Tony Padilla part 2

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See Page 11 of this thread also.

My apologies and my fault for play on words from Mr. Padilla's less than favorite show host NG. Bad taste on my part and I apologize for that. He has information that cannot be discussed at this time as per his last several visits to WS. The info will be shocking and surprising he says. I used the "B" word...sorry.

But, what may be shocking and surprising to Tony may be old stuff to us.

And, as was pointed out, our shock and surprise thresholds are pretty high.
IIRC, the dog in the photo with Caylee as a baby is a Rottweiler.

I know. That causes me concern. And he was "the baby" prior to her being around. If he was raised along with her it may be a different story.

Each breed and every dog are different but there are traits associated with some breeds more than others. I had a Dobermann mix and never was afraid of her (cept the squirrels were :eek:) but my friend's Dobermann would leap and show teeth at you if you even waved your hands around in excitement. I never could imagine how my friend could have that dog around her baby (who came into the household prior to his first b-day). She had viewed the dog as her baby before that time and I told her she was nuts (yes I did) to have that dog around the baby. She was offended and got mad at me. Sure enough, the thing I feared happened. Luckily the child healed and didn't loose his eye. We parted ways later over another incident that I spoke up about. Too bad but what can you do?
There is no KC ZFG.

All three names are so common, there may be a LOT of ZFGs.

I work with a nurse named Zenaida Gonzalez. She's one of many. If her mothers name was Fernandez, she'd be a ZFG. (I don't know her matronym).
...but that would surprise me in a "you've got to be kidding" way!! LOL
Nope - it didn't really get "hot in kitchen". I said nothing derogatory or mean or incitive but I seem to have provoked a wrath unwarrented. I am truly sorry. That wasn't my intent. I love this place and all that it does and that it represents and hope that I am not the (single) cause of this (TP's) decision to leave and no longer post. If I am, then I can only assume that there was no backbone there to begin with...

I don't think it was you, honey. :blowkiss:
I have no idea but I feel as if I (and all of you) are being taunted. It does not feel good.
But, he revealed all to there has to be "something". If she thought it would be best to wait, I'm sure she would have advised
Nobody came around when we were there. We were really against anybody visiting because we were leery about her new friends and what might occur.

I thought Annie stayed over night with Casey the night she got out of jail?
and didnt Dakota stay there too?
But, he revealed all to there has to be "something". If she thought it would be best to wait, I'm sure she would have advised

And if it is something that DC provided to Baez for the defense (see my post above) then I think he is very smart to say nothing right now until it comes out. He certainly doesn't need to interfere with this case, and as much as it feels like it is just "us" on this forum, how many unregistered people are reading it and would fly with the info before it is released when the defense wants it released!
Nope - it didn't really get "hot in kitchen". I said nothing derogatory or mean or incitive but I seem to have provoked a wrath unwarrented. I am truly sorry. That wasn't my intent. I love this place and all that it does and that it represents and hope that I am not the (single) cause of this (TP's) decision to leave and no longer post. If I am, then I can only assume that there was no backbone there to begin with...

Hey Pink, I responded to you letting you know it was not you or anything anyone said, but my post got lost in the mix, because I do not see it.

When I say "Hot in the Kitchen" it is just something I say when someone leaves stage left ya know. You'r ALL COOL!!! :blowkiss:
Oh, and should TP show back up later, I have a few questions:

1. When you signed the copy of the agreement with Baez (the version you claim), was it notarized?

2. Where (location) did this signing take place?

3. Who was present in the office or room when you signed the document?

Didn't Tricia mention this earlier?
The explanation sounded valid to me
I was SO not going to participate in this thread anymore after the events of the last twenty fours hours, but Eunice, you made me do it! :blowkiss:

If I have this right, late last night, there was a lengthy personal phone call between TP and Tricia for some reason.

Tricia posted on behalf of TP over what he perceived were our comments of misunderstanding concerning him. She asks that we reconsider our opinons of him.

A short time later, after Tricia has spoken on behalf of him, TP shows up for a few hours of very late night chatting.

Posters are no longer asking direct questions about his minimal involvement in this case (such as the documents...only thing he has any real direct information about since he actually only spent a few hours at dinner at the A's house that first night), but instead, are asking him questions about things he does NOT have direct information about (the investigation, etc) and a bunch of YOU ROCKS!

I know everyone is just dying to know what this "secret" information he holds is but I will be very surprised if......

