TRANSCRIPTS of the Interrogation Videos of Jodi Arias

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PART 3 of 5


Recorded Phone Interviews with Detective Flores
June 10, 21 (vm) & 25, 2008


JA: You know you might want to talk to a guy named Thomas Brown. Um…and I don’t think that…Honestly, I haven’t seen or heard from him since he was kicked out. Um…I think his last name was Brown. I could try to find him on…on LDS but um…It was…You know that was so long ago, though. That was last spring of 2007, March even, and what happened was he got kicked out because he was considered like borderline sexual predator—not like a rapist, but coming on to girls and…and you know that kind of thing, and it’s just really looked down upon in the church and so he was disfellowshipped and Travis said you need to get out, you know, get your stuff out of my house. It wasn’t a friendly situation. It was said over the phone because he and I were in uh…Missouri and somewhere back east and just touring and um… and um…Thomas was

DF: So he ended up kicking him out at that time?
JA: Yeah, he kicked him out at the time but…Thomas, you know, he’s a really big guy but he doesn’t seem like this – he doesn’t seem violent. He seemed pretty gentle. He just seemed like--a little bit thuggish but like he was trying to act the part not because he was that. Maybe because he thought it might attract kicks or something, I don’t know. Um…so he seems honestly, like I didn’t know him that well but he seemed like a big, dumb teddy bear.

June 10, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #274 Day 2 Trial Testimony Det. Flores

JA: You know I just wanted to say that Travis and I had…we had an on-off kind of relationship. Um…I…we just weren’t talking a lot… the last several weeks. Um… a couple times a week and I keep saying, “What if? What if I just had gone down there... what if I never moved and I would have been there, I don’t know…”

DF: So you continued to talk this whole time, huh?
JA: Yeah. Yeah. Definitely! We…I mean…It was more sporadic. It was more sporadic. But, um…we usually talked late at night, like 12 -- anywhere between 12 a.m. and…or 1 a.m. and like 2, or 3, or 4 in the morning. He was kind of like um…

DF: Did he have any other cell phones because uh…well, we found one cell phone.
JA: Um…No! He…I’m pretty sure he didn’t. Otherwise I’d know about it.
He had his uh…Verizon cell phone and he had his landline.

June 21, 2008 – Voicemail Message - from Jodi Arias – States Exhibit #389, Day 9 Trial Testimony – Detective Flores

DF: (Voice recording) This was sent to my cell phone from June 21, 2008 from Jodi Arias

You have one saved message. First Saved Message

JA: Hi Detective Flores. This is Jodi Arias calling in regards to uh…Travis Alexander. Um…It’s Saturday, I’m not… I can’t be sure what time, but um…maybe you’re off, and so I hope you’re enjoying your day off. If not, if you could give me a call back. My phone number is 831-402-1901. Thanks! Talk to you soon. Bye.

End of message.

Continuing June 25, 2008 Phone Interview – States Exhibit #310 Clip 8 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

DF: How long did you guys actually know each other?
JA: We met in September of 2006 at the MGM Grand.

DF: 2006?
JA: Yeah! And that was the Prepaid Legal International convention.

DF: Okay.
JA: Where tens of thousands of people go.

DF: And when did you actually start dating?
JA: Um. Not for awhile. We met in September. Uh…the following weekend he invited me to church, and the following Wednesday of that Sunday he gave me a copy of the Book of Mormon. I started reading it. I got baptized November 26th. Uh…we would talk a lot and hang out a lot and we kind of had like a thing and there definitely was an attraction and an interest but we weren’t officially dating until about February of 2007, early February I would say. Um… and I think that just a string of events sort of pushed that together. Travis has kind of a commitment uh…phobia… I would guess you could say…?

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #309 Clip 9 – Day 4 Trial Testimony - Detective Flores

DF: Is that when you moved down here?
JA: No. I didn’t move down actually until June, which was right about the time we broke up, ironically.

DF: So you moved down in June of 2007 and you guys broke up soon after?
JA: Yeah. We broke up right about that same time.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #296 Clip 22 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

JA: I’ve been in relationships before where the…the other guy wasn’t faithful, and there’s like a distinctive gut feeling that you just have, and…that I’ve noticed…’cause I’ve been in relationships where they were faithful, at least to my knowledge. They were totally faithful um…and that gut feeling isn’t there. So I had this feeling with Travis and I gently asked him about it. He got really upset, and he’s like, “No, there’s nothing there. Don’t worry about it.” And I knew he was on phone texting a lot, and I knew he was texting these girls and I was like…um… I was like, Um…“Well, are you…What about your text messages?” and he’s like, “Look, I can be flirtatious but there’s nothing going on.” And I said, “Okay.” So uh…this was last year I think in June. (clears her throat). And, one day he was taking a nap, and I felt, this is one of the reasons we lost all of our trust. Um…I just…I shouldn’t have done this, but I grabbed his phone and I looked at his text messages, and I found there were tons of girls that I had never heard of, and I knew that he knew a lot of people from the business, so I didn’t worry too much about it, but what bothered me was that there were um…not only were there some flirtatious like I should have expected which bothered me but it wasn’t necessarily a crime, um…but there were plenty of uh…uh…(sighs) There were like plans like…things like um…”Oh…where do you want to meet, Oh, I don’t know, where’s the best place for us..Wherever the best place for us to make out is,” and I’m like, “What? Oh, my gosh!” We’d only been dating for a few months at this point, and he always said, “Well, we’re not dating anybody else,” and to him, that was I think reasonable enough, ‘cause I think in his mind he was making out with other girls but he wasn’t dating them was okay, and the only reason I think that’s true is because of what we continued to do while he was dating and I didn’t realize that either. Um…so I confronted him about it. Actually, I didn’t confront him at first. I should have been an adult about it and confronted him but I held it in for a few weeks and then it all came out, and that’s when we broke up, and so I just realized that I didn’t feel like I could trust him fully to be monogamous and I don’t think that he could trust me fully to not get back in his phone some day and I try to find something out.

DF: Yeah.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Call – States Exhibit #308 Clip 10 – Day 4 Trial Testimony _ Detective Flores

DF: What did you do then the whole time you were down here then? You just kind of tried to work?
JA: Um…I…Yeah! I guess I figured, you know, like maybe this is the Mormon land of opportunity. Honestly? That’s kind of the way I looked at it? (laughs)

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview. States Exhibit #306 Clip 12 – Day 4 Trial Testimony – Detective Flores

DF: So you just kind of hung around town doing your thing until April or so, whenever you left?
JA: Yeah, I hung around. I was in the University 6 Ward—went there. He was in his Desert Ridge Ward and we…We didn’t live that far apart. So, I mean, I was over there a lot—um…not a lot lot because he had his own social circle friends from church that I didn’t really want to interact with (Jodi laughs) because I…I sensed that maybe there was a little bit of awkwardness there because of Lisa and because of Elena (sp?) and I didn’t…

DF: Oh, that’s right. (Unintelligible – sounds like…He went out with Lisa right after that…)

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #312 – Clip 5 – Day 4 Testimony Detective Flores

DF: You mentioned…I mean obviously you guys dated before and…
JA: Yeah, we did. We dated about

DF: You were kind of just still really good friends but not, you know, romantically seeing each anymore?
JA: Uh…not exactly (laughs). Um…um…we broke up last…

DF: Well, kind of?
JA: Yeah, and I would say there was…there was certainly a romantic side to it you could say or an intimate side to it, um…but uh…we weren’t exactly on the path to marriage or anything like that and we both knew that.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #305 – Clip 13 – Day 4 Trial Testimony – Detective Flores

DF: Now some people had some unpleasant stuff to say about you and uh… I don’t know why. I mean I talked to you and you seem like a good person and, you know, I they were just saying that you were kind of obsessive after the breakup and things like that. What was going on to make them think that?
JA: The only thing I can think of and I realize that is because I was at his house a lot. Um…but I didn’t go to his house unless I was invited over or unless he knew I was coming over. Um…he would send me text messages late at night saying, “Hey, I’m getting sleepy …(dot, dot, dot) and (unintelligible) (dot, dot, dot) and that was like…that became like my cue. That became like our code word for “I’m falling asleep, you can come over now, and sneak into my room and come wake me up” kind of thing and so um…that would happen a lot and uh…I…

DF: Uh…I mean I don’t want to make this unpleasant or anything but, I mean, was there still a sexual relationship going on after that?
JA: Yeah. There was.

DF: Okay.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #304 Clip 14 – Day 4 Testimony – Detective Flores

DF: And you were actually out of town so it was in April when you left?
JA: Yeah, it was April. I spent um…I had…My friend Rachel that I originally moved down with gave me a futon to sleep on and I gave that back um…about a week, week and a half prior to moving. Her & her husband came out with this truck and they loaded it up because they were just lending it to me, and I didn’t want to move it. So they came and got it and I didn’t have a bed, and he was like, you know, “You just come stay with me.” And so I pretty much stayed there (clears throat twice) for the last week.

DF: Yeah, his roommates said something about you, you know, the last day you had a U-Haul and you were leaving. Uh…you had stopped by to say goodbye or something?
JA: Yeah, I had the U-Haul and I…I was already there but I parked it around the corner because it was huge and I had my car on the back of it so I couldn’t park it right out in front of his house, so there’s a…there’s a little uh…you go just past his house around the corner. I had the U-Haul parked there.

DF: Okay. Do you remember what day in April that was?
JA: I don’t. I want to say…I keep thinking the 9th but before you quote me on that I can …I can check.

DF: But towards the beginning of April, sometime around there?
JA: Yeah! It was more like…more towards the middle but it was already…maybe toward the beginning. Yeah! Because originally I was supposed to leave early April like April 1st – April Fools, but I ended up staying um…another 4 or 5 days.

DF: You stayed there with him or someplace…?
JA: Yeah. Yeah, with him.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #302 Clip 16 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

DF: You guys took a lot of pictures. Actually, he just bought a…he had just purchased a camera.
JA: Yeah – I remember that!

DF: I mean we found the box in his house and everything.
JA: Yeah. He um…

DF: Did you…Did you help him buy that or?
JA: I did. Yeah. I was…I was living here…He called me for advice and I was on the phone with him

DF: I never saw somebody who knew what they were doing before buy a camera.
JA: Yeah, and I guess because I’m a photographer…He texted me and he was like, “What do you think of this camera?” and I texted back, “Well, what about this?” and finally I was like, “Just call me because it’s too complicated.” So he called me and he was going over … I was like, “Ask her this” (unintelligible) sales rep and “What about this and this… and where is the flash located and megapixels and the brand and I was like Don’t get anything Kodak,” you know, just different things. So…eventually he settled on… I don’t remember what he got but it was…it sounded like it was a really nice camera.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #301 Clip 17 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

DF: Do you remember when he bought that camera?
JA: April maybe? I know it was after I moved. It could have been in May.

