Tony Lazzaro's testimony

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I found Tony to be quite credible and respectful. I think the guy just wants to tell it like it is and be done with it. Actually, I feel that all of the young adults on the stand today,were just telling their honest recollections of the events. None of them appeared to hesitate or downplay anything in favor of Casey. As far as Tony and his demeanor, I almost felt like he wasn't so nervous. The fact that he said "Nope" to several questions and had to be corrected, made me feel that he was just himself on the stand and "forgot" that he was on the stand in front of millions of people. I didn't see it as a sign of being cocky, I myself have said something I wouldn't ordinarily say to someone but just forgot being in the moment.

Can't wait til tomorrow.
All things considered, I thought Tony did very well.

I didn't see him as cocky or arrogant at all. He actually reminds me of my 19 year old and my 14 year old son. They are both really confident and have a playful almost teasing sense of humor. I guess someone could mistake their confidence for arrogance, especially if they didn't know them.

What an awful position to be in!

Wish I could "thank" this post more than once!

Men this age, and especially the age Tony was at the time, was a "good guy" . he met Caylee, he did not mind her being around the three times he was with her... then his world came tumbling down around him. It is just a presumption that he stated to ICA that he did not want kids, if he had one he would want a boy.

He may seem arrogant to some, but truth is, he reflects the majority of men his age.. with the exception, most would not have done anything they could for the authorities to try to figure out what happened to Caylee.. which is a whole hell of a lot more than ICA did.

He has not profitted one dime on this, and has suffered through drama most of us will hopefully never have to go experience. I am thankful for his honesty from the beginning and to this date. JMO
I found Tony to be quite credible and respectful. I think the guy just wants to tell it like it is and be done with it. Actually, I feel that all of the young adults on the stand today,were just telling their honest recollections of the events. None of them appeared to hesitate or downplay anything in favor of Casey. As far as Tony and his demeanor, I almost felt like he wasn't so nervous. The fact that he said "Nope" to several questions and had to be corrected, made me feel that he was just himself on the stand and "forgot" that he was on the stand in front of millions of people. I didn't see it as a sign of being cocky, I myself have said something I wouldn't ordinarily say to someone but just forgot being in the moment.

Can't wait til tomorrow.


The reason he was corrected by the judge is because the answer has to be a clear YES or NO, not because it wasn't correct grammar. He wasn't being reprimanded.
MOO - regarding Tony. If memory serves....he was very, very upset with KC the moment he learned that something had happened to Caylee. He has been the most helpful, IMO, of ALL the players to the SA and LE. He cooperated fully immediately, wore a wire, had his phone tapped - whatever LE asked of him...he did it. Not one time did he speak to the media or give an interview or sell one stinkin' picture....He could have have good bucks in his account right now if he had. But...he is the one person, in this trial so far, that has been on Caylee's side.

I can overlook lots of things about his persona - just because of that.....Again, IMHO

I don't really like Tony that much. But I agree he has been helpful throughout this case and he was upset about Clint going on Greta.
I'm going to give TL a pass. You have to try and put yourself in his shoes. He's not an uncaring person, he was upset when he learned about Caylee missing, he fully cooperated with LE, refused to talk to the DT and the media. This is a young guy who had some pretty deep and crappy things thrust upon him.

He slept in the same bed as a woman who put three pieces of tape across a 34 month old child. I can imagine this is something he would rather not deal with. I understand that and plus east coast gentlemen have different mannerisms about them. I would not read too much into how TL came across today.

Not only did he sleep with her, he may well have been her motive.
I don't remember if it was on direct or cross but didn't TL testify that he, KC, MK, and CH all rode together on the 13th of June in KC's car to Fusian? Could this be the time MK was referring to when she stated that she rode in KC's once?
Tony may know more than he's told so far - just a gut feeling
Not only did he sleep with her, he may well have been her motive.

I have to disagree. I think in ICA's mind this was a long time coming. I am guessing that ICA had thought long and hard about a life without Caylee and had concluded that she would live the "beautiful life" if that precious child was out of the picture. ICA's relationship with TL only made the urge stronger and between TL and the constant friction with her Mother, ICA killed Caylee and wiped her hands of her for 31 days of living the carefree life. I don't think TL was a motive, ICA's fantasy was the motive. JMO.
Not only did he sleep with her, he may well have been her motive.
I am sure he never meant to be or wanted to be or planned to be her motive for the murder of her child...but, I do think he was the final straw in her plans for Caylee. She was already researching ways to kill her daughter when she was with Ricardo. She meets Tony and he doesn't want her to bring Caylee overnight due to the party atmosphere in a college boys apartment. He had enough respect for Caylee to keep her out of THAT scene. He had no way of knowing that his innocent discussions with Casey about not wanting children, or wanting a boy someday were never meant to be acted upon by HER to kill her child. Like Susan Smith she took that into her own hands and took care of what she saw as a big obstacle in her new potential life with Tony, the man of her dreams, apparently. He did sleep with her, but most young men that age would do the same. I don't blame Tony at all. I leave all of the blame squarely at Casey's feet, where it belongs. She thought she was going to be living La Bella Vita once she disposed of Caylee...what she actually was doing was something else entirely, she was entering into the very gates of hell when she made the choice to KILL her child. SHE made that choice, all on her own, and never told a soul, not even Tony, her dream man. Now he will always be nothing BUT her dream man, as I do not believe he would resume his relationship with her even if she was found Not Guilty. So she sealed her own fate, forever, and Caylee's by her despicable choice to end her life. Poor Caylee, and poor Tony for having that blemish upon him for the rest of his life. It pays to make good choices, and I think perhaps in the future, he would think twice, maybe three times, before engaging in a sexual relationship with a single mother.
State just asked tony what did Casey have with her when he picked her up to go to the A's for gas, Tony said Casey had a backpack. Why didn't state ask what kind of backpack, a childs backpack or Caseys backpack?

