trial day 34: the defense continues its case in chief #97

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May 3, 2008
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justice for Travis ribbon:

__________________________________________________ __________


__________________________________________________ __________

Travis Victor Alexander
July 28, 1977 - June 4, 2008

Summary of case and key dates:
Crime Scene Photographs:
Detective's Investigative Report:
Autopsy Report:

Travis' blog:
Travis' myspace:
Defendants' blog:
Defendants' myspace:
Defendants' other myspace:


Jodi Ann Arias DOB 7/1980
Public Access to Criminal Court Case Information
Case History, Case# CR2008-031021
Criminal Court Case History
Minute Entries, Case# CR2008031021
Clerk of the Superior Court Minute Entries

ABC15 Jodi Arias Murder Trial
ABCNews Jodi Arias
CBSNews Crimesider
CNN (HLN) show transcripts
FOX10News Jodi Arias Trial
HLNtv Jodi Arias
Huff Post Jodi Arias
KPHO Jodi Arias

Beth Karas InSession
David Lohr
In Session
In Memory of Travis Alexander


Trial starts at 10:30am MST (GMT -7:00) (12:30pm EST)

__________________________________________________ ______________

Legal thread: leave a question and get an answer

__________________________________________________ ______________

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__________________________________________________ _______________

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I don't want this to get lost in the last thread so......
Here's Gus Searcy on Judge Judy.
Listen to his used-car-salesman-like exaggeration and creepiness at the end!

I would hope that if I were on the jury during a DP trial....that I would have enough sense to not let "gender" play a role in my verdict. A murderer is a murderer.
Here I am!

Making sure I can find my way back when I switch to my phone :D
I'm all ready for today with Pasta Al Forno and ice cream (mango, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry)

Go JM! Justice for our beloved Travis. Prayers for everyone supporting him!
Brought over from last thread to the post concerning the shower being clean...

The jury would also surmise that with all that blood she would be covered in it however she states when she came out of the fog she only had blood on her hands and then later she said on her hands and feet (testified under oath). That seems impossible just as you think the shower shouldn't be clean (even though you admit she would have rinsed him to clean off her DNA).

During the CIC for the State a bit of blood was found on the downstairs bathroom sink. Also one of the jury questions was something like - did you clean up after killing TA. So rest assured some on the jury is thinking about JA cleaning up and it's not impossible to believe with the crime photo of TA in the shower he didn't have a lot of blood on him and I believe the ME's report even stated it looked like he had been rinsed. So you don't need to worry too much at least about the shower. idk
I'm all ready for today with Pasta Al Forno and ice cream (mango, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry)

Go JM! Justice for our beloved Travis. Prayers for everyone supporting him!

Me too Rose! I made a huge batch of enchiladas yesterday morning so I could slack all week LOL! The house is clean.

I keep turning the dryer back on and on and on. The same load from Monday :banghead: I keep telling myself I'll fold/hang them during an extra long sidebar, but then I can't keep up on the thread! :floorlaugh:

Me too Rose! I made a huge batch of enchiladas yesterday morning so I could slack all week LOL! The house is clean.

I keep turning the dryer back on and on and on. The same load from Monday :banghead: I keep telling myself I'll fold/hang them during an extra long sidebar, but then I can't keep up on the thread! :floorlaugh:


I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that with laundry :rocker:

Good afternoon, everyone!

You poor people that live in Arizona are being billed $823,000 for the trial so far.

i believe he could be stabbed while sitting in the shower and not have 'splatters' because the ME said that the wound would cause internal bleeding depending on the position of the person. if TA was laying back the blood would be inside and start coming up his throat and he would get up and cough it out at the sink, all the while jodi is stabbing him in the back.

from the other thread, regarding the blood coming out of the mouth from a gunshot wound he said there was no damage to the oral cavity, he could bleed out from his sinuses IF HE WAS ALIVE, and i believe the ME thinks the gunshot was last so there was not much blood left in him to bleed out.

check out this video at 46:00

I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that with laundry :rocker:

Good afternoon, everyone!

You poor people that live in Arizona are being billed $823,000 for the trial so far.


I would gladly pay that for JM. Defense so far.....I seriously want my money back.
Wanted to comment on the poster who said HLN After Dark was like a bad game show. I could not agree more. Watched last night for the first time. Turned it off at the first commercial. Horrible format, horrible show.
Either we're all paranoid idiots or SOMETHING odd is going on and no one is catching it!!

Check out this 35-second video. It looks to me that the mitigation lady (in red) is passing a white piece of paper to Arias' mother. WTF?????

I'll grab the other 'odd' videos and put them all together in one post but for now, what do YOU think is going on? Are we just imagining this? Or is Jodi Arias STILL being deceitful only this time, she's doing it live on national television?


Jodi Arias Murder Trial Day 31. The camera was still running after court had ended. Starts 0:16 - YouTube
Here I am!

Making sure I can find my way back when I switch to my phone :D

i agree smartphones help keep us connected to this board. i am so happy to have one. at first i thought i don't need one. wrong:floorlaugh:
Brought over from the previous thread ....

I'm not ignoring it. But for a lot of people, it's just not enough to convince them that a *woman* premeditated this murder (especially since they had sex that day). The evidence of planning they attribute to "freak coincidences". Her attempt at covering her tracks they attribute to the "understandable fear" of a battered woman going to prison. We just had two jurors from a mock jury vote to acquit her. That should NEVER happen with this kind of evidence for premeditation.

Lot of people ? Where are those people ? On the Arias is innocent site ?

And how do you know they actually had sex that day ? Because Arias says so ? Because of the timestamps of the photos (that could have been doctored using EXIF software) ?

And HLN has you fooled as well thinking the mock jury was not pre-planned ? Who would watch their HLN After Dark series on Arias if on every night, the jury vote was 12-0 against Arias ...

And freak coincidences ? Most people think of a series of "freak coincidences" like this :

“The probability of a certain set of circumstances coming together in a meaningful (or tragic) way is so low that it simply cannot be considered mere coincidence. ”
I just want to say in regards to the HLN show After Dark. They argued last night about proving JA looked up the symptoms of PTSD. A person doesn't need to know the symptoms to get the right results on that test she was given. It seemed pretty easy to know what to answer in order to get the result you want, didn't it?
Wanted to comment on the poster who said HLN After Dark was like a bad game show. I could not agree more. Watched last night for the first time. Turned it off at the first commercial. Horrible format, horrible show.

i can't believe baez is a celeb now. gross. i lost all respect for these guys for having him on there. he got a baby killer off fffs.
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