DF: Okay.
JA: It could have been in May. Um…I know it was after I moved up here because I was here. I was on the phone with him…purchasing it…

DF: You never got to see the camera then or anything?
JA: No, and I’m trying to remember…

DF: Well, we…The reason I’m asking is because we found his camera, and, you know, it’s pretty much ruined, and we didn’t know why.
JA: Oh!

DF: You know I can’t discuss why but or how it’s ruined but, you know, we just, we have no idea why somebody would, you know, destroy his camera and uh…
JA: Oh!

DF: and wonder if you could describe it to me but obviously you haven’t seen it and you’ve never touched it, never seen it so…
JA: No. Um…I think…I’m thinking there’s a picture of him on Facebook where he took a picture of himself in the mirror…

DF: Okay.
JA: And I think that’s his camera, so I mean…I can’t tell what it is though because the picture isn’t really sharp and it’s small resolution but there’s a picture of him, a profile picture of him on Facebook where he kind of is looking…

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #316 Clip 1 – Day 4 Testimony Detective Flores

Calling Jodi Arias. It’s 6-25-08 at 11:05 hours. 1610844
(Phone rings Jodi Arias)

JA: Hello.
DF: Hello, Jodi?
JA: Yes.

DF: Hi, It’s Detective Flores.
JA: Hey, how are ya’?

DF: I’m pretty good. All right. Is this a good time for you?
JA: I’m sorry. I’ve got bad reception.

DF: Is this a good time for you to talk?
JA: Uh, yeah. This… I’m sorry. That’s fine. I’m driving through a spot where… I’m good.

DF: Okay. Sorry. I caught you driving. I hope I don’t distract you too much.
JA: No. That’s…(laughs) That’s okay.

DF: All right.
JA: Yeah.

DF: Hey, um…the reason I wanted to talk to you is just to kind of figure out what was going on the week um…just prior to when we…when we found Travis.
PART 4 of 5


Recorded Phone Interviews with Detective Flores
June 10, 21 (vm) & 25, 2008


JA: Hmm…

DF: ‘Cause we’re not…we’re still not sure what day, you know, this incident happened.
JA: Mmm hmmm

DF: We’re trying to figure out, you know, who had contact with him and… I know I talked to you
JA: I…

DF: a couple weeks ago about what was going on but it was kind of brief and I was just trying to
JA: Uh huh…

DF: get to everybody who
JA: Yeah…

DF: was near the area or whatever…but um…can you tell me what was going on, let’s see, starting on Monday, I think it was the 2nd or when you had contact with him or the last time you talked to him…
JA: Yeah, I think...I know that I talked to him early Monday morning uh…which would have … I was just up late Sunday night for example and uh I probably talked to him…it may have been a good 45 minutes that…that morning and we were talking about um…how he was…He had a conversation with another person about Gordon Hinckley and they were…it was really a conversation. I know he was just talking a lot about what was said there and uh…I think we probably talked till about 4:00 in the morning. I think.

DF: Wow!
JA: Yeah, we were…He was a night owl; I’m a night owl and it wasn’t a really long conversation. We’ve had conversations that have lasted hours and hours but this one was probably only…I want to say 45 minutes. It may have been longer. I guess I could check.

DF: And that was late at night?
JA: Well, technically it was early Monday morning.

DF: Okay.
JA: That was on the 2nd. So um….yeah, that was primarily what that one consisted of and, you know. He knew I was taking a road trip that week and he was kind of guilting me ‘cause I wasn’t going to Arizona, I was going to Utah. Um…

DF: Okay. Why was there a conference or something in Arizona as well or?
JA: It was um…The primary reason, and I didn’t tell Travis this, but the primary reason I was going there was to meet somebody. Um…and you know, we…we weren’t like totally open about our dating lives just because it was just an area where we just kind of decided it would be best to not give each other all those details, and so, you know, it’s because we had a past (unintelligible) of war (?). You know, we kept each other like moderately informed, like he told me a little bit about this person, a little bit about this person but we didn’t go into a lot of details, so I didn’t tell him that I was making this big trip out to Utah to go see somebody. (clears her throat). I think he suspected it, though. He was just like, “Well, who are you going out there to see?” and I’m like, “Oh, nobody, I’m just going out there to see friends” ‘cause we both have um…a mutual circle of friends in Utah from Prepaid Legal, so I told him that that was the reason I was going. There’s a briefing out there it’s called a business briefing which happens every week on Thursday nights so um…I was leaving for that and, you know, there was that reason because I knew I would see a lot of my friends that night but also to spend time with my other friend that I was meeting, and his name is Ryan. Um… so…I talked to him that day, and later on that morning I got on the road. Um…and my car isn’t the best mechanically, so I stopped in Redding at the airport to rent a car and someone had driven me there. My future, soon-to-be sister-in-law drove me there. Um…(clears throat) and… let’s see…I got the car, came back to my brother’s house and took a nap for awhile because I had been up all night, and then I got on the road and I went to Santa Cruz and I met up with some other friends from the Monterey area.

DF: Okay.
JA: So, I have lots of friends there, and I stayed the night at a friend’s house there and visited with some other friends uh…the next day and then drove to L.A. so that I could see my uh…other friend’s baby. I’m a photographer. I don’t know if I told you that.

DF: Yeah.
JA: Um… But yeah, I’m a photographer. She just recently had a baby and I was trying to build my profile with infants and things like that…

DF: Who were you visiting there again?
JA: Her name is Laura Brewer. She actually never called me back. She did call me back but she called me back too late, so I couldn’t just wait around ‘cause I had an itinerary.

DF: She was just a friend or?
JA: She um…she’s a really cool friend. I dated her brother for about four years so we’re a lot like family still.

DF: Oh, okay.
JA: Hang on just a quick second, I’m sorry.

JA: Are you still there?
DF: Yeah.

JA: I’m sorry. My phone—I got to figure it out. Sorry, I’m just getting out of my car. It’s just a little distracting.
DF: No problem.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #313 Clip 4 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

DF: All right. So that’s the last time you talked to him was like on Monday morning from…
JA: I’m sorry. I did talk to him on Tuesday night.

DF: Oh, Tuesday night?
JA: It was brief, though. Um…like that was a matter of just a few minutes. It wasn’t like a real in depth conversation. Um…

DF: Do you know what time it was?
JA: Oh…10 o’clock maybe?

DF: 10 p.m.?
JA: Yeah! I’d say 10 p.m. or maybe 9 p.m., 9:30, 10, 10:30 – something around there. I guess I could go back and check.

DF: How about 9-10…anywhere in there.
JA: Somewhere between there. Yeah, it was kind of late evening. I mean for us that’s not late, but…

DF: What was the purpose of that call?
JA: Um…just calling to check in and say, “Hey” and let him know just, “Hi…” (laughs)

DF: Okay.
JA: I was just calling people because I was bored and I was on the road.

DF: Oh, so you were on the road at that time?
JA: Yeah. It was real brief. Um…he was…He was nice and cordial but he was kind of acting…like he had hurt feelings ‘cause he knew I wasn’t planning…

DF: Oh, I see. Tthe reason this actually occurred is people are saying they kind of lost contact with him maybe Tuesday
JA: On Tuesday?

DF: Tuesday or Wednesday some people aren’t sure. They’re trying to think back and
JA: I…I talked to him last Tuesday and I…I’m sure I called him. I may have called him Wednesday. I know I called him again from the road, twice. I sent him a couple of text messages. I sent him a picture.

DF: Did you actually talk to him, though, when you were on the road?
JA: Um…yeah, but it was…it was when I

DF: When you first started…
JA: Yeah. Yeah. It was... We were… Yeah. I did talk to him. I’m sure that was Tuesday night.

DF: Okay.
JA: And uh…so I figured he was either in California ‘cause he was planning to go there um…that week, I think, because he had to…I know he had to go to California sometime before Cancun because he was going to leave his dog with his grandmother.

DF: Okay.
JA: Um…

DF: Do you remember what time on Tuesday night it was that you talked to him?
JA: Oh…it was dark. It was… I think it was like maybe 10, maybe 10 o’clock? Or 9:30 or …

DF: At that time you were still kind of…were you still heading to L.A. area or were you already going to Utah?
JA: I was in Pasadena when I talked to him. I think I was.. I think I had just left Starbucks or something. I don’t remember. I don’t know if I had gotten gas there or what …Starbucks and talking to him…

DF: Now, what was the conversation about?
JA: It was really brief. It was um… 2 or 3 minutes and I said, “Hey, I’m on the road so” and going, you know, he knew I was headed to Utah, and I just called because I called my sister and I think I called…I may have called Ryan. I don’t know if I called him yet at that point, but um…I was waiting around for awhile for Laura and I didn’t know where she lived and I couldn’t call her brother because he was at work, and I didn’t just want to show up at her house because I hadn’t heard back from her so, um…I was just killing time and called him…talked to him briefly and…and uh

DF: That’s about the last time people were able to get a hold of him as well…and the usual and people were saying, “Yeah, we texted him and called him and then pretty soon his…I think his voice mail was full.”
JA: Yeah. That’s unusual ‘cause he deletes messages--like he doesn’t save anything even if it’s halfway sentimental, like he rarely saves that stuff.

DF: So the next time you tried to call him you weren’t able to get a hold of him?
JA: Uh…no. I left him a message. Um…and I sent him text messages and he said he doesn’t always pick up but he’s usually pretty good, and he doesn’t always respond but I didn’t hear from him for like two days and I called him again. I didn’t want to be obsessive about it um…because, you know, we’re not together anymore, and I’m just like…I don’t like calling him too much, but he’d call me or I’d call him and it was a pretty good balance but um…At one point it was like…at what point do I start calling friends that live there? You know? That thought crossed my mind, but I was like, “No, he’s in California.” You know? He’s going to Cancun.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview
States Exhibit #315 Clip 3 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

DF: So you didn’t get to meet with her then?
JA: I didn’t. So I hung out there for awhile at Starbucks and, you know, just refilled and all that and talked on the phone for a little bit and got on the road and went to Utah. Um…(pause) Slept in my car. (laughs)

DF: That’s a long drive from L.A.
JA: It’s about…It’s about nine hours, so yeah, it’s actually just as long to go from L.A. to West Jordan as it is to go from Yreka to L.A.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview
States Exhibit #314 Clip 2 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

DF: Um…Let’s see. So the meeting in Utah, when did that happen?
JA: Mmm hmm. That was Thursday night at 7:00. I don’t remember the exact location but I followed Ryan there.

DF: Oh, so you met him there?
JA: Yeah. We crashed at his house for a little while and hung out and all that and then uh…went to the meeting and then slept a little bit longer because I was, you know, before I got on the road and

DF: I had talked to… I can’t remember who it was up there in Utah. They called me and they said they knew Travis. They said that there was a meeting on Wednesday, or was it Thursday?
JA: Uh…there is a luncheon on Wednesday. I didn’t go to that, though.

