trial day 34: the defense continues its case in chief #97

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There will NEVER be a full acquittal on this case, NEVER NEVER NEVER!!! JA is not walking out of there scot-free like Casey Anthony. I promise you all that. She might luck out and get 1 person to feel sorry for her and believe her but I guarantee you, this jury isn't stupid. Some people keep saying *all it takes is 1* Yes, that's true. But that works BOTH WAYS!! All it takes is 1 jury member to refuse to vote not guilty. And I firmly believe there will be way more than 1 person who refuses to vote not guilty.

So yeah, she might get lucky and get a hung jury. But I doubt it.

So do I, and if she does get a hung jury, I bet the citizens of Arizona will want Juan Martinez to do it all over again until justice is served. :moo:
Still catching up on the previous thread......
Can someone explain to me what whether or not Jodi and Travis had or didn't have sex that day has ANYthing to do with premeditation???

It doesn't as far as I can tell. Unless it was a ruse on her part to make him totally relaxed and unguarded for her attack in the shower.
Bringing this over from the other thread...

So how much does it cost an entire state when Jodi doesn't get what she wants?

Yes it's going to hit 1 Million just to defend her.

Not the costs for feeding her, her medical care or anything in the last 4 years. Not court costs, state costs or anything after the trial like appeals, keeping her in prison and of course the cost of the needle.

She disgusts me not only for robbing Travis of his life but for what she is costing you Arizona people becuase she refuses to just admit what she did wrong.

Nurmi and Willmott disgust me when they needlessly waste court time for being lazy, disrespectful and unprepared. The tax payer clock is ticking.

I hear you, and believe me when I say it pisses me right off to pick up this tab with my tax dollars. That being said... We are a civilized nation that must afford a fair trail before putting dirty rotten slutty killers to death. I want her to get the death penalty, not because I look forward to all the stalling that goes on in the wake of it... but because she is desperately trying to avoid it.
I also get the anger towards Nurmi and Willnot. It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta' do it.
Still catching up on the previous thread......
Can someone explain to me what whether or not Jodi and Travis had or didn't have sex that day has ANYthing to do with premeditation???

IF they did have sex, to me it makes what she did worse, having sex with TA then shooting and stabbing them 29 times (whichever one thinks came first). And lets not forget not once she has expressed sorrow or regrets over his death, even IF it was self defense she would be expressing remorse that she HAD to kill him. idk
I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that with laundry :rocker:

Good afternoon, everyone!

You poor people that live in Arizona are being billed $823,000 for the trial so far.


Is there another way to do laundry???
If JA really wanted anyone to believe that she isn't the one who stole the grandparent's gun and used it to kill TA, then she would tell where she dumped the gun she said belonged to TA and PROVE it was not the stolen grandparent's gun. I just don't believe the fog story for a second, so not remembering what she did with it doesn't work for me.

Therefore, I must think that the gun she so well hid from everyone IS the stolen grandparent's gun that she brought with her to kill TA. And since none of the knives found in the house appear to be a match to TA's injuries, I think she brought it with her and also took it away when she left the home. To me bringing the weapons to his home is premeditation!

Did JM ever put in evidence (or mention) where the cell tower ping was when JA called Ryan (wasn't that the first call after leaving Mesa)?
According to AZ jury instruction:
Pr-meditation means intent or knowledge to kill another human being.

"Premeditation" means that the defendant intended to kill another human being or knew [he] [she] would kill another human being, and after forming that intent or knowledge, reflected on the decision before killing. It is this reflection, regardless of the length of time in which it occurs, that distinguishes first-degree murder and second-degree murder. An act is not done with premeditation if it is the instant effect of a sudden quarrel or heat of passion. [The time needed for reflection is not necessarily prolonged, and the space of time between the intent or knowledge to kill and the act of killing may be very short.] pg PDF 71

Still catching up on the previous thread......
Can someone explain to me what whether or not Jodi and Travis had or didn't have sex that day has ANYthing to do with premeditation???

JA is innocent people and their sympathizers say that if she was planning on shooting him, she would have done it as soon as he opened the door and not waited to have sex with him. To them, it proves that something happened to provoke her.
From this day on any point I can influence situations to make sure Nurmi & Wilmot are not hired I will make sure I voice my opinion! They are making a nice living at taxpayers EXPENSE this is outrageous!!
I don't want this to get lost in the last thread so......
Here's Gus Searcy on Judge Judy.
Listen to his used-car-salesman-like exaggeration and creepiness at the end!

Gus Searcy on Judge Judy - YouTube

I didn't think I disliked Gus anymore then I have. I was proven wrong.

