Trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #86

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Updates baby!!!! I haven't been able to watch this morning. What's the scoop?
I'm sure it hasn't been said aloud but I'll bet most if not all of the jurors at this point have said to themselves "can we just kill the @*&%$ now and be done with this!" :wink:

We're thinking alike! The jury is over her and her team!
The thing about Willmott is that she's not even likeable! Not even a little bit! Turning the jury off even more. Her tiny fingerpolished hands are annoying too. Anyone got a spare ball-gag for her?

Yes, I seen her plenty of times make facial expressions when Juan was really grilling the murderess. Then at times treating Jodi like their best friends. Sending the jury a subliminal message, 'Jodi's not that bad' - BLECHHHH. Someone on another post more or less called her Nurmi's little cheerleader.
Sure she can have reactive anger along with premeditated 1st degree murder.

Jodi can't escape this Jury. They are ready to cast their votes.
I'm confused, I thought today was about hearing the defenses experts? What is the arguing about? The allowance of these experts?

Not of allowing the testimony of the experts but the content of what he is allowed to testify to and the instruments used in presenting said testimony.

Basically they tried to sneak in a PowerPoint that adds in a few details that the Judge had already ruled was not admissible. And Juan wanted to make sure that it was clear they couldn't even go down that road before he started to testify.
:what:...and if you look at the footnotes of the PowerPoint, you will note the very credible source of Wikipedia, which Dr. Samuels uses to help define PTSD....

In my paper that I am writing on diet therapies I am not allowed to quote Wikipedia!! And this is much more important.
Juan needs to interview the expert to see what his testimony will be and then they come back at 1 their time and the lawyers make their legal arguments about whether and to what extent his "new" testimony will be permitted. So she has not yet made a decision as Juan could not even really argue the point as he was blindsided by the new evidence/testimony.

I wonder how can the Judge expect JM to prepare his cross of this psychologist based on all this new information in 2 hours? She should not have allowed it. But what do I know, MOO
This expert witness stuff gets blown out of the water if we believe premeditation - ie the gas cans.. And I do believe it was premeditated.

Hope JM focuses on the premeditation.
She looks kind of like...mods....not being mean here....a somewhat warped version of a Barbie doll.
The second go round with the sex tape doesn't bug me because that is what the defense wanted to do the first time and Juan objected. So they played it in its entirety.

The jury knows everything that was said on that tape not just what the defense wanted them to hear.

This situation is different and where the judge will lose my support if she allows it in.
:banghead: :furious: :cursing: :burn: :scream: :no: :steamed: :rage:
After the jury got to hear the whole tape, I think the jury found the edited version to be very self serving. They shouldn't have used the edited one after they already heard the whole thing.
Updates baby!!!! I haven't been able to watch this morning. What's the scoop?

The defense wants to sneak in ANOTHER powerpoint presentation again! About stuff that wasn't even allowed in. :furious:
Oh, but of course there are some, many bprobably, experiencing financial hardship! And this Judge hasn't even acknowleged once to them a thank you for all the time they've given!I really do not care for this judge!


Remmber how kind and considerate Chief Judge Belvin Perry was to his jurors? He was/is a class act. Too bad we don't have that in this case.
Rule 15.2.(c) of AZ Criminal Rules

c. Disclosure by Defendant; Scope. Simultaneously with the notice of defenses submitted under Rule 15.2(b), the defendant shall make available to the prosecutor for examination and reproduction the following material and information known to the defendant to be in the possession or control of the defendant:

(1) The names and addresses of all persons, other than that of the defendant, whom the defendant intends to call as witnesses at trial, together with their relevant written or recorded statements;

(2) The names and addresses of experts whom the defendant intends to call at trial, together with the results of the defendant's physical examinations and of scientific tests, experiments or comparisons that have been completed; and

(3) A list of all papers, documents, photographs and other tangible objects that the defendant intends to use at trial.

Welp, there 'tis! According to the LAW - this PPT should be tossed! If they want to question him about what's in it, fine - but to allow this onto the screen when they just FINISHED putting it together this morning? No way. Literally put into Juan's hands for the 1st time THIS MORNING. No tangible objects they intend to use at trial without first giving it to the other side - and not 2 minutes before the guy is sworn in! :/
I used to get smacked with a wooden spoon when I was young. I didnt grow up to be a killer.

In fact I have been smacked by almost anything in my Moms arm reach if I were being bad. Not that is right or wrong, but my point is being smacked with a wooden spoon, Mr. Nurmi doesnt turn you into a killer.

My mom would have hit me with more than a wooden spoon if told her I was dating a vampire I met at the carnival.
I am getting a premonition. I think the talk with the Psychologist will go well...
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