DF: That’s what they were talking about.
JA: I don’t think I went to that. No, I went to some kind of meeting. It was at a restaurant. The restaurant owner’s name is Chris and he was recruited by Ryan.

DF: Maybe that’s what they said. They said it’s kind of like a split up meeting. One day they have like a luncheon and then the other day is the meeting.
JA: Yeah. I didn’t go to the lunch meeting. Um… it looks like the thing that happens is the same kind of deal when you sit in the restaurant instead of a business style meeting whereas the meeting you kind of sit for an hour and listen to a presentation for 45 minutes or however long it takes and uh…the luncheon you listen to the same thing but you get to eat lunch and it’s in a restaurant.

DF: So did you ever stop by Vegas on the way out?
JA: I went by Vegas… (laughing). No. (laughing) I go there once a year anyway for the Prepaid Legal thing and I’ve never been a gambler or lived that kind of lifestyle so no, I just drove through. I drove through um…I… I…went through Boulder City and I went through Vegas. I don’t remember all. I think Henderson, um…you know, and so I went up through, I think it was St. George. It took awhile. I was on the phone most of the night with Ryan at that time but um…you know, so he could keep me awake but I still had to pull over anyway. So…I mean…I’m not…I’m not shy about just pulling over wherever and sleeping in my car.

DF: Oh, sounds dangerous. You need to be careful.
JA: It is. It’s not the smartest thing. I realize that. Um… I usually park my car in a place where I can just drive off if I need to—if I have it backed out instead of um…you know, and I have the keys in the ignition so that I’m ready to go, but either way it’s still kind of safe. Anyone could break a window or something but…

DF: Well in this day and age you still need some kind of protection, you’re driving alone…
JA: I was thinking of that. I know, and I (laughs)…I just. I don’t know. Yes, I do, but

DF: That’s not too difficult. Well, California I would say it’s a little more difficult because at least in Arizona you don’t even have to register any of your weapons. You just kind of…you just go buy them and that’s it.
JA: Really?

DF: Yeah.
JA: I’ve actually looked into…I’ve actually looked into handguns um…because I have like…I have a list of like things that I’m really scared of that I’m trying to overcome and that’s one of ‘em and being in front of a public crowd is another, and I was shaking when I sang the National Anthem. There was only like 100 (?) people but I had to hold the microphone and my hands were shaking, so…Actually I got that from Travis because he would try to push yourself past your comfort zone and make yourself uncomfortable and do things that you’re scared of and uh…so…I…you know, I’ve been looking into that but handguns are expensive and, you know, it’s not really in my price range right now. It’s not…

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #298 Clip 20 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

JA: Anyway, what was I saying with that?
DF: Oh, no, we just discussed um…that, you know, the next two days after that you weren’t able to get a hold of him and…
JA: Yeah.

DF: and thought about calling his friends and
JA: Yeah, and that’s part of the reason I didn’t ‘cause I…I knew that…it didn’t feel like my place any longer to be like his mother and calling his friends …

DF: So you knew about his trip in…Do you remember him telling you when he was leaving for his trip?
JA: Yeah. Yeah. ‘Cause we had discussed dates of travel up here so…Um… I asked…He had said that he was leaving the 10th, and I didn’t know how long it would be or if he would come up here for 4 or 5 or 6 days but um I did know that the last we had discussed is his trip up here was going to be after Cancun before he came to see me sometime towards the end of June, and it would probably be a four day thing for me or a three day thing, but longer for him because he was traveling along the California coast and on up to Washington.

DF: Okay. So he was going to leave the 10th and when was he going to come back?
PART 5 of 5


Recorded Phone Interviews with Detective Flores
June 10, 21 (vm) & 25, 2008

JA: Um…I don’t know. I know that their/there…

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview
States Exhibit #300 Clip 18 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

DF: Well, when did you first find out what happened to him?
JA: Uh…Dan called me …

DF: Dan who?
JA: Dan Freeman. I’m sorry.

DF: Oh, Dan Freeman.
JA: He called me um…Monday, I think it was Monday night, but it was more like…I think it was late Monday night—like 11 something, and he said, “Hey…how you doing? And I was like, “Dan!” because I had been thinking about him and I was planning my trip to Arizona and he was definitely on my list of people to visit. I love him and his family. Um…I used to go there every Sunday for dinner. Um…and…and I said, “Hey, how you doin’?” and he’s like, “Great!” and I said, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about making a trip out there,” and he’s like, “Yeah, I think you’re going to have to” and I was like, “Yeah! Yeah!” and then there was a pause, and he’s like, and then he’s like “Yeah, um…this is about Travis, and I was like, “Um…what?” You know, like
that’s never good, but…

DF: Yeah, like the way he said that, yeah.
JA: Yeah. So…but I didn’t think anything, at first. I mean, kind of, “Well, okay, what?” you know you don’t want to assume too soon, and he said, uh…he said, “They found him” and I was like “What does that mean?” “Well, I don’t know.” “Well, what do you mean you don’t know? What do you know?” “I don’t really know anything right now. I just know that Hyatt is at his house and Taylor Searle is at his house and the cops are there. And I was totally shocked. I don’t think that I said much. Um…I think that I …I just kept thinking maybe there’s a mistake. Maybe there’s a mistake. I wasn’t sure, and he didn’t really know, so I kept thinking maybe there was a mistake because he didn’t say anything. He didn’t give me any information so I thought…He said I was the first person that he thought of to call, but I think he called a couple of their leaders in Travis’ business first that were close to him. I don’t know who he called or what order but he called me and I kept thinking that maybe there was… made a mistake and I felt so helpless because I wasn’t there. I still lived there. Before I was like 10 minutes away. Not even 10. Maybe 7 minutes away. I could have just driven there but I found out and saw what’s going on. I just felt totally helpless.

DF: What did you think about? I mean…The last time you had talked to him was what? Was it Monday or Wednesday? When was that?
JA: I think it was um…Tuesday evening, I think. Yeah. Tuesday night.

DF: Yeah. Did you think of, you know, what was going on the last time you talked to him…Did you try to get a hold of him after that?
JA: Yes! Yeah. I did. I tried to get a hold of him um…I called him Tuesday night. Um… I called him subsequently and e-mailed him um…a couple times.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #297 Clip 21 – Day 4 Trial Testimony Detective Flores

DF: Well, is there anything else that you can remember or think of or any theories or anything that can help us?
JA: I just…I just don’t know. Travis was a friend to everybody, and…

DF: Yeah.
JA: and even when things were bad between us, he was always…he would give his last…He would give his last dollar…his last whatever. He um…He was selling me his BMW, and I was actually supposed to e-mail

DF: Yeah, you mentioned that. You kind of burned it out or something.
JA: Yeah. Well, you said you found my check…in his house?

DF: A check…Oh yeah…the check that you gave him for a payment.
JA: Yeah. I made…Um…I guess like I…it’s just so dumb, like it seems so unimportant but I guess I need to know if that check (giggles) is going to be deposited any time soon?

DF: No. No. After his death it can’t be deposited. So…
JA: Really…?

DF: Yeah.
JA: Okay. Well, then I’ll just consider that…whatever and I’ll still owe him the full balance until they figure out what they‘re going to do. Honestly, I trashed his car and he took it so well. Um…we were trying to figure out between my lawyers and his lawyers and Prepaid Legal and the insurance and U-Haul who was going to be held liable and, you know, it didn’t matter who was held liable, the fact was, that was a debt that I promised to pay and it’s just money and it isn’t worth, you know anything so um…I mean as far as him getting any (?) tensions over so um…He would never…He never had any doubt that I would pay him back but he was trying to do what was difficult because he was trying to um…work with the insurance um…to hold U-Haul accountable over how it had all gone down. He said the engine just blew up

DF: Now the vehicle was still in his name, correct?
JA: Yeah. He still has the… He was going to hold the title until I paid it, the balance in full.

DF: Okay. Did you guys have a written contract or anything?
JA: I had yeah … what I did is I typed out an e-mail to him and I sent it and um…I just wrote back, “Just reply, I agree if you agree with this,” and he wrote back um…something about you didn’t say anything about you’re on your own insurance and so I said, Okay and amended that, I think, and then wrote back to him, and so that was our agreement. Our agreement was I pay him what I can each month until the balance is paid off, and I…I take care of general maintenance like oil changes and tires and things like that.

DF: I don’t know what’s going on with that, with his car or anything or if it’s still at the shop, but his family
JA: I think it’s sitting there collecting dust um…
DF: Yeah, his family is dealing with that because it’s still considered one of his assets and it goes in…

JA: Oh…
DF: you know, so…

(Camera pans to Tanisha and it is HEARTBREAKING to watch Tanisha as the courtroom listens to the tape recording of Jodi’s interview with Detective Flores below)

JA: Yeah, and I was told, and I probably shouldn’t have done this, but I didn’t know who to get a hold of or who was doing what and I should have asked Dan first but I e-mailed his sister, Tanisha, on MySpace, and I was like, just sent her my condolences and the next paragraph I was like you know, it’s really hard but I owe Travis this amount of money and I know that at one point I’ll need to settle this debt…you know that kind of thing, but if you need to be in contact with me, this is my phone number and she didn’t get back to me and um…you know…

DF: Well, you know when a death occurs like this everything has got to go to probate anyway…
JA: Yeah, and I realize now but there’s a Mike Chapman the executor of his will and so I did get in touch with him yesterday and he said um…just give me all the information you have on that matter and then we’ll go from there and decide what’s going to happen.

June 25, 2008 – Phone Interview – States Exhibit #295 Clip 23 – Day 5 Trial Testimony – Detective Flores

DF: He never gave you his password for his voice mail for his phone?
JA: Uh…Nnnnno.

DF: Did you ever obtain it at any time or…?
JA: Um…I…(pause). I didn’t have it but he had one PIN number that he always used and that was 1220.

DF: Yeah.
JA: Um…I don’t know if that was his voicemail PIN number, too. Oh, and he had a garage PIN that I have, too, which was different. His garage was … 1220 was his pin for his ATM because there were many times he gave me his card to go get money. Um…

DF: Do you think that was his PIN for his phone as well?
JA: It’s possible. I don’t know what kind of … I mean mine’s not password protected. Oh, mine is password protected. Mine before it wasn’t. Sorry. Um…the one for his um…ATM was (unintelligible – a person’s name) birthday. That’s how I remembered that, and then he gave me the garage PIN # which was 0187, and I think that was Chris Hughes’ birthday.


DAY 25 3 of 3
(Thanks to David Lohr for the YouTube Link)

Clerk: Please stand for the jury.
Judge Sherry Stephens (JSS): Please be seated. The record will show the presence of the jury, the defendant and all Counsel. You may continue with cross examination.

Juan Martinez (JM): Ma’am, with regard to the killing of June 4 of 2008, it was you that committed that murder that killed Travis Alexander, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: Nobody else was involved, right?
JA: That’s correct.