1. It is something coming from LE (new forensic report, etc).

TP is NOT an investigator, does not have any kind of a working relationship with LE, FBI and I seriously doubt that they are entrusting him with investigation "secrets".

2. It is something coming from the Defense.

TP stated that he does NOT have a good relationship with Baez, states he does not AL, and I seriously doubt that the defense is entrusting him with defense "secrets"

3. It is something coming from the Prosecution.

TP is not an employee of the state of Florida, is not an investigator, nor is he playing an active role in their case against KC. I seriously doubt that anyone from the SA office has confided or entrusted him with information they are about to release about the case.

4. It is something from LP.

TP stated that LP is NOT discussing his conversations with DC or Baez at all. I believe the wording he used was "tight lipped".

5. It is something coming from the CA/GA.

I guess this is possible, but regardless of what it is, it would be irrelevant at this point since nothing they claim is believable anymore.

Bottom line, I don't know why everyone is salivating thinking this is going to be BIG. With all due respect to TP, he stepped into this case briefly (much to the chagrin of LE, SA, the public), signed a bond, ate dinner with the A's for a couple of hours and flew back to Cali. I would be very surprised to find out that anyone who has anything to do with the investigation or defense of KC is relying on TP enough to keep him abreast and close to the cuff on the "inside track".

Stepping back out.....
...but with all due respect...I at least asked questions I wanted it worked for me. Besides, there was some interesting stuff revealed that we would have no way of knowing. As a result, I'd love for NG to ask LP the next time he's on why he's been yakking with Baez.

This is from RJ's MySpace ........So, Samson died in Dec 2006.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
December a time to remember two innocents I loved

Today is the second anniversary of my beloved dog Samson leaving us and crossing the Rainbow Bridge. The loss of Caylee and her confirmed departure to Heaven happening this month makes December a time to remember two innocents that we loved and who loved each other.

I can't for the life of me figure out how I missed the phrases that you highlight here - December is a time to remember two ... and it's been two years.

At the time I initially read the post he said we recently lost our beloved dog, Samson. I swear I would place my hand on the Holy Bible and swear to it that's what I read - no December is the time, etc. This would not have stayed in my mind this long and I know how to do math. I knew we were talking about a little girl's death in June of 2008, why would I think it possible that a dog who died in 2006 could have mauled her? I wouldn't.

If I am wrong, I apologize, but I'm not convinced. Let's not argue about it because I'm sure it's been investigated (I hope so anyway).
(TP's) decision to leave and no longer post - Posted by Pink Panther (respectfully snipped for brevity by me)

I thought he said he wasnt taking anything personal? Look, everything everybody says on here gets examined. We take every single thing and put it under a microscope. Not just TP's comments. People are expressing their thoughts. reactions, inferences, ponderings, guesses and so on, in response to all of the rest of the members posts. Not just TP's.

I enjoy reading his comments as well as other WSers. Some chose to leave the thread as it was making you uncomfortable, for whatever reasons. I suspect he felt the same way and its always a personal choice to post or not to post, read or not. Sorry he felt under attack.... I dont think anyone who posted on the thread intended to be perceived as attacking.

I think he is more sensitive than he revelaed. And this can be a tough venue sometimes, if you arent sure where the criticisms are aimed. For all that "you are more intelligent, and more mature" business, apparently we are also too rough. I didnt see it that way, and I thought his assurance of not taking it personal was a tacit permission to discuss his comments freely.

I do not believe we are ready to start sorting out on opposing teams, since I think we all want the same thing......the truth. Its in pursuance of that we may have to wear our helmets and knee pads , and when we tread on toes, we can make our apologies, forgive and move on......

after all, just as the rest of the members, everything expressed here is JMO...
Oh, and should TP show back up later, I have a few questions:

1. When you signed the copy of the agreement with Baez (the version you claim), was it notarized?

2. Where (location) did this signing take place?

3. Who was present in the office or room when you signed the document?

TP said that the paper he signed was in fact notarized properly at the time of signing.
It will surprise you. It will be different and somewhat shocking. I have never met Zaneida.
Like Casey WAS a hooker?:rolleyes: *advertiser censored* queen? Something along those lines that these guys could have uncovered themselves?

I was SO not going to participate in this thread anymore after the events of the last twenty fours hours, but Eunice, you made me do it! :blowkiss:

If I have this right, late last night, there was a lengthy personal phone call between TP and Tricia for some reason.

