Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias - What do you believe?

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We've all been there so as a reminder, to men and women: if you are in a love relationship that has turned sour........and you feel you've been used...and you feel you are getting obsessive, desparate, or vengeful---> stay away. Get out. Do not jeopardize your health or safety due to a failed relationship.

Protect yourself (and sometimes we have to protect ourselves from ourselves). Failure to do so may have grave consequences. You will gain no sympathy.

George Herbert said "The best revenge is living well" and he is right!

I dont think JA would have heeded this advice.

That is not what a psychopath does. First they take no advice from anyone. They not only will get even when someone ends a relationship they will make sure the victim is banished forever. No one says 'no more' to a psychopath.

Travis' fatal mistake is he had no clue who he was dealing with. JA is not just another typical girl he dated. She fooled him into thinking she was normal with emotions and fake emotions that she cared for him when all she wanted to do was own him so that she herself could look better.

I believe that tonight, 1/19/13, "48 Hours" will re-broadcast its popular piece with the Jodi Arias jailhouse interview.

I know a lot of people here have been looking for it, but it's been scrubbed from the Internet or something. So here's your chance to see it, tonight on CBS!
Hello Websleuths! First, I want to let everyone know reading this that I do spend many hours reading everyone's thoughts, theories, researched facts on this board. After reading posts written by the websleuth community, I can only conclude that the majority of websleuth posters are highly intelligent. This high mental capacity, and, acuteness is found in the majority of posted theories - webslueth posters have the ability to diffuse, and, discern information which allows for the truth to be presented (instead of getting lost - simply due to confusion). The mental penetration of "breaking down" Arizona V. Aria (and other) cases is greatly appreciated. Thank you, websluethers, that share the rare extraordinary gift of distinctness of perception. I feel as though the above thank you is overdue. I typically have questions - regardless if my questions posted "fall" into the category of dull or complex - I am always replied to with both helpful, and, meaningful responses. Again, I greatly appreciate the intelligence, understanding, and kindness found on this board.

Now to my questions (I apologize for the long post):
Is Arias on video confessing? I have seen the police interrogation tapes of Arias describing her ordeal of hearing a ringing sound, seeing Travis laying, putting her hand on his back, seeing the male and female wearing either black or dark blue head masks that have openings for their eyes & mouths. Is there a police interrogation tape of Arias saying, "okay, there was never a male and female - I killed Travis in self defense?"

Even though I know that Arias is guilty and I feel as though deserves death - I think that had Arias never confessed it would be impossible for the state to get a conviction. This is one of the most bizarre cases I have ever followed - Travis has two roommates - yet these roommates missed such a horrific murder crime scene for days. Travis' roommates did not smell Travis' body decomposing, they did not question 'where is Travis,' and, go to his room wondering why he had not left his room in days, they did not look into the washer for days. It's bizarre to me that Travis' roommates were so clueless - especially regarding not noticing bloody items in the washer / dryer, and, failing to notice the smell of a decomposing body. The pictures taken of Travis during his murder are also bizarre - how did Arias manage to take pictures and kill Travis? Did she have the camera in her right hand while attacking him with her left hand? Physically Travis was much stronger than Arias - it shocks me that Arias didn't end up with more injuries. For me - the lack of injuries Arias suffered as she murdered Travis shows how kind Travis was. Even when Travis was being attacked by Arias he did not have it him to grab her by the throat and either choke her to death, or, break her neck. Travis did not have it in him to grab Arias and forcefully throw her head down on the hard floor.

Since it is hard for me to believe that Arias could have over powered Travis, the amount of time Travis' roommates were clueless about a dead body being in their home and their washer/dryer filled with bloody items, not understanding how pictures of the murder of Travis were taken - I think it would have been very easy for Arias to "walk" had she not confessed that she killed Travis. I think that it would have been easy to get a jury to believe, "clearly Arias is covering for someone - she does not have the strength to stab Travis 29 times, slit his throat, and then move his body into the shower - plus even if Arias would have come after Travis with a knife Travis could have restrained Arias by holding both of her wrists with one of his hands, if Arias were going to murder Arias she would not have risked murdering him in a home that he shared with roommates - Arias would have thought that the roommates would have returned catching her - Arias would not have put crime scene material in the washer/dryer to be found by the roommates - Arias would have taken it with her and disposed of it in the desert she drove by."

