Tracy e-mails ready to read

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
kazzbar said:
Scary, Bs at that.really scary.Even worse when you think of how he was a teacher.How he desribes willing sex with an 8 yr old who'let' him tie her hands.I feel sick as i have a 7 yr old. Wish I had not read it but I DO now understand.Why they were keen to interview him.
Why did they just DNA him in THAiland? Heard he wanted to give DNA but they had no kit with them .This is a crock as the Thais offered to do the sample.I think they just wanted him home to question and face his kiddy *advertiser censored* time.
There is more to come out about all this.
I am feeling repulsed at the moment and grumpy!!!!
He describes a box in which he put the souvenirs (panties, paintbrush, lock of hair) as the Gothic Coffin and won't say where it is hidden. Now if that is ever found, I think it will be a smoking gun even if there is no dna, correct?
kazzbar said:
Scary, Bs at that.really scary.Even worse when you think of how he was a teacher.How he desribes willing sex with an 8 yr old who'let' him tie her hands.I feel sick as i have a 7 yr old. Wish I had not read it but I DO now understand.Why they were keen to interview him.
Why did they just DNA him in THAiland? Heard he wanted to give DNA but they had no kit with them .This is a crock as the Thais offered to do the sample.I think they just wanted him home to question and face his kiddy *advertiser censored* time.
There is more to come out about all this.
I am feeling repulsed at the moment and grumpy!!!!
Kazz, I totally understand!

I am wondering why in the world I am pouring through the tens of thousands of words this sicko wrote and said absolutely nothing for one sentence of lies.........
aspidistra said:
He describes a box in which he put the souvenirs (panties, paintbrush, lock of hair) as the Gothic Coffin and won't say where it is hidden. Now if that is ever found, I think it will be a smoking gun even if there is no dna, correct?
I would think so. Oh, boy, i feel drained .Am going to have an afternoon nap soon.
kazzbar said:
I am only up to 40 and needa distraction.
It is like a pedo history to me.
This guy needs to be locked up
Do you think he was playing games with Tracey?
Definitely. His language is all about him! He gets vague when asked about specifics. Until around pg 98, where I am now- the cops/Michael feed him details such as covering her up with a blanket and he makes up explanations, such as "well she was cold". I can't believe Michael Tracey fell for all this garbage.
He could've guessed about the runny nose. Most young children have colds in the Winter time.:doh:
Are you guys paying attention to the dates on these emails....... I just read page 200 dated August 15th 2006 and page 201 is dated July 4th 2006...... I don't want to go back to check to see if this out of order sequence has just happened.... or if that is why I missed the information on why and how he used the duct tape........

When does this mess get out of sequence by date?????????????? :bang:
Well, I downloaded it just to have, but I'm not going to read it. Just too sickening for me.:sick:
The fact that Jonbenet had been treated for colds several times that winter (and seemed to have a chronic sinus problem) has been written in several of the books.

For cripes sake.........Karr said that he tried to revive Jonbenet by blowing into her mouth. He would have left DNA all over the place if he'd done that!

I blame Tracey competely for this: he's out trolling the internet for fruitcakes in his vain attempts to clear the Ramsey's name. IMO, he's just further ruined their credibility.
angelwngs said:
Are you guys paying attention to the dates on these emails....... I just read page 200 dated August 15th 2006 and page 201 is dated July 4th 2006...... I don't want to go back to check to see if this out of order sequence has just happened.... or if that is why I missed the information on why and how he used the duct tape........

When does this mess get out of sequence by date?????????????? :bang:
I'm not sure because I am still downloading the emails I have just read the affidavit thingy.
That was nutty enough for me.
To me it is like textbook creepiness.Oh, I am trying to expain but it is hard.It is like Karr is acting a role. I read he wanted to be an actor perhaps this is his greatest role ever.
Maybe we have seen a would be talented actor stage the biggest hoax of the decade.maybe, i am the one losing it!!!!!....;)
Page 204 they discuss the previous day's phone call in which he tells Tracy the details of the night of the murder....But they do not recount this conversation by phone in the email (at least not on this page....)
angelwngs said:
Are you guys paying attention to the dates on these emails....... I just read page 200 dated August 15th 2006 and page 201 is dated July 4th 2006...... I don't want to go back to check to see if this out of order sequence has just happened.... or if that is why I missed the information on why and how he used the duct tape........

When does this mess get out of sequence by date?????????????? :bang:
I'm not that far yet - I had to take a 'norm' break. I want to know where the whole four years of stuff are.

Both of them were playing sick mind games with each other. It was all about ego.
I can't read this garbage. Somebody post if there is something in there that is an actual previously unreleased fact.
Oh... I forgot... pages way back he says that he left her body the way he did because he heard voices...upstairs...They were awake... and he had to make a quick exit.. He wished he could have left her more presentable than he did.......
HeartofTexas said:
Geez, the guy is so full of himself that he wanted Johnny Depp to play him in the movie version. Disgusting.
I'm only on page 170 of 420; have started downloading the audio wavs of the phone calls between Tracey and Daxis. Why on earth are they releasing all of it at once? Was there a court order to make it public??