JM: And in terms of the … we don’t need any finger…any more of the fingerprint evidence that we have, you’re not disputing that the fingerprint evidence indicates that you were there, right?
JA: That’s right.

JM: Same thing with the DNA evidence. It was you that was there, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Ma’am, after this shot rang out, you said that you went into a fog, right?
JA: Umm…yes. I began to go …things get foggy after that point.

JM: So, with regard to the camera. Can you tell us what happened to the camera?
JA: I don’t remember what I did with the camera.

JM: You acknowledge, though, that immediately prior to the, what you describe as the killing, the camera was right here in this area next to the tub, correct? (Juan is showing a diagram/floor plan of the bathroom)
JA: Umm…That’s the last place I saw it rolling. I don’t know if it got kicked around or what. I don’t know.

JM: But you acknowledge though that…take a look at Exhibit 162. First let’s look at the date and time. You acknowledge that this says, or was taken on June 4th, 2008 at 5:32:16, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: What time was your understanding that the roommates got home?
JA: I didn’t know.

JM: So you didn’t…they…you don’t…did you even know if they were there?
JA: Umm… (pause) I don’t remember if they were there or not…at that time.

JM: Well, do you remember that one of the things that you told us under direct examination was that when there were roommates, the two of you had to be careful in your sexual umm….trysts so that as not to…umm…not awaken but, let the others know what was going on. Do you remember telling us that?
JA: That’s correct.

JM: So if this was going on, on that date, it would be fair to say based on what you believe that they were not home, right?
JA: This part of the day?

JM: Yes, this part.
JA: No, I don’t think that would have made a difference.

JM: What I’m saying though is during…when this happened, you believed that there were no roommates there, correct?
JA: I don’t know what time they got home. I don’t know.

JM: And you are wearing socks, right? (Photo on the screen – Juan is using his pen to point)
JA: Yes.

JM: And there is what appears to be a zipper on that foot, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: If you look at this further, let’s orient ourselves. This is Mr. Alexander’s head, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: Blood right there, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And that’s his foot, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And given the way that the lights are in this particular photograph, the bathroom is in this direction, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you would agree with me that if the camera, Exhibit 249, was last seen here… Do you see that?
JA: Yes.

JM: And things happened the way you say they happened and we now have this photograph that you were the one that moved that camera, right?
JA: Umm…it could have been us both. I don’t know…remember moving it.

JM: Well, based on what you tell us, there’s this gunshot that rings out, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And then you don’t remember anything, right?
JA: I didn’t say that. I said it got foggy after that point. The point where I can’t remember anything is after he said…well, after he threatened my life.

JM: What’s that?
JA: After he threatened my life.

JM: But what is it that he said?
JA: ****ing kill you, *****.

JM: So after that, after ****ing kill you, *****, you don’t remember anything else, right?
JA: No, (pauses)…except the one thing that I described.

JM: Right! But you do remember though that as you ran down his hallway, you were not carrying the camera with you, right?
JA: Umm…(long pause) No, not the first time I ran down the hallway.

JM: No, of course not! You were concerned for your life, you told us, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Then you told us that the camera landed next to the tub, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And so, if this photograph was snapped at the time that we’ve agreed that it snapped, and the camera the last time you see it is next to the tub, and then you describe what happens, that Mr. Alexander is down next to the tub, then it was you that moved that camera, right?

Nurmi: Objection. Cause for speculation. She says she doesn’t remember, Your Honor.
JSS: Sustained.

JM: With regard to Mr. Alexander, Ma’am, the last memory that you have of him is that he was down on the ground, correct?
JA: Umm…yes.

JM: And the last memory that you have of him is after you shot him, right?
JA: (licks lips) Yes.

JM: You never saw him walking around, did you?
JA: No, I didn’t.

JM: And so if you didn’t…assuming he didn’t get up and walk around, and assuming you did shoot him, and assuming that the camera is where you told us where it was, then this camera to take this photograph had to be moved, right?
JA: Umm….yeah. Yeah, it had to be moved.

JM: And you would acknowledge that you did the moving, right?
Nurmi: Objection. Calls for speculation. She has said over and over again she doesn’t remember.
JSS: Overruled. You may answer.
JA: Only under that theory – that would be right.

JM: Well, you see him right there, Ma’am, Mr. Alexander?
JA: Yes.

JM: Now take a look at it.
JA: I’ve already seen it.

JM: All right! Are you saying that the condition that Mr. Alexander is in Exhibit #162, and you were there, it’s your opinion that he, in that condition, could move the camera?
JA: I’m not saying that.

JM: So you did move the camera, right?
Nurmi: Again, objection. Argumentative. She’s already said she doesn’t know what happened afterwards.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: I don’t know.

JM: And that camera ended up as we now know in a washing machine, right? You know that, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: You have this horrible incident that happens upstairs and the camera is being used for …to photograph Mr. Alexander, right?
JA: In the shower, yes.

JM: Right! And then the camera is dropped, and then we see the photographs here. You would acknowledge then, Ma’am, that under those set of facts it was you who put that camera in the washing machine?
JA: Yes. I guess…

JM: Because
JA: I didn’t…I don’t remember, but that would be logical.

JM: Sure! Because Mr. Alexander…never…left…the upstairs bathroom, right?
JA: I think that’s right.

JM: And you would acknowledge, Ma’am, that if you did that (pause), it would be an indication from you, at least you’re saying you’re in a fog and that you don’t remember, but it would be certainly an indication of your mental state back then that you picked up that camera and put it in the washing machine, wouldn’t it?
JA: Yes.

JM: And that would be an indication, Ma’am that you knew what happened?
JA: Umm…yes. I guess…I don’t know why it went in the washing machine.

JM: And Ma’am, we know that these were... this photograph was deleted from the camera, correct?
JA: Correct.

JM: We know that he’s dead after this, right?
JA: Umm…after this…yes.

JM: And we know as you just told us that there was nobody else there, that no roommates were there, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: So, if he’s dead, no roommates are there, this photograph is snapped, and it’s deleted, you’re the one that deleted it, aren’t you?
JA: That would make sense. I don’t remember deleting it.

JM: I’m not asking you if you remember now. I’m not asking that at all. I’m asking you, given the circumstances that we have here, you’re the one that deleted it, right?
JA: I would have to say, Yes.

JM: And, in fact deleting something is not a once…given your expertise in cameras and photography, deleting something is not a one-step process, right?
JA: That’s correct.

JM: And you were not familiar with his camera, were you?
JA: Umm…not prior to June 4th. Correct.

JA: And so what this required you to do is, and I understand that you’re going to say that you don’t remember, I’m not asking that, but wouldn’t you acknowledge then that it took some mechanical movement and thinking and by mechanical I mean fingers and some thought process on your part in order to delete these images, right?
Nurmi: Objection. Calls for speculation.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: I would agree with that.

JM: And you would agree that the deleting these items from the camera was not in any way necessary for you to do prior to leaving Mr. Alexander’s home?
JA: I don’t understand what you mean.
JM: Well, there is nothing…you acknowledge that there is nothing that was pressing or threatening about the camera that required you to delete these images, right?
JA: Umm… I don’t know what you mean by threatening…

JM: Well, in order for you to delete them, Ma’am, you have to view them, don’t you?
JA: Yes.

JM: And, if you view them, then the decision is made, and I know you’re going to say I don’t remember, but you acknowledge then that a decision is made by you to delete this photograph, right?
JA: There must have been. Yes.

JM: And you would agree then that if the police don’t find this photograph, that would be beneficial to you, wouldn’t it, in terms of your culpability involving Mr. Alexander’s death?
JA: I would not agree with that.

JM: Okay! Exhibit # 1 - 6 - …so you think this helps you, in your case?
JA: I don’t agree with that either.

JM: 163 (Referring to Exhibit). There are the…that’s the floorboard, would you agree?
JA: Yes.

JM: And this is the hallway that you claim that you ran down, correct?
JA: Yes, that’s the one.

JM: And that would mean that this up here would be Mr. Alexander, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And that reddish stuff would be blood, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And again, if we apply the same analysis that we did before, you would acknowledge that the person who deleted this photograph was you?
JA: Umm….yeah. (Plays with glasses) I guess…

JM: There were other things that were done to the scene. Let’s take a look at Exhibit #67 followed by Exhibit 68. Do you see 67? (Photo of bedroom, closet, bloody hallway, another door)
JA: Yes.

JM: There is blood there, isn’t there, Ma’am?
JA: Yes.

JM: That’s not your blood, right?
JA: I don’t think my blood is there.

JM: That would be Mr. Alexander’s blood, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you would agree that to the right of that, it appears that there is a more, if you will, different pattern. In other words, the pattern on the right is not as dark as the one on the left, right?
JA: Umm…yes.

JM: And Ma’am you would agree that if you…if you had socks on, and we know that you did, and you were walking through blood, that this would be the kind of pattern that your socks would leave, right?
JA: I don’t know.
Nurmi: Objection. Foundation. There’s no knowledge that she was wearing socks at that time.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: I’m not sure.

JM: Take a look at Exhibit 130. (Close up photo of bloody hall in front of closet and still in bedroom looking down hall)
Do you see that?
JA: Yes.

JM: Would you agree then that we’ve seen the photograph and it’s Exhibit #162, and if we look at, take…this is Exhibit 162, do you see it?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you told us that to this end over here is the bathroom. Over here, do you see that?
JA: Yes.

JM: And if we look at this Exhibit which is 130, you would agree that the bathroom is in this direction, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: So that if his foot that we were looking at would be right about where my pen is or right in front of that door, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Now the door that’s behind it is the door that you claim was the door that he was banging his head on back on August 7th, of 200…I’m sorry in August of 2007, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you would agree, Ma’am, that if this is the pattern that we have here, and his head is in this direction, as we see it in the picture, then because of the way the blood is flowing down, this is where his head was resting, right here.
JA: I think. I don’t know. I guess.

JM: He would not be the person that would be leaving these marks here to the right, would he, because he wasn’t standing, was he?
JA: Objection. She’s already said she has no memory. It would call for speculation.
JSS: Sustained.

JM: 162. Is he standing there, Ma’am?
JA: No.

JM: Would you acknowledge that based on everything that you know, he’s not going to stand after that?

Nurmi: Calls for speculation. Objection.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: Umm… I would…I would be very inclined to agree with that.

JM: You told us Ma’am that there was just this shooting when he was coming at you from the bathroom, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: I’m sorry. From the closet, my mistake, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And as he came at you, you showed us the pose, and then according to you the shooting happened, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: You would agree, Ma’am, that the shooting where it occurred is not near what we are …what is pictured in Exhibit 98, correct? (Photo of bloody sink)
JA: Yes.

