trial day 34: the defense continues its case in chief #97

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So is the attack at the 13 totally new testimony or did i miss prior testimony?

This is new. The jury not buying it, I bet. If this was something that happened, it would have been covered when Nurmi and Jodi were going over her life story...
Okay, maybe I'm missing something, but it seems the whole point of this guy's testimony is to tell us she has PTSD. She killed a man (brutally, I might add), it's not surprising if she does have PTSD, right? That has nothing to do with the murder itself, does it? I'm confused :(

If she has PTSD, it did not develop at the time of the killing but after her cover story was found to be a fabrication. AFTER she was arrested and facing the consequences of her actions. Tests like these don't mean anything under these circumstances. Her game was up and THAT traumatized her.
I thought I heard Nurmi ask the judge to have someone come and remind him (I think he meant when it's time to come back), because they were going to be back in the room and he "might forget". That's what I heard anyway.

lol PSM....could have been. Jodi is still a "thing" lol.
Does anyone know the dates for when Grandpa's gun was stolen AND the text from Travis where he was raking her over the coals? (May 28th, 2008 keeps popping into my head.)

You see, my theory is the MAIN reason Jodi killed Travis is all the stuff he said in that text or email. (He had to pay for trashing her like that.) If the gun was stolen on the same day or the next day, I say the premeditation began then.

I think the Cancun trip with Mimi was a secondary reason. But, if Travis would only apologize for the text or email and decide to take Jodi to Cancun, then all would be forgiven and he could live a little longer.

May 26th, Travis threatens her and calls her a sociopath. May 28th, gun is reported missing.
While I am at work, I keep up with this trial by reading all your posts and I am forever grateful for all the feedback on here. Smart folks we have on WB. After reading what has been going on the courtroom with this doctor and Wilmott, I can't believe that she can't be brought up on charges of suborning perjury. And this Judge, IMO, needs to be knocked back down to Youth Court.
What's going on? Did we go to recess or we done for today?
I think Jennifer is missing the point of JM's cross and this test. The biggest point isn't that the PTSD test finding is wrong (but it is in my opinion) but it's that Jodi has a willingness to manipulate test answers to fit with the story she was currently giving and to extend that thought she would therefore do the same thing when testifying in Court.

IE You can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth with this new self defense story.

Jodi is a straight up pathological liar and if she can come up with lies on the spot she's smart enough to know ways to manipulate her test answers to go along with the story she came up with.. Just my opinion...
How does that change anything?
She went there with the intention of killing him. She did that.
What she says she remembers after the fact of how it went down is irrelevant and as always, should be tempered with the fact that she lies,lies,lies.

Well, it doesn't change anything for me, but, if someone were inclined to believe it may have been self defense, one thing that might change their mind is her convenient lack of memory.
Okay, maybe I'm missing something, but it seems the whole point of this guy's testimony is to tell us she has PTSD. She killed a man (brutally, I might add), it's not surprising if she does have PTSD, right? That has nothing to do with the murder itself, does it? I'm confused :(

Exactly what I was thinking. I hope she does have PTSD...I hope she does relive what she did to Travis every day and that it haunts her for the rest of her life!!!
If I was the jury I would be more then a little annoyed that the witness gets to take my questions back with the attorney and talk about the answers.

He should have to sit there and answer them as asked. Like GUS had to do, I loved that.
I worked as a federal health nurse in AZ for 4 years and flight nurse for 30 years. As a traveling nurse out on the reservation, I never traveled with gas can in my trunk. Do you know how hot those trunk get in the middle of the summer. The state wouldn't allow us to carry gasoline.
Does anyone know the dates for when Grandpa's gun was stolen AND the text from Travis where he was raking her over the coals? (May 28th, 2008 keeps popping into my head.)

You see, my theory is the MAIN reason Jodi killed Travis is all the stuff he said in that text or email. (He had to pay for trashing her like that.) If the gun was stolen on the same day or the next day, I say the premeditation began then.

I think the Cancun trip with Mimi was a secondary reason. But, if Travis would only apologize for the text or email and decide to take Jodi to Cancun, then all would be forgiven and he could live a little longer.

May 26 is the date of the text messages AND the infamous "3 hole wonder" comment to her facebook account. May 28th is the date of the stolen 25 auto that she killed Travis with.
please let one of the jury's questions be about him talking to her brother vs. not speaking to anyone as he said yesterday.
Not to burst anyone's bubble, but I'm sure he'll say he just read it as a report from someone else's interview. He did however, list what he made his diagnosis on, and this was never mentioned.
Least of all, because it never happened. This is just another of Arias' lies, and I'm confident the jurors will see that.
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