trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #109

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This is OT but since we are in a holding pattern waiting for the trial to start I will share.

Yesterday the post lady blew her horn. I went outside and I had a package from my best friend from Tucson Az.

Guess what it was????

I opened it up and it is a large bag of Tootsie Pops and taped to the TP bag was two packages of Pop Rocks. Baaaawhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!:floorlaugh:

I couldn't stop laughing.

When hubby comes home and sees them......he immediately asked me "are you going to braid your hair too?":blushing::) :D

Look what I got on my Tootsie Pop!!!
I get to make a wish.
You get one guess what it is.

Psst the arrow is a hint!!!

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I did not know that Travis's grandmother passed away just before this trial started. How incredibly sad. Also, can anyone tell me about his mother? I read somewhere that Travis was the only child of her and TA's dad Gary. Is that true? I think her name was Cynthia. I am looking for her obit as well. Any info would help. I always assumed TA's mother was his grandmother's daughter, but she was not. Perhaps she remarried, and that is why her last name is not Alexander.
Dec 14-2012
For those paying attention we realize by now, sprinkled within the web of lies there lays (lies?) some twisted truth.

I personally thought Jodi's redundant proclamation to Travis' enjoyment to Spiderman might've come from her ex (much older) boyfriend Daryl's son. I thought perhaps this little 10 year old boy was seen wearing such clothing and Jodi took that truth, twisted in the lie, then called it her own.

But is a photo of Travis wearing the exact underwear that Jodi is using against him. I hope Mr Martinez sees this as I have, and uses it somehow to remind the jury just how sick and dangerous Jodi Ann Arias is in this world.
I sincerely mean this when I say it: Death will be a step up in Jodis' spiritual evolution because her soul is stuck on scary here on Earth!

The murder location/body was located in AZ, so that's the jurisdiction. Only the killer traveled.

Murder is not a Federal crime, so the FBI wouldn't investigate.

They do try cases to do with murder and even rape but only if it happened on Federal land.

That is why the Feds tried Joesph E. Duncan instead of the State. He raped/murdered Dylan Greone in a national park area and burned his body there also.

He was sentenced to death. I don't know if it has been appealed or not.
ITA narcissists don't commit suicide. Why would she go through all the trouble of renting a car, obtaining 3 gas cans, dying her hair, and turning off her cell phone for 20 hours if her intent was to commit suicide? Travis probably thought she looked hotter as a blonde.

She used flash in the very first two shower photos, 5:22:24 and 5:22:36, 10 minutes before the photo of him being dragged, bleeding, which prove the shower door was open because glass would have reflected the flash back and ruined the shots. She uses flash again twice more in the first minute. No idea why she didn't use flash in others.

Can anyone guess WHY she is making him lie down on his right side, left arm in the air, at the 1:46 mark in this video? In court JM identified it as Exhibit 157, taken at 5:28:54 on June 4. That was 86 seconds [1 minute 26 seconds] after the preceding photo that is at the 1:39 mark in this video. These really creep me out make me angry with JA for putting him through that added indignity. :furious:

Shower Pics of Travis Alexander - YouTube

Omg, is that what that photo is of, Travis lying down on his side with his arm in the air ? I had never been able to make it out. Omg, I'm speechless.
ITA narcissists don't commit suicide. Why would she go through all the trouble of renting a car, obtaining 3 gas cans, dying her hair, and turning off her cell phone for 20 hours if her intent was to commit suicide? Travis probably thought she looked hotter as a blonde.

She used flash in the very first two shower photos, 5:22:24 and 5:22:36, 10 minutes before the photo of him being dragged, bleeding, which prove the shower door was open because glass would have reflected the flash back and ruined the shots. She uses flash again twice more in the first minute. No idea why she didn't use flash in others.

Can anyone guess WHY she is making him lie down on his right side, left arm in the air, at the 1:46 mark in this video? In court JM identified it as Exhibit 157, taken at 5:28:54 on June 4. That was 86 seconds [1 minute 26 seconds] after the preceding photo that is at the 1:39 mark in this video. These really creep me out make me angry with JA for putting him through that added indignity. :furious:

Shower Pics of Travis Alexander - YouTube

I believe that's the photo taken at 5:26:56. On the video montage it appears to be at the wrong orientation.

