trial day 39: the defense continues its case in chief #117

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Yes, this is the first trial I have followed. I am 54 years old, raised Mormon, sealed in the St. George, UT temple and am now ex-Mormon. A lot of posters think it is no big deal that TA played around but in my day, we did not do that. There were no *advertiser censored**buddies or friends with benefits. TA did not seem to show any respect to JA (from his emails to her) I suppose it is a generational thing. Looks like things have changed. I happen to like Ms LV..I think she is trying to relate to the old fashioned Momon/Christian way of dating.

Jodi showed no respect towards him either.

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Yes, this is the first trial I have followed. I am 54 years old, raised Mormon, sealed in the St. George, UT temple and am now ex-Mormon. A lot of posters think it is no big deal that TA played around but in my day, we did not do that. There were no *advertiser censored**buddies or friends with benefits. TA did not seem to show any respect to JA (from his emails to her) I suppose it is a generational thing. Looks like things have changed. I happen to like Ms LV..I think she is trying to relate to the old fashioned Momon/Christian way of dating.

To my knowledge, things haven't changed at all. I've said before, I have a number of very close LDS friends with children the same age as mine (young). They are raising their children with the exact same parameters that you and others have described. There is no generational difference except possibly in what the children actually do as opposed to what's expected of them. jme
True. This is why we can speak our opinions on WS and rant and still all agree to disagree. :skip: :skip:

Well we differ on that. As have numerous juries...

And I have studied Bundy a bit--read Rule's book. But do not claim to be a Bundyologist or Jodiologist.

And someone saying something on air may not be what he might say if he were in court under oath.
Listen again...the dog was on a leash or teather according to JA. So doggie boy couldn't run away after being kicked. Something's hinky.

No she said he got off his leash - hence his getting into the garbage. I don't believe that happened only once.

I don't think JA took too kindly to having new baby sibs in the house... and likely took it out on the Doggie Boy - whichever way she did it. In my world dogs don't get kicked or injured. Neither do any other creatures. Makes me nauseous.

She admitted to kicking him once... guaranteed she willfully minimizes what she did. Good thing her younger siblings are still alive.
Watching the reruns of ALV from earlier today. Just dawns on me how absurd it is that this "expert" witness is sitting in judgement of TA. She states that TA lived a deceptive life - that he lied about being a virgin, was a hypocrite to his faith, tat he dated several women at one time....SO WHAT?! Truthfully it's nobody's business but TA's. I so resent this testimony. It's absurd. Throughout all of her testimony she has proved over and over that Jodi should have gotten the message from TA many times, to go away. She kept coming back and set herself to be used by TA, and orchestrated all the events that lead to her murdering him. she made the whole thing happen. May the jury cut through this hocus-pocus to see the truth. I don't know how TA's family has the strength to sit there everyday and listen to this garbage. Breaks my heart.

I have complete faith that all of the flooding in their hippocampus that may have cause jurors to go into a fog will be removed when Mr Martinez floods the room with logic and removes the hocus pocus.
But, at the end of day. Jodi brutally killed him and premeditated it all the way.

Gunshot first or not, it is a moot point for me at this point in the trial.

Also, Dr. Horn has performed thousands of autopsies more than yours truly...
This^. Anyone ashamed of their daughter's behavior would sit meekly in the courtroom. She also tried to sell the fake pedo letters to the National Enquirer.

Yes, totally agree. I see the mother as an enabler, not as a victim.

I'd like to know more about the .25 caliber ammo found at Sandy's and the history of that .25 caliber semi-automatic belonging to Sandy's parents. I think she hasn't told close to what she knows.
Yes, this is the first trial I have followed. I am 54 years old, raised Mormon, sealed in the St. George, UT temple and am now ex-Mormon. A lot of posters think it is no big deal that TA played around but in my day, we did not do that. There were no *advertiser censored**buddies or friends with benefits. TA did not seem to show any respect to JA (from his emails to her) I suppose it is a generational thing. Looks like things have changed. I happen to like Ms LV..I think she is trying to relate to the old fashioned Momon/Christian way of dating.

Jodi is a sicko and a killer. She shares the same traits as men who abuse. Jodi admitted that contacts with Travis were less frequent. Thats when the reality of it al, comes to a head. Thats why she killed him. With that said, this forum is about the cold blooded murder of Travis by Jodi. Its not about religion, or if he was a player, or racey e-mails. This woman decribes Jodi to tee. She is a 1970s throw back and Jodi is a pig.
Listen again...the dog was on a leash or teather according to JA. So doggie boy couldn't run away after being kicked. Something's hinky.
I did listen again. And she says the dog was not tethered when this happened. She says the dog was loose and scattered diapers all over the yard.
We know that the information came from a juror (or more than one) during that hearing and not from the defense.