where is her back pack?
I have to disagree. I think in ICA's mind this was a long time coming. I am guessing that ICA had thought long and hard about a life without Caylee and had concluded that she would live the "beautiful life" if that precious child was out of the picture. ICA's relationship with TL only made the urge stronger and between TL and the constant friction with her Mother, ICA killed Caylee and wiped her hands of her for 31 days of living the carefree life. I don't think TL was a motive, ICA's fantasy was the motive. JMO.

many new mothers do have PPD and if not treated or they are not able to discuss it , chances are the condition gets much worse/and developes into full blown insanity.:twocents:
Yeah, but Tony's a young guy in college, why would he want kids? I lay that more at ICAs feet. Why would you date a guy who is not interested in kids, when you have one? I respect the fact that he's never talked to reporters/sold his story. Seems like he has character for that reason alone.

Tony NEVER said he did not like children. What he told KC was that his apartment was not a proper place to bring a child. You're talking about a group of young men still in college doing what young men in college often do. Tony was acting in a responsible manner by telling KC basically the child should not be around their smoking. jmo
Unfortunately I can't watch along with all :( I watched the videos of yesterday and I think Tony presented well. The issue with the 2nd time he picked up Casey was that for some reason it was not stated that it was more then running out of gas.. I dont' recall if it was in a text message or what but Casey had said to TL there was something wrong with the car's gas gauge & her dad was going to look at it??? whatever Anyway, JB is trying to point out a Gas Station next to Amscot and it won't fly. Think there is a thread where Websleuthers's talked about all this. I hope the SA point that out. Afterall Casey could have walked over and got the gas herself right... sheesh JB really annoyed me with his questions and sidebars.

Casey needed to dump the car imo because the smell had become progressively worse now and she needed to make her car unavailable to drop TL and others off at the airport. And then again there is always that she was hoping it was stolen?

Also, i noticed alot of posts that ICA murdered Caylee 'for' TL. That would put a big hole in SA case since the computer searches were done in March and she didn't meet Tony til May. I believe at the time it was an opportunity for ICA to jump into this bella vita but I think it was just unfortunate for TL to have been seeing her at the time. A place for her to hang out, then Amy's when he was in NY. Maybe more info with when CA went to the counsellor & was told to boot her out would fit in for what happened towards Feb/March and those searches...and then if they could get CA to come clean with an arguement on June 15th. jmo

i'm rushing to get to work but miss watching on line with all of you
I watched Tony's questioning last night and I just don't see any a problem with his affect at all. He did exactly what he was supposed to do. Answer yes or no questions with a yes or no and expand on those where he is asked to expand. His answers were short and to the point. He did not waver or falter that I could see. Where he did not recall, he said he did not recall. He was courteous to the attorneys and the judge. He apologized when he did not speak clearly or answered with a head shake and was reminded that he has to answer out loud.

Can you imagine what it must have been like for him to see her after so long, knowing now what he did not know the last time he saw her? It must have been weird but I thought that he handled himself very well.
I found Tony to be quite credible and respectful. I think the guy just wants to tell it like it is and be done with it. Actually, I feel that all of the young adults on the stand today,were just telling their honest recollections of the events. None of them appeared to hesitate or downplay anything in favor of Casey. As far as Tony and his demeanor, I almost felt like he wasn't so nervous. The fact that he said "Nope" to several questions and had to be corrected, made me feel that he was just himself on the stand and "forgot" that he was on the stand in front of millions of people. I didn't see it as a sign of being cocky, I myself have said something I wouldn't ordinarily say to someone but just forgot being in the moment.

Can't wait til tomorrow.

Agreed. I thought about how furious I would be in his shoes. His name is currently associated with Casey Anthony, and it might ALWAYS be. There is speculation she killed Caylee BECAUSE of TL and wanting something more permanent between them, because he'd said he didn't want children much less girl children when the time came that he chose to have a child. (Which was explained as his way of "hinting" to her that what was going on between them was a just-for-fun, temporary deal, because he caught the "forever" vibe from her). He's trying to get into the music business, which, if he's successful, means media attention - and because of KC and her actions, whenever his name is mentioned there's the very real possibility this baby's murder will ALSO be brought up. As well, he's trying to work and intern, and that process is being "threatened" by this b.s.

Yeah, I'd have a LOT of attitude. But I think it's resentment, and frustration, and being completely over it and wanting it to just stop already.

