Trial Analysis

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Newbie here.
I strongly believe that ICA enjoys seeing others suffer, especially her parents, the moment that proved it for me was during a jailhouse visit with GA and CA where her mother tells her that "dad lost his temper with the media" ICA's reaction was to laugh, the expected reaction should have been one of concern or empathy.

The jury is watching her reactions vs those of her parents and other concerned citizens that searched in vain for her child, her partying it up while her child was dead, this coupled with the evidence will do her in.

The jury may go for life, but I suspect that the DP will be the punishment.
:welcome: :seeya:
I don't know why they'd have any reason to call Cindy's brother Rick. He was just mean to Cindy at his own wedding and was really nationally tv mean to her after Caylee went missing. Are the thefts from Shirley going to be able to mention during the trial? That's the only reason she would be called. Jesse may be called by Baez to confirm what Casey told him about Lee, but then they open up all the other lies about paternity, the fake babysitting, wanting to go party at the end, and accusing him of loving Caylee more that her (jealousy). Baez already got Tony to testify that Casey told him about Lee, so that may be it. Any person who is called will be able to make Casey look bad, because she mistreated, lied to, and used every person in her life.
In CA brothers defense I seen a brother who wanted to help his sister that wouldn't listen. Sometimes tough love is the only way to get through. I could be wrong but Im willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt.
I feel sick just thinking about hearing the defense's case. Honestly, they have already proven they have no boundaries, and I just wonder how many more innocent people are going to be hurt. I cringe thinking about it. I think what makes me even sicker, is the thought that one juror might buy the DT's load of bulldoo.
I hope some time we will see ICA's cell phone records, that show how she was CONSTANTLY on the phone, calling, texting, and could not have been a very diligent and great parent, as the DT wants us to believe. Also the "pings" that show where she was on that fateful day of July 16. Also not sure if her computer shows that she was constantly on MySpace, etc. Not sure if she accessed those chat websites from her phone or laptop. In any event, I think we will shortly see that. Do also expect to see the tattoo evidence soon? as that is all part of this circumstancial case, getting that tattoo will add another nail to the coffin. although I also agree that she will not get the death penalty, and I an totally fine with that. LWOP is probably worse, as she is only 24 years old or so. that is a LONG time to spend in jail.....
The state is methodically laying out the case, and the defense has not really done anything, except for the opening statement. The statement was meant to plant seeds of doubt.

If the defense had just adopted a KISS defense, accident, panic, etc., there would be no way I as a juror would have been able to vote for murder, because there would be doubt.

However, JB is going to continue to make mistakes based upon the defenses theory. He is going to alienate the jury, because he is depending at least one juror who is not logical. I think there may be one or two, however, the strong jurors are very logical, and during deliberations this will be worked out.

Two moments stick out in my mind, that for me, if I was in the jury, I would find insulting my intelligence.

The first, when JB was trying to hammer GA about distancing himself from the trunk. JA brilliantly pointed out that based upon the DT's opening statement, GA would not need to do distance himself from the trunk.

The other was more subtle, but I chuckled. JB was questioning CA about the pool ladder. He was trying to suggest that she really couldn't be sure that she put the ladder back up on Father's Day, because a month had passed since she had to think about that day. This was supposed to be somewhat of a AHA moment, but when CA stated that no, not a month, the next day is when she had to recount due to finding the ladder down, JB said something like, "oh yeah, I forgot".

I think we are going to see more of types of moments, where the DT trips over their own opening statement.

I like the way the SA is not playing into the DT's antics.
That had no effect in Scott Peterson's case- his parents Lee and Jackie also lost a grandson, he still got the Death Penalty.

Yes, being there and listening to the endless stream of witnesses on the stand, praising the likes of Scott, was impressive. In the end, the aggravating factors outweighed the mitigating factors and the jury found him guilty of Murder in the First Degree. I expect the same result for ICA.
As far as I am concerned, once JB threw out all the "reasons" Casey is not guilty -

1. GA molested her
2. LA almost molested her
3. Caylee died by accident
4. GA forced her to cover the accident
5. RK stole/hid/moved Caylee's remains

....he may as well said aliens abducted Caylee. Honestly, it would have meant the same thing to me. He is trying to show reasonable doubt, and there is nothing reasonable about what he has thrown out there.

The problem is I don't think she is miserable. jmo

I was just thinking about this last night (yes, I have no life..) - I think one of the reasons ICA would never have accepted a plea deal is that she values all of this attention (short term gain) more than she values extending her life (long term planning). She has demonstrated ZERO ability to long term plan. She thrives on instant gratification, and just comes up with something to fake her way out of the consequences ten minutes later.

