trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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Hah! Apparently Americans are hooked on all things Australian. From hair care products to wine....and now pain creams. If it says Australian, we'll buy it. I, for one, wish I could afford to visit your magical country!

Australia is so amazing. The people there that I met were amazing and lovely. It was a wonderful trip for ..i was there for 2 months. Tasmania was wonderful as well. If you ever get a chance..go to both.
But ALV hasn't actually been working with patients since 2008?

2008-present United States, Department of State, International Speakers Bureau
2006 Coordinated 4-day study tour for Japanese delegation. Arranged meetings, seminars, agency visits and
provided training.
2002-2004 Adjunct Lecturer - California State University at Fullerton
Extended Education Domestic Violence Certificate Program
2001-present Adjunct Lecturer - University of Southern California School of Social Work, Center on Child
Teaching Spousal/Partner Abuse class for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family
2000-2001 Anger Management Group
Facilitate group for Flossie Lewis Residential Treatment Program.
Maybe she didn't needed to have a private practice for years? Her dh is an engineer from Berkley and her son has a law practice on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.
I saw that too...I'm surprised!

This "expert" is running around the flagpole with no information about this case.
Now she is blaming TA's family for his "abusive" behaviour? She knows nothing, BUT she is well paid and she got to PITCH about her upcoming book!

A lot of people (that I see as shallow) disgust me. Both of these defense "witnesses" do. Hope the jury can see what I see.
I'm reading the recap of the day's testimony on HLN... and I'm a bit confused. Is it just me or does ALV seem to think Travis was the abused one? The stuff she said about "terrorism" and stalking behavior being one of the worst form of domestic violence seemed to describe JA's behavior, not Travis'. And the abusing animals bit... that's also JA.

What she said about victims of domestic violence do not like to talk about sexual abuse is like the complete opposite of JA. She took so much joy rambling on and on about her sexual escapades all while trying to claim it was not something she wanted.

Everything she said about controlling and being obsessed... that was all JA! Nobody has ever said Travis behaved that way, ever! Do you think ALV will just lay out what she thinks domestic abuse looks like, and not actually SAY that Travis abused JA?

If she is an ethical and professional woman who believes in her work and stands behind what she does, she will not claim JA as a victim of domestic violence. What a complete slap in the face that would be to the people that she has made her life's mission to help. I hope she does the right thing.

After finding out JA lied about TA having child pedophile pics on his computer
I hope she AND Juan chew her a new one!
JA will then be a 5 whole wonder
And he was such a horrible guy that he deliberately pulled his truck up behind her car so she wouldn't drive in her upset "condition" and hurt herself.

How has JA managed to find these nice guys who actually treated her so very well even though she was chewing them up and spitting them out?

My older sister always treated men horrible and they fell all over her,she was a stalking,abusive witch and I was always afraid of her. I was beyond thrilled when she moved to CA 30 yrs ago, I have seen her about 5 times since then and every time she drains the life out of me in her 2 week visits.They usually stayed with her till her craziness became too much ,6 months mostly one stayed 2 yrs. Always found really nice great guys but she always turned psycho on them.My sis was and still is a beautiful woman even now.She would be great 3 or 4 months tops then watch out!
I think it's fun to hear the TH's say its going to be acquittal, hung, 2nd degree...try to keep it interesting...I can't imagine the jury going for this...but if there is a problem I bet my britches it's male juror...

one who thinks that Travis played this girl, hurt her by doing anal sex ( a view that this is a highly disrespectful act to perform on someone's daughter) whether she wanted it or not. and that he knew she was crazy but continued the sexual relationship got what he deserved...and Jodi is just an hysterical female who should be pitied.

I think this is who they are hoping for. I pray for Juan to continue to expose her premeditation at every turn.
anyone else holding their breath when ALV mentioned about her memory? She had 'foggy' sitting on the tip of her tongue. Lmao
Seems many of the THs are thinking this witness will flip for the state all things considered.

This is a rarity for me - but, I agree with them. She will flip ... one way or the other ... Juan must be enjoying her stories and general statements. She has given him a gift and he can not wait to open it during cross.

I also think he will go after her just like he has the other witnesses. Juan is on a mission to preserve Travis' legacy and to see that justice prevails. And, all I can say is .... you go, Juan .... :rocker:

I just woke up. I'm not feeling well again. Is there any reason I should watch the afternoon session?

I don't think so. There was an outrageous few minutes with JW asking leading questions of La Violette about whether a child [i.e. Travis] born to addicts, with no permanent home, very poor, and so dirty, smelly that when he [i.e. Travis] went to school he [i.e. Travis] was ridiculed, etc., etc. ...would such a child [i.e. Travis] be more likely to become an abuser than a child who grew up in a stable home. I'm not sure about the last bit because I was so incensed at the implication that Travis' deprived childhood would lead him to be an abuser that the rest of what she said is "foggy". I don't recommend you watch that bit of testimony if your blood pressure is at all high.
I hope this case has a verdict before ALV's current license expires... it's still a few months away but I have my concerns!

lol I am sure she already has! All this is done over the internet after submitting your required education units and fees...
Looks like misinformation to me.

