trial day 36: the defense continues its case in chief #106

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I have always wondered why she even admited to "dropping" the knife. Why would anyone even bring that up - she never confessed this to the police so how could it possibly be impeached? Not only that, but it flies in the face of Doc Samuels little teaching about the hippocampus and the fact that memories do not exist when the hippo isn't writing. Really, why was this issue even brought up - Jodi thinking it made her appear more believable or what ? I just do not get this one at all.

maybe that bolded part is the reason. all i know is she conveniently only claims to remember the knife AFTER she'd used it to stab him and almost cut his head off. no memories of actually DOING those things.

it's like 'i know it's awful but i just don't remember doing that and can't believe i could do such a thing'. it keeps her removed from those acts.

this is why i discount everything samuels said. i thought PTSD was being TORMENTED by the memories. you can't STOP thinking about the traumatic event. and yet, according to him, she's tormented even though she claims to have NO memory of what happened.

for instance, a war vet hears a car backfire and he's right back in the jungle, fighting the viet cong. right? but with her, she kills a man with a gun----she remembers shooting him----and she goes right out and buys ANOTHER gun? that doesn't sound like she's 'tormented' by the event to me---not even by the part she claims she remembers.
Ah. Thanks Clue!!!

But, I don't agree with the ME about the knife being the first wound so if I question that aspect, I have to then question everything. After all, it really comes down to an educated guess on their part for no one is clairvoyant.

I don't believe Jodi brought the knife with her (as she did the gun) seeing every household has them. And not all knives have 'blocks' to call home. My knives are spewed throughout my utensil drawer so....nobody would even know how many I had.
But I would love to hear that part where she supposedly said that.

The knife sounds like on of those professional restaurant steak knives. They have a wide blade and are very sharp.
I can't believe the similarities between Jodi and KC. Both were arrested on the same day, both were pretend event planners, used the camera a lot and wanted to be professional photographers, same type of personalities and they both have that Costa Rica connection. lol I'm sure there are many more if we think about it.

Yes! Travis was too big for her to move him very far, but if she could have I'm sure she would have dumped him in a swamp to demonstrate how much contempt she felt for him...
Yes! Travis was too big for her to move him very far, but if she could have I'm sure she would have dumped him in a swamp to demonstrate how much contempt she felt for him...

But there is the "water" connection.
That was my favorite moment yesterday as well!

that and the pen throw, haha...

so what is everyone drinking today, gonna have to come up with a new 'code word' with the new witness... (the one i had with dr. samuels was whenever he so passionately reminded us of what an expert he has been)

(and i'm swigging rosehip tea instead of booze lol)
I have always wondered why she even admited to "dropping" the knife. Why would anyone even bring that up - she never confessed this to the police so how could it possibly be impeached? Not only that, but it flies in the face of Doc Samuels little teaching about the hippocampus and the fact that memories do not exist when the hippo isn't writing. Really, why was this issue even brought up - Jodi thinking it made her appear more believable or what ? I just do not get this one at all.


I think this was a very "rëal" event during the murder. It was the time she remembered coming out of her RAGE, not her fog. She remembered everything during the killing but dropping the knife intensified the realization of what she did.
She is far from innocent, much worse than Jodi, I would gladly use the needle on her to save a flight back there but I do hope she is remanded back there and held in jail until justice can be done, they got it right the first time and just caved into pressure by the media the second time.

LOL. Not even remotely true. There is nothing tangible to link Knox to the murder whereas for Jodi, there's a truckload of evidence to show her guilt.

The first trial was awful, a media spectacle orchestrated by a corrupt prosecution that tampered with forensic evidence after failing to find any tangible links of the two accused at the scene. The case against Knox is trash -- something out of an erotic BDSM fantasy that is only found in fiction. For the second trial, some sanity was finally shown and Knox was rightly acquitted. I pray to the flying spaghetti monster that she is re-acquitted again. It's not over until it's over.
Especially when there were scissors in the same knife block. Then entire rope story is beyond belief. There was no rope.

Yeah. There was no rope. The only part of June 4 2008 that is true is, Travis was murdered.

Personally I am not 100% she was alone. Or am I 100% sure she arrived (4AM) and left (6-7PM) when she claims. And finally I'm not 100% certain those naked photos were from that day either.

Once I hear a lie everything becomes suspect.

Maybe I missed the explanation but according to Jodi, she was in the midst of deleting photos when 1) the intruders attacked or 2) when Travis attacked her.