JM: You weren’t bleeding…even though you said that you had an injury to your left right finger, you weren’t bleeding that profusely to put all this blood here, right?
JA: Umm…well my left ring finger wasn’t bleeding at all, so…

JM: So the answer is, No?
JA: That’s correct.

JM: That is not your blood, right?
JA: No, I don’t think it is.

JM: And again, based on what we know…on what YOU know about this case and based on the fact that you acknowledge you’ve done the shooting and acknowledging that that was your foot in this photograph, you would have to agree that a person would have to be standing, or Mr. Alexander would have to be standing, for that blood to be placed there, right?
Nurmi: Objection. Calls for speculation. She’s not a splatter expert.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: I would think. (playing/moving glasses around). Yes, I would think that.

JM: Ma’am, one of the things that happened or that was found on the body was a glass. Are you aware of that?
JA: Yes.

JM: Now before the murder there was no glass up in the bathroom, right?
JA: There was. It was under the sink.

JM: It was under the sink then, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: So then you would agree that if it was under the sink before the murder, and it was found on top of him after the murder, you would agree that you were the person, you would acknowledge, that you were the person that went underneath the sink, got the glass, correct?
JA: I would acknowledge that.

JM: And you would acknowledge that you used that glass to try to clean up or throw it on the floor of that bathroom?
JA: I don’t know what I did with it.

JM: If there were lots of water in the bathroom after the killing, for example, if you take a look at Exhibit #118, do you see that? The water marks here? (Photo of the hallway, with a box of copy paper on the floor that is water/blood saturated at the bottom of the box)
JA: Yes.

JM: You would acknowledge that these water marks in red-colored blood or what appears to be blood, you would acknowledge that you’re the person that created those marks, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you would also acknowledge, Ma’am, that these reddish spots here (another photo of tile floor, blood pools, and photo copy box on floor) are Mr. Alexander’s blood, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Which would indicate that he was in that area bleeding, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And Exhibit 125 shows us the relationship between the closet to the right, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: The closet to the left, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And the end of the hallway into the bedroom, right?
JA: Mmm, yes.

JM: And Ma’am, you would agree that we’ve now seen that there was stain, 128, here, do you see that, and it’s concentrated there, do you see that?
JA: Yes.

JM: And we’ve heard that it was nowhere else in the top floor in that bedroom, and we also know that you were the only one walking around in 162 wearing socks, do you see that?
JA: Yes.

JM: You would acknowledge, Ma’am, that prior to walking out from here and leaving, you would acknowledge that you took those socks off, correct?
JA: I don’t know.

JM: Well, you would acknowledge that there is no blood anywhere else other than in this area here, do you see that?
JA: Yes.

JM: So you would acknowledge that if you did have blood on your socks and there was water on the floor, and you were walking in it, you would acknowledge that there may be, based on whatever experience you have, there may be other blood throughout wherever it was that you stepped?

Nurmi: Objection. Asked and answered. Argumentative and calls for speculation.
JSS: Overruled. You may answer.
JA: Umm…can you please repeat that?

JM: You would acknowledge that you took your socks off before you walked into the bedroom?
JA: I don’t know.
JM: …because you knew…I’m not saying that you remember it, because you knew that they had blood on them and you didn’t want to get the rest of the bedroom dirty
Nurmi: Objection again. Calls for speculation. She said she doesn’t remember even removing her socks.
JSS: Sustained.

JM: Ma’am, you did leave the house though, didn’t you?
JA: Yes.

JM: You would acknowledge that you left, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you would acknowledge that there is not record anywhere in Arizona of you ever being in Arizona other than this killing, right?
JA: No, I disagree with that.

JM: Well, are their receipts, for example, from the places that you filled up with gas?
JA: No, at one time there would have been surveillance video, but no.

JM: You think there was surveillance video. Okay! Umm…Isn’t it true, Ma’am, that as you drove out of Arizona, one of the things that you did was that you used the gasoline in those three cans to fill up …to put in your car.

Nurmi: Objection. Mischaracterizes her testimony. She said she had two cans.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: Umm….will you repeat that? I’m sorry.

JM: You would acknowledge, Ma’am, that in Arizona, you filled up the car from the gas …the three gas cans that were in your possession filled with gas.
JA: I didn’t have three gas cans in my possession.

JM: Ma’am, do you remember in Pasadena that there were three separate transactions. Do you remember that?
JA: Yes.

JM: There was one at the pump, do you remember that?
JA: Yes.

JM: There was also one inside the store, if you will, do you remember that one?
JA: Yes.

JM: For approximately 10 gallons, do you remember that, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And then there was another transaction inside the store. Do you acknowledge that, right?
JA: Yeah. That was the two gallons or something?

JM: Right! 2.7 gallons, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: There were three transactions in Pasadena, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: You acknowledge that there are two gas cans that Mr. Brewer gave you, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you acknowledge that you bought one gas can from Wal-Mart, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: I understand that you say that you returned it, but you did have at least at some point you acknowledge have three gas cans, right?
JA: Yes, until Salinas, I did.

JM: Pardon?
JA: In Salinas, I did.

JM: And so the gas that you had in those gas cans you placed in your car in Arizona, right?
JA: No. I didn’t need to do that.

JM: Well, Ma’am, do you remember that you told us on direct examination that the next time that you could remember anything was when you were way out in the middle of the desert?
JA: That’s correct.

JM: And do you remember the testimony of Detective Larry Gladdish who indicated that the phone call to Mr. Alexander’s telephone was 57 miles north of Kingland, do you remember that?
JA: Umm….no, but okay, I’ll assume he said that.

JM: But you do remember that you testified that you were out in the middle of the desert, right?
JA: Um…yes, I did.

JM: And do you remember that you said that you stopped, right?
JA: Mmmm, yes.

JM: And do you remember that you said, ‘well, I got rid of the gun,’ right?
JA: Yes.

JM: So you would acknowledge, Ma’am, that even though immediately after this killing happened, you say you went into a fog. Do you remember saying that?
JA: Uh…I was in a fog, yes.

JM: You were in a fog, right? And one of the things that we know from your own admission is that there was a gun that was involved, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: That’s what you used to shoot him, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And so this gun you tell us, you took it out to the desert, didn’t you?
JA: Yes.

JM: You were the one that removed it from the house, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: If you weren’t…if you didn’t know what was going on, if you were in a fog, Ma’am, which means that you don’t know the status of your current events, or the status of what’s going on, would you agree that there would be no need to take the gun if you were unaware of your status?
JA: I would not agree with that.

JM: Even though you’re in a fog, you…there’s a decision, a knowing decision, a voluntary movement that is made to take the gun on your part, right?
JA: I think you’re getting fog confused. My memory was in a fog. I don’t remember what happened after those things.

JM: I’m not asking if you remember that. Please! That’s not what I’m asking. I’m asking whether you acknowledge that you removed the gun from the crime scene.
JA: Yes.

JM: And you do acknowledge that if you’re in a fog, you’re in a fog about everything, not just certain, specific things, right?
JA: I don’t know.

JM: Well, it’s your fog!
JA: (silence) Is that a question?

JM: Yes, it is a question.
JA: What is it? (playing with glasses again)

JM: It’s your fog, isn’t it?
JA: Yes.

JM: And with regard to this particular fog that you are in, why would you even think of taking the gun unless you really knew what was going on?
JA: (Thinking) I could only speculate because I don’t remember.

JM: If you were in a fog and you had…didn’t know what you were doing, why take the gun, Ma’am?
Nurmi: Objection. Asked and answered. Argumentative.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: I don’t remember….(pause) taking the gun… I remember throwing the gun.

JM: All right! Throwing the gun. If you remember throwing the gun, you remember where the gun came from, don’t you?
JA: I recognized it as Travis’ gun. Yes.

JM: I know you say that it’s Travis’ gun, but shortly before embarking on this trip to Mesa, Arizona, on May 28, 2008, your grandfather had a 25 caliber gun taken during a burglary, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you knew about that, right?
JA: I found out after I got back into town.

JM: The answer is, yes, you did know, didn’t you?
JA: Yes, afterward.

JM: You did know on May 28, 2008 that there was a burglary (JA playing with her glasses again) at your grandfather’s house, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you’re telling us on June 4th, or after the murder, you stopped at the side of the road, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And according to you, you have one of the implements that was used to kill Mr. Alexander, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: If you didn’t think that you had done anything wrong, and you were in this FOG, that you weren’t thinking, why get rid of it? Why get rid of it?
JA: I never said I didn’t think I done any…didn’t do anything wrong.

JM: Oh, so you acknowledge then that you believe that you did something wrong with regard to Mr. Alexander then, right?
JA: I believe that…

JM: Yes or No?
JA: something really bad had happened

JM: Yes or No, Ma’am?
JA: Umm…I’m not…how did you word that again?

JM: Do you believe that you did something wrong with regard to Mr. Alexander?
JA: Yes.

JM: And that belief that you had was with you on the side of the road to the point you got rid of the gun, right?
JA: Well, I…I just threw it, so yeah.

JM: You did get rid of the gun, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And this knowing that you had done something wrong was preceded by your removing the gun from the crime scene, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: So you would agree then that at the crime scene, you knew that what you had done was wrong, correct?
JA: (thinks) I would say that would be accurate, but I don’t remember.

JM: And you were trying to alter the crime scene, weren’t you?
JA: It appears that way.

JM: Well, no! Based on what you know, there was an altering of the crime scene, wasn’t there?
JA: Yes.

JM: The gun was taken, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And we know that you took it, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: We also know that uh…there was no knife that was found up in the bathroom area, right?
JA: Yes

JM: So we know that. You took it, right?
JA: I don’t remember having the knife at all afterward.

JM: But there was no knife up there, right?
JA: Not… I haven’t heard any testimony about that so…

JM: You would acknowledge, Ma’am, that …Exhibit 193 that Mr. Alexander was stabbed. You would acknowledge that, right?
JA: (Covers eyes, feigns crying) Yes.

JM: And you would acknowledge that that stabbing was with a knife, right?
JA: Yes

JM: And according to your version of events, you would acknowledge that that stabbing was after the shooting, according to you, right?
JA: eh….yes… I don’t remember…

JM: I’m…I’m not asking you if you remember, Ma’am. I’m asking if you acknowledge that it would be you that did it. Correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you would acknowledge that a lot of the stab wounds, and if you want we can count them together, including the ones to the head or to the back of the head…to the back of the torso, correct?
JA: Okay…

JM: No…
JA: You can count them, I don’t know. I’ll take your word for it. (Hand still covering face/eyes, feigning crying, won’t look at exhibit of stab wounds to Travis)

JM: Would you like to take a look at the photograph?
JA: No

JM: So, if he is being stabbed in the back…would you acknowledge at that point that he was no threat to you, right?

Nurmi: Objection. Calls for speculation.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: I don’t know.