Tricia posted on behalf of TP over what he perceived were our comments of misunderstanding concerning him. She asks that we reconsider our opinons of him.

A short time later, after Tricia has spoken on behalf of him, TP shows up for a few hours of very late night chatting.

Posters are no longer asking direct questions about his minimal involvement in this case (such as the documents...only thing he has any real direct information about since he actually only spent a few hours at dinner at the A's house that first night), but instead, are asking him questions about things he does NOT have direct information about (the investigation, etc) and a bunch of YOU ROCKS!

I know everyone is just dying to know what this "secret" information he holds is but I will be very surprised if......

1. It is something coming from LE (new forensic report, etc).

TP is NOT an investigator, does not have any kind of a working relationship with LE, FBI and I seriously doubt that they are entrusting him with investigation "secrets".

2. It is something coming from the Defense.

TP stated that he does NOT have a good relationship with Baez, states he does not AL, and I seriously doubt that the defense is entrusting him with defense "secrets"

3. It is something coming from the Prosecution.

TP is not an employee of the state of Florida, is not an investigator, nor is he playing an active role in their case against KC. I seriously doubt that anyone from the SA office has confided or entrusted him with information they are about to release about the case.

4. It is something from LP.

TP stated that LP is NOT discussing his conversations with DC or Baez at all. I believe the wording he used was "tight lipped".

5. It is something coming from the CA/GA.

I guess this is possible, but regardless of what it is, it would be irrelevant at this point since nothing they claim is believable anymore.

Bottom line, I don't know why everyone is salivating thinking this is going to be BIG. With all due respect to TP, he stepped into this case briefly (much to the chagrin of LE, SA, the public), signed a bond, ate dinner with the A's for a couple of hours and flew back to Cali. I would be very surprised to find out that anyone who has anything to do with the investigation or defense of KC is relying on TP enough to keep him abreast and close to the cuff on the "inside track".

Stepping back out.....
Remember that there were very likely other interviews with these "players" where more information was revealed. They only answered the questions that were asked of them. It is very possible we will be seeing another round of interviews and or statements that will contain entirely new information that could be shocking to us...Tony may not be an "investigator" but his uncle, with whom he is VERY close, IS an investigator and a top notch one from ALL reports. It is possible that something was uncovered that was discussed in a later interview...

Oh, and should TP show back up later, I have a few questions:

1. When you signed the copy of the agreement with Baez (the version you claim), was it notarized?

2. Where (location) did this signing take place?

3. Who was present in the office or room when you signed the document?

He already answered some of this. He said it was signed in Jose's office and it was notarized.

Good point!

When this surprise is revealed, it's likely we'll say, "Is THAT all?"
Or we might say Wow the bizzarro twists and turns of this case never cease to amaze me! lol...just have to wait and see...:waitasec:

I know. That causes me concern. And he was "the baby" prior to her being around. If he was raised along with her it may be a different story.

Each breed and every dog are different but there are traits associated with some breeds more than others. I had a Dobermann mix and never was afraid of her (cept the squirrels were :eek:) but my friend's Dobermann would leap and show teeth at you if you even waved your hands around in excitement. I never could imagine how my friend could have that dog around her baby (who came into the household prior to his first b-day). She had viewed the dog as her baby before that time and I told her she was nuts (yes I did) to have that dog around the baby. She was offended and got mad at me. Sure enough, the thing I feared happened. Luckily the child healed and didn't loose his eye. We parted ways later over another incident that I spoke up about. Too bad but what can you do?
Hi woe...I think that dog belonged to the Grunds if I am not mistaken.
TP said that the paper he signed was in fact notarized properly at the time of signing.
Yes he did...then he mentioned that the other signatures weren't there. It all fits.

Listen, please... we need your insight. We are addicted to this case and finding justice for sweet Caylee.

Here's the deal. Most of us are just a bunch of glorified armchair quarterbacks. It's easy to question and place blame from where we sit. The fact is, YOU were actually there and that is priceless to people like us....people extremely interested in this case.

You are in a difficult position. I think we all see that. Your insight has been interesting and helpful and I hope you re-consider participating with us! I pale in comparison to the amazing sleuthing that goes on around here but most WS'ers dedicate hours of their time trying to figure out what happened to Caylee. For some reason we all feel a connection to her.

Please rejoin the group.
Am I missing something? Tony never said he was leaving...he said he'll be back.
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