So I think her sick mind is thriving during the trial. The cameras, the friends getting pulled from around the world to come to her trial, the MEDIA!, the attorneys "working for her", dedicated to her life and her story and her clothes, expressions, actions, etc., telling her they're on her side, touching her and cosseting her and listening to her.

No, she doesn't particularly like all the negative footage she has to watch, but by and large she's very happy and starts and ends each day of the trial with a smile and a chat and giggles and some flirtation - it's like a field trip where she goes to become the center of world wide attention! Awesome! Shakes off the stuff about babies and death and decomposition within seconds. All the news footage says she's unique and special and they've never seen anything like this. I think this is close to her narcissistic dream. Were she NOT at trial, she would just be sitting in a cell.

However when the trial ends, she won't have the spotlight anymore. Her attorneys will work on appeals, which they won't need much help for. Her parents and brother won't be vying to get in for a visit as often now that she's accused all of them of death cover up, molestation and deadly negligence. Like Scott Peterson and Diane Downs, eventually she'll be gone from the news so long that people rarely talk about her unless they're comparing some new famous case to her.

I don't care if she gets the DP or LWOP. What should be important is the healing of her family - so if they'd prefer she live in a cage forever, that's fine with me. If she loses her attention fix I'd be happy. If she got put in the general population without special treatment that would be great. If she complained and blamed and lied without the enormous media megaphone I'd be happy (because no one would notice, or know, or care...)

I'd like to see GA and CA with their cool 2 million move out of the little house and into someplace nicer and send ICA pictures. I'd like to see Lee and Mallory have a baby and GA and CA spoil the baby rotten and pour attention on L and M and baby and send ICA pictures. I'd like them all to heal and repair their lives and live really good ones, happier ones without KC. And for her to know about it and be enraged in a cell, forever.

That had no effect in Scott Peterson's case- his parents Lee and Jackie also lost a grandson, he still got the Death Penalty.

Yeah, but man it was hard to have sympathy for them, they were pretty unlikeable. I know that's not a real reason for DP or no DP, but seriously I think Sharon's raw pain was felt so acutely that Lee and Jackie just slipped under the emotional radar.
I will be surprised if JB puts on a defense, due to the fact that the prosecution will smash them on cross. I expect JB to do all of his case on the State's guilt phase and not put on a defense. However, that is what normal, rational lawyering is.

If he does pursue this ridiculous thought and puts ICA on the stand, he will flounder...em..more.
Isn't it a shame that Caylee never got to know her Daddy or his parents...*sigh*
I believe this is Baez' case to LOSE. His arrogance and delusion about his abilities as an attorney in a death penalty case will be his downfall (and the Inmate's downfall). Baez is trying to handle the entire defense case on his own at trial, he is questioning almost all of the witnesses himself and is showing the fatigue from that and being unprepared. Mason has only done cross exam on 4 of the 36 witnesses so far, and Sims only did the one cross exam on Lee. Baez' self importance will not allow him to let other attorneys on the team really help out. And the impression that Mason has left from his few cross exams is that of a grumpy old man who cannot hear well and who is a rude bully -- not helpful to the Inmate in impressing the jurors. None of the Defense team attorneys are making clear, intelligent points in their cross exam IMO. Nothing the Defense has said will counteract what the jurors saw from the Inmate, herself, on the jail visit videos - nothing!

Common sense in jurors will allow them to see that Baez is just mean and picked on Amy for no real reason, trying to make her out to be a drunk who wanted the Inmate's former fiance. Even if the jurors believed any of that of Amy, how does that have anything to do with what was done to Caylee?

Common sense tells the jurors that the Inmate is a professional LIAR ... not a woman scarred by past abuse or mentally and emotionally blocking anything.

So far, the State has shown that the only person not interested in trying to find Caylee ... was her own mother - the Inmate! EVERYBODY was trying to find Caylee.
Does anyone know if and how the cell phone pings will come into evidence? After reading through those threads & the witness list this w/e, they seem to play an important role in the time line of Casey's whereabouts. I could not tell from the witness list who might testify to that. Also, it seemed many of us had narrowed down the TOD for Caylee to be in that 2-4PM time frame on the 16th

IMO unless the rest of the DT gets up there and takes over for JB, all the jury will be waiting to hear is JP tell them it's time to deliberate and they will come back real fast with guilty on all counts. JB has been called down so many times now by JP I have no doubt what so ever that he has lost any credibility with the jury if he ever had any to begin with and they have no doubt everything is a lie, grasping at straws to win them over. As for the death penalty, thank you MissJames for pointing out :
For those who don't think ICA will get the DP consider this.....It's a majority vote by the jury for recommendation,not unanimous.It only takes 7 of the 12 jurors to vote for the DP.
I have been wondering all this time if it takes a unanimous vote in Florida for the DP to be imposed.
Well, I hope in these next two weeks, we get to see the home depot footage......what was purchased and by whom.....I also think that HCJP can choose what she ends up with, reguardless of what the jury I correct about this??
So far the jury has seen ICA DENY a drowning theory, on videotape. They've seen GA kowtow to his daughter, making sure to not upset her and backing off when she loses her temper. It must be clear to the jury that ICA runs the show in that household, and has her parents under her thumb, at least to some extent.

