anymore for saome reason and it will be the same with Katie. Scientology IS a cult and a powerful one when you try to leave it. That in itself should tell us a lot. Nic was manuevered out of her children's lives by him, slowly but surely. For every story about Nic being manipulative there are 10 about what an *advertiser censored* Cruise is, and also many stories that Nic is a consumate pro and easy to work with as well as kind. Maybe being married to him triggered her insecurity and she may have grown a great deal by now. As for Katie, she is probably very "nice" but she is young and it is obvious that she is completely enamoured of material and surface things, which Cruise can provide. I think the way he is always hanging onto her like a dog on a leash speaks volumes. I would never LET (lol!) a man clutch my hand constantly and lead me around like that. It would humiliating to me.


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