Imo we dont know if this came from a juror or the defense team. They may have seen something they could convince the judge was misconduct and she would be removed for that as well.
Yes, this is the first trial I have followed. I am 54 years old, raised Mormon, sealed in the St. George, UT temple and am now ex-Mormon. A lot of posters think it is no big deal that TA played around but in my day, we did not do that. There were no *advertiser censored**buddies or friends with benefits. TA did not seem to show any respect to JA (from his emails to her) I suppose it is a generational thing. Looks like things have changed. I happen to like Ms LV..I think she is trying to relate to the old fashioned Momon (sic)/Christian way of dating.


Hasn't Jodi said that she's a Mormon?

And Jodi respects Travis by slandering him under oath, fabricating a false persona of a physically abusive, misogynistic pedophile.

Any hypocrisy there?

Oh, and she also torture/slaughter-murdered him.

So she killed him and now she's murdering his reputation with lies.

Is she 'even' with Travis now?
I agree, and it makes ALV's testimony all the more offensive. Not to mention the wearing of DV ribbons by mom & aunt ~ now that we know the Arias family KNEW Jodi was becoming more & more psychotic in the year before the murder.

Mr. & Mrs. Arias both just said so. How they can stand by and watch her mount this defense & slander Travis in death is absolutely beyond me.

The fact that Jodi's mom was initially horrified and disgusted to the point of physical sickness when first discovering information that suggested Jodi committed this hideous crime, and now seems a stalwart supporter of Jodi's is actually pretty common with the parents of those accused of crimes. Her initial gut reaction is, "Jodi's sick, she's mentally ill, her friends have been warning me, oh gosh how could she have done this and then seemed so NORMAL right after!". Because this realization is so painful, so abhorrent the parents then back away from those initial honest reactions and start to consider and cling to alternate reasons for this behavior to explain or minimize or justify the crimes of their children. It is a defense mechanism to protect themselves from the pain of the truth-that their child is capable of evil sick behavior. It is easier and less traumatic to believe that your child accidentally hurt someone, or killed only to protect their own life etc. if you recall Cindy Anthony's 911 call where she hysterically urges the police to come because her granddaughters missing and her daughters car smelled like a dead body!!! That statement was the truth and exposed Cindy's fear and understanding that her granddaughters dead little sweet body had been rotting in that car. She knew the truth in that moment. But then she backed away from that truth. Because Cindy is bad? No, because that truth was simply too awful and impossible to live with. It is human nature to do that. I have seen this time and time again in cases.

For the record, I do not condone these behaviors or think it is ok to trash victims because your reality is too horrible and you can't deal with it. I'm just saying this is a very common reaction for parents. I think it's better to hold the truth right in front of your face and confront it, so you can actually learn something and grow from it, and then do something positive for the world from your pain.
Yes, this is the first trial I have followed. I am 54 years old, raised Mormon, sealed in the St. George, UT temple and am now ex-Mormon. A lot of posters think it is no big deal that TA played around but in my day, we did not do that. There were no *advertiser censored**buddies or friends with benefits. TA did not seem to show any respect to JA (from his emails to her) I suppose it is a generational thing. Looks like things have changed. I happen to like Ms LV..I think she is trying to relate to the old fashioned Momon/Christian way of dating.

It's fine that you like her views, but do you find them appropriate as an expert witness in this trial? She's not called to this court to relate to old fashioned Mormon/Christian advice on dating. I think her views on that are irrelevant to the trial, and it disturbs me that her views color her view on what is abusive.

Of course the defense is allowed to put on expert witnesses that they can get, so they might not all be very good or very relevant. I'm not saying she shouldn't be allowed to be there. I just find her testimony personally offensive for ethical reasons about the seriousness of real abuse.
No she said he got off his leash - hence his getting into the garbage. I don't believe that happened only once.

I don't think JA took too kindly to having new baby sibs in the house... and likely took it out on the Doggie Boy - whichever way she did it. In my world dogs don't get kicked or injured. Neither do any other creatures. Makes me nauseous.

She admitted to kicking him once... guaranteed she willfully minimizes what she did. Good thing her younger siblings are still alive.

[ame=""]Jodi Arias admits she kicked dog before it '€˜ran away' - YouTube[/ame]

I stand corrected. :)
True. This is why we can speak our opinions on WS and rant and still all agree to disagree. :skip: :skip:

Yes indeed.

Now RE Bundy. I think there are many deep things involved that are alluded to--and which probably are not germane to Jodi. And if his IQ was once 136, that's pretty high. As I wrote earlier, he seemed to have lost cerebral ability when in law school. So maybe the 2 different #s are from different dates?

BUt RE possible deeper stuff with Bundy. He was a sort of spy for a Gubernatorial candidate--indicating some possible intel and political connections.

Bundy might have been caught much earlier IIRC a CO PD had not "lost" his file.

The 2 escapes are troubling--especialy a 2nd one, given the first.

Jodi seems like an idiot nut in comparison--not likely connected to anything--including the 2 halves of her own brain. :)
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