Tony Padilla part 2

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It's been over a week since the hearing. Does anyone have the links to the pressers JB has done "denouncing the scurrilous accusations" and demanding the state issue an apology? How about the pressers claiming the state is out to get him, what is it? Oh yeah, "harass, intimidate and embarrass" him? Anything about those "unfounded accusations designed to taint the jury pool" against his poor innocent client? Anything?

Really? JB has kept his mouth shut this week; how odd.

Nobody would NEED to plot to embarrass JB. He's doing a great job, all by himself.
I don't think JB will produce the original, as the issue is moot given the order. And the SA can't really file a motion for contempt when he doesn't, because, again, the issue is moot. The agreement is no longer relevant to any actual dispute before the court. This is why it is REALLY important for Tony P to file a bar complaint. The SA won't file it at this point, because they have no real evidence and don't want to look like idiots if Tony P is wrong. But Tony P can go to the Bar and say, "JB produced a document in court with my signature on it that was not what I signed." Then the Bar will ask JB for the original.....

BBM - AZlawer, I think you hit the nail on the head. The only two people who know for sure are JB and TP. The prosecution team has enough on their plate dealing with a DP case that has turned into a circus. They can't risk being wrong on this issue.
I know what you mean regarding your first question but JB may be able to use it to his advantage. If Tracy testifies that she never saw Casey look for Caylee, JB could ask Tracy if she was privy to everything Casey was doing at his office (inferring she was searching at his office). I don't believe for one minute Casey was doing anything for Caylee at his office but it doesn't mean JB won't float it out there.

I remember seeing Casey strutting into JB's office with a big binder clearly marked 'Media Reports' or something to that affect. Hopefully the prosecution will have a big blow up picture of that if JB goes down that path.

I want Casey/Lee's high five to be shown to the jury. I doubt it will though.

One small correction - I want Casey/Lee's big-grinning-like-a-fool high five to be shown to the jury. ;)

I saw your well-made point on the old thread about destruction of evidence and then forgot to respond to it. Your post certainly made me rethink things but I came away feeling better about the bond situation rather than more angry about it. Anyway, here's my take on that:

1. As TP has explained, everyone, including her has a constitutional right to bond. Unlike some others, I don't think FL bondsmen were unwilling, I think it was more like FL bondsmen were unwilling without their fees upfront, which TP got from LP. Remember that once the media money started rolling in a lot of things changed; including the bonding agency.

2. At least TP/LP had TMc with KC 24/7. The 2nd agency had no one, iirc. If any evidence was destroyed, it was a lot more likely to happen during the 2nd agency's bond tenure. TMc may be able to testify about seeing KC pack certain things to go to JB's and then not bring them back. Oh, I don't know, maybe a whole sheet of heart stickers or something. I doubt KC was left alone at JB's. Possibly while she was actually in conference with him but then someone would be right outside the door.

3. In no way, shape or form do I believe that KC was actually with JB the entire time she was at his office. I suspect she was playing on computers and/or watching tv. And I would bet TMc was right beside her during these activities and at least watching, if not actively participating, with her computer activity.

4. Remember, KC saw TMc as a bodyguard. I would bet that KC at least thought, if not discussed, how TMc "would give her life to save KC's." KC felt she was some big celebrity at least deserving of Secret Service type protection, kwim? It would surprise me greatly if KC didn't have long talks with TMc because KC, from my understanding, doesn't shut up. And I think those talks and other observations will be some of the key evidence at KC's trial. No way do I believe KC confessed to her but KC is so stupid, imo, she wouldn't need to actually intend to confess to give away her guilt.

5. Conclusion: I think having TMc in-house for those 9 days did more to prevent destruction of evidence by all the A's, or at least provide a witness to that destruction, than it gave opportunity for destruction of evidence.

I believe he saw some of the posts encouraging same but responded that wasn't his job. That's one thing he's written that has really disappointed me. Hopefully he'll change his mind about if when/if he sees the state isn't doing anything.

You're probably correct that it's a moot issue and likely would be in any other case. However, I'm trying to hold out hope that as the issue has already been addressed, it may be followed up on. What I mean is, I'm hoping the state had already sent a letter reminding JB of the court's order and they will pursue this if for no other reason so that he doesn't try to pull it again. He hasn't withdrawn it.

BBM Frankly, it confuses me. If not his job to go to the FL bar w/ this, than whose job is it? Wouldn't he be the one w/ a viable complaint?
BBM Frankly, it confuses me. If not his job to go to the FL bar w/ this, than whose job is it? Wouldn't he be the one w/ a viable complaint?

My understanding of TP's posts are that he turned the info over to the state and he feels the attorneys should handle this issue. However, I agree with you and with AZlawyer. I strongly believe he should file a complaint and even believe he has a moral duty to do so. One would think, given his profession, he'd feel an ethical obligation also, even if one doesn't technically exist.

