trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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Why is there total radio silence from Jean C. on HLN tonight? I would have thought it would be JVM's leading story: "HLN's own Jean C. ON THE STAND!!"


She probably had the Be Jesus scared out of her for running her mouth about a video. :fence: jmo
Will the Hughes be on one of the talk shows soon to tell listeners about the emails?

I believe the Hughes are still on the witness list. So they can't have any contact with the media or watch the trial.
I am certain the defense doesn't want Chris or Sky Hughes on the stand, think they know it would be a minefield for ja.

Not sure what JM is thinking, heck if 1/2 truths get in why not let it all in, get Chris and Sky to clear it up. I am sure they can clear it up and it won't be pretty for ja. IMO.

It's my understanding that JM fought to keep those emails out......
this is what i don't get. there ARE actual rules and laws the judge can use when it comes to evidence and she doesn't seem to use them. it's OUT, then it's IN. it makes me crazy.

if she said this was inadmissible, i don't see how ALV could even comment on it and express an opinion about it, when it's not in evidence for the jury to SEE for themselves---IN ITS ENTIRETY.

i've never seen a judge who made so many rulings, and then completely caved and let the things she ruled OUT come IN anyway.

This is her first capital murder case. I bet if we watch her 5 years from now, she'll be hard as nails. But I wish she'd wake up and get hard NOW.
This is her first capital murder case. I bet if we watch her 5 years from now, she'll be hard as nails. But I wish she'd wake up and get hard NOW.

Scary thing is the defense can always appeal if they aren't happy, if jodi gets off, prosecution can't appeal for more time in jail b/c judge wasn't tough enough. This is our only chance
I am certain the defense doesn't want Chris or Sky Hughes on the stand, think they know it would be a minefield for ja.

Not sure what JM is thinking, heck if 1/2 truths get in why not let it all in, get Chris and Sky to clear it up. I am sure they can clear it up and it won't be pretty for ja. IMO.

One thing in that exchange with Chris Hughes was nurmi pointing out that JM wanted TA's email end of it kept out. When JM was objecting, nurmi says 'he wanted this kept does he want it in?' Or something like that. So now I'd like to know what THAT email said.
Scary thing is the defense can always appeal if they aren't happy, if jodi gets off, prosecution can't appeal for more time in jail b/c judge wasn't tough enough. This is our only chance

She can always appeal but unless it is death she won't. Too expensive.
I forgot all about the Menendez brothers claiming sexual abuse from their Dad. Now I remember the poor acting jobs they put on in their trial. They killed their Mom and Dad purely for the money.

IMO, the courts should not allow outright lies about molestation and abuse to come in unless there's some evidence that proves it ever happened. It seems all wrong that Jodi killed someone, and then is allowed to lie and trash her own parents, but especially not lie and slander Travis who she killed.

BTW, that story about her father when she was seven yrs. old and had a crush on a boy was utterly preposterous. Silly, silly stories about her Mom and Dad that aren't going to help her one bit. There wasn't even a real point to telling jurors about it.

Yep, those Menendez brothers tried using that ugly defense ploy slandering their father's name, and they're in prison now. Jurors aren't stupid, ya know.
[Respectfully snipped] Travis was unfortunately emotionally abusive to the women he dated by not telling them where they really stood with them in whatever the relationship was, not telling them about other women he was seeing, using Jodi for sex and saying mean things about her behind her back, etc. But all of that is just typical "player" male bad behavior that we all know well and have probably dealt with ourselves with men we've dated or had serious relationships with.

I disagree Travis was emotionally abusive to JA, or anyone. Imo a guy not telling a woman 'where she stood' or 'dating others' does not constitute emotional abuse. Nor does having sex with them constitute abuse if they participate willingly. Now if he lied to her and made her think he was exclusive to her, that would be different. But there hasn't been a shred of proof that was the case. Where in the 22,000-26,000 texts and emails does he even say I Love You much less claim to be exclusive? Wouldn't the defense have introduced them into evidence if that were the case?

Travis was never exclusive with Jodi. By her own admission they were never even a couple until 5 months after they met. His friends said he was never as into her as she was into him. He never stopped dating others, and while JA is fond of saying she broke things off with Travis on June 29, 2007 due to "mutual trust issues," it's likely the other way around. He wrote in his blog that turning 30 was an important milestone that made him realize no amount of achievement could compensate for not having a family, and he vowed to date from then on with a mind toward marriage. The date JA cites as their 'breakup' coincides with TA turning 30. He likely told her that was the end of their dating relationship.

His friends say Jodi's stalking behavior increased then, and she moved to Mesa. His roommate described TA having numerous arguments with JA about her showing up uninvited, hiding in his closet while he was out with other women, sleeping in his bed. How many times did Travis have to tell Jodi not to contact him again? In fact, Jodi's handwriting shows she likes a challenge.