Now my question is, WHAT photos were being deleted as she snapped the shower ones with the time-stamps? We know only moments passed so she couldn't have had time to rifle through older photos then start deleting them. Time and logic almost dictates, do we know what time any photos (the allocated ones) might've been deleted?

I just question that because.... well, because she's a damn liar but mainly I can't get myself to believe that Travis consented to a quickie that afternoon with her. I just find that extremely hard to believe. In my cynical mind there's something missing (besides the truth)
I hate *advertiser censored* (well most of it anyway), but not for the reasons that "anti-*advertiser censored* feminsts" do. Their hatred for *advertiser censored* is rooted in their hatred for men.

Um... you are aware that there is a significant amount of *advertiser censored* that is for women?

I guess we're not supposed to admit that yet.

Someone let me know when we get real with life, okay? Otherwise I'll be feeding the koi, painting, etc.

Hey whatever. *advertiser censored* is pretty boring (compared to what I can conjure up? Puh-leeze!)... but women are starting to make choices - just as *advertiser censored* becomes ever more cookie cutter stupidity - much of it misogynistic and painfully not sexy in any way. But if one thinks Wal-mart is all there is, so be it.

*advertiser censored* isn't intrinsically bad - it has always existed and it always will. It will remain stupid and harmful until we decide that needs to change. That's sort of how things evolve, or at least how they have, historically. *advertiser censored* is no different.

Too much? Eh, whatever. Humans are human. There you go.
Didn't Jodi say under direct that she put the knife in the dishwasher, then changed her testimony later to she may have but could not remember because it could have been another time she was thinking of. My guess is she could not get any guidance one way or another about what she should say about the knife. Should she admit having it, seeing it, putting it in the dishwashing because no knives were missing from the house. If she left it upstairs it would have been found, so she claims she put it in the dishwasher and then later claims she really can't remember. So if it was a knife from the house, what happened to it? This allows the jury to assume she put it in the dishwasher but can't remember for sure because she was in a fog. Kind of clever, though, don't you think. No wonder she can't sleep. Must be hard figuring out your story so it matches the evidence. jmo

Did I hear the ME state that Travis had a tip of a knife piece in him, as in she broke the tip off of her knife?
I agree BritsKate. Her whole testimony about the camping trip was creepy. She claims she is in fear of being out there with men she didn't know well because of what happened with TA. Yet her response is not to forego the trip, but to buy a gun? She's more comfortable shooting someone than avoiding the situation?

IMO she wasn't going on a camping trip. She had to explain why she bought a gun and rented a car. The camping story came from the same place all her other stories/lies have come from. Inside her devious, evil, psycho mind.
I rest my case.
I was just listening to the jury questions to Jodi and was struck by the fact that she admits getting up after she shot Travis and he was grabbing at her clothes. She was able to get up but does not say Travis was and can't remember what he was doing. At some point she was free to run down that hall without any further damage to him but she claims she can't remember what happened after that. We know he was at the sink because she claims that is where they fell and he obviously was coughing up blood. There was no reason for her to have stayed there if what she said were true. jmo
I agree BritsKate. Her whole testimony about the camping trip was creepy. She claims she is in fear of being out there with men she didn't know well because of what happened with TA. Yet her response is not to forego the trip, but to buy a gun? She's more comfortable shooting someone than avoiding the situation?

This is going to sound sick, but for some reason this made me laugh out loud.

But I think you have hit on a really good point, ClosA. That is the essence of what is so wrong with her. Low self-esteem my @ss, she IS more comfortable shooting/confronting someone than avoiding a situation.

This is pretty much exactly what she did to Travis and should be a clear message to the Jury.
that and the pen throw, haha...

so what is everyone drinking today, gonna have to come up with a new 'code word' with the new witness... (the one i had with dr. samuels was whenever he so passionately reminded us of what an expert he has been)

(and i'm swigging rosehip tea instead of booze lol)

Diet Pepsi

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Jm has to question this witness minus the yelling/high tone/aggressive questioning. also give her time to reply and not jump in too fast. or the jury will not like a guy yelling at a woman.
Last night on tv they did say 90% guilty. It was speculated that the viewing audience didn't understand the question. jmo

True. But the studion mock jury said 11 to 1 not guilty.
How about the husband who lied about going to medical school and killed his wife when she learned otherwise and confronted him? I once knew someone who told me "A lie is as good as the truth if you can get somebody to believe it". Chilling.

oh my gosh, i had for gotten about that case. :twocents:
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