However, Arias did confess - so why does it seem as though this case is being treated as though Arias did not confess. I know that the prosecutor started by saying, "this is not a case of who done it," - but it seems as though this fact has gone largely unnoticed. A juror asked, "did the roommate have an alibi?" - why would this question be asked if the jury understood that Arias has stated, "yes I murdered Travis, but, it was in self defense."

Again - I believe that Arias is guilty. This is just one of the most bizarre cases I have followed. Sometimes I think that I imagined that Arias confessed - with witness testimony such as, "I just cannot imagine Arias doing anything like this." She did do something like this - she confessed!

Is the defense now going to state that Arias confessed only because the detective pressured her - that her story of the two unknown attackers was the truth? Is the defense going to say, "It's clearly the truth as Arias could have never overpowered Travis - the roommates could not have gone days without noticing Travis is missing / the smell / blood in the washer & dryer."

If the defense plans to do the above - I am nervous that Arias will "walk." With Arias' confession to the murder of Travis Alexander the jury is asking questions about alibis for people other than Arias.

I think that the prosecution needs to remind the jury several times a day that Arias confessed to the murder of Travis Alexander. If not - it is easy (in my opinion) to question if it possible that Arias murdered Travis - or if she did murder Travis she would have had to have help.

Thanks to anyone that actually reads this long post - to anyone that can tell me where to find a video of Aria confessing to murdering Travis Alexander - and to anyone that answers my questions in this long post (such as, is the defense going to say that Arias really did not murder Travis?).
I dont think JA would have heeded this advice.
That is not what a psychopath does. First they take no advice from anyone. They not only will get even when someone ends a relationship they will make sure the victim is banished forever. No one says 'no more' to a psychopath.

Travis' fatal mistake is he had no clue who he was dealing with. JA is not just another typical girl he dated. She fooled him into thinking she was normal with emotions and fake emotions that she cared for him when all she wanted to do was own him so that she herself could look better.


BBM: OH no, lil' reminder was just for us here on WS......definately not for JA!

Hello Websleuths! First, I want to let everyone know reading this that I do spend many hours reading everyone's thoughts, theories, researched facts on this board. After reading posts written by the websleuth community, I can only conclude that the majority of websleuth posters are highly intelligent. This high mental capacity, and, acuteness is found in the majority of posted theories - webslueth posters have the ability to diffuse, and, discern information which allows for the truth to be presented (instead of getting lost - simply due to confusion). The mental penetration of "breaking down" Arizona V. Aria (and other) cases is greatly appreciated. Thank you, websluethers, that share the rare extraordinary gift of distinctness of perception. I feel as though the above thank you is overdue. I typically have questions - regardless if my questions posted "fall" into the category of dull or complex - I am always replied to with both helpful, and, meaningful responses. Again, I greatly appreciate the intelligence, understanding, and kindness found on this board.

Now to my questions (I apologize for the long post):
Is Arias on video confessing? I have seen the police interrogation tapes of Arias describing her ordeal of hearing a ringing sound, seeing Travis laying, putting her hand on his back, seeing the male and female wearing either black or dark blue head masks that have openings for their eyes & mouths. Is there a police interrogation tape of Arias saying, "okay, there was never a male and female - I killed Travis in self defense?"