My best guess as to why he is pretty adamant about this issue is based on the posts of other sleuths. Perhaps he is concerned about more media exposure; perhaps he feels unqualified to file the complaint; perhaps he feels it is the state's "job" to investigate such crimes. Again, mostly basing these guesses on the opinions of other sleuths here rather than on the scarce posts by TP himself.
Do you think it is possible that SA told him they would ask for the original in court and check to make sure there were no changes? If SA does not get the original as requested they may tell TP that he now is the one who needs to pursue this matter with the FL Bar?
Well, apparently KC said some things that have given JB enough concern to go through all of this trouble with a hail mary plea. He wasn't worried about that privacy agreement and didn't file anything until the state released the interviews with TMc, RD, TP and LP.

Think about KC: With LE she's going to act sort of like with her parents. That's how she deals with authority figures. With TMc, though, KC is dumb enough to see her more like a pal. She deserved much, much, much worse but KC likely felt pretty lonely after July 16. I'm not suggesting any smoking guns or big bombshells are likely; but I also don't think they're totally impossible. Even without anything "big" I am pretty confident TMc will be able to report a lot of interesting things that went on in that house and maybe more importantly, things that didn't. Maybe we'll read/hear things like: 'I was with her pretty much 24/7 for 9 days. Not once during that time did I observe on her computer other than myspace, facebook and email. Nor did I see any other activity conducive to trying to contact a babysitter. I saw her father attack her and demand to know where Caylee was as if he believed she was guilty. I had discussions with CA that indicated to me she had lost hope of finding Caylee alive. She admitted that KC had no job and had no babysitter.' Remember, there were some rumors of some interesting things going on in that house that she may be able to confirm and expand upon.

If TMc was there when AD was staying over, there actually may be some mini-bombshells coming about her. I haven't studied her enough to have an opinion but have read that some here believe she was not telling all she knew.

Of course she can testify about the things she observed in the house and I'm looking foward to it LOL. I just don't think that it's likely she will have any information given to her by Casey. But as I said, that is just my opinion.
It's been over a week since the hearing. Does anyone have the links to the pressers JB has done "denouncing the scurrilous accusations" and demanding the state issue an apology? How about the pressers claiming the state is out to get him, what is it? Oh yeah, "harass, intimidate and embarrass" him? Anything about those "unfounded accusations designed to taint the jury pool" against his poor innocent client? Anything?

Really? JB has kept his mouth shut this week; how odd.


Maybe AL ripped JB a new one, too!
Then, to seal the deal.. she brought in the duct tape for JB AND the client.
Of course she can testify about the things she observed in the house and I'm looking foward to it LOL. I just don't think that it's likely she will have any information given to her by Casey. But as I said, that is just my opinion.

The only "slip" we've heard about was from LP.

Not a reliable source.
No joke! ..and excellent material for a later appeal by Casey! "My lawyer was an idiot, couldn't do anything right, was caught forging signatures and everything! "

And she might have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling kids... er... I mean prosecutors that made her come to every hearing so she can view her hero in all his lack of glory. That she chooses to continue to retain him as part of her defense team, much less lead counsel, is her choice. She has seen plenty to cause anyone to rethink that decision.

And she might have gotten away with it but for those other meddling kids... her dream team. I can't imagine any appellate panel even laughing at an ineffective assistance of counsel claim in this case. They're more likely to slap whomever had the audacity to file such nonsense, imo. "...Despite having at least three of the biggest names in criminal defense and experts at the top of their respective fields, the defendant was inadequately represented..."

Do you think it is possible that SA told him they would ask for the original in court and check to make sure there were no changes? If SA does not get the original as requested they may tell TP that he now is the one who needs to pursue this matter with the FL Bar?

My guess is they'll either follow up or they won't. They may follow up with JB, as I've suggested, because they feel an ethical obligation to do so and a personal preference to avoid this happening in the future. If they decide this is a moot issue and they're not going to follow up, then I doubt they'll feel a need to inform TP. If he calls and asks, I'm sure they'd tell him but I don't see them making a point of following up with him but not JB, kwim?
This brings up an interesting situation.

IF Jose does not turn over the original, and IF someone files a complaint with the FL Bar, and IF the Bar finds that he's guilty of being more than a doofus and suspends him and/or disbars him - what would happen?

Can Jose orchestrate the defense even though he can't legally do squat?

Sorry - I guess this should be on another thread.

Not officially or publicly.
My guess is they'll either follow up or they won't. They may follow up with JB, as I've suggested, because they feel an ethical obligation to do so and a personal preference to avoid this happening in the future. If they decide this is a moot issue and they're not going to follow up, then I doubt they'll feel a need to inform TP. If he calls and asks, I'm sure they'd tell him but I don't see them making a point of following up with him but not JB, kwim?