JM: Well, if he has already been shot according to you, and he’s facing away from you, how could he possibly be any threat to you?
JA: (Long pause. Hand still covering face/eyes.) I could only guess. I don’t know what you’re asking me…

JM: Well, with regard to the…you were here when the medical examiner testified about the wound to the throat, do you remember that?
JA: Yes.

JM: With regard to that wound, Ma’am, you would acknowledge that that was, in terms of the stab wounds, you would acknowledge that that was the last wound in the sequence of events?

Nurmi: Objection. She said she doesn’t remember.
JSS: Overruled. That wasn’t…

Nurmi: (interrupts JSS) how can she acknowledge the sequence of the stabs if she doesn’t know when …doesn’t have any memory of them?
JSS: That wasn’t the question. Overruled. You may answer the question.
JA: Are you talking about his testimony?

JM: Yes.
JA: I disagree with the sequence of events.

JM: Would you agree that you’re the person who actually slit Mr. Alexander’s throat from ear to ear?
JA: Yes.

JM: Would you also agree that you’re the individual that stabbed him in the upper torso?
JA: (Same hiding face scenario. Hesitation…) Yes.

JM: And, you’re doing all this to him according to your version of events, you’re doing this to this individual AFTER you have already shot him, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Correct?
JA: I believe so.

JM: Well, no…do you remember you previously talking to us about how he was coming at you and he was this horrible man with his mean face. Do you remember telling me that?
JA: Yes…(sniffling into her tissue, crying) I didn’t say he was horrible…

JM: Okay, thank you for correcting me, but do you remember telling us that he was a mean man?
JA: (Takes another Kleenex) Not today…

JM: Well, previously. Previously you did say that he was a mean man, correct?
JA: I think I did, yes.

JM: And on this particular occasion you told us that he was cursing at you, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: and that he threw you down, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And he chased you down, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And this is the individual that you shot first, right?
JA: I didn’t know if I shot him, I just…the gun went off…

JM: The gun went off…, right? You can at least acknowledge that, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: That’s something that you did hear, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: Ma’am, one of the things that we also know is that there was this rope that was involved earlier in the evening, or in the day at 1:00, do you remember telling us about that at about 1:30?
JA: Yes.

JM: And it involved this sexual interlude with you and Mr. Alexander, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you told us that it went behind the headboard…
JA: Yes.

JM: The police did not find any rope there. Correct?
JA: Um…yes.

JM: You…took…that…rope…, didn’t you?
JA: Yes.

JM: Why would you take that rope, Ma’am, if you were in the fog?
JA: I don’t know. I don’t remember taking it.

JM: The rope, according to you, didn’t have anything to do with the killing, did it?
JA: (Same scenario) No…not that I remember.

JM: Well…but you acknowledge that there was this rope that was taken, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Don’t you also acknowledge that you were the one that threw it away?
JA: Yes.

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(Thanks to David Lohr for the YouTube Link)

JM: So then you would acknowledge that you’re the person that took it, right?
JA: Um…yes.

JM: And even though you were in this fog as you call it, you knew as you’re walking in this fog to go looking around for this particular rope as you say, right?
JA: Um…I don’t know.

JM: Well,…you did say that you did take it, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And, in fact, do you remember where you threw it away, right?
JA: Um…I think it was in a dumpster.

JM: Right! You said you threw it away in a dumpster, right?
JA: Yeah.

JM: What…other than that it would show that you had been there, Ma’am, why take the rope and then get rid of it?
JA: I don’t know. Maybe for that very reason. I don’t know.

JM: So you did take the rope. You also changed clothing, right?
JA: Um…(uncovers face, looking down, hand on side of her face showing wonky finger)…I think I did. I don’t…I…

JM: Well, you said that you pulled off on the side of a road in the desert, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And that you said that you went to the trunk of the car, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Isn’t it true, Ma’am that that’s where you claimed to have the gas cans?
JA: That’s where they were.

JM: Pardon?
JA: Yes, that’s where they were.

JM: And, so the gas cans and the gas were in the back with the water, right?
JA: Yes. A case of water and my suitcase.

JM: And you found that you had some blood on you, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And back then that was at the time that there was this stop or security checkpoint before Hoover Dam, right?
JA: I pulled over before that…

JM: Right! You were not so much in a fog that you didn't know that the checkpoint existed, right?
JA: I did not know that the checkpoint existed.

JM: Well, you just told me that was when the checkpoint was there, do you remember telling me that just now?
JA: I came to know of its existence when I drove up to it, or there was a sign or something.

JM: But, conveniently, or to your advantage, you stopped the car before you got to the checkpoint, right?
JA: Uhh….a long time before the checkpoint when I called Ryan, or texted somebody, or Leslie, or someone…

JM: So the answer is yes, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And one of the things that you did was that you got the water from the trunk, right?
JA: Um…yes.

JM: You cleaned your hands, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you, um…changed your socks or put some shoes on, correct?
JA: Um…(long pause) I put socks and shoes on…I think.

JM: Right! And you put the bloody clothes that you had on you took those off, right?
JA: Um…I think I did.

JM: Well, do you remember testifying that you threw them away, along with the gun.
JA: I don’t recall throwing the clothes out in the desert, but…

JM: But you did change in anticipation of the checkpoint, right?
JA: No. I didn’t know there was a checkpoint until I reached it.

JM: Well, you will acknowledge that this changing and washing of hands occurred before you got to the checkpoint whether you knew or not that the checkpoint was there?
JA: That’s correct.

JM: And you would agree that it was to your advantage to be…to have clean hands and clothing that is not soiled with blood if you’re going to go through a checkpoint, correct?
JA: That wasn’t my line of thinking but I would agree with what you said.

JM: And then you are making some calls at that time, aren’t you?
JA: Prior to the checkpoint, yes.

JM: You have the…I guess the umm….ability to say ‘I’m going to look through the car to see if I can find my charger, right?’
JA: Um…(pause) I wasn’t looking for my charger, but I looked through the car.

JM: You were looking through the car then when you pulled over, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And when you pulled over you found the charger, according to you, underneath the seat, right?
JA: Yes. (licking lips)

JM: And that allowed you to make some telephone calls, right?
JA: Not right away ‘cause there was no reception.

JM: Right! But you were…you made some telephone calls before you reached the Arizona/Nevada border, right?
JA: Yes. I turned my phone on and it just took awhile to place a call because the call kept dropping.

JM: Right! It was before the checkpoint, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And while you were driv…were you driving at that time when the telephone was in a position to make calls out?
JA: I believe…yes.

JM: So when it first came on, so that it had the ability for calls to be made, how far was it to the checkpoint?
JA: It felt like an hour.

JM: It felt like an hour?
JA: I think…

JM: Do you know where Cayman (?) is?
JA: No.

JM: And when this telephone came on, you started to make telephone calls, right?
JA: I attempted to. I was only able to send, I think text messages, ‘cause the signal was…

JM: I realize that you’re…you’re talking about text messages. I’m talking about telephone calls.

JM: You were able to call Ryan Burns, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you were…even though you were in this fog that you were telling us about you were able to call him and make up a lie, right?
JA: Um…the fog that I was referring to relates to my memory.

JM: Right! It relates to your memory so you…you could have told Mr. Burns that you were with Mr. Alexander, but you didn’t, right?
JA: That’s right.

JM: Instead you made up a story, didn’t you?
JA: Yes.

JM: So this fog that you’re talking about, it wasn’t so heavy that it prevented you from thinking and making up a lie.
JA: Um…(pause) yes, that’s right.

JM: You made up a lie that you had lost your charger, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: You made up a lie that you had gone to a gas station to get the charger, right?
JA: No. That’s not what I told him.

JM: And so Mr. Burns if full of crap when he tells us that?
JA: No. He just has a poor memory on some things.

JM: And you know that based on that one limited time that you met with him in West Jordan, Utah, correct?
JA: No. I know that from all his inconsistent statements to police.

JM: But you only met him one time, right?
JA: Um…

JM: …as a romantic interest?
JA: Yes.

JM: And so you also told him that you got lost, right?
JA: Umm…(pauses) I did say that. I did say that.

JM: That was also not true, correct?
JA: Um…(pauses) well, technically it was but not for the reason I was telling him.

JM: No, you were actually…Ma’am, you knew where you were going. You were going over to Mr. Alexander’s house. You knew that, right?
JA: No. I got lost after leaving his house is what I mean so technically I did get lost, but that’s not why I told Ryan that.

JM: Even though there’s this technicality, are you telling us that when you told Mr. Burns that you got lost that you were clear with him that the reason you got lost was that you killed Mr. Alexander and you had been driving and you had been lost that way, or did you tell him that you got lost a different way?
JA: I…don’t remember what way. I think I…made up something stupid and I certainly didn’t tell him I got lost about Travis. I told him I got lost

JM: Right!
JA…to deceive him.

JM: So even in this fog, you still have the ability to think…to protect yourself, right?
JA: Um…yes.

JM: And the other thing that you did is you attempted to call Matthew McCartney, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you also attempted to call Mr. Brewer, right?
JA: Um…(pause) I don’t remember. I might have …

JM: One of the other things that you did, and you know we were talking about protecting yourself, one of the other things that you did is that you immediately, almost immediately when you said you were coming out of this fog, one of the first things that you do is you try to divert attention away from you so that the police won’t think you had anything to do with this killing, right?
JA: Yes (Head down pose)

JM: And this fog that you were under that you were telling us about is not so deep that it stops you from fabricating or attempting to fabricate evidence, right?
JA: Um…(Pause) that would be correct.

JM: And it’s not so deep that, according to you, you can stay on the telephone and know the prompts so that you can get the telephone message just right, according to you, right?
JA: Well, just so that I wasn’t crying in the message, yes.

JM: Right! But you want the message to be just so... so that it sounds natural, right?
JA: Yeah. As natural as possible.

JM: Right, and you went to great lengths to do that, according to you, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And the reason that you went to great lengths to do that was that…so that if there was any suspicion it wouldn’t be drawn to you, correct?
JA: Um…not immediately. That’s…that was the point, yes.

JM: Right! You wanted the police to look elsewhere, right?
JA: Umm…I guess.

JM: Well, no! You made the call knowing the reason why you made the call, right?
JA: Shakes head affirmatively up and down before responding, Yes.

JM: If you really weren’t wanting to fabricate evidence you would have just left whatever message instead of worrying about crying or whatever it was that you were worried about, right?
JA: That’s right.