As to the flash/no flash shots you're right. Someone posted examples earlier of how white tiles appear yellowish or white under the different lighting. In my experience this has to do with the 'white balance' settings of the camera. You have to adjust the balance depending on the lighting and she may not have delved into the set-up menu of this camera.
ITA narcissists don't commit suicide. Why would she go through all the trouble of renting a car, obtaining 3 gas cans, dying her hair, and turning off her cell phone for 20 hours if her intent was to commit suicide? Travis probably thought she looked hotter as a blonde.

She used flash in the very first two shower photos, 5:22:24 and 5:22:36, 10 minutes before the photo of him being dragged, bleeding, which prove the shower door was open because glass would have reflected the flash back and ruined the shots. She uses flash again twice more in the first minute. No idea why she didn't use flash in others.

Can anyone guess WHY she is making him lie down on his right side, left arm in the air, at the 1:46 mark in this video? In court JM identified it as Exhibit 157, taken at 5:28:54 on June 4. That was 86 seconds [1 minute 26 seconds] after the preceding photo that is at the 1:39 mark in this video. These really creep me out make me angry with JA for putting him through that added indignity. :furious:

Shower Pics of Travis Alexander - YouTube

I saw the picture of him laying in the shower on a site last week. It is really confusing since that shower stall is so small. Also at 1:32 I think that is when she pulled out the gun/knife. He seems startled in that picture. It makes sense that he is starled and then he is forced to lay on the floor.
Thanks. Here I read eight, then on one of the shows last night, they said 12. So I'm a tad confused. :)

I heard 10 years old on one of the HLN shows last night - but I had read the message his grandmother left on the memorial site, where she says she was grateful to have had him with her since he was 8 years old.
I'm thinking his grandmother knew better about that, but it's possible she might not have had official custody, or not known he was there for good until he was a little older. I suppose it's also possible she made a mistake about how old he was - but Grandma's usually right (at least mine always was - I didn't appreciate that until she was gone).
I hope that helps, for what it's worth. I've been confused about this too, so if somebody knows for sure, please feel free to correct.
:great: I imagine he would get a kick out of that. He seems to be a really cool person. Well when he isn't in the courtroom fighting for justice. Then he is like a crouching tiger which I find awe inspiring.

Yes we do get a little crazy.:D

My friend has the best sense of humor ever. lol
TRY the 12" one!
ITA narcissists don't commit suicide. Why would she go through all the trouble of renting a car, obtaining 3 gas cans, dying her hair, and turning off her cell phone for 20 hours if her intent was to commit suicide? Travis probably thought she looked hotter as a blonde.

She used flash in the very first two shower photos, 5:22:24 and 5:22:36, 10 minutes before the photo of him being dragged, bleeding, which prove the shower door was open because glass would have reflected the flash back and ruined the shots. She uses flash again twice more in the first minute. No idea why she didn't use flash in others.

Can anyone guess WHY she is making him lie down on his right side, left arm in the air, at the 1:46 mark in this video? In court JM identified it as Exhibit 157, taken at 5:28:54 on June 4. That was 86 seconds [1 minute 26 seconds] after the preceding photo that is at the 1:39 mark in this video. These really creep me out make me angry with JA for putting him through that added indignity. :furious:

Shower Pics of Travis Alexander - YouTube

Do you know what the photo is of that is shown immediately before this one? It's at 1:38. TIA
How can this woman be a practicing psychotherapist without a license?:waitasec:

I am guessing...but the link said she was a psyh assistant. It may be when she went for advanced degrees..that licesne would no longer be applicable. I had a friend who was a licesed social worker. Her record showed her licesned was 'cancelled." However, she earned a PH.d in pschy and was licesned under a different section. Also some master's level counselors call themselves pscholtherapists but do not have Ph.D. part of her
Good morning fellow WS'ers!!!!:seeya: Does anyone else here find this crazy trial affecting their personal life?! My DH and I do not see eye to eye on this trial. :banghead: (Altho he doesn't even begin to know all that I know about it.) The other night we actually got in a fight about it! We were yelling at each other! I was beginning to think I would be the next one on trial!!! I literally got so mad I was about to cry and all of a sudden I realized that JA has already ruined SO MANY lives and here I am, never have met this crazy woman, and she is about to cause a divorce in my marriage!!!!!! I just burst out laughing and DH and I both ended up laughing about how stupid the whole thing was! :floorlaugh: SHEESH! I am still desperately hoping for and praying for justice for Travis and his sweet family, but am going to take this thing with a grain of salt from now on! Just wondering if anyone else has had this trial affect them this way?

