trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #105

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Why is she objecting this? Wasn't she the one who brought up these texts on Thursday??
so agrivating watching the defense stall with all of these sidebars with juan gets on a roll
Not again :banghead: The jury must be getting royally pizzed with all of these sidebars.
My stomach is in knots; I'm almost grateful for the sidebars now because I can take a breath!
this trail is never going to get over with all her objections!!!
oh so we can only hear the part of the text that makes TA evil....objection WTH?
If I was a juror I would stand up and object to the number of objections!!! This is RIDICUOLOUS!:banghead:
That's what I was thinking. I would hate for the family to see them again....but id love for the doc to see what he is defending!

I'm sure the good doc saw those photos a long time ago. frustrating, these constant objections by JW

Why is it okay to show and tell everything TA texted to JA, but Juan can't show what Jodi did to cause it?
I move the lawyers ask their questions to witnesses from the sidebar!

Would save all that walking back and forth

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Aren't all these Wilmott objections telegraphing to the jury that Dr <mod snip> has even more to hide than the jury thought? She's cutting off her nose to spite her face.
I really don't get how JW is allowed to object and approach right before Juan has a really good point. For once I would like to hear the judge say, "No, you may not approach. Deal with it!"
The rule of completeness??? Does it apply here so we can read the other part?
Approach....approach....approach...the defense knows the truth is coming out. They may and well sit back and enjoy the show. It is going to happen!
Nothing major, no. Just the death throes of Dr. Samuels career. :great:

(You really have to watch it later! Juan's been so awesome exposing Jodi as a nasty little thing years before graduating to murder!)

The heck with his career. His wife is getting out the big iron frying pan as we speak.
looks like Juan is trying to get in TA text about the sociopath JA is, wilmont wants to approache. She does not want the jury to hear that. Hope it gets in. Whats fair for the defense should be fair for the prosecutor
"Judge.....*whine**pout* Juan is getting too passionate and it makes us shake....move for mis-trial"
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