Considering how much material there is, no book needs to be written. John Karr already wrote 4 1/2 chapters of his book, and we have all the emails of Tracey and Karr. I don't know yet if the chapters are in the rest of the email. But if not, they will surely be on the internet soon.

The picture of the child John Karr with the Santa bear is included but it's a dark photocopy and impossible to see details.

I am almost tempted to believe letting him go, and publishing everything, is so that he will be lulled into thinking everything is OK; and trip himself up later. Or, that more children he molested (including ones he mentions) will come forward and corroborate his stories.

This is all stranger than fiction. Making it all public seems like a desperate act as if the DA is saying, "Here's your innocent man. Read it and decide for yourself."
He says he wrote the note in the R's bedroom....
He waited in the basement for their return from the party.

And agggggggggggain discusses that he wishes he had carried her body to her own bed, laid down beside her and killed himself.....

If I have to read much more of this crap I'm beginning to wish he had finished himself off then too to save anyone this tortured reading of his crap........

The size 12 undies were grabbed out of JBR's "knicker" drawer by accident and he was downstairs when he realized his mistake. He goes on and on about how foolish it was of a mother to put a cousins knickers in her younger child's drawer.
angelwngs said:
He waited in the basement for their return from the party.

And agggggggggggain discusses that he wishes he had carried her body to her own bed, laid down beside her and killed himself.....

If I have to read much more of this crap I'm beginning to wish he had finished himself off then too to save anyone this tortured reading of his crap........
He wanted to kill himself when Patsy died too. He wanted so much to talk to Patsy before she died. He didn't go to the funeral but grieved at home.

One thing - he wrote several times about going to JBR's grave and kissing her name on the headstone. I remember reading about a hidden camera there when they were supposedly checking to see if the killer would come to the grave. I suppose they didn't keep it there for long and keep all the video from it? Not that it would be any proof he killed her, either.

He said he wore tight driving gloves in most of his time in the house except part of the time he was with JBR. He was angry at having to provide proof he was there and talked of never giving his dna. The runny nose and perfume, he thought were amazing proof no one else would know. He planned to remain anonymous and hidden, while publishing his book with Tracey's assistance, and also while communicating with both parents.

He said he wrote the note left handed in the dark, and deliberately made it confusing to lead people on a wild goose chase, and he didn't get the 118000 from any specific reason except that it would be easy to get whereas Ramsey probably didn't have a million dollars in the bank. He goes into this at length. He says when he wrote it, shortly before they came home, he really was planning to kidnap her.

The duct tape, he seems confused about, either he put it on after he bashed her head so blood wouldn't come out, or he put it on as staging, or both.

The theme he returns to over and over is that he wishes he took her, or killed himself there with her, since either way he'd still be with her. I do see some inconsistency. He thinks of himself as her Prince and wanted her parents to understand that too, that he only killed her because he didin't want her to be alive and a vegetable from the choking, which he calls "asphyxia erotica".

I remember commentators talking about that thing and thought it unlikely to be used on a child but apparently it was.

And he claims he never killed another child, but always returned them after taking them. So he did take other children. (that is, if any of this is true). He also claims an 8 year old girl who spoke no English asked him to bind her hands, and that it was hard to find a little girl to have sex with, but all of them let him kiss their backs.

I don't know, one thing that shows his naivety is trusting Tracey at all in all that correspondence. That bothers me. That makes him seem like a psycho who was making it up and knowing he'd be turned in and waiting for that. Somehow I think a lot of it is too histrionic to be believable. If he is so smart he should have known he'd be caught.

Gosh I guess 90% of the interested forumites are reading these hundreds of pages and that's why there's hardly any new posts on some forums, and the other 10% is shrugging it off saying he was a psycho liar. I'm reading it because it's weirder than anything I've ever come across in my life.

I do think he was heavily influenced by JBR's mother's name being the same as his mother's name. He was reliving with JBR what his mother did to him, he alluded to that briefly though I haven't got to the details yet if he put them in.

Here is one of his quotes: "It was an intimate love affair for me. It was my secret and JonBenet's secret. They have no right to expose her and me. It hurts. There are so many lies. I don't want to share her with the media. I hate them and how they sell my darling little girl like a commodity."
I think the lacy and the boulder pd need help from the public trying to tie karr to this crime. They only had 72 hours to charge him and no evidence. Maybe they're hoping Karr will help them out by releasing jbr hair or paintbrush. Karr may be so pissed off at everyone calling him a nutcase he might just do so. He may have some blockbuster evidence that they can tie him to the crime. He will be locked up in CA so there is nothing to worry about and they have all the time in the world to investigate some more for this and other crimes.

I don't think they will clear him, they only dropped the charges due to insuffcient evidence and he will still remain a suspect. Perhaps they want things to cool down.
p.283- He implies he used his own pen. Tracy surmises he left it in the house meaning for it to be found. JMK suggests the female he earlier referred to was an 'alter' making Tracy suggest he has multiple personality disorder... (I think we alread guessed that and I know we discussed it here long before reading these emails....) JMK actually names the girl he is attracted to at his new school. (This name is blacked out in the email...)

I have to go to work tomorrow.....Got to get some sleep..........Hope you guys can finish.... I got thru 283 sickening pages of this mess...........with the same amount of information as we got the last 2 weeks..........little substance and a lot of crap...........:sick:

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