JM: And so you called Mr. Alexander and you left him a message, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Let’s play it and hear what you say.
JA: (Audible and visual inhale)

JM: This is Exhibit #365
JA: (Puts her glasses on)

Juan Martinez plays the voice message Jodi left on Travis’ answering machine:

Hey! What’s going on? It’s almost midnight. Uh, anyway, it’s about the time you are starting to gear up. I know that Leslie already called you. I already talked to her so, uh…you can call her back if you want, but it’s not necessary. Umm…my phone died so I wasn’t getting back to anybody. Umm…and what else? Oh, and I drove 100 miles in the wrong direction – over 100 miles, thank you very much! So, yeah! Remember New Mexico? (Jodi clears her voice twice) It was a lot like that, only you weren’t here to protect me from going into the three digits, so fun, fun! I’ll tell you all about that later. Um…also, we were talking about (Jodi clears her throat twice) when we were talking about your upcoming travels my way I was looking at the May calendar. Duh! So, I’m all confused. Um…but Heather and I are going to see Othello** on July 1st and we would love for you to come…to accompany us. Um…I don’t know when (sounds like: Team Freedom Division/Dominion?) is though, but you know it’s on the list so, so we can do um…we can do Shakespeare, Crater Lake and the coast. So, if you can make it. If not, we’ll just do the coast and uh… Crater Lake, but let me know, and I will talk to you soon. Bye!
[End of Message]

**(Jodi invited Travis to go with her and Heather to see “Othello” – which is ironically about a man who murders his wife who he thought was cheating on him)

JM: That’s you, correct?
JA: Correct.

JM: And that’s you lying on the message, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: You were telling, or you were leaving the message for Mr. Alexander indicating that you got lost, fun, fun!....right?
JA: Yes.

JM: That’s not true, right?
JA: That’s not true.

JM: Uh…asking him, or talking to him about coming up to visit you up in Yreka and doing some of the things that you mentioned. You know that’s not true, also, right?
JA: No, that was our plan before June 4th.

JM: That was the plan before June 4th, but you’re talking to him, or leaving the message for him indicating that, you know you’re sorry you couldn’t stop by but you guys can make up for it up in …when he comes up to visit you, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: That’s a lie!
JA: Yes.

JM: And all of these lies, Ma’am, are meant for your benefit so that you can escape responsibility?
JA: I don’t see how that’s to my benefit, but I don’t know what you mean by benefit, but yes, so I could escape…whatever…for the time being.

JM: Well, now you keep saying for the time being. You would have been happy to avoid the consequences for a lifetime, wouldn’t you?
JA: Um…I can’t say would be happy, but I don’t know…

JM: You would prefer that though, right?
Nurmi: Objection, relevance.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: I…(pause) I… I don’t know…how to answer that.

JM: Well, you didn’t go to the police with any of your information ever until they contacted you, right?
JA: (pause…thinking). Um…I think I initiated the contact.

JM: Oh, so you’re saying when you called the police you told them the truth?
JA: No. I’m not saying that.

JM: You would have been satisfied to avoid any responsibility for the killing of Mr. Alexander, wouldn’t you?
JA: (licks lips) I don’t know if satisfied is the word. Probably relieved for the time being.

JM: Okay. You would have been relieved to avoid any consequences for the killing of Mr. Alexander, correct?
JA: (Pause) Umm…that was…that was my goal…

JM: Right!
JA: …that day.

JM: And that’s why you left this message that we heard on Exhibit #365, right?
JA: Yes. Well, that’s part of the reason.

JM: Well, that was THE main reason, wasn’t it?
JA: Yes.

JM: I mean…there would be really no other reason to leave a dead man a telephone call, would there?
JA: I probably wouldn’t have done that but Leslie said she um…called his phone asking for me ‘cause I was missing and …then I thought, well, maybe I should … do something about that, and that’s why I did it. So, ultimately (she looks at Juan now) that was the main reason. (and then looks back down again). Yes.

JM: So you’re looking to Leslie Udy as the reason why you left that telephone call, Ma’am?
JA: No. I said the other…to avoid whatever was the ultimate reason…

JM: Well, you gave me a reason involving Leslie Udy right now, didn’t you?
JA: Yes. I wouldn’t have thought to leave him a message if she hadn’t…if I hadn’t talked to her prior to leaving that message, and then she said that, umm, we’ve been calling and we called Travis and left a message and that kind of thing.

JM: But she told you that, Ma’am, know…believing that he was still alive, didn’t she?
JA: Yes.

JM: You knew better though.
JA: Um…I think I did.

JM: And so you didn’t have to follow her advice, right?
JA: She didn’t give me any advice.

JM: Well, you didn’t have to follow her words, did you?
JA: Um…I didn’t have to but it reminded me of his cell phone and that’s…

JM: But it looks like…
JA: I chose to do it (looking at Juan). I chose to… if you’re going down the route saying Leslie made me do that, I’m not saying that.

JM: I’m not saying Leslie made you do it. I’m saying you’re looking again in a personal relationship in an issue that is absolutely yours to own, you’re looking for somebody else, saying, ‘Leslie Udy, I talked to her, and as a result of talking to Leslie Udy, that’s why I left this.

Nurmi: (while seated) Objection. Argumentative.
JSS: Sustained.

JM: Ma’am, Leslie Udy really didn’t have anything to do with that call, right?
JA: I made the call. I just got the idea after speaking with her.

JM: So, she was the reason why you had the idea then?
JA: (Pause) Um…(longer pause) that … kind of…I guess…

JM: And according to you, if it had not been for Leslie Udy, you wouldn’t have thought about it, right?
JA: I probably might have thought about it eventually but maybe not. I don’t know. I just know that I thought of it after she mentioned she had left a message on his voice mail.

JM: And so because of this outside stimulus, you decided to leave this message, right? It was your decision?
JA: It was my decision.

JM: Just like visiting Mr. Alexander was your decision, right?
JA: He asked…

JM: …on June 4th of 2008. It was your decision, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Umm…even though you told us before that he guilted you, that really wasn’t the reason that you went, you wanted to go, correct?
JA: (audible sigh) Part of me did and part of me didn’t. Obviously, the bigger part of me did ‘cause I went, and he did guilt me, and ultimately still was my decision.

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(Thanks to David Lohr for the YouTube Link)

JM: And so you made the decision to go though, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And then, though, after that, you did something else to cover up, didn’t you?
JA: Yes.

JM: Let’s take a look at another exhibit. Let’s take a look at Exhibit #504. (JM hands Jodi a copy of exhibit for her review.)

JM: Do you recognize it?
JA: Yes.

JM: It’s a text message that you sent, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: What’s the date on it?
JA: The 6th of June.

JM: Pardon?
JA: June 6th, 2008.

JM: And it’s to Mr. Alexander, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: And again, the hours are off by 7, correct?
JA: Um…yeah, I didn’t look at the hours, so…

JM: Well, why don’t you just take a look at the hours just so we can make sure.
JA: Okay.

JM: They’re off by 7, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: I move for the entrance of Exhibit #504
Nurmi: No objection.
JSS: 504 is admitted.

JM: Let’s take a look at this text message. First of all, that’s your telephone there on the left, correct?
JA: That was, yes.

JM: And the date there is 06/06/08, correct? (Exhibit showing on screen)
JA: Yes.

JM: If we take this 7 hours away from 16:58:15, what we’re really talking about is what 9:58 in the morning, is that correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: This is while you were still on the road, right? Home, correct?
JA: Yes. I believe it was.

JM: And, why don’t you read to us what the message is that you left for Mr. Alexander.
JA: (Jodi begins to read) “Hey, I need to know when you’re going to deposit that check?”

JM: And you were referring to the check involving the car, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: The check that you know was uncashed in his umm…desk in his office, right?
JA: Umm…I don’t…I didn’t know where it was, but I figured it wasn’t …cashed.

JM: Now, in fact there was a conversation that you had with the detective where you talked to him about the uncashed check, correct?
JA: Yes.

JM: So you knew it was uncashed, correct?
JA: By…yeah, I went…By the time it hadn’t cleared on the …whenever I talked to him I knew it was uncashed. (Jodi appears to be starting to cry)

JM: But another thing that you knew on this date is that Mr. Alexander was dead, didn’t you?
JA: (Nods affirmatively, up and down). Yeah, I think I did.

JM: So, you did that again…so that you could cover up what you had done, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Because you did not want to be faced with whatever consequences were involved, right?
JA: I was afraid of the consequences. (Her fingers move to her neck).

JM: And because you were afraid, that was a good enough excuse for you to send something like that?
Nurmi: Objection, Your Honor, argumentative.
JSS: Re-state.

JM: The reason that you sent…gave to us that you were afraid, in your mind, even though the fog had lifted, or there was a fog that was involved, you felt that it was okay to send this message?
JA: I didn’t…feel…it was okay. It’s not like that. So I guess that would be no.

JM: So then why are you sending it? Are you sending it so that you can reach him in the grave, or what?
JA: (trembles) …No…

JM: You’re sending it so that, as you previously said involving the telephone calls, so you won’t have to face the consequences of what you did, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Just like the scene. You’re trying to manipulate the evidence, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Let’s take a look at another exhibit. Exhibit #505. Do you recognize it?
JA: Yeah.

JM: And that’s an e-mail, right?
JA: Yeah.

JM: Sent by you, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Sent to Mr. Alexander, right?
JA: To his e-mail.

JM: And what date and time was it sent?
JA: Saturday, June 7th, 2008.

JM: What time?
JA: I’m sorry, umm…10:21.

JM: I move for the admission of Exhibit #505.
Nurmi: No objection.
JSS: 505 is admitted.

JM: Let’s take a look at it. It’s from you, right?
JA: Yeah.

JM: You already told us the date and time. You’re sending it to him even though you know he’s dead, right? It’s a way to stage the scene, right?
JA: I think so, yeah, that was my goal, I think…

JM: What was…I didn’t hear you?
JA: That was my…

JM: goal, right?
JA: Yeah…(shakes head in the affirmative)

JM: Well, why don’t you start with, ‘Hey you…’ and read to us what it says.
JA: (begins to read) “Hey, you! I haven’t heard back from you…”

JM: a little bit louder
Nurmi: Objection, the fact that it was sent is enough
JSS: Overruled.

From: “Jodi Arias”,
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 10:21:08 -0700
To: &#8220;Travis Alexander&#8221; <

&#8220;Hey You&#8230;
I haven&#8217;t heard back from you. I hope you&#8217;re not still upset that I didn&#8217;t come to see you. I just didn&#8217;t have enough time off. It&#8217;s ok, sweetie, you&#8217;re going to be here in less than two weeks &#8211; we&#8217;re going to see the sights,
(Jodi stops reading &#8211; fist clenched, covering her mouth, eyes shut, crying&#8230;)

JM: (begins to read where Jodi left off).
You also write:

&#8220;&#8230;check things off &#8220;The List,&#8221; and all kinds of fun things.&#8221;

JM: Right?
JA: Yes.

JM: You say,
&#8220;Oregon is BEAUTIFUL this time of the year. Yaaay&#8230;.be happy!&#8221;
JA: Nods head in affirmative, crying.

