trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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Did JA reallllyyy say "you're so weird anyway" to Detective Flores in the interrogation tape?? What a crazy person.. Who says that to an officer..

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Is there a link to these "new" interrogation tapes? seems like everyday there's more being leaked. I can never find them when I search.:banghead:
Oops my last post # 1554 ----- was supposed to say "HISSY-fit" by JA, but auto correct keeps typing "HUSSY-fit" by JA.
Either works for me. lol

Wow! :what: Your auto correct is following the trial too!!
Sorry in advance for scattered thoughts here but my brain is scrambled from this trial.

In the interrogation with Flores, Jodi says she had a nervous breakdown at Darryl Brewers house because she says she hyperventilated. This is a sign of a nervous breakdown? :what:
In court she has migraine headaches. I'm wondering if she doesn't stretch her not feeling well just a bit too far? Could it be she has a regular headache like everyone ALWAYS experiences but makes it out to be a HUGE deal? OH, and let's not forget how traumatizing her 'nick' to her wrist with a razor blade was when trying to commit suicide. :what:

I had a sis-in-law like this, exaggerate every tiny thing into something huge. If she had a paper cut, you'd swear her finger was chopped off. It's was a sympathy ploy and it was so annoying.

Jodi's crying acts were explained by a psychiatrist on a show last week on tv. If a person that really is innocent (or really didn't know they stabbed someone a bunch of times and slit their throat), they wouldn't hide their face to cry, they'd WANT that jury to know they're innocent, they'd be sobbing uncontrollably! But not Jodi, she hides behind her hair or hand.

This also bugs me with Jodi (most everything does) but if she wants to commit suicide so often why is she fighting the DP?

Answer: Jodi drama.

*Ok, I'll be nice (so not like me) maybe she does get migranes - it could happen.

She exaggerates everything. No exceptions. TA yelled once. He's abusive. She took a few pictures, she's a photographer. She draws so she's an artist. Ad nauseum. The list is endless.

As for the suicide/DP thing, since she finally told the 'truth'----that TA was a big meanie and a pervert to boot-----she wants to LIVE!!!! She's free of her burden at last!!
And you won't be banned now? Do you mean timed out or banned? I was timed out three times, I think, before they understood my sarcasm and I finally developed the ability to understand the rules.



Ever since I posted that comment I only see a blank white screen. My IP address is banned. The only way I can access their website is by using a proxy. I don't know why I torture myself to even read the carp on that site but sometimes I get drawn there to see how they can twist this for Jodi.
It may be her plan. It doesn't change my opinion that inmates should be provided lunch.

But they are. They are given (according to NG) a packet of peanut butter, bread and three pieces of fruit, all of which will keep until lunchtime. I imagine they have two crews on to cook, starting early in the morning and a second preparing for dinner. They have the same meal every day so it's not as if a cook has to be creative. All they do is prepare the food and it is distributed. They do not serve lunch because you receive it in the morning with your breakfast. I would guess you can eat your lunch whenever you feel hungry. They also have access to snacks by way of the store where they can buy what they want to eat in between. Let's face it. Jodi was not raised on this type of food. Her Dad owned a restaurant and Jodi worked continuously within the restaurant field so she never knew what is was like to continuously eat the same thing day after day.

She is not eating because she has a choice. Somewhere in her brain she is telling herself that if she gets enough sympathy someone will buy her a decent meal because they will feel sorry for her. JW complaining that Jodi wasn't medicated today does not mean she wasn't, or that she may have refused to take medication that was offered to her.

Let's face it Jodi is at the end of her rope here. ALV is sounding more like a champion for Travis than for Jodi. It is possible because ALV is not mentioning Jodi by name she may feel that ALV is talking about Travis because Jodi knows the truth. That Travis really is the victim here. Plus Jodi knows JM is now going to tear her to ribbons because she has certainly figured out with all those questions he asked her that he will pull it altogether and she is doomed. If that is not enough reason to lose your appetite, I don't know what is. jmo
The judge could set a high bond that JA would have to pay to not be in prison before trial. She might be a flight risk.