We've seen proof that Travis told Jodi exactly where she stood with him. In text messages he calls her "the ultimate *advertiser censored* in bed," says she'll "rejoice in being a *advertiser censored*." He didn't lead her down that path, she enticed him there. She used sex as a weapon. But she knew very well he was looking for a good Mormon woman to date and marry, and it would never be her.

The phrase, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" dates back to the 1600's when playwright Wiliam Congreve wrote the following line in his play, "The Mourning Bride." That was 400 years ago.
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned" :devil:

That won't be lost on the jury. One juror question was, 117. "Were you mad at TA while you were stabbing him?"
Other juror questions were:
46. "Why did you confront Travis after seeing him w/ another woman through his back windows if it was not due to jealousy?"
87. "What is your understanding of the word *advertiser censored*?" :facepalm:
106. "If TA wanted the sex convo recorded, why didn't he record it?"
107. "If you didn't want to be tied to a tree, why did you go and look for a place he could do that?"
156. "Do you feel the guys in your life cheated on you because you were controlling?"
I am certain the defense doesn't want Chris or Sky Hughes on the stand, think they know it would be a minefield for ja.

Not sure what JM is thinking, heck if 1/2 truths get in why not let it all in, get Chris and Sky to clear it up. I am sure they can clear it up and it won't be pretty for ja. IMO.

It's my understanding that JM fought to keep those emails out......

Yeah, when I was listening to that, I gathered JM objected to the CONTENT coming in. He said it could be summarized, but not characterized, which is pretty hard to do when you think of it!
It's my understanding that JM fought to keep those emails out......

But now that they're halfway in I suspect he'll want them all the way in, which the DT will no doubt object to as irrelevant.

I posted earlier that I read a post on another website from a friend of Chris who talked to him today. Chris told him not to worry that this would all be fixed under cross.

A plausible explanation is that they hated her guts but couldn't get Travis to stay away from her, so they were trying to do something to get her to stay away from Travis.
I wonder just how hurt TA was by the things Sky Hughes purportedly said in those emails. Much of what ALV alluded to should never have been discussed by Sky. Period. To think that TA held the Hughes in such high regard only to be "sold out" to someone like JA must have been incredibly painful. You expect YOUR friends to be just that. Supportive, caring and non judgmental and always there for you through thick and thin. We have no way of knowing exactly what the context of those emails were, but IMO the Hughes were certainly lucky to have had TA as their friend. Not sure yet if it was the same the other way around. JMO
There is a universe of difference between being emotionally abusive and physically abusive. Travis was unfortunately emotionally abusive to the women he dated by not telling them where they really stood with them in whatever the relationship was, not telling them about other women he was seeing, using Jodi for sex and saying mean things about her behind her back, etc. But all of that is just typical "player" male bad behavior that we all know well and have probably dealt with ourselves with men we've dated or had serious relationships with.

Um, was any of this substantiated? The defense has not been able to prove this. Don't you think the DT would have proved this if they could?
I believe the emails were ruled inadmissible. The DT is being sneaky by getting them in indirectly through their expert witness, which is allowed apparently.

Agreed ! But I'd like to know the judge's reasons/law for allowing them in through Ms. Laviolet. I must not understand hearsay.
I forgot all about the Menendez brothers claiming sexual abuse from their Dad. Now I remember the poor acting jobs they put on in their trial. They killed their Mom and Dad purely for the money.

IMO, the courts should not allow outright lies about molestation and abuse to come in unless there's some evidence that proves it ever happened. It seems all wrong that Jodi killed someone, and then is allowed to lie and trash her own parents, and especially not lie and slander Travis who she killed.

BTW, that story about her father when she was seven yrs. old and had a crush on a boy was utterly preposterous. Silly, silly stories about her Mom and Dad that aren't going to help her one bit. There wasn't even a real point to telling jurors about it.

Yep, those Menendez brothers tried using that ugle defense ploy slandering their father's name, and they're in prison now. Jurors aren't stupid, ya know.


Some jurors are. Don't forget, the first Menendez trials resulted in TWO deadlocked juries. :what: They had to be retried. The first Phil Spector trial also resulted in a deadlocked jury. Then we have Robert Blake, et al, who walked free.
HLN just played a clip of Samuels and I completely thought it was Gus Searcy til he spoke! I thought "why did JM ask Gus about the 48 Hours interview?"

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JVM just said she hopes travis didn't die in vain. She doesn't like jodi either.
But now that they're halfway in I suspect he'll want them all the way in, which the DT will no doubt object to as irrelevant.

A plausible explanation is that they hated her guts but couldn't get Travis to stay away from her, so they were trying to do something to get her to stay away from Travis.

Or that JA didn't show her true colors until later in their relationship. I remember something Skye Hughs said about when she first met JA she had to ask TA whether JA was really as nice as she seemed and TA said yes. A psychopath is quite a charmer in the first few months of a relationship.
Okay, I just have to get this out of my system:

Every time someone mentions Chris Hughes' hearing testimony, all I can think of is this:

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