He makes me sick. I feel so sorry for his daughter and her mother.
BBM. This is what truly gets me going. All the unpreparedness, going in circles, constant sidebars....the more they can drag it out, the more they get paid. Nurmi got his private practice salary so he stopped trying to get off the case once that happened. All that uselessness yesterday was just more money in their pockets.

Aw come on how does that make you feelllllllllllll?

I think someone need to put a clock that counts the money adding up in their pockets.
BBM. This is what truly gets me going. All the unpreparedness, going in circles, constant sidebars....the more they can drag it out, the more they get paid. Nurmi got his private practice salary so he stopped trying to get off the case once that happened. All that uselessness yesterday was just more money in their pockets.

Remember the Spector trial? We all thought Chris Plourd was awful, but then along came Nurmi and JW:floorlaugh:
Bringing this over from the locked thread about the lack of blood in the shower (sorry I don't know how to quote the post in this thread)

I think the shower would have gotten rid of the blood splatter. It could have been on while she stabbed him, or she could have rinsed it off when she rinsed TA off.
If JA really wanted anyone to believe that she isn't the one who stole the grandparent's gun and used it to kill TA, then she would tell where she dumped the gun she said belonged to TA and PROVE it was not the stolen grandparent's gun. I just don't believe the fog story for a second, so not remembering what she did with it doesn't work for me.

Therefore, I must think that the gun she so well hid from everyone IS the stolen grandparent's gun that she brought with her to kill TA. And since none of the knives found in the house appear to be a match to TA's injuries, I think she brought it with her and also took it away when she left the home. To me bringing the weapons to his home is premeditation!

ITA _ I have said this from day one _ once the story came of it being TA's gun. She has some idea where she dumped it and I would send everyone I could to search for it so that my story could be proven.
About the cost of defense, I know everyone is tired of hearing this but this IS a death penalty case. You want her put to death but you don't want the state or her attorneys to spend the money and time necessary to ensure her defense is presented IN ITS ENTIRETY to the people empowered to take her life? I know everyone is frustrated by how long it is taking, I am too, but let's try to have some perspective.
A note to her mom? I don't know if that is allowed...not sure what is going on.
Truthfully all I can focus on is Nurmi's awful "look at me" tie.

This isn't a high school lunch room. They can't pass notes. That note may tell her mom to hire a hit man to 'off' Martinez.

This is a court of law and this person is in jail awaiting her punishment. Good lord...what sloppy court room etiquette. First they're constantly starting late, constantly at side-bar and now not paying attention to inmate Arias.

Here are some of the other strange/sneaky actions caught on camera:

Takes notebook?
Jodi arias - YouTube

Puts something in mouth?
.Jodi Arias "taking something" in court. Probably just Tylenol. - YouTube

Jodi eye-roll!
Jodi Arias Murder Trial. Day 33. Sir do you have a problem with your memory. Jodi eye roll - YouTube

Turns page?
What did Jodi just do with the paper?? Jodi palms a paper in court while attorneys at sidebar. - YouTube

Note to Mom?
- YouTube

My favorite; Unseen Jodi Arias ;)
I refuse to watch Baez on anything.


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:doh: I'm embarrassed to admit that curiosity got the best of me the other night and I tuned in to HLN After Dark to see just how Baez would go about defending Jodi.

Of course, it sounded much like his closing argument in CA trial - yes, she's a liar, hate her for lying but don't convict, lying is a clear indication that she's not guilty, she was scared to tell the truth for fear nobody would believe her which is what happens to battered women, yada...yada...yada.

His defense team argued to forget about the lies and focus on the blood evidence, which tells a story that she was fighting for her life in close quarters because most of the blood evidence was at the end of the hallway.

I seriously wanted to jump thru the tv and strangle him!

Apparently, he forgot that she cleaned the shower with the plastic cup (hence, no blood evidence there) and the shower was running throughout the murder (washed away other blood evidence), and he never even commented about the blood around the sink. :banghead:

That'll teach me...LOL
Remember the Spector trial? We all thought Chris Plourd was awful, but then along came Nurmi and JW:floorlaugh:

Oh gawd yes!!! But looooooooooooooooved the Judge who I wish was the judge for this trial. I love the prosecutor too. I always thought Casy A would have been found guilty if he had tried the case even if it took 2x.

He was soooooooooooo good and good lookin :)
ITA _ I have said this from day one _ once the story came of it being TA's gun. She has some idea where she dumped it and I would send everyone I could to search for it so that my story could be proven.

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