And, TP seems reluctant to push it.

My guess is that he'd just as soon have as little more to do with this case as possible.

He's in no danger legally. He likely won't even be called.
I don't know about swept under anything but it looks like they don't need the paper anymore so why look for it?

I understand your reasoning; and AZlawyer posted similarly. I just hope that the whole fraud upon the court thing will be followed up on anyway.
One small correction - I want Casey/Lee's big-grinning-like-a-fool high five to be shown to the jury. ;)

I saw your well-made point on the old thread about destruction of evidence and then forgot to respond to it. Your post certainly made me rethink things but I came away feeling better about the bond situation rather than more angry about it. Anyway, here's my take on that:

1. As TP has explained, everyone, including her has a constitutional right to bond. Unlike some others, I don't think FL bondsmen were unwilling, I think it was more like FL bondsmen were unwilling without their fees upfront, which TP got from LP. Remember that once the media money started rolling in a lot of things changed; including the bonding agency.

2. At least TP/LP had TMc with KC 24/7. The 2nd agency had no one, iirc. If any evidence was destroyed, it was a lot more likely to happen during the 2nd agency's bond tenure. TMc may be able to testify about seeing KC pack certain things to go to JB's and then not bring them back. Oh, I don't know, maybe a whole sheet of heart stickers or something. I doubt KC was left alone at JB's. Possibly while she was actually in conference with him but then someone would be right outside the door.

3. In no way, shape or form do I believe that KC was actually with JB the entire time she was at his office. I suspect she was playing on computers and/or watching tv. And I would bet TMc was right beside her during these activities and at least watching, if not actively participating, with her computer activity.

4. Remember, KC saw TMc as a bodyguard. I would bet that KC at least thought, if not discussed, how TMc "would give her life to save KC's." KC felt she was some big celebrity at least deserving of Secret Service type protection, kwim? It would surprise me greatly if KC didn't have long talks with TMc because KC, from my understanding, doesn't shut up. And I think those talks and other observations will be some of the key evidence at KC's trial. No way do I believe KC confessed to her but KC is so stupid, imo, she wouldn't need to actually intend to confess to give away her guilt.

5. Conclusion: I think having TMc in-house for those 9 days did more to prevent destruction of evidence by all the A's, or at least provide a witness to that destruction, than it gave opportunity for destruction of evidence.


Well, color me confuzzled. I never saw Tracy accompany Casey to Jose's office. Am I blind and/or stupid? OK, don't answer that. Did I miss Tracy going along?
Speaking of that loaded gun JB keeps pointing toward his own feet... Wonder if he'll try to get the decision reconsidered citing his own intrinsic fraud as grounds? rofl
Well, color me confuzzled. I never saw Tracy accompany Casey to Jose's office. Am I blind and/or stupid? OK, don't answer that. Did I miss Tracy going along?

Neither -- You're a very sharp, witty and very, very welcome addition to this forum.

If she didn't go every time, then someone else on the security detail did, you can bet on that. Well, I will bet on that. :) They didn't want to let her out of their sight because they had $500k on the line. Tracy was/is very camera shy but it was my understanding that she accompanied KC just about every time she left. That she didn't walk in with KC and didn't appear on the video footage on the news that night doesn't mean she wasn't there. We'll be hearing/reading her statements soon and I guess we'll all find out whether she did or didn't. I'd go dig up the LP statements to the effect of her accompanying KC to JB's but that's just going to spark a debate on how credible he is/isn't so I won't.

No worries; if I'm wrong on this I'll own it and slap my own hands when the transcripts/tapes come out. Deal?
Thanks for your thoughtful response. My response in blue.

One small correction - I want Casey/Lee's big-grinning-like-a-fool high five to be shown to the jury. ;)

Me too, it shows their arrogance and lack of concern over Caylee. IMO

I saw your well-made point on the old thread about destruction of evidence and then forgot to respond to it. Your post certainly made me rethink things but I came away feeling better about the bond situation rather than more angry about it. Anyway, here's my take on that:

1. As TP has explained, everyone, including her has a constitutional right to bond. Unlike some others, I don't think FL bondsmen were unwilling, I think it was more like FL bondsmen were unwilling without their fees upfront, which TP got from LP. Remember that once the media money started rolling in a lot of things changed; including the bonding agency.