Even though I know that Arias is guilty and I feel as though deserves death - I think that had Arias never confessed it would be impossible for the state to get a conviction. This is one of the most bizarre cases I have ever followed - Travis has two roommates - yet these roommates missed such a horrific murder crime scene for days. Travis' roommates did not smell Travis' body decomposing, they did not question 'where is Travis,' and, go to his room wondering why he had not left his room in days, they did not look into the washer for days. It's bizarre to me that Travis' roommates were so clueless - especially regarding not noticing bloody items in the washer / dryer, and, failing to notice the smell of a decomposing body. The pictures taken of Travis during his murder are also bizarre - how did Arias manage to take pictures and kill Travis? Did she have the camera in her right hand while attacking him with her left hand? Physically Travis was much stronger than Arias - it shocks me that Arias didn't end up with more injuries. For me - the lack of injuries Arias suffered as she murdered Travis shows how kind Travis was. Even when Travis was being attacked by Arias he did not have it him to grab her by the throat and either choke her to death, or, break her neck. Travis did not have it in him to grab Arias and forcefully throw her head down on the hard floor.

Since it is hard for me to believe that Arias could have over powered Travis, the amount of time Travis' roommates were clueless about a dead body being in their home and their washer/dryer filled with bloody items, not understanding how pictures of the murder of Travis were taken - I think it would have been very easy for Arias to "walk" had she not confessed that she killed Travis. I think that it would have been easy to get a jury to believe, "clearly Arias is covering for someone - she does not have the strength to stab Travis 29 times, slit his throat, and then move his body into the shower - plus even if Arias would have come after Travis with a knife Travis could have restrained Arias by holding both of her wrists with one of his hands, if Arias were going to murder Arias she would not have risked murdering him in a home that he shared with roommates - Arias would have thought that the roommates would have returned catching her - Arias would not have put crime scene material in the washer/dryer to be found by the roommates - Arias would have taken it with her and disposed of it in the desert she drove by."

However, Arias did confess - so why does it seem as though this case is being treated as though Arias did not confess. I know that the prosecutor started by saying, "this is not a case of who done it," - but it seems as though this fact has gone largely unnoticed. A juror asked, "did the roommate have an alibi?" - why would this question be asked if the jury understood that Arias has stated, "yes I murdered Travis, but, it was in self defense."

Again - I believe that Arias is guilty. This is just one of the most bizarre cases I have followed. Sometimes I think that I imagined that Arias confessed - with witness testimony such as, "I just cannot imagine Arias doing anything like this." She did do something like this - she confessed!

Is the defense now going to state that Arias confessed only because the detective pressured her - that her story of the two unknown attackers was the truth? Is the defense going to say, "It's clearly the truth as Arias could have never overpowered Travis - the roommates could not have gone days without noticing Travis is missing / the smell / blood in the washer & dryer."

If the defense plans to do the above - I am nervous that Arias will "walk." With Arias' confession to the murder of Travis Alexander the jury is asking questions about alibis for people other than Arias.

I think that the prosecution needs to remind the jury several times a day that Arias confessed to the murder of Travis Alexander. If not - it is easy (in my opinion) to question if it possible that Arias murdered Travis - or if she did murder Travis she would have had to have help.

Thanks to anyone that actually reads this long post - to anyone that can tell me where to find a video of Aria confessing to murdering Travis Alexander - and to anyone that answers my questions in this long post (such as, is the defense going to say that Arias really did not murder Travis?).

OK, there were photos of a naked Jodi and Travis that were taken several hours before the shower ones. There are photos of Jodi dragging a dead or dying Travis back to the bathroom where he was found stuffed in the shower. Jodi left a bloody hand print on the wall where it seems she steady herself while stabbing Travis. Jodi left her DNA when she bled from the cuts on her finger. She would of been found. Many of Travis's friends pointed the finger at Jodi from the first.

You can find them in the media and timeline thread.
Now to my questions (I apologize for the long post):
Is Arias on video confessing? I have seen the police interrogation tapes of Arias describing her ordeal of hearing a ringing sound, seeing Travis laying, putting her hand on his back, seeing the male and female wearing either black or dark blue head masks that have openings for their eyes & mouths. Is there a police interrogation tape of Arias saying, "okay, there was never a male and female - I killed Travis in self defense?"

Yes, it's a long thought out question, but that makes it more challenging to answer, and I'm sorry for breaking it up in pieces.

