Tracey transcript

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18 pages - here. Click on each link and give the graphic a second to appear. It will look small at first, but if you give it a second, a resize icon will appear on the bottom right corner. Click on that and the text will change to a nice size for reading:- III/Transcript/Transcript Page 1.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 2.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 3.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 4.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 5.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 6.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 7.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 8.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 9.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 10.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 11.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 12.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 13.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 14.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 15.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 16.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 17.gif III/Transcript/Transcript Page 18.gif
Tracey's star witness. He has a rap sheet as long as my arm and he broke into Helgoth's parents house in order to "obtain" the Hi-Tec boots. Unfortunately, he also stole a cheque for $54,000! Oddly, Tracey doesn't mention this in his documentary :P

Candy would have us believe that Kenady is a slavering idiot as a result of a head injury, but he's not. He was alert, expressive, spoke unhesitatingly and I actually thought he was quite well-spoken. Probably would therefore make a good con-man.

Purported Ramsey investigator accused of burglary
Lafayette man charged with entering house to snatch pair of boots

Associated Press

BOULDER — The man who provided the parents of JonBenet Ramsey with purported evidence in their daughter's death has been arrested on burglary charges.

John Edward Kenady, 47, told officers who arrested him that he was investigating the Ramsey case.

Kenady, of Lafayette, last summer provided detectives working for John and Patsy Ramsey with a pair of boots he believed may have left a partial print inside the family's home, possibly by the killer.

Police do not believe the boots are connected to the Ramsey case, but sent them to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for examination.

Police Chief Mark Beckner said the boots belonged to a former resident of the house Kenady is accused of burglarizing Oct. 10.

Kenady, when arrested, said Boulder police had authorized him to break into the home. Boulder detectives denied the claim.

Kenady also said he feared evidence would be lost because the house was supposed to be demolished. Police suspect Kenady of kicking in a rear door to the home and taking with him three "drafting quality drawings," a $54,000 check and legal papers including a deed of trust.

Diamond jewelry, several watches and money in one bedroom were untouched, according to police reports.

The home is owned by the family of a deceased man, whom the Ramseys' investigators have said may have been involved with the beating and strangulation death of their daughter.

October 25, 2000

This guy wasn't named in the documentary, but interestingly, in one of the documentary reviews which went out in the Uk, he was named as "Jay Johnson".

In searching for Helgoth’s potential killer, who may have been involved with him in the Ramsey killing, detectives have built up a picture of a violent individual with a history of sexual assault who was a close associate of Helgoth – a man who has since disappeared.

“He was very methodical; he wanted everything down to the last detail,” Jay Johnson, who knew the suspect, tells the programme.

(The review was from Scottish Television, but it's been updated now and the link doesn't take you to that review any more. It was however quoted at jameson's at the time and I think she may have gotten it from Candy.)

When I was looking through the Colorado Sex Offenders website last week, I encountered a "James Johnson" who I think looks very like him. This James Johnson has two sex offences against children and is listed as "Failed to Register".

Do you think it's the same guy?

James Johnson on the left, "Jay" Johnson on the right. He wasn't too alert and his speech was slurred:-

jameson has apparently now got her copy of the documentary and she is posting about it (basically, she is correoborating what Horace and I posted a couple of weeks ago)

However, I had to smile at one of her comments. She said:-

Jennifer Getty worked for Ellis Armistead. I will say I spoke to her a couple of times and was not impressed. But she must have something to bring to the table or she wouldn't be there. She is described as a "former investigator".

Here, jameson and I are in agreement. The other detectives spoke about the case, the evidence, their opinions about what had happened. Jennifer Getty's sole contribution was:-

I mean, there’s a little girl who’s dead ....... and it doesn’t seem right that no one cares that the person who committed that crime is still walking around.

Imagine Frenchie from Grease saying this in her little girl voice and you'd have it about right. When Jennifer Getty made this statement, I thought "Oh!".

However, as jameson says, she must have something or she wouldn't be there. Perhaps I'm underestimating her. Perhaps Ms Getty didn't "entertain" jameson and that is why jameson wasn't "impressed" :-O

Here is Helgoth's wolf dog pup. Note its multi coat - lots of colours in there. It has black and grey patches on a light grey/tan background and there appears to be one big brown patch at the back of its head:-

In searching for Helgoth’s potential killer, who may have been involved with him in the Ramsey killing, detectives have built up a picture of a violent individual with a history of sexual assault who was a close associate of Helgoth – a man who has since disappeared.

“He was very methodical; he wanted everything down to the last detail,” Jay Johnson, who knew the suspect, tells the programme.

Jayelles, are you saying that Jay Johnson is the "suspect's" name, or are you saying that Jay Johnson knows the suspect?