Especially since when they arrested her, despite her excuse of a camping trip and returning books to MM, she had a gun taped inside her car and knives inside those boxes of books.
Court begins after they remove Jodi's tumor causing her migraine..jk
I wanna know, what you two have been up to? :floorlaugh:

I'd rather not say what I posted cause I'd be given a TO here and I don't want that. Lets just leave it as I made fun of their ridiculous theories. :rocker:
Ever since I posted that comment I only see a blank white screen. My IP address is banned. The only way I can access their website is by using a proxy. I don't know why I torture myself to even read the carp on that site but sometimes I get drawn there to see how they can twist this for Jodi.

I must say what you posted is a "classic". I love it.
Supposedly she is given 2600 cal a day - she is clearly choosing NOT to eat all those calories or she would be a lot plumper right now. The sheriff cannot force her to eat. Defense team should be careful what they ask for or she may end up with a feeding tube in getting force fed.

Exactly! Thank you. She is not eating on purpose. Maybe because of anorexia....or anxiety...or guilt...or self-flagellation...or a cry for attention...or a ploy from the DT. Whatever the reason, she is choosing not to eat.

ALV will say loss of appetite is a symptom of DV. Which it is....but JA is not the victim here. She never was.

Is there a link to these "new" interrogation tapes? seems like everyday there's more being leaked. I can never find them when I search.:banghead:
No, HLN doles them out as if they are gold. Little tiny snippets on each show just to get us to watch. lol
Ever since I posted that comment I only see a blank white screen. My IP address is banned. The only way I can access their website is by using a proxy. I don't know why I torture myself to even read the carp on that site but sometimes I get drawn there to see how they can twist this for Jodi.

I thought you meant this site. :doh:
Consider how many headaches Jodi and her Defense has given us :banghead:
It was my understanding that those who suffer from migraines have issues with bright lights. I haven't noticed her having any visual problems or acting as if she can't tolerate the light. Also if she is taking medication, wouldn't that alleviate the problem in order for her to sit in the courtroom?

Someone on NG's show did just say it could be brought on by stress.


Thankfully I have never suffered from one, therefore these are legitimate questions!

I can only speak to my own experience as a migraine sufferer since onset of puberty, so, you know, 137 years......:floorlaugh:

But while I do have blinding aura, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and debilitating pain, I also have lived in the real world where people poo-pooh excusing oneself for a "headache". People who don't "get" what a migraine is are hard to educate, typically, as they will equate your pain with a tension or sinus headache.

And not to belittle those types of headaches, but they are miles apart, pain-wise.

I just gave up trying to explain and just forged thru in agony, in order to not be labeled a "whiner".

It sounds pathetic and it actually is. I will say that thankfully there are more folks like you these days, who recognize the difference, than there were decades ago when I was met with much eye rolling.

However, I am a self-admitted pain WEENIE, and yet I can and have pushed through some pretty bad migraines when much more was required of me than sitting at a table under florescent lighting. And I wasn't on trial FOR MY LIFE.

I think Jodi needs to buck up. This is her circus, of her making, and she has inconvenienced enough people already. Not to mention the one person she slaughtered. So, you know. She probably IS stressed, and she should be. Cripes, my worst string of migraines were during my divorce and I made every meeting and sat at the big scary table and signed the big sheaf of papers and I didn't even kill a guy.

Anger not directed at YOU at all!

I just started ranting.....:blushing:

Sowwy. :blushing:
Especially since when they arrested her, despite her excuse of a camping trip and returning books to MM, she had a gun taped inside her car and knives inside those boxes of books.

Anyone think JM convinced MM that Jodi was headed to take care of a little matter in Monterey with that gun she was carrying with her. Me thinks MM may know too much. jmo
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