Tracy M. (girl from Leonard P. team who lived with the Anthony's) Speaks out

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I think she should have testified too! She could have told the jury how KC didn't even care about the searches nor tried to help in any way. And I wonder how KC was around GA when Tracy was there? Was she ever asked that question?

I don't think it would have helped. The jury appears to have been uninterested in anything on the prosecution side. They didn't even follow the judge's carefully written instructions! No video of Casey killing Caylee, then she's not guilty and everyone is picking on her. :shakehead:
I always wondered if Cindy did something to Caylee to cause her death and Casey and George agreed to take care of it.. I know I am gonna get it for thinking that (not like I truely believe it but it creeps sometimes)

Do you really think Casey would cover for Cindy??? Casey sat in that jail all those years to cover for herself, no one else. If Cindy had killed Caylee, Cindy would have been thrown under that bus before Casey went to Blockbuster with Tony.

Can you imagine the show Casey would have put on? Oh, poor me, my mother killed my hoo hoo. Casey would have been star of the hour with Cindy being carted off to jail. Can we say "milk it for all it's worth"? Casey would have been in 7th Heaven. Mother of murdered child. Baby killed by own grandmother.
Do you really think Casey would cover for Cindy??? Casey sat in that jail all those years to cover for herself, no one else. If Cindy had killed Caylee, Cindy would have been thrown under that bus before Casey went to Blockbuster with Tony.

Can you imagine the show Casey would have put on? Oh, poor me, my mother killed my hoo hoo. Casey would have been star of the hour with Cindy being carted off to jail. Can we say "milk it for all it's worth"? Casey would have been in 7th Heaven. Mother of murdered child. Baby killed by own grandmother.

I said I didnt really believe it ,the thought just creeps. Really I have no clue what any of them would do ,they are not the most logical people to try and guess what is really going on with them.

I got the impression from watching Casey Anthony she would do as she was told.
I remember reading that there was no pipe as well... however, shortly after that, I ran across some pictures here showing the side of the anthony house. Sorry I can't remember where I saw them but the discussion was early on about that garbage bags taken from the car and what was on them, some people thought the bags were stained from mulch from this side yard.

The pictures of the side yard had been taken by LE.

In those pictures of the side yard, there is a water pipe clearly shown close to Caylees room.

I've always felt that stain in the bedroom was indeed from the broken pipe as Cindy said. Plus if you live in the South, you know that the smallest water stain does start smelling pretty darn quickly.

I am just not willing to give the A's credit for being as smart and planning everything out the way others here do. They all fly by the seat of their pants...

Whaa? There is a bathroom and kitchen that share walls with Caylee's bedroom. Without a basement, water pipes are commonly run inside the walls.

Click to enlarge.
Aha the Tracy Mclaughlin interviews; I listen to all eight parts about two weeks ago. The one part that stuck with me was not covered in the Diane Dimond article. In one occasion Tracy described that she and KC were in the kitchen with Cindy. Tracy stated that she pretended to be playing with her phone, ie: perhaps texting, and that KC and Cindy were speaking about the now infamous shovel. KC stated that she had borrowed the shovel to dig out bamboo roots....then sarcastically said "Hello". She went on to tell Cindy that she had also used the shovel to move the ladder out of the pool (and I'm paraphrasing here). Tracy stated that Cindy proceeded to give her the "shut up" look and that George walked into get a glass out of the cabinet and he was just shaking his head. Don't know what to make of this but this is what stuck with me from that interview.

The pool ladder statement explains why she wasnt called for the state.

Wait a sec--I'm confused. The pool ladder that's always been under discussion hooks onto the outside of the pool, doesn't it? How would it get into the pool--unless someone picked it up and threw it into the pool?

That aside, I suspect Tracy M wasn't called on because the State feared that LP's close-knit "band of followers" would be more committed to validating LP's theories (one of which has always been the pool drowning) than sticking to the plain, unvarnished truth if put on the witness stand.
I believe Cindy knew all along what Casey was capable of. We'll never know all the horrible things Casey has done in her life because Cindy covered for her.

Casey learned her behavior at a very young age. I can do whatever I want and mommy will cover for me, because she doesn't want the embarrassment of people knowing what a monster I truly am. That would reflect poorly on Cindy, and she could not have that.

Remember, the words sociopath came from Cindy's own mouth. As a mom, that is a harsh thing to say about your own child. Cindy knows exactly what Casey is, she created her. She only pretends now to be on her side because of extreme guilt. It's my fault she turned out this way and it's my fault she killed Caylee.

IMO anyway...

I couldn't agree with you more if I had typed this myself!!
Wait a sec--I'm confused. The pool ladder that's always been under discussion hooks onto the outside of the pool, doesn't it? How would it get into the pool--unless someone picked it up and threw it into the pool?

That aside, I suspect Tracy M wasn't called on because the State feared that LP's close-knit "band of followers" would be more committed to validating LP's theories (one of which has always been the pool drowning) than sticking to the plain, unvarnished truth if put on the witness stand.

Do you have the link to the interview with Tracy. I cannot see it anywhere. TIA.:crazy:
I believe Cindy knew all along what Casey was capable of. We'll never know all the horrible things Casey has done in her life because Cindy covered for her.

Casey learned her behavior at a very young age. I can do whatever I want and mommy will cover for me, because she doesn't want the embarrassment of people knowing what a monster I truly am. That would reflect poorly on Cindy, and she could not have that.

Remember, the words sociopath came from Cindy's own mouth. As a mom, that is a harsh thing to say about your own child. Cindy knows exactly what Casey is, she created her. She only pretends now to be on her side because of extreme guilt. It's my fault she turned out this way and it's my fault she killed Caylee.

IMO anyway...

Did anyone elses hinky meter go off when they heard how many pets died in this family in a realtivly short period of time??? And Cindy says her yorkies were "sleepy"??? It TOTALLY creeped me out. The stuff sociopaths are made of....
In her interviews with police she went by the name 'Tracy McLaughlin'
In her letters to KC in jail she signed them as 'Tracy Dawn' (Maybe her middle name?)

Maybe she got married/divorced, hence the difference in last names. I really don't know.

Thanks, I saw a clip of an interview she did with Dr. Drew yesterday, and the tab at the bottom id'd her as Tracy M. So the writer of the article is either confused or didn't get the name straight or something. I never heard Lenny refer to her as anything other than Tracy.
I'm not sure if I could trust everything she says. She could be embellishing or maybe not. Who knows? So many people coming out of the woodwork now with stories about it now, makes me wonder.

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