trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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Oh yeah ... Producers at HLN and some flunkies that work for the defense team trolling social media sites every night.
No doubt in my mind.

It was brought up during the Orlando Creatures trial that Baez & company had a team of flunkies going thru all the trial watcher forums and other social media sites (tweets, etc) nightly.
To get reviews on what "John Q Public" was thinking of their daily performances.
Then, perhaps tailor the course of their attention depending on what people were saying.

Sooooo agree with you that the defense team look foolish coordinating their outfits each day.
It's so obvious - jury must see it too.
It's an old trial trick to dress the defendant in a style that might be sympathetic to a jury.
I can see covering a gang tattoo and stuff like that ... Makes good sense.

I've watched trials where they dress a 30+ woman up in shirts with PeterPan
collars and knee socks ... To make her look young, innocent - ergo incapable of committing such heinous crimes.
This jury must be wise to these old tricks too.

This case is beyond the pale though.
The matchy-matchy outfits every day look ridiculous.
Like jr high school girls talking the night before to decide what to wear to school the next day.
Gimme a break. Jurors are wise to this baloney.
Dressing JA up each day in a carbon copy of Willmotts outfit - does NOT fool anyone into suddenly thinking "oh look at that defendant, she dresses like a professional attorney, no way she could murder anyone"
Really Willmott?
Same idea with the chair lowering of JA's chair ... To make her appear small, meek, and innocent.

I've actually seen Websleuths pulled up on a laptop at the defense table during the Casey Anthony trial..

Thank you for your consideration.,
The matching outfits just make me wonder... if the DT wasn't dressing her, what would JA herself choose to wear to court? Something tells me it wouldn't be a sweater set that matches JW's ensemble.
Well, if we see new members named Judy Walmart and Capt. Kirk Crunch I think we'd have a clue. Especially if they're posting stuff like:

I know Jodi and she's a sweet loving young lady.

So she killed a guy, haven't we all made a mistake at one time or another we wish we could take back.

Did you know that TA NEVER put his spare change into the charity box at McDonald's?

Jodi has never actually had blonde hair. It looks that way because of the lighting in the pictures.

Two gas cans? Three gas cans? Seriously does it matter?

C'mon who hasn't stalked and slashed the tires of an ex loved one before?

Going homicidely nuts on someone is just another way to say I love you.

Oh please, even a five year old could come up with a better post than that.

Did you know that TA was really, really, really, really, really, really protective of his camera.

Travis had a gun, Travis didn't have a gun? Really, in the grand scheme of things does it matter? Maybe Jodi brought the gun because she had a premonition that she would be attacked by him. I bet ya never thought of that didja.

Is it getting foggy in here or is it just me?

I think being called a three holed wonder is so debasing. I can't see how anyone would like that.

Does anyone know a good recipe for donuts?

Quit picking on the defense attorneys. You have no idea what it's it must be like spending time with that *advertiser censored* day in and day out.

Do you think God sends defense attorneys like us them to hell?

Jodi's got a gun
Jodi's got a gun
Her whole world’s come undone
From lookin’ straight at the sun
What did her daddy do?
What did he put you through?
They said when Jodi was arrested
they found him underneath a train
But man, he had it comin’ Now that Jodi's got a gun
she ain’t never gonna be the same.

(With apologies to Aerosmith)
Oh yeah ... Producers at HLN and some flunkies that work for the defense team trolling social media sites every night.

:seeya: About that pill issue that was all over the media the other day. For all anyone knows it was a tic tac JA took, using water to make it LOOK like medication. She's a narcissist and it's possible her attorneys (or someone watching tv in her jail), fills her in on the social media talk.

What better way for her to have everyone focusing on HER again by faking taking medicine in court?
ok!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm trying to fix blown margins!!!!!!!!!!! s/b@!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi all! I've been lurking for awhile and am so impressed with the intelligence of the posters on this site, and specifically about this case.

Wasn't going to post since you all say it much better than I ever could, but that was before I read about the dog incident, and the cat incident.

I believe JA is a psychopath.

In her interrogation tapes, and that 48 hours clip, JA tells you exactly how she committed the brutal murder of Travis. She projects most everything onto others, ninjas, whoever, anyone but her, but the details of her crime are spoken by her.

I knew with this current witness that it would be borrrrrring, although educational at the same time. The prosecutor knows what she's going to testify about so he isn't worried IMV, he has his own expert coming up during the rebuttal phase and don't be surprised to hear his expert testify that JA is psychopathic.

Anyway, a big shout out to CHICO and thank you for your help! Nice to meet you all. :)

Welcome!!:seeya::seeya: My opinion based on my experience with animal abusers is whatever they admit to doing, multiply it by ten. If she said she kicked the dog, she probably killed it. Whatever she did to that cat she enjoyed it. And it always sticks in my mind what she said to the detective about the blood in the shower being from her giving Napoleon a bath. Whether she was just making up excuses it is still jolting that in her mind it sounded like a reasonable explanation that giving a dog a bath results in bloodshed on the shower walls. That is one ******d up bath she gave that dog. I agree she is a psychopath, evil to the core. People that hurt animals unable to understand and defend themselves are scum and twisted sister here is just a wasted blob of DNA and needs to evaporate. Whew, I feel much better now!!!
Ya think they'd be used to it by now!

Btw...where is nurse?

Beach and Fran are mods tonight....bless their hearts.
So everybody behave....they've been on duty all day.....
There was one trial (the defendant's escapes me at the moment) where a make up person came each morning before trial to cover the ugly tattoos on the man's face so the jury wouldn't see them. The DT had argued that the subject matter of the tats would cause the jury to hate the defendant. This make up person was paid for by the taxpayers cause the defendant had no money, doncha know!
Did she go on spring break and not invite us?

I thought I saw her on the latest girls gone wild video! Was she the one wearing the nurse hat, twirling her bikini top over her head like a helicopter propellor ?

Miss ya nurse!
UHH... JW did that today, the witch!

Give them our :heartbeat:

As I say this tears are running down my face!
Your sister pegged you hun! may she RIP!
Katiecoolady! You go girl!
You are an inspiration to us all!

Awww now your tears are contagious...dang girl! xo
Well, before I turn in. To a lump of snoring pinot......

I just want to say that I still have a good feeling about ALV. But if she isn't honorable, then she, along with anyone else who tries to further a career or turn a buck on the back of Travis' murder, is, IMO, a vulture.

And there are already too many vultures trying to make their mark. I hope she isn't one and that she helps JM like it appears she already has.
I thought I saw her on the latest girls gone wild video! Was she the one wearing the nurse hat, twirling her bikini top over her head like a helicopter propellor ?

Miss ya nurse!

Yes! she was giving jello "shots" too!
You blew the margins that tine!!!
Well, before I turn in. To a lump of snoring pinot......

I just want to say that I still have a good feeling about ALV. But if she isn't honorable, then she, along with anyone else who tries to further a career or turn a buck on the back of Travis' murder, is, IMO, a vulture.

And there are already too many vultures trying to make their mark. I hope she isn't one and that she helps JM like it appears she already has.

Couldn't have said it better. nite Frayedknot
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