My DH still works part-time and often from home since he retired. I have been retired 13 years and have done a lot of full-time trial watching. Prior to that, I taped the OJ trial and any other trial that caught my eye. Summer vacations were for trial-watching with housework done during breaks and lunch.

So, he's used to it and very understanding. Sometimes, he gets interested in a case because I'll fill him in on the basics. Now, when he's home, he still follows some of them lightly. This one, he will not touch! He does ask sometimes why I am hollerin' my loudest at the screen!

Other than that, he is getting cooking lessons and I have a large stash of pre-cooked meals in the big freezer downstairs. He now knows how to heat them up. He's up for delivery when I don't have the energy to put a meal together.

When people ask me what I do, I tell them I'm a retired educator and my present avocation is trial watching. Starts a lot of good conversations!

We even plan our vacations around trials. In this case, we put off our cruise until the middle of June, just in case!

I'm so pleased I married him. But, I do understand how trial watching can cause marital strife. I'm glad you both ended up laughing!
I did not know that Travis's grandmother passed away just before this trial started. How incredibly sad. Also, can anyone tell me about his mother? I read somewhere that Travis was the only child of her and TA's dad Gary. Is that true? I think her name was Cynthia. I am looking for her obit as well. Any info would help. I always assumed TA's mother was his grandmother's daughter, but she was not. Perhaps she remarried, and that is why her last name is not Alexander.
Dec 14-2012

I thought her name was Pamela Elizabeth Alexander?
ok something here is making me feel really bad, because I have always had dogs over the years and once when I was a young mother , up all night ministring to two sick babies ( twins)...I came out into the kitchen for the umpteenth time to get a bottle or something and I stepped in dogpoo, and slipped and fell into a puddle of pee...and when my naughty dog came running in wagging his tail, I lost it and kicked him with my bare foot...

my dog yelped and I felt HORRIBLE...I was so mad...worst night ever...

I hope this doesn't make me a Jodi in anyone's eyes...since I have felt guilty over it for 30 years...

my little pup wasn't hurt and went on to have an enviable life....

but still...

I guess the difference is Jodi has no real guilt about anything she does.
How can this woman be a practicing psychotherapist without a license?:waitasec:

She has a valid license as a marriage and family therapist.
The two licenses she had as psychological assistant were cancelled.

License Number: 29119
License Status: CLEAR Definition
Expiration Date: May 31, 2013
Issue Date: February 13, 1992$LCEV2.QueryView?P_LICENSE_NUMBER=29119&P_LTE_ID=720

LAVIOLETTE ALYCE D PSB 10905 Cancelled$LCEV2.ActionQuery
I'm not at all impressed that ALV is making excuses for Jodi's abusive behavior. Travis was not the abuser. Jodi was.

Travis is the one she is describing as the victim who could not leave the relationship because Jodi the abuser kept returning. He tried to get away from the abuser.
For those paying attention we realize by now, sprinkled within the web of lies there lays (lies?) some twisted truth.

But is a photo of Travis wearing the exact underwear that Jodi is using against him. I hope Mr Martinez sees this as I have, and uses it somehow to remind the jury just how sick and dangerous Jodi Ann Arias is in this world.


She is one sick puppy! :furious:

Also, to add to the boy's underwear lie. She said Travis bought her a pair of little boy underwear. There is no way this woman could have fit her bottom into a pair. I am very small and I have trouble fitting into a small men's pants(like an athletic pant - no stretch). Women have hips and most mens clothes are made straight because that is how they are built. Jodi had hips/curves at the time she was with Travis. Little boys --- NO WAY!
In pretrial hearings it was ordered that ALV couldn't give an opinion that TA was an abuser, and that JD (Juan's psych expert) couldn't say TA wasn't an abuser. She's skirting as close to the issue as she can, I'm imagine JD will do the same.

I'm seeing things to this effect all over this board...can anyone offer any details? I tried to find it, but came up empty handed.

Who initiated this and when? The defense in response to JD's SARA assessment and then the state in response to the ruling?

I'd like to know exactly what may not be allowed, because it would seem as if this strategy may backfire with the jury. They are expecting an expert to offer an opinion and when none comes, they'll be wondering "what was that all about?"

Testimony yesterday stirred up a lot of memories and made it hard to fall asleep last night. : (
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