Jodi has never said it was self defense. Her attorney said it when she enter a plea of self defense ten days after a court hearing over the charges when self defense was brought up .

Much like Casey Anthony has never said Caylee's death was an accident. Jose Baez is the only one that says it.

Now to me, Jodi is the only person that can take the stand, and tell me why it was self defense. And it's up to the prosecutor to show me that she thought out and planned Travis's murder, and planned an alibi to try to cover her butt.

Jodi came armed with a gun. A gun of the same caliber that had been stolen from her grandparents house two weeks before. Some have wondered if Jodi's grandfather had a large pocket or hunting knife and if it was missing.

Jodi planned her road trip out. She drove ninety miles to rent a car,and left a trail all down the state of Califonia then turned off her cell phone until she was out of Arizona and on her way to meet up with another man after Travis's murder, did meet with him, dry humped him and was on her way back home.
In my opinion George and Cindy not realizing Caylee was missing for 31 days doesn't make Casey less guilty.

The roommates did not murder why is what they did or did not do even a consideration in her culpability? :waitasec:
I dont think JA would have heeded this advice.

That is not what a psychopath does. First they take no advice from anyone. They not only will get even when someone ends a relationship they will make sure the victim is banished forever. No one says 'no more' to a psychopath.

Travis' fatal mistake is he had no clue who he was dealing with. JA is not just another typical girl he dated. She fooled him into thinking she was normal with emotions and fake emotions that she cared for him when all she wanted to do was own him so that she herself could look better.


I am not so sure the jury is going to view her as a psychopath. If I were on the jury, I don' think I would feel confident in classifying JA as a psychopath. I do think in her mind, she feels she was abused. I think the defense is showing that she was not physically abused, but I do believe TA emotionally abused her. For her the emotional abuse may have been so much that it felt like physical abuse. This doesn't justify what she did nor did TA deserve this, but I think this factor might just sway the jury into not giving her the death penalty. :moo:
No, Jodi didn't confess on camera to LE. She didn't even share the ninja story with LE (she told that tall tale to the media).

The first inkling that she owned up to doing it was in court documents that she filed (I believe in 2010? not sure) that she killed in self defense.

She is so full of chit I don't think we will ever know the real story.

Imho Travis' roommates were guys and not bothered by the smell. In testimony we heard that they were not that close and kept to themselves (didn't even socialize).
I am not so sure the jury is going to view her as a psychopath. If I were on the jury, I don' think I would feel confident in classifying JA as a psychopath.

Juries in general and this one in particular are never asked to make psychiatric calls, diagnoses or give psychiatric labels to a defendant. They are only asked to determine if the state met its burden of proving the charges and they deliberate on that, according to the rules the judge gives them. Then in a penalty phase they determine if a death sentence is warranted, again based on the rules given to them by the judge.
No, Jodi didn't confess on camera to LE. She didn't even share the ninja story with LE (she told that tall tale to the media).

The first inkling that she owned up to doing it was in court documents that she filed (I believe in 2010? not sure) that she killed in self defense.

She is so full of chit I don't think we will ever know the real story.

Imho Travis' roommates were guys and not bothered by the smell. In testimony we heard that they were not that close and kept to themselves (didn't even socialize).

Did Jodi tell the media about the Ninja's before her arrest? She told the Det the Ninja story while in her orange jumpsuit.
Now to my questions (I apologize for the long post):
Is Arias on video confessing? I have seen the police interrogation tapes of Arias describing her ordeal of hearing a ringing sound, seeing Travis laying, putting her hand on his back, seeing the male and female wearing either black or dark blue head masks that have openings for their eyes & mouths. Is there a police interrogation tape of Arias saying, "okay, there was never a male and female - I killed Travis in self defense?"

Yes, it's a long thought out question, but that makes it more challenging to answer, and I'm sorry for breaking it up in pieces.

Jodi has never said it was self defense. Her attorney said it when she enter a plea of self defense ten days after a court hearing over the charges when self defense was brought up .