I understand everyone has a right to bond and it’s a nice spin for TP to explain his actions. I still think the TP/LP crew inserted themselves into this particular case for fame, publicity, and the money that comes with it. I asked, but was not answered, if it was normal procedure for BB to dine with the accused. My guess is no. If LP is to be believed, he said he wanted Casey out of jail to help find Caylee. She did not help and ordered him out of the house. If we are to follow LP’s logic then her bail should have been revoked and she should have been sent back to jail. They created more of a media circus by keeping her out of jail and in fact emboldened Casey’s thinking that she was above the law and that someone would always bail her out (this time literally). If LE ever had a chance at cracking her, it would have been before she was bailed out. Casey wanted out of jail ASAP and was mad at her parents for not bailing her out. “Her whole life was taken from her.” The comment about pulling Caylee’s skull out of the river in full view of the media for publicity was repulsive. IMO

2. At least TP/LP had TMc with KC 24/7. The 2nd agency had no one, iirc. If any evidence was destroyed, it was a lot more likely to happen during the 2nd agency's bond tenure. TMc may be able to testify about seeing KC pack certain things to go to JB's and then not bring them back. Oh, I don't know, maybe a whole sheet of heart stickers or something. I doubt KC was left alone at JB's. Possibly while she was actually in conference with him but then someone would be right outside the door.

Tracy may have been in the home 24/7 but there is no way she could have had her eyes on Casey the entire time. She had to shower, sleep, etc. If any evidence was destroyed, I think it would have been done ASAP. I don’t think Casey would have blatantly destroyed evidence in front of Tracy. She could have slipped a note to a helpful family member, packed it in her backpack for her visit with JB, or thrown it in the trash. IMO

3. In no way, shape or form do I believe that KC was actually with JB the entire time she was at his office. I suspect she was playing on computers and/or watching tv. And I would bet TMc was right beside her during these activities and at least watching, if not actively participating, with her computer activity.

I have no idea how much time she spent with JB but if I had to guess, I would say a lot.

4. Remember, KC saw TMc as a bodyguard. I would bet that KC at least thought, if not discussed, how TMc "would give her life to save KC's." KC felt she was some big celebrity at least deserving of Secret Service type protection, kwim? It would surprise me greatly if KC didn't have long talks with TMc because KC, from my understanding, doesn't shut up. And I think those talks and other observations will be some of the key evidence at KC's trial. No way do I believe KC confessed to her but KC is so stupid, imo, she wouldn't need to actually intend to confess to give away her guilt.

I hope you're right.

5. Conclusion: I think having TMc in-house for those 9 days did more to prevent destruction of evidence by all the A's, or at least provide a witness to that destruction, than it gave opportunity for destruction of evidence.

I hope you’re right here too but I think this whole fiasco caused more harm than good. The prosecution already had enough evidence to convict her ten times over. The Padilla crew handed the defense team more fodder to be used in order to deflect attention from the real evidence. At least in jail, Casey was monitored. She had to speak in code to LA. She didn’t have access to any potential evidence that may have been left in the house (duct tape, heart sticker sheet) and she couldn’t speak freely about it without being recorded. The NG show put a montage together of LP’s outrageous stories. It made him look ridiculous and I think the defense will use it in court if he testifies. IMO

Neither -- You're a very sharp, witty and very, very welcome addition to this forum.

If she didn't go every time, then someone else on the security detail did, you can bet on that. Well, I will bet on that. :) They didn't want to let her out of their sight because they had $500k on the line. Tracy was/is very camera shy but it was my understanding that she accompanied KC just about every time she left. That she didn't walk in with KC and didn't appear on the video footage on the news that night doesn't mean she wasn't there. We'll be hearing/reading her statements soon and I guess we'll all find out whether she did or didn't. I'd go dig up the LP statements to the effect of her accompanying KC to JB's but that's just going to spark a debate on how credible he is/isn't so I won't.

No worries; if I'm wrong on this I'll own it and slap my own hands when the transcripts/tapes come out. Deal?

Aw, thank you! :blushing:

I know Rob Dick drove Casey many times and I never saw him get out of the car, either. Duh on me for not putting 2 and 2 together.

I hope Tracy took good notes.
Thanks for your thoughtful response. My response in blue.

And thank you for yours. I guess the bottom line for me is that there was a 2nd bond company involved. The pictures got sold. Remember KC whining to her parents about 'an opportunity' that they 'didn't take advantage of' in order to get the money to bond her out? At worst, imo, TP/LP got her out a bit sooner than she would have otherwise gotten out due to, imo, waiting for the bidding to go up. And again, they at least tried to have her monitored not only by Tracy, but iirc, RD was also a regular visitor in the home.

Anything that was destroyed may have been much more easily handled and with much less chance of discovery during the 2nd bond period.

I understand your concerns and agree with you to a certain extent. I'm very hopeful, however, that when we read/hear Tracy and RD's statements, we'll be kind of glad they were there. JB isn't the only player in this case that likes to showboat. In fact, I'd bet KC could teach him a thing or six about grandstanding. One of KC's biggest flaws, imo, is that she doesn't have a clue how stupid she really is and instead believes she's smart and clever. Put that ineptitude in a room with seasoned observers and anything can happen. ;)

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