Those 2 things alone discredit the drowning story as well as the abuse/keep a secret theory.

Then, when the M.E. presents the condition of the body, with the duck tape attached to the skull, that will be a powerful physical piece of evidence to discredit the 'accident' part of the theory.

And once Dr. G responds to the drowning theory like she did here:

***Mason returned to the possibility of drowning. Garavaglia replied that she had never seen a drowning with duct tape on the lower half of the face. “There’s no reason why a child that’s drowned is put in a plastic bag and dumped on the side of the road,” Garavagalia said.

Well, she seems pretty darn credible. I mean, she has a TV show and all :innocent:
I am super impressed by the info on this thread. Major props. Thanks to you all.
I cannot fathom what the defense can possibly do to counter this other than character assassination after character assassination. Would HHJP allow them to just call one person to the stand after another and put dirt and gossip out there about them, bash them? That's all about they can do, especially after we get past the car to the actual remains. I mean the jury, I swear, would like to convict Casey right now. And we haven't even gotten to Dr. Vass and Dr. G yet!

I'm curious like someone watching a train wreck in slow motion to see what the defense does. Part of me thinks, okay hopes, that they just rest and move on to the penalty phase. They can't afford to put Casey on the stand, they have not iota of evidence to support anything in their OS, and I can't imagine slander as a defense would go over well at all with the jury.

I'm truly baffled at the defense and what they will do next. And I can't stop watching either! I do have a question, though. Is there a limit to what the defense can do? Or would the jury have to put up with however long the defense is going to go on with their laughable case? I feel sorry for them if they have to put up with two weeks of Baez's idiocy.
Newbie here.
I strongly believe that ICA enjoys seeing others suffer, especially her parents, the moment that proved it for me was during a jailhouse visit with GA and CA where her mother tells her that "dad lost his temper with the media" ICA's reaction was to laugh, the expected reaction should have been one of concern or empathy.

The jury is watching her reactions vs those of her parents and other concerned citizens that searched in vain for her child, her partying it up while her child was dead, this coupled with the evidence will do her in.

The jury may go for life, but I suspect that the DP will be the punishment.

:welcome4: :welcome4::welcome4:

BBM: I totally agree ! Welcome !
And once Dr. G responds to the drowning theory like she did here:

***Mason returned to the possibility of drowning. Garavaglia replied that she had never seen a drowning with duct tape on the lower half of the face. “There’s no reason why a child that’s drowned is put in a plastic bag and dumped on the side of the road,” Garavagalia said.

Well, she seems pretty darn credible. I mean, she has a TV show and all :innocent:
Nope. One can spend countless hours googling people, cases where people have been duct-taped across the mouth and nose and nothing, NOTHING will come up that is remotely credible post-mortem.

Try it.

I agree that it is most likely Casey will get LWOP. I think her being convicted of lesser charges than murder one is more likely to happen than the death penalty.

I will be shocked if the death penalty is chosen, frankly. It's very possible I don't understand what I need to understand to even make such a statement :D .

I see at most a LWOP conviction and will feel justice is served as much as possible in this world.

If I were in charge :p , justice for Caylee those who love her would be to give ICA a HEART, one that actually worked mind you. Imagine ICA, suddenly, with the unshielded awareness of what she's done, of who she IS, and that her life thus far has resulted in the kind of tragedies that wither the human soul.

Loved yur post!
I'm mean.
I would not waste a perfectly good heart on one so undeserving.

I've such respect for the class displayed by LDB in the last two weeks..
Knowlegable, proffessional, respectful of Cindy's anquish during her questioning.
The foundation of the State's case are strong, so far, and as long as all things science/forensics can be explained to the layman juror as trusted procedure, no amount of Defense razzle dazzle, jazz hands, will have effect.
( making all those double Z words, fun!)

Time-lines may be very important later, in that small minutia of everyday life, schedules of the players, will show that the guilty compass will always point back to ICA, and she alone.

I should not post.. I'll sit here and start thinking..and think some more..
Then I go to that dark place where I think the whole sh'bang could be derailed for another year and a half.
That, my friends, would be a bummer.

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