Absolutely!! There's nothing wrong with admitting you aren't interested in kids.

After knowing Casey for about 6-7 weeks, he found out not only was he sleeping/hanging out with a woman who was going to murder her little girl, he slept/hung out with a woman who DID murder her little girl - for a month after she murdered her little girl. And he had no idea because Casey was the same as before Caylee was murdered!

That's gotta make anybody question their ability to judge someone's character.

Not only that, he had only known her three weeks when she moved herself in to his apartment. I say moved herself in, because there is no indication that they wanted another roommate.

Two of the guys were taking turns sleeping on the floor. Why would Tony want to have her, and a two year old move in? Where would Caylee sleep, in bed with him and Casey.

I don't think someone who doesn't want children is necessarily a bad person either. When I was dating, I wouldn't date a man who already had kids, and my current husband has no desire for having children at all. Never has.
Tony stated yesterday that KC said there was something wrong with her car, not that she ran out of gas and when Tony offered to look at it she said her Dad would take care of it. So I'm not sure where JB was going with the gas station. I remember in TL's deposition he mentioned how he was teasing KC about running out of gas again but she must have told him there was something wrong with the car. She would not want Tony to put gas into the car if that was the only problem because she was trying to ditch the car. So what he is saying makes sense.

And since when is it Tony's responsibility to buy KC's gas for her when he was barely making ends meet himself. I think it was Amy KC had told about running out of gas because they were going to get a new gas can at Target. jmo

TL has taken the stand. . . the jurors are entering the courtroom. KC wearing a blue striped blouse w/collar, hair in a bun.

JB: I want to talk about Caylee, interaction you saw hugging, loving, caring for her child . . .did it appear to be a lot of love between them . ..

TL: she would have a book, teddybear, teach her to swim in the pool, Dora Explorer, count to 40 in spanish . . .Dora taught her, (kc wiping tears) . ..

promote club online . . .photos are put on line to see pretty girls and get people to the club, get people in the door. Photos show everyone having a good time.

JB: You and KC sharing secrets . . . don't tell us what the secret is . . . was secret told before she got arrested . . . but it was made before KC got arrested. . . objection
approach . . . Sidebar

(HHBP appears to be reading from papers to JB)
JB: you relationship w/kc got pretty intense . . spending more time together . . told each other loved them, talked til you passed out, (not drunk or used drugs),

TL: talking on the phone is not my kind of thing, I pass out
JB: when news broke on 7/16 you were shocked . . .even today your are shocked (objection - sustained) compare kc's behavior pre and post 6/16, something is just not right it is bizarre (objection-overruled) she would have confided in you

TL: Me or her parents,
JB everytime she talked to her parents she went outside . . kept that world separate from you. No further questions

Mr. G: can you describe gas cans
TL: red small hand gas cans, I don't remember if duct tape,

Mr. G: talked all time on phone, after she moved in she was always there, didn't talk on phone. Yesterday JB asked you questions about 10/16 interview, referencing a certain page and approached you, when you got gas cans, walked over to her car . . handed to KC, trunk was closed, standing behind her closer to the car, smell of gas just like @ gas station, KC poured 1st gas can, TL handed 2nd gas can and went to close his tailgate, kc finished putting 2nd gas can into car,

TL: I then saw her walk back to open the trunk, when trunk goes up, you could see the rubber (seal) of the trunk . . .couldn't see in the trunk. (he was behind his car and in front of kc's @ the time).

No further question . . .subject to recall.

JB: significant issue in this case . . . you told them there was no smell. there wsa atime you were asked to close your eyes

FG: no further subject to recall

HHJP: cross into those areas you may proceed

JB: mr L. when the police questioned you about this specific incident you knew the trunk was important.

yes sir

JB: despite all that you told them there was no smell


JB: during the questioning they told you to close your eyes and try and picture it but that did not waiver your testimony you still told the truth.


HHJP: you may stand down but you are not excused. Please wait outside

For Thursday morning's testimony
Tony stated yesterday that KC said there was something wrong with her car, not that she ran out of gas and when Tony offered to look at it she said her Dad would take care of it. So I'm not sure where JB was going with the gas station. I remember in TL's deposition he mentioned how he was teasing KC about running out of gas again but she must have told him there was something wrong with the car. She would not want Tony to put gas into the car if that was the only problem because she was trying to ditch the car. So what he is saying makes sense.

And since when is it Tony's responsibility to buy KC's gas for her when he was barely making ends meet himself. I think it was Amy KC had told about running out of gas because they were going to get a new gas can at Target. jmo

and to add to that ..there was a Gas Station 1 block away from the Amscot, visible from Amscot...she could not use the I need gas excuse..because gas was available to purchase within walking distance.
I was seperated with young children 1 /12 years old for about 1 year.

they never were exposed to any dates I had...never...until I met my current husband

NEVER!!!! I cannot imagine dragging my child thru a series of bedrooms like this...

and I was a wildchild...

hate to be judgemental....but my god...and I have many regretable moments...all young mothers do. But regardless of her arguments with C and G...she should have left Caylee out of it, and left her at home.

so selfish.

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