JM: And then you say,

&#8220;Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I&#8217;m thinking about pushing my visit up to next week but it depends on my budget, so I&#8217;m not for sure yet. I know you&#8217;ll be in Cancun, but I&#8217;ll probably crash at your house in your cozy bed anyway&#8230;eat some of your oatmeal and frozen dinners, you know, the usual &#8211; jk. =) I know you said the door is always open, but I wanted to give you a heads up. If for any reason that won&#8217;t work, let me know and I&#8217;ll make other arrangements. Your house has always been my second home, although it&#8217;s a bit lonely without Naps around. =/

You&#8217;re probably in California right now, but wherever you are, get a hold of me at least before you head to Mexico.

Thanks, hon &#8211; Jodi.&#8221;

JM: You wrote that, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: That was your way of an attempt for you to again stage the scene, so to speak, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Let me play something for you, Ma&#8217;am. Exhibit #248.

(Listening to Jodi&#8217;s Inside Edition TV interview)

JA: No jury is going to convict me?
Troy Hayden: Why not?

JA: Because I&#8217;m innocent, and you can mark my words on that. No jury will convict me.

JM: That&#8217;s you, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And that&#8217;s you saying that &#8230;not that you&#8217;re going to not be convicted because you&#8217;re going to commit suicide or anything like that, is it?
JA: That&#8217;s correct.

JM: You&#8217;re saying that you&#8217;re innocent, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you believe that no jury would convict you because you are going to lie your way out of it, right?
JA: No.
Nurmi: Objection. Argumentative.

JM: Ma&#8217;am, you indicated certain things in this Court as part of your testimony, didn&#8217;t you.
JA: Yes.

JM: You indicated for example that Travis Alexander that you saw him masturbating to a picture or pictures of young boys, correct?
JA: I only saw one picture.

JM: Right! You saw him do that. That&#8217;s a lie, isn&#8217;t it, Ma&#8217;am?

Nurmi: Objection. Argumentative.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: I wish it was a lie. It&#8217;s not&#8230;

JM: And Ma&#8217;am, with regard to this issue of him being hypersexual and him overbearing &#8230;being overbearing in that department, that&#8217;s not true, is it?

Nurmi: Objection. Argumentative.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: It&#8217;s true that he was hypersexual. It&#8217;s not true that he was overbearing.

JM: I&#8217;m not asking you if he was hypersexual. I asked if he was overbearing.
JA: You said hypersexual.

JM: All right! Let&#8217;s go with overbearing then.
JA: No, I don&#8217;t think he was overbearing.

JM: And in fact, you gave as well as you took, didn&#8217;t you?

Nurmi: Objection. (Pause). Calls for speculation.
JSS: Sustained.

JM: You were in it to the same extent that he was, in the activities, right?

Nurmi: Objection. Calls for speculation.
JSS: Re-phrase.

JM: Ma&#8217;am, for example we saw some of the text messages that you sent to him, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: We heard some of the conversations that you had with him, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: You indicated for example, I don&#8217;t need to go into all of them, that you wanted to sexually blossom, do you remember that?
JA: Yes.

JM: And do you remember specifically saying that you wanted a facial, do you remember that?
JA: Yes.

JM: So you were enjoying the sex, weren&#8217;t you?
JA: Yes. (Pause) Mostly. Yes.

JM: And yet, you came in here and for days upon days you told us how uncomfortable they made you feel, right?
JA: Only those times. We didn&#8217;t talk about all the other times.

JM: And Ma&#8217;am, additionally, you talked about how he was physically abusive to you during your testimony, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you said, for example, that in March when you were going to move to Yreka that he hit you on the freeway, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: But we took a look at your journal entry, do you remember that?
JA: Yes.

JM: And your journal entry speaks otherwise, doesn&#8217;t it?
JA: Um&#8230;it doesn&#8217;t speak of the incident.

JM: No, it spoke of tenderness. Three, soft kisses, doesn&#8217;t it?
JA: Yes.

JM: And involving the allegation that he kicked you and did something to your finger, do you remember that we also took a look at your journal?
JA: Yes.

JM: And in that journal, that journal indicated that on the day that that was supposed to have happened, &#8220;nothing noteworthy happened.&#8221; That&#8217;s what your journal said, right?
JA: Over the span of those four days, yes.

JM: Right! And on January 22 when you allegedly saw him in this masturbatory conduct, that&#8217;s also when you wrote in your journal that nothing noteworthy occurred, right?
JA: I&#8217;m sorry, it was on the 21st, but that would be right.

JM: Right. The 21st. But your journal entry of the 24th covers the June&#8230;I&#8217;m sorry&#8230;January 21st, doesn&#8217;t it?
JA: Yes.

JM: And so, you believe that you&#8217;re going to be acquitted because you came in and told those stories, don&#8217;t you?

Nurmi: Objection. Argumentative and relevance.
JSS: Overruled.
JA: I can&#8217;t predict the future, and that&#8217;s not why I told the truth. I still planned to kill myself when I told the truth.

JM: And you believe that you&#8230;you&#8217;re saying that at that time you planned to kill yourself, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: But that&#8217;s not what you say in there, do you?
JA: No, I couldn&#8217;t say that.

JM: Well, I&#8217;m not saying whether or not you could say it, you started your testimony on direct examination by saying, &#8220;Those are the bitterest words I have ever uttered.&#8221; Do you remember saying that?
JA: No. I said, &#8220;They&#8217;re probably the most bitterest words I will ever eat,&#8221; or something like that

JM: Right! And so you have a very good memory as to what you said about that, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: And you said that the reason that you made that comment that, &#8220;No Jury Would Convict You&#8221; was because you were going to commit suicide, right?
JA: That&#8217;s right.

JM: But in this clip that we saw, you actually say It&#8217;s because you&#8217;re innocent, right?
JA: Yes, the first degree murder. I&#8217;m innocent of that.

JM: Yeah. It does say that you did say you were innocent, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Even that&#8217;s a lie, isn&#8217;t it, Ma&#8217;am?
JA: Umm&#8230;.

Nurmi: Objection.
JA: Not how I was meaning it&#8230;

JM: What&#8217;s that?
JA: Not how&#8230;

Nurmi: Objection. Argumentative.
JSS: Re-phrase.

JM: Isn&#8217;t it inconsistent, your testimony, isn&#8217;t it inconsistent with what this particular Exhibit, 248, what you say in Exhibit 248?
Nurmi: Objection. It misstates the law. That&#8217;s not accurate. That&#8217;s self defense.
JSS: Approach.
JSS: You may continue. Objection overruled.

JM: In this Exhibit 248 you heard yourself, right?
JA: Yes.

JM: You said, &#8220;I&#8217;m innocent. No Jury will convict me!&#8221; Right?
JA: Yes.

JM: Whereas when you started this direct examination, in your testimony you said, the reason I said that &#8220;No Jury would convict me,&#8221; was because I planned to kill myself, right?
JA: I said I planned to be dead. Yes.

JM: Because you were going to plan to commit suicide, right?
JA: That&#8217;s correct.

JM: Those are two different stories, aren&#8217;t they?
JA: No! On the stand I explained why I didn&#8217;t say suicide as opposed to the alternative because there was an officer sitting a few feet behind me, and if I had said that they would have hauled me off to a padded room, stripped me naked, and I would have lived there until&#8230;whenever&#8230;

JM: So, what you&#8217;re saying even today that when you say that you&#8217;re innocent, that means to you that there is an officer sitting next to you and you didn&#8217;t want him to know that you were going to commit suicide, right? That&#8217;s what you&#8217;re saying?
JA: When I made that statement?

JM: Yes! When you said innocent, that&#8217;s what you equate it with?
JA: Umm&#8230;well, definitely innocent of &#8230;

JM: Yes or No!?
JA: &#8230;preplanning whatever&#8230;you&#8217;re trying to say&#8230;

JM: No, I&#8217;m not asking about that. I&#8217;m asking about the statement. Isn&#8217;t it true that the statements are different? That&#8217;s all I&#8217;m asking you.
JA: Yeah, they&#8217;re different.

JM: I don&#8217;t have anything else, thank you.

JSS: All right ladies and gentleman, we&#8217;ll see you on Monday, 10:15. Please remember the admonition. Are there any questions? Have a nice weekend.

~~ end of tape
I don't have time right now to read all of the transcripts but I appreciate all you do. Hopefully I can read them tonight.:bowdown: You rock!!!!!!



Jane Velez-Mitchell:
Joining me now in an exclusive interview, Dr. David Hughes—the very man who introduced Jodi to Travis, the woman that we have been seeing in these tapes. Doctor, first of all, I want to thank you for joining us, but my first question. You worked with her. You knew her before anybody ever knew Jodi Arias. Looking at her incredible ability to lie in the face of all evidence, can you give us an insight? Did she ever exhibit any tendencies that would give you an inkling that she would be able to lie this effectively?

Dr. David Hughes:
Well, we knew that she…As we got to know her better we knew that she was a chameleon and she would adapt to any type of environment or situation she needed to. And so, you know another thing is that we never really got to know Jodi Arias. I…I actually worked with her in Legal Shield and she was part of my team, and she would…I would take a few business calls, but I didn’t know her on a personal level until we met for the first time, in person, at the Las Vegas convention. And so when I met her I in person I was like, “Hey, listen, great to meet you,” and then I thought, “Well, hey, Travis is a single guy – and I know he’s always looking around, you know, for a cute girl to date and so I introduced him, and I said, “Hey…” and I told Travis “you’ve got to meet this gal,” and he goes, “Well, introduce me.” So I introduced them and then the relationship grew very quickly, and as we continued to learn more about Jodi, we just didn’t know much about her personal life, like she just didn’t reveal a lot of that information, um…and so…but we always felt—weird! Like there was always, you know…I will say this…that she...she knows that she has a way with men. And that’s why I believe that she will take the stand. I think that she wants to take the stand, because she feels like she can go and, you know, convince a male on that jury to say, “I think…I think what she is saying is true” or it could put a question in their mind. But women on the other hand, for the most part, they uh…they see right through it, and my wife and my brother’s wife they just knew that there was something weird about her right from the get go.

Jane Velez-Mitchell:
And apparently she did something strange—when you were all hanging out at one of Travis’ friends, Dave Hall’s house. Tell us about what she did that made you really wonder about her.

Doctor David Hughes:
Well, I think it’s interesting that the Defense is saying that she…that you know Travis was the one that was so obsessive and manipulating whereas it was…you know she was the one that was like that and I think move evidence just like in today is going to come out that will show that. But you know at Mr. Hall’s house we were sitting there and she was uh…you know, very affectionate with…overly affectionate in front of a bunch of other people and she was fondling his ears and rubbing his hair and he just kind of like, you know, just kind of waving himself like a gnat was kind of bugging him at the time and uh…she would back off a little bit but it was…it was to the point that it was just not natural and it was strange and everyone noticed.

~End of Tape~
Unless Travis was threatening to kill her. Or there was a Domestic Violence situation. There is no reason to stab someone once let alone 100 times. (Don't remember the number). She was angry or possessed when she killed him.

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