Thanks for posting this.
and pictures. There are similarities in the two Johnson pics, like in the eyes and nose---hard to tell though, with the bandana, and hair on the face.

The recounting of the other little girl's experience 7 or 9 months later is pretty terrifying---particularly where you have a perp that was in the house for hours...and was in the house when they arrived home.
I would say there's about a 75% chance the two pictures are of the same man. The noses and eyebrows seem to match, and the overall shape of the heads are about the same. James has an identifying scar on his chin, so Jay might have wanted to cover the scar with the beard. It could be shadows, but there appears to be a slight mark on the skin just to the left of the right eyebrow on both pictures (between the eyebrow and the top of the nose).

Nehemiah said:
In searching for Helgoth’s potential killer, who may have been involved with him in the Ramsey killing, detectives have built up a picture of a violent individual with a history of sexual assault who was a close associate of Helgoth – a man who has since disappeared.

“He was very methodical; he wanted everything down to the last detail,” Jay Johnson, who knew the suspect, tells the programme.

Jayelles, are you saying that Jay Johnson is the "suspect's" name, or are you saying that Jay Johnson knows the suspect?

Thanks for posting this.

Jay Johnson is a friend of the suspect. In the transcript, he is described as "Second man".
Maikai said:
and pictures. There are similarities in the two Johnson pics, like in the eyes and nose---hard to tell though, with the bandana, and hair on the face.

The recounting of the other little girl's experience 7 or 9 months later is pretty terrifying---particularly where you have a perp that was in the house for hours...and was in the house when they arrived home.

Yes, I think when I originally posted about the documentary - either whilst watching it or immediately afterwards I commented on the fact that the Dancewest assault was particularly upsetting. The girl's father was in shadow so that you couldn't see his face and his voice was also distorted by special effects so that he wouldn't be identified that way either.
I see that jameson is requesting that this transcript be copied to her forum and given her record, I seriously doubt that she will acknowledge the source. She certainly won't link to it and she will add further insult to injury by suggesting that I would replace pages of the transcript with *advertiser censored* if she did - something that I find highly offensive.

I just want to say this..... it is precisely because of jameson's ignorant tendency to steal and NOT credit or link or link to the source that the transcript has been provided in graphic form on the public forums. I think it's disgusting that she copies and pastes other people's hard work without giving them any acknowledgement whatsoever.

So, although a text version does now exist, it will not be made available to those who deliberately do not give credit for hard work.
Jayelles said:
Yes, I think when I originally posted about the documentary - either whilst watching it or immediately afterwards I commented on the fact that the Dancewest assault was particularly upsetting. The girl's father was in shadow so that you couldn't see his face and his voice was also distorted by special effects so that he wouldn't be identified that way either.

Linda Arndt was one of the detectives that responded to the call. The BPD came up with the theory that this guy was actually a boyfriend of the l2 year old, and she let him in the house, which explains away why the alarm didn't go off...and basically blew it off. The family claims no way was this a possibility. The young girl was very petite in statue, and the father supposedly a professional--either a doctor or dentist, and he was away on business that night---maybe a medical/dental convention. Since the BPD blew it off, that's when the family hired their own investigators.
Jayelles said:
I see that jameson is requesting that this transcript be copied to her forum and given her record, I seriously doubt that she will acknowledge the source. She certainly won't link to it and she will add further insult to injury by suggesting that I would replace pages of the transcript with *advertiser censored* if she did - something that I find highly offensive.

I just want to say this..... it is precisely because of jameson's ignorant tendency to steal and NOT credit or link or link to the source that the transcript has been provided in graphic form on the public forums. I think it's disgusting that she copies and pastes other people's hard work without giving them any acknowledgement whatsoever.

So, although a text version does now exist, it will not be made available to those who deliberately do not give credit for hard work.

They can come over here and read it. I don't see it as necessary that they read it AT the Double B. It won't hurt them to click over here.... Maybe she wants it posted there so in time it will appear that she transcribed it.

It has been posted at the BB, but not without a juvenile dig. The credit was given to Jayelles, but in her spiteful and juvenile style she felt the overwhelming need to put a disclaimer stating that she has no reason to believe that Jayelles has replaced the images with *advertiser censored*.
(psst....the links don't work)

What a jerk

This is a woman who claims to be raising children. I am sad for them.
Thank you Jayelles for posting the transcript pf the Tracey documentary. Tom Bennett’s opinion is noticeably absent from this documentary; in fact, I do not believe his name is even mentioned as working on the case. What drew my attention are two of the “investigators” that were mentioned.

On page 1, John San Augustin was the first “investigator” to have a say. He made the dramatic announcement that “we now have evidence that will tell you who the killer is.” Sorry John, the evidence presented in this documentary didn’t tell me that, but then I am not an investigator. My question is, is John? My understanding is that San Augustin is just a computer geek whose main claim to fame was helping Lou Smit prepare his PowerPoint presentation, something that any computer literate high school kid could have done.