We know that JA and ALV have at least spoken...JM questioned JA about it on the stand...I think it was to the effect that she had lied to ALV.

IIRC, she initially told ALV that she saw Travis looking at the pedo pix on a computer, but changed her story when his hard drive came back clean. This is what is floating around.

I don't get why someone doesn't correct them when they say something not true like that. I made the mistake of watching part of that silly After Dark show last nite and Peter Odom made some comment about other girlfriends of Travis testifying about similar abusive behavior that Jodi claims. Vinnie Politan and Ryan Smith were there and I think Mike Brooks was too - no one corrected him either.
Maybe she didn't needed to have a private practice for years? Her dh is an engineer from Berkley and her son has a law practice on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

No, I'm sure she didn't. She has pages and pages and pages of conferences she's spoken at and speeches she's given, for which I'm sure she's paid quite well.

This certainly explains why most of her psychobabble is from the 80s though.
I hope the DT motion fails in the morning- I wonder if/when we will know the result.
This ' DV expert' could have said all she needed to say in one hour. Now she is coming back for her THIRD day to smear a person she never met and only knows from the conversation of a malignant liar.

Do we know what the defense motion is?

ETA: TIA!!!!
Thanks for posting this. I hadn't seen it before. Interesting that it says she followed him to Cali. Also, I guess I didn't know that they ever actually LIVED together. Do you know for how long? I thought she had her own place that was 5 to 15 minutes away.

People You'll See in Hell is an interesting site, pretty well-researched. They had an excellent write up and discussion of the Diane Schuler case, but even then in the write up there were things that were reported and repeated and didn't turn out to be true.

The authors initial write up seems to be from several years ago, and so I wouldn't be surprised if reported errors creep in.

It's one of those sites that more of a starting point for the outline of a case, not the last word, especially considering the site does have an agenda (or maybe better described as an angle) obvious from its title.

P.S. Not speaking of which, I had to turn off HLN After Dark. What garbage. If they repeated that Jodi Arias was obsessed with Travis Alexander being a "bold accusation", I was going to have to break something.

Next up: The "stunning revelation" that Jack the Ripper had a problem with women.
:waitasec: She HAD two licenses that were both cancelled years ago, so she isn't even a licensed psychologist in the State of California.

Search Results for Psychologist (incl. Reg. Psych. and Psychological Asst.)
This information is updated Monday through Friday - Last updated: MAR-25-2013
To see available information for a licensee/registrant, click on the highlighted name.
This will also include enforcement actions if any are present.

LAVIOLETTE ALYCE D PSB 10905 Cancelled$LCEV2.ActionQuery

License Number: PSB16213
License Status: CANCELLED Definition
Expiration Date: January 31, 1992
Issue Date: July 06, 1989

License Number: PSB10905
License Status: CANCELLED Definition
Expiration Date: January 31, 1989
Issue Date: July 01, 1985

Maybe she didn't pay her dues or do her continuing education?

I could totally be wrong and will try and find some information but I thought that the educational requirements changed to be a licensed psychologist. I thought before around 1994ish you needed a masters degree but then after that you had to have a doctorate. This was around the time my mother was about to receive her masters and was pretty bummed about the change. I noticed that ALV went from having a license in psychology to a MFCC. I thought that if you were already a licensed psychologist you could be grandfathered in after the change, but maybe if she let her license lapse she wasn't able to do that and had to go for the MFCC instead? Again I'm not totally positive about this, maybe someone else knows the details better than I do, and I don't know if it differs from state to state, but that is what popped into my mind when I saw that.
My older sister always treated men horrible and they fell all over her,she was a stalking,abusive witch and I was always afraid of her. I was beyond thrilled when she moved to CA 30 yrs ago, I have seen her about 5 times since then and every time she drains the life out of me in her 2 week visits.They usually stayed with her till her craziness became too much ,6 months mostly one stayed 2 yrs. Always found really nice great guys but she always turned psycho on them.My sis was and still is a beautiful woman even now.She would be great 3 or 4 months tops then watch out!

You can understand a guy sticking around for a beautiful girl, even for 6 months. But JA is really not that good looking. Or am I just not seeing what others see there? I'm oblivious.
THE. WHOLE. DAY. On the bright side, I got a lot of work done and changed my avatar! :blushing:

Good grief! What was the defense thinking in having this person on the stand blathering on and on about nothing that has anything to do with the case and for an entire DAY! Boring the ever-loving heck out of the jury and everyone else in the courtroom with irrelevant blather is one reallllly stupid strategy.
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