Much like Casey Anthony has never said Caylee's death was an accident. Jose Baez is the only one that says it.

Now to me, Jodi is the only person that can take the stand, and tell me why it was self defense. And it's up to the prosecutor to show me that she thought out and planned Travis's murder, and planned an alibi to try to cover her butt.

Jodi came armed with a gun. A gun of the same caliber that had been stolen from her grandparents house two weeks before. Some have wondered if Jodi's grandfather had a large pocket or hunting knife and if it was missing.

Jodi planned her road trip out. She drove ninety miles to rent a car,and left a trail all down the state of Califonia then turned off her cell phone until she was out of Arizona and on her way to meet up with another man after Travis's murder, did meet with him, dry humped him and was on her way back home.

Was it when the "letters written by Travis" that were shown to be forgeries were entered that Jodi started to use the self defense story?
Okay. SO I have followed this case in the media but not here on WS. I have purposefully kept myself from getting too wrapped up in this case as it has the potential to infuriate and upset me to the same degree as the Casey Anthony trial did.

But hearing accounts of the trial on the news and listening to the talking heads disseminate the testimony at trial I cannot let it go without at least saying my piece about this case. I will then go back into lurk mode and simply await the jury's verdict.

The self defense defense is a joke and I am affronted on Mr. Alexander's family's behalf. I cannot believe the defense is attempting to try him and present him as a controlling, sex addicted, abusive, pedo and little miss Jodi as an overly dependent, put upon, used for sex victim of abuse.

The entire theory of the defense's case is absolutely ridiculous.

Jodi Arias is a clingy female who needs a man, any man in her life. She gloms onto one, uses sex and submissiveness in a very CONSCIOUS way to attempt to hang onto the men who she "loves". In addition she attempts to form herself in the image of whoever she is dating in order to attempt to be more attractive to them as a mate. Her boyfriend is a Buddhist, she is interested in Buddhism. Her love interest is into witchcraft, oh she has always been interested in witchcraft, etc etc etc.

I say Jodi was the sexual initiator, making it clear to a man who was struggling with chastity that she would do WHATEVER it took to stay in his life in WHATEVER capacity he would tolerate. She used the secretive illicit nature of their liaisons like a weapon, one part blackmail, the other temptation. She thought if she could just stay relevant, even only as a plaything, in his life, he might eventually come around to allowing their relationship into the light. It is the reason she converted to Mormonism, it is the reason she tolerated the "icky" anal sex, etc etc etc.

Every bit of it was calculated on her part. Period.

The longer he continued to keep her in the shadows, using her for sexual gratification, the more she seethed in secret. The straw that broke the camel's back was his plan to take the other young woman on the trip and his obvious interest in that young lady as appropriate GF material. Thus FINALLY making it clear to Jodi that her gambit would never pay off. NOW she felt used like a tissue. NOW she was pizzed.

as for Travis, here is a guy trying to stick to the tenants of his religion, trying to make something good of himself, but struggling with the physical temptations every young man does who is trying to remain chaste. When faced with a young woman who would willingly allow him to explore his sexuality in secret, the risky double life nature of this behavior only added to the physical intensity and excitement factor for Travis. With this girl he could have his cake and eat it to. What she offered him was the ability to "cheat" on his religion but never face any consequence to his reputation, etc.

How the heck could he pass on that?

Abuser my arse, This guy was led around by his penis by a very very calculated woman who thought she could eventually win his heart. What she didn't understand was, that the more sexual gratification and kink she provided (I think initiated) the further she moved away from anyone he could EVER conceivably introduce into his life as his significant other.

I sincerely hope the jury sees through this dog and pony show the defense is putting on. This woman is a stone cold murderer and if she walks it will be further evidence to me that juries cannot be trusted to use their heads and look at evidence in an objective manner.

sigh. rant over, if you got this far into my post I thank you for reading it.
Oh, I almost forgot,

:welcome: to Websleuths Thurston
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