On page 5, Ollie Gray is identified as “one of America’s leading private detectives” who worked on “some of the nation’s biggest cases.” Colorado must be blessed with five star investigators. First we had Lou “the Legend” Smit and now we have Ollie, one of the best in the nation. And here I thought Ollie was out of Boulder where there were very few homicides or big cases. Where did Ollie get all of that stellar experience that would cause the BPD to attempt to hire him the day after JB’s murder to develop a case against the Ramseys? Sorry, I don’t believe that for a minute and would sure like to hear the BPD’s version of Ollie’s proposed hiring.

Regardless of Ollie's experience or lack thereof in “some of nation’s biggest cases,” exactly what is his role in this particular case? The narrator is pretty clever with her choice of words. She goes on to explain that the Boulder DA’s Office is neither equipped (we all knew that, no surprise there) nor funded to carry out major investigations. As a result it has sought out the help of PIs once employed by the Ramseys to hunt the killer (I believe I read that Keenan had called in Ollie to discuss the case).

Here the language gets even murkier, perhaps intentionally. The narrator states: “Although now unpaid volunteers because of the DA’s limited resources, they are an important part of the new investigation and they are free to talk.” Notice there is no mention that “they” (meaning Ollie and his trusty sidekick, John) are part of Keenan’s team, just part of the new investigation. I would hope that Keenan was wise enough to call Ollie in, get whatever information he had, and then show him the door. Personally, I doubt that Ollie and John are members of Keenan’s team or have any access to information that the team is working on, unless, of course ,“The Legend” has loose lips. Seems to me if the documentary achieves nothing else, it will give Ollie and John a little PR. And just maybe that is all they want.
jameson said
Yes, it is.
I had posted the URL's to Jayelle's copy of the documentary transcript. She changed things so the URLs would not work. So much for trying to get along.

Nope. I changed nothing. The links were working when I last tried them. I'll check it out. Could be Delphi were having problems.
They are working fine. Could have been a server problem at the time. jameson "needs" to discredit those who don't follow her party line. I posted the links to share the transcript. I have no problem with anyone linking to it.

I have noticed that sometimes URLs get shortened when they are posted and I have noticed that sometimes these don't work when copied elsewhere. The full URL to the transcript page 1 is

The last number, 201 becomes 202 for page 2, 203 for page 3 right up to 2018 for page 18.

The links do work. I certainly did nothing to make them faulty.

(perhaps the fact that I stamped my name across them was too much for her to stomach :-O!)
JonBenet's little piano piece in the background of one documentary?

I can not seem to find it. It's not on that Scottish site, right?
Eagle1 said:
JonBenet's little piano piece in the background of one documentary?

I can not seem to find it. It's not on that Scottish site, right?

Scottish site?
I'm suspicious of the Ramsey PI's claims that they turned down the BPD's approaches ON THE DAY AFTER THE MURDER because the BPD only wanted them to focus on the Ramseys. From the documentary transcript:-

The Boulder police tried to hire them the day after the murder but only to pursue the parents so they declined to help.

jameson elaborates on this by adding:-

Early on, and this IS mentioned, the BPD tried to hire them to make a case against the Ramseys. When Ollie and John refused to take on the job with so narrow a function (not conduct a full and honest investigation of all suspects) they declined.

According to Tracey, they declined this offer of work ONE DAY after the murder. We are talking about a firm of private detectives here. They were NOT running the investigation. They were being offered a contract to carry out a particular job for the police and that was to investigate the parents of the murdered child. Statistically, the parents were the most likely culprits so there is NOTHING unusual about them being investigated - especially on the DAY AFTER the murder.

Do "professional" PIs make moral judgements on the work they are hired to do? I think not. They do a job, they send the bill.

These PIs are claiming that they declined because they were only to focus on the parents and jameson says the declined because they weren't getting to carry out a full and honest investigation of ALL SUSPECTS!!!!!

I'm afraid that all sorts of alarm bells are ringing in my head here. Who did these guys think they were to decide who should and shouldn't be investigated ONE DAY AFTER the murder? Clearly it sounds as though they had pre-conceived ideas (could that be interpreted as biased?) about this breaking news murder investigation. Either that, or they are so full of it, that they thought they should be running the show and were miffed not to have a major say in who whould be investigated.

Maybe they already had a grudge against the BPD - it would certainly explain why they are willing to go on National tv and criticise them.

I don't think we're getting the full and correct story and I'd be VERY interested to hear the BPD's version of this.

My question to them would be - What exactly did you approach Gray & Augustin to do one day after the murder and why weren't they hired?

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