trial day 34: the defense continues its case in chief #97

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Another question that I can't get right in my head is the big deal about PTSD and how it relates to her killing Travis. I would think that they would need to explore why she killed him in the first place as opposed to worrying about what she suffered after killing him. Maybe I am reading it wrong but it sure makes you wonder.

i think, but really who the hell knows lol, but i think it is to show why she cannot remember [SOME] things when being questioned on the stand. her fog is a result of her PTSD.

...or not. lol
Why is JA staring at the family side of the gallery every time they rise for the jury? Shouldn't her defense team be advising her? They seem to be advising Dr. Samuels.
Not a fan of daylight savings. Now I'm still watching this when my husband gets home.
Doc Samuels should of administered this test:

This is an free online version of the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale, a test of sociopathy.

Anyone else take the Psychopath test? I'm not sure what my score means :panic: I think it means I'm NOT ONE right???

Scores range from 1 (low) to 5 (high).

Your score from primary psychopathy has been calculated as 1.2. Primary psychopathy is the affective aspects of psychopathy; a lack of empathy for other people and tolerance for antisocial orientations.

Your score from secondary psychopathy has been calculated as 2. Secondary psychopathy is the antisocial aspects of psychopathy; rule breaking and a lack of effort towards socially rewarded behavior.

You score for primary psychopathy was higher than 5.51% of people who have taken this test.

You score for secondary psychopathy was higher than 24.72% of people who have taken this test.

That 24.72% has me worried I don't play well with others in the sandbox????
Was Judge Sherry showing the attorneys the jury questions right after she announced the afternoon recess? I hope that JW is just about done with RS, and that we get to some jury questions today.

I heard Wilmott say she is finished with the witness. I do soooo hope we get to some jury questions today. I fear though that the defense will find some way to get the questions put off until tomorrow so they can school Samuels on the answers they want him to give. :banghead: I really do not like this defense team at all. Hateful bunch, they are... IMO.
I actually did run my dryer for 45 minutes last week, ran back to the trial, at break ran upstairs cause buzzer went off, opened dryer door, only to find nothing. Said load was still in the washer...:doh:

Haha..I keep washing the same load....ooooops
What time did they go to recess??? I might be able to get my shower in while they're out!! Someone? Anyone??

Go ahead, when they come back there will be 10 minutes of discussion about which questions should be thrown out anyway.
I may look like an idiot but I gotta ask you....what is the significance of the pics in your siggy, the Miracle Whip, Mayo, etc.?I've been wondering for days! LOL

Sorry for the OT!

:shush: I sent you a PM.
ITA. I don't think that PTSD test (and therefore the diagnosis) should have been allowed in, as Samuels actually completed the questions himself. Who knows what he did in the 'translation'. Imagine if the prosecution did something like that? Out the window to screams of mistrial!

It should not have been allowed also because it was based around her Ninja Story and not the actual events. How can you make an accurate diagnosis when the person you are evaluating is lying and making things up? It should have been thrown out on the basis she changed her story. Any person with common sense would come to the same conclusion, this judge however? Highly questionable.
Why is JA GLARING at the family side of the gallery every time they rise for the jury? Shouldn't her defense team be advising her? They seem to be advising Dr. Samuels.
JA is innocent people and their sympathizers say that if she was planning on shooting him, she would have done it as soon as he opened the door and not waited to have sex with him. To them, it proves that something happened to provoke her.

That is because these people are thinking what they would have done, not what JA the sociopath would have done. Because few people think like her it is hard for them understand how the mind of a sociopath works. It is in no way shape or form logical, except to them.
15 min!

Me neither. I'm sure Juan will straighten her out when he brings up the fact that Jodi herself says Travis never raped her.

At one point she also said he never abused her. I am sure they have this in the transcripts..:seeya:
I guess the juror questions will give insight as to if they think this is a bunch of bull like millions of others!
Has anyone (on this board) reported these observations to the court? Just curious. I am watching from afar so have not caught all of these sneeky activities.

I thought someone (a thread or so ago) mentioned something about the Judge looking into this stuff. :eek: Hope so. They should put her in handcuffs!!

Earlier I checked twitter and the FB site and it along with Jodi caught taking that